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Shrubby and fresh: musky amber and copaiba balsam with neatly-mowed grass, well-trimmed hornbeam, upturned soil, and breezy spring blossoms.

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I had to look up copaiba balsam (Sweet, almost honeyed, balsamic, peppery) and hornbeam is a type of tree that goes by other names


This goes on fresh and green, with copaiba balsam giving it a woody spice, a little soil if I sniff carefully enough. As it dries, it settles to more soil and grass, but neither very heavy. OVer a few hours it goes from med to low throw, and gets more balsam-spice, and possibly amber, but I'm not as sure on that note. It's a nice, neutral scent that I think I'll try later in a scent locket


I did not get any florals (spring blossoms), which I'm not complaining about. 

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