doomsday_disco Report post Posted November 20, 2024 Vanillekipferl plunked in a pile of pine needles. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
doomsday_disco Report post Posted November 29, 2024 (edited) Take the Lab's Sugar Cookie scent and smush some pine needles into it, and you get Eighteenth Lash. That's it. That's the scent. It starts off more pine forward, but very quickly becomes all about the Lab's Sugar Cookie scent with a hint of pine. I wish the pine stuck around longer, but I like the Lab's Sugar Cookie scent, so I'm not mad. I'm about to go layer it with Thirteenth Lash and see how that goes! *edit* I'm editing in my review, because I've since worn the Lab's Sugar Cookie scent for the first time this year, which has a warm, toasty, syrupy aspect to it that this cookie note does not have, so I was misremembering what it smelled like. It may be more like the sugar cookie in Sugar Cookies With Extra Sugar, which I no longer own to compare. The scent I can most compare it to probably isn't helpful for very many readers, but the closest thing I can compare it to is a body butter from Angel Milk Beauty called Betty's Shortbread Cookies, which is a vanilla almond cookie scent, but that one is a little sweeter than this. I made Vanillekipferl this year in my Christmas cookie line-up, and it was one of my favorite cookies that I made. They are just so amazing with a cup of hot tea! But I digress. Although the cookies contain a lot of almonds, there is no overwhelming almond in this scent to the almond-averse. This is more about the powder-sugar dusted vanilla shortbread-esque cookie. While I still wish the pine would stick around longer, I do really enjoy the cookie note and am still happy with my bottle. Edited December 31, 2024 by doomsday_disco Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
white_jenna63 Report post Posted December 31, 2024 When I read the notes on the label before testing, I thought maybe I had requested the wrong Lash. I love vanilla, but I don't wear gourmand, and I don't care for pine. Regardless, that is indeed what I had ordered, and I was SO pleasantly surprised! On me, there's a burst of sweet and then it settles into a huffably gorgeous clean unisex scent. It's not soapy, mind you, but fresh and sweet. I don't think I could pick out notes beyond that. I want to bathe in this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ghoulnextdoor Report post Posted January 2 This is the scent of buttery, crumbly, melty cookies with a base of bitter, oily walnuts and a rich, caramelized shortbread bottom. Baked in the steam and sap of an enchanted pine's resinous heart, they've taken on the deep forest's secrets - as if being born in the heart of an ancient conifer has imbued them with its balsamic soul. Wear this scent and imagine this treat while Chelsea Wolfe's haunting voice carries you far over misty mountains cold, where dark things sleep in hollow halls beneath the fells. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LavenderCoffee Report post Posted January 2 These cookies have way more va-va-voom vanilla to them than other sugar cookie scents I've tried from the lab, and it's in the name so I suppose they ought to. Plus the cookie aspect is staying true on my skin longer than the others as well, so that's a bonus. I was hoping for more pine needles, but that may evolve with time. For the moment I smell like I've been plunked in the powdered sugar and I'm not mad about it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Elspethdixon Report post Posted January 9 I saw vanillekipferl in the scent description for this one and had to try it, because vanillekipferl was a specialty of my FIL’s to make for special occasions (we had a tray of them at our wedding), and is also nickname for our fluffy siamese cat (because he looks like a vanillekipferl that’s been in the oven too long and burned dark brown on the crescent points). In the imp/wet: Vanilla pine, not pine dominant or cookie dominant but a pine-flavored cookie. I was worried the pine needles would drown out everything else but they’re more like an astringent hint inside the cookies rather than floor-cleaner Pine-Sol. I get more of a light/not particularly buttery shortbread then vanillekipferl specifically, but my measure of comparison is a very specific German recipe from my wife’s family that uses ground almond flour and powdered sugar for a crumbly vanilla-almond cookie, and according to google the original Austrian version uses walnut or hazelnut, which might be the difference. Freshly applied: pretty much the same as it is wet. On the skin it has a sheer quality to it, not overtly foodie/heavily gourmand, but soft and light. Only a few inches of throw. The pine is definitely pine rather than fir or some other conifer, and needles rather than resin. On my hair it’s stronger, and very much a pine shortbread scent - this is basically Haus of Gloi’s Spruce tip Shortbread but with pine. Drydown: After an hour it’s still detectable but very light, about two-three inches of throw. Thanks to putting it on my hair/having long hair it’s like a little halo of sheer, light pine shortbread around me, sweet but not heavy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
frizzlechicken Report post Posted January 9 This is an amaaaaaaaaaaaazing cookies and pine scent...crisp, comforting, no one note overpowering the other. It also pairs nicely with a hair gloss from years past - Candy Canes, Powdered Sugar, Snickerdoodles, and Vanilla Cream - if you have that, try pairing it with Eighteenth Lash! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roseus Report post Posted January 13 Beautiful sugary vanilla cookie (something about it makes me think of pastry dusted with powdered sugar) and brisk pine threaded throughout. Pine shortbread is a great description, with a good dose of extra sugar on top. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
daemonrabbit Report post Posted January 15 I wish I smelled all these things listed above. I think scent associations are just not letting me appreciate this. It reminds me of car air fresheners and getting carsick. A muted vanilla and pine as it dries, nothing standout. When dry, the vanilla is much more forward and the scent becomes pleasant, but I cannot deal with the wet phase. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cali Report post Posted February 27 Oh damn I do vaguely agree with the car freshener, only because i've JUST smelled one a few days ago (not a regular occurrence to me) but I did not hate it(!). That said, other than that (I wouldn't call this soapy though) there's a delightful deep foody vanillafroth, something slightly salty and doughy, and a beautiful fresh pine that works remarkably well here. Goes buttery on my skin (dunno if my skin chermisty is just bleh as of late) but it goes to exactly where i want it for a few seconds, and then, just butter. Ooooph the wasted potential *clenches fists while shaking them angrily at the sky Share this post Link to post Share on other sites