Mufasa Report post Posted August 25, 2017 A vital, bold scent, throbbing with sensuality. Essence of dragon’s blood resin, thickened with myrrh and cherry, with a trickle of clove. I don't really like the smell of cherries but I love the smell of clove and have been dying to find out what dragon's blood smells like so I was super excited to get this as a frimp. Unfortunately the only things I can identify are cherry incense and teeny tiny hint of clove, it's also incredibly powerful taking more than one big sniff of it starts to make my head dizzy so overall the description is apt. I wouldn't necessarily want to wear this again but if you want heads to spin as you walk by I would recommend Blood Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roseus Report post Posted October 25, 2017 (edited) In the imp: spicy cherry candy Wet: cherry starts going a little cough-syrupy. I think the ultra-sweet cherry I get from DBR is pushing the cherry much too sweet and the clove is quite strong as well. Dry: Much more restrained cherry, I think the myrrh is really holding down the fort, and the spice settled down as well. Surprised about how the DBR is working on my skin Edited October 25, 2017 by roseus Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Juliamon Report post Posted May 13, 2018 Got both this and Bloodlust as frimps in the same order. In theory, I should like this. In practice, the clove just takes over and while I LIKE clove, I don't LOVE clove. The myrrh starts to step up to it after an hour, but the cherry and DBR might as well not even be in there. This could be one of those that needs to age for a long time, but I have other DBR scents that I like better anyway. The throw on this is impressive! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
donkehpoo Report post Posted May 15, 2018 (edited) Wet: Deepened, darkened dragon's blood; dragon's blood and myrrh, with a tiny bit of clove. Dry: Very, very similar to the wet stage. I think whatever cherry was in this, my skin ate up. I'd say the clove is popping out just a bit more than the wet stage, but otherwise, it's all the same. It's like a deep, smokey dragon's blood. I enjoy dragon's blood scents, but this one has left me a little "meh"; though that's not the blend's fault, I'm just not the biggest fan of clove. Edited June 16, 2018 by donkehpoo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spookyumbrella Report post Posted December 4, 2018 Cherry that morphs into clove and dragon's blood. This does indeed smell red, but it's a deep, dark red to me - not a brilliant bloody red. Several people mentioned it having a metallic edge but I dont get that at all. Its just a nice, lightly spicy dragons blood to me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
torischroeder9 Report post Posted March 13, 2019 Imp from a forumite date stamped March 12, 2016. In the imp: Cherry candy and dragon's blood. On my skin: The cherry note tamps down a bit, and it's dragon's blood with a bit of myrrh and clove. As it dries, my skin reddens and tingles, which is probably the clove. I can smell the clove too, spicing up the cherry and dragon's blood. Once it has time to settle and develop on my skin, the myrrh comes out a bit more , cutting some of the cherry's sweetness. Ultimately, these notes don't quite mesh well on me. I think if it was just dragon's blood and clove, I could handle it. But the dragon's blood and cherry seem discordant with one another. And the myrrh just doesn't like anyone else in this blend. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Diesis Report post Posted October 28, 2020 (edited) I got an imp of this a few months ago. I just tried it last night. Imp: Clove. Just clove. But I'm rubbish at noticing things in the bottles/imps. On My Skin: Myrrh & Clove (I am not sure what Dragon's Blood smells like, but I amp resins, so that might be that extra oomphy behind the clove or amping the clove?). The knowledge (now) that this has cherry? I would have told you you were joking. I never smelled cherry (it's been about 18 hours & my wrists are just a subtle clove). I also like that the clove feels dark & smooth & not like I am a pie. I dumped it in a bath. So, basically, I smelled like this for a few hours (diluted, but that clove stuck it's landing, with myrrh cheering). I absolutely love it! It's on my wishlist for a bottle of it. Edited October 28, 2020 by TheLampades wording Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rane. Report post Posted August 22, 2021 I have an imp of this. I get cherry & clove mostly, with a hit of dragon's blood & myrrh last. It's a spicy one that reminds me of a kitchen cabinet at first, but as it fades it turns into a complex & luxurious scent. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyturtles Report post Posted September 15, 2021 Out of the imp of unknown age, I get sweet cherry popsicle. That fades pretty quickly as the clove takes control on my skin. There is a metallic-ness there. The cherry isn't completely gone but I wish it'd come out to play some more. Drying down all I'm really getting is that metallic clove. After about an hour, I get a hint of myrrh, or is it dragon's blood? as everything fades away... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cali Report post Posted October 21, 2022 Oh, delicious! Spicy cherry candy indeed! Hard candy at that. On drydown the candy-ness of this goes away and i'm left with a lovely clove and dragon's blood. Very nice, but i loved that wet stage! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dancingchair Report post Posted April 13, 2023 I never get much cherry in this. It's mostly clove and spicy myrrh. I'm not sure what dragon's blood smells like, but there's something sinister and smoky in the background that might be it? Seems like this would be great for layering if you want to add some spicy incense to a perfume. Spice really tends to amp on my skin, though, so maybe the clove wouldn't be so loud on someone else. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Weirdgirlpilled Report post Posted May 24, 2023 (edited) I am so confused. my skin completely eats this?? I have to press my face right up next to the swatch and even still i smell barely anything? It has a weird undertone that was also in Black Ice 2013 but it has no other scent to it. weird edit: myrrh decides it would poke only ITS head out so thats what i smell of now. just myrrh. Edited May 24, 2023 by Weirdgirlpilled Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
QueenProserpina Report post Posted July 2, 2023 My second BPAL fragrance. Very similar to Blood Popsicle from the Only Lovers Left Alive collection, but with less complexity and more cherry in the fruit note, rather than pomegranate and/or berry. A sensual, strong, and long-lasting scent for spooky days and every day! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
asoursweetsixteen Report post Posted July 27, 2023 (edited) got this as a frimp and i'm very delighted with it! before the drydown, it is very strong and spicy. I can smell clove very clearly (and possibly some cinnamon?), some sweetness coming through from the cherry, as well as a lovely licorice. it's not changing much as time passes, but that's totally fine with me because I really adore the spicy and lingering fruity-ness. the throw on this smell is crazy. I put it on and went right to the kitchen to get some water. a few minutes later my mom came to me and asked about the perfume because it wafted from the kitchen to where she was in the living room. you will smell in a 20 ft radius of Blood. Edited July 27, 2023 by asoursweetsixteen Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vampiromorphidae Report post Posted October 26, 2023 Wet, this is sour cherry candy and clove. Dry, it becomes incense and clove with the cherry fading sweet and tart into the background. And then it stays this way. I'm picking up an an earthy quality to it as well. It's probably one of the resins but I couldn't tell you for certain. Blood is powerful and has a lot of throw. I can wear very little (a single droplet shared between my wrists) and my mother will complain that it's too strong - though she's particularly sensitive to smells. It also lasts a loooong time. Many a night I've gone to sleep wearing blood and awoken some 8 hours later to find it still clinging to my skin. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wordortwo Report post Posted November 25, 2023 Testing a frimp of unknown age. This fragrance opens with - BAM - a bracing blast of spice, which I interpreted as cinnamon until I looked at the notes. For a brief time, sweet cherry vies for space. It's a good cherry - cherry liqueur rather than cough syrup - but still loses the battle. For about an hour, I'm in nothing but a sweet cloud of spice. Then the dragons blood takes over. So, to my nose, dragons blood resin smells like musty flowers and fruit candy. (It doesn't help that I, two decades removed from college, still associate it with dorm room incense lol.) It wears like a dragons blood single note after that. This is indeed a bold, sticky red scent. I have a feeling it smells very different on different people. But I can't do this much dragons blood, and without the cherry, it loses complexity on me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gnostril Probostril Report post Posted November 9, 2024 (edited) It's time to write about BLOOD! This one is at the top of my list, aside from Sloth (bewitching to the senses but not fortuitously named), Cathedral (used to be perfect but seems to have been reformulated), and Magus (out of stock until recently.) I know there are explicitly magical bpal formulations via Twilight Alchemy Lab, and via the collaborations with Sphere + Sundry. But I know - and so do you who are reading this - that the line is not so distinct. From an olfactory standpoint, Blood is a voluptuous, resinous, sweet fragrance. It does smell both dark and red, as the description suggests. It is a scent that would usually issue from a garnet-colored piece of incense being melted in a brazier. It's enduring and has a good throw when a few drops are combed through the hair. From a magical standpoint, Blood potentiates conflict. Every time I apply it in the car on the way to a social event, I ask myself whether I'm prepared to live with the consequences. Wearing it, I'm more likely to berate someone against whom I already feel some grievance. I'm more likely to annoy someone by asserting my desires. I'm more likely to say whatever hasn't been said. I'm not sure you'll experience it this way if you are very tactful; elements of my personality take me halfway there. But if you have a contentious bone in your body, Blood may help it to stick into someone's eye. How's that for a metaphor? Blood is a way of life I have chosen time and again. It's better to let that which is already dead fall to the ground and be crushed. It's better to go ahead and test your relationships, if there's any such impulse. Those impulses usually are right. It is better not to lie and put yourself in a position of weakness. Lance the boil! Kiss the maiden! Do and die! Edited November 9, 2024 by Gnostril Probostril Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
omnistraight Report post Posted November 22, 2024 Blood (1997) is a 3D first-person shooter video game developed by Monolith Productions and published by- Sorry, wrong Blood! As a massive Blood (the video game) fan, I knew I had to try this scent out the moment I came across it. WET: Black cherry candy and clove. The combo is almost a reminder of days spent drinking Cheerwine and smoking clove cigarettes, but I digress. ON ME: Unfortunately, very 'perfumey'. I'm not sure what alters so strongly on my skin (perhaps the dragon's blood?), but it quickly turned from cherry and cloves to banana laffy taffy and my grandmother's powder puff. The longer it stayed on the more powdery and almost licorish-y it became. I will leave Blood for the blood gods (and skulls for the skull throne). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
flumphlord Report post Posted December 19, 2024 Received as a frimp with an order. In the vial: My initial impression is that of cherry cough syrup. If I stop and concentrate I can pick out the clove and resin, but the medicinal association is hard to shake even after identifying those other notes. Wet on skin: The dragon’s blood and clove are at the forefront. The cherry is still there though, with the myrrh just barely perceptible in the background adding depth. Unfortunately, dragon’s blood has never been my thing, and this is not helping to change my mind. The way it combines with the cherry and clove here really does result in something that resembles cough syrup to my nose, and that in turn does not evoke pleasant memories. I ended up having to scrub this one off after about an hour. For what it's worth, the cherry didn't fade on me during that time like it did for some other reviewers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites