doomsday_disco Report post Posted February 24 Save me from curious Conscience, that still lords Its strength for darkness, burrowing like a mole; Turn the key deftly in the oiled wards, And seal the cacao-dusted Casket of my Soul. A soporific dessert: Hidcote lavender, golden hops, and vanilla bean dusted with cacao. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
doomsday_disco Report post Posted Wednesday at 04:52 PM I think this is the first time that the variety of lavender in TKO has been mentioned in a description! Anyways, this was an instant bottle for me, since I adore TKO and love lavender and chocolate together just as much as I adore lavender and vanilla. I am here to report that there is NO CACAO SLUDGE in my bottle (which is a little sad for me, but those who were hoping for no sludge can rejoice about there not being any globules of cacao absolute in this scent). I've slathered this one on before bed twice, and I swear it's like a TKO even more amped up on sugar than chocolate. Like, the chocolate is there, but it really is just a dusting of cacao on me... so this isn't even as chocolate-y as Wulric, the Wolfman or Lavender Brownie. I'm not sure if that is just my skin amping up the non-chocolate components of the scent or not, but in any case, it is still a lovely TKO confection and I recommend it to someone that would love an ever sweeter TKO. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites