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Snake Oil slithering into a pan of baked blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries in a warm pastry crust, topped with vanilla ice cream and molasses.

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Rested a few days, I get all the notes: warm berries, browned pie crust, creamy vanilla, a trickle of molasses, and Snake Oil... I was most worried about that molasses note, but it just lends kind of like an earthy caramel vibe. The berries in particular definitely feel cooked down rather than fresh, giving it a little more depth than, say, Serpent in the Berries. Nice staying power, too. I love it!

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Agreed with above! Rich dark berries and flaky crust when wet, then the SO starts slinking around the edges until it become dark berry snake oil. The molasses is lovely, but I love molasses and I'll raw dog it straight from the jar so 🤷‍♀️. The berries really do smell cooked, like when you're making jam. Definitely a different vibe than Serpent Berries, this is more rich. Darker, purplier, and more saturated. Both of these snakes were slam dunks and I'm glad to have grabbed em. ♡

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