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Amber Encased Red Peach Hair Gloss

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Edited by Jenjin

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Realistic peach, warm amber. Gorgeous, huffable, and stunning. I was commiserating with someone on Facebook who also wish they had got backups. I will treasure my bottle.

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Tried this in my hair last night after a shower… stunning barely covers it. If you’ve had Golden Peach & Bergamot from several years ago…something about Amber Encased Red Peach is reminding of it, but of course with more red vibes. The peach was very quiet at first, but eventually lent its sweetness to the mix. Something here is also giving me a tiny bit of a spice vibe? It’s not cinnamon or pumpkin spice, more like a warm, cozy hug. I often get a little spice from patchouli…so maybe along those lines? Not saying there is patch here, just the teeniest hint of some sort of spice vibe that just adds some oomph.

What I also love is that it’s now 8am and I can still catch wafts of the scent after 12+ hours and sleeping. This is rare for me with most of my glosses, and I’m so happy.

I wish I would’ve bought multiple back-ups!

Key words: gorgeous, warm, cozy, sweet ❤️🔥

Edited by ladyjc
I say vibe too much.

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