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BPAL Madness!
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YAY! The forum is back and BOO! eBay was haxxor'd

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Good evening, all! I'm SO happy that the forums are back up and running... I can't tell you how much I missed you guys! =) A gurzillion thanks to Ms. Shriekingviolet and the crew here for all the hard work and love that they put into the forum, and for the grueling hours they put into resurrecting it! Thank you, also, to Sarah for the gorgeous new skin!


A quick head’s up about two things, and then I have to get back to work. First, some shitwit tried to hack into our fledgling eBay account, so it was taken down temporarily while eBay sorted out the dilemma. It should be back up within the next 24 hours; sincere apologies to everyone who was in mid-bid. We didn’t have any control over this.


Due to a small internal problem, the voting page for the BPAL logo won’t be up until tomorrow night… I’m guessing around midnight, barring incident. I’ve opted to keep the submissions anonymous until after the contest is over for the sake of fairness. More will be posted as I get closer to getting this finished!


Missed you, love you, and all that good stuff. =D


ETA: We're brainless!

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