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I’m obsessed with this, full-stop. I just got it, so take my review with a grain of salt, mail-shock is a thing! It’s got the fuzziest, cuddliest lavender I’ve ever come across in any perfume like ever. Disclaimer my nose is a little (a lot, ok) stuffed but this is a gorgeous, pillowy lavender layered over the loveliest linen note everrrr!! It’s got a sweet little musky diddy at the dry-down, and it basically stays a sweet pillow of lavender sugar over linen and musk. I want more sugary notes, so I’m thinking about layering this with antique lace! It also might go well with Violet & Vanilla Chiffon. 


Will be back to update with a better review! I just needed to get it off my chest that I love this.

Edited by Vaudenilla

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I love this one, very soothing and mildly nostalgic. Something about this smells like putting on a calming lotion after a shower or bath in your childhood, in the background it smells like my grandmother's house- that could be the lavender smelling like good cleaning supplies, the cotton coming across like clean laundry, and the "kitchen mysteries" like something had been cooking. It's not particularly sweet, less sweet that TKO i think. It's not overwhelmingly lavender, but calming and neutral. Really, really lovely.

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I got a decant of this because I bake a lot and got drawn into the fantasy of a baking fragrance! Unfortunately, I think I wanted it to be something it was not, which was really quite unfair of me. I think I saw the fabric note and unconsciously imagined a sweetened, lavender White Rabbit - but of course they actually have no notes in common!


On me, it was much more gourmand than I imagined. It makes me think of a lavender sugar cookie dough - definitely not baked yet, and the lavender maintains its herbal sharpness, but this is something that's going in the oven. I definitely do get a distinctive clean laundry scent, but there's quite a bit of dough stuck to the apron. 


It's an extraordinarily friendly scent, and very well done - I think a lot of people will love this! But it's not for me.

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This is lovely, although somewhat different to what I expected! On me, the lavender takes a backseat to the cotton and a pie which seems to be full of jammy purple berries. It’s comforting but in a “weekend afternoon at home” way rather than the traditional bedtime lavender.

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On me, this comes across as soothing lavender lotion, but also layered with something that comes off to me as "fresh" - freshly laundered cotton certainly comes to mind! I don't get anything foodie or even foodie adjacent in this - in fact I get something that I recognize more in scents called "cool water" and such, and I'm not sure what exactly that is. I love it, though, this feels calming without making me sleepy. 

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With this one, I get some lavender mixed with the main component in Fleece Skeleton Onesie. If you loved the laundry-ish Fleece, you will surely have to try this.

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I am so BUMMED! From the reviews on this it really seemed like my jam but alas in the bottle and wet on skin it was FLORAL SOAP possibly laundry detergent. It was so overwhelming I had to rinse it off less than 10 minutes into wearing ?

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Sweet lavender with a splash of Sprite (fizzy lime? barely there), dumped into a vat of strong, chemical soap.  It's how I imagine it smells when they wash hotel sheets and have to use industrial strength cleansers and high heat on fabric.  Dries down to that awful soap smell and no lavender.  I have trouble with clean scents and I can't pull this off.

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This reminds me a bit of the cotton hoodie + lavender situation of You Are Not Alone, but with an extra shot of sweetness. To me this is in the same realm as Boober. But where the linden in that is honey-sweet and the scent is like laundry drying in the sun, this is less breezy and more snuggly. A gorgeous clean scent!

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I hate fabric softener. As in, when I absolutely have to walk past the detergent and fabric softener aisle at the store I have to hold my breath or I get an instant stuffy nose and start sneezing. I have told my husband that if he wants a divorce but doesn't want to directly tell me, he should just start using fabric softener on his clothes and I'll get the hint.


That being said, Lavender Apron is what I WISHED clothes straight out of the dryer would smell. It is clean, cottony, and warm, with an almost powdery sweetness that doesn't bug me AT ALL. On my skin, it is a perfect clean scent for people who cannot stand traditional clean scents.  This scent is all snuggly and warm, and smells like a big pile of soft laundry straight out of the dryer in the best way possible.

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Fresh from the mail this smelled exactly like lavender dryer sheets. After about a week of rest, on me it's become an herbal lavender version of Fleece Skeleton Onesie. On my husband it still has a bit more of a laundry-adjaceny quality, but it's more like fragrant steam coming off of the dryer than any real laundry product.


Wearing this to bed is quite snuggly and cozy. Time will tell if I need to upgrade, but so far I'm really enjoying my decant.

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