Nikki Scarlet Report post Posted June 17, 2017 Dark, decadent and incomparably exotic: the rich scent of buttered rum flavored with almond, bay, clove and sassafras. This was one of the frimps included in my most recent order. I had been kind of hoping to try a piratey scent!In the imp and on me, wet:BAM! PUNCHED IN THE FACE BY ALMOND AND RUM! It's not a bad smell but whoof! Strong! Waiting to see if it calms down a bit when it's dry.On me, dry: This has dried down to single-note clove. For about fifteen minutes it was as strong as, or stronger than, the initial almond and rum (which have now COMPLETELY DISAPPEARED) and smelled rather dusty on top of that. It was obnoxious and I hated it. Now it's calmed down, though, and it's a kind of pleasant, autumnal clove scent, but . . . still sort of disappointing.Verdict:I'll probably try other scents with these notes in them, but Port-Au-Prince isn't a winner for me. Swapping. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
strick9 Report post Posted December 3, 2017 Port Au Prince is really, really lovely. I got a frimp from The Lab with my last order, and I’m so pleasantly surprised! In the imp: it’s very very heavy and almondy-sweet. There’s a touch of spice, but nothing to write home about. Wet: immediately it’s almond- but not almond extract, more like almond syrup- orgeat. There’s a hit of orange flower water to balance out the heaviness of the sweet. As it starts to dry, the bay and clove make an appearance but it’s subtle. Sassafras is there and helps in keeps my the sweetness at bay. After a few minutes, the scent is gorgeous. It’s heady and sexy and really catches me off guard. Dry: the rum comes out and it is definitely dark rum, thick with molasses, sugar, and vanilla. The spices are very soft on me, and I don’t perceive this to be masculine at all. Everything is blended exquisitely, and I can’t stop smelling my wrist. It’s a very sexy scent, and evocative of hot, breezy nights in the Gulf Coast. I’ll finish the imp and more than likely buy a full bottle. I’m so glad this is GC! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lucchesa Report post Posted February 24, 2018 Frimp fresh from the Lab, and it goes on in that blast of marzipanny goodness I love in almond scents, which nearly never lasts. The almond fades and the bay rum comes into play, then the rum fades and the clove takes over. I'm not sure I ever make out any of the rootbeery scent of sassafras; it's subsumed by the clove. This is a lovely festive holiday scent to brighten the Thanksgiving-to-New-Year's corridor. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
donkehpoo Report post Posted July 28, 2018 Wet: Buttery rum, with a little extra rum, and some almond. And a side of rum. Dry: Rum, almond, and clove. The imp I tested was fresh from the lab. I have many other imps of this that are well aged, and to me it's MUCH better that way. The clove (on my skin, at least) doesn't hang out in the aged version. For that alone, well aged PAP > fresh PAP. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fizzbangdangcharade Report post Posted July 29, 2018 I got this as a frimp, and although so far I've had zero luck with any scent that had almond in it due to my skin turning it to play-doh, I figured I'd try it anyway. In the bottle: super spicy, a little sweet. Wet: This smells a LOT like a small local festival in my area that's basically ren faire, but with the fur trade era (think people dressed in hand made leathers and furs, bone jewelry, pelts, spices, candies - and everything being sold out of teepees and wigwams.) So much beautiful spice, with a sweet undercurrent and the hint of fur musk. Warming: The spice is really amping up, and I'm getting more of the sweet now. The musk has all but faded. Drydown: The sweetness and spice are now on even ground. The hint of musk is gone. I'm really glad I got this as a frimp! I would have avoided it due to my past experiences with almond scents, but this is so so good on me. And it really does remind me of that festival (which is technically a re-enactment.) It also reminds me little bit of Fireball whiskey, now that I think about it. Especially late into the drydown. Which is fine with me, since cinnamon whiskey is the only whiskey I like. This is going on my list of full bottles. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JakkieTreehorn Report post Posted October 15, 2018 Omg this will be an all time favorite for me. Im a lover of heavy spice and this really delivers! As with some others it definitely reminds me of Christmas. In the bottle: sweet spicy holdiday yumminess Wet: The clove became more sharp and prominent which I love Dry: Awesome throw and I cant stop smelling myself. I dont get masculine from this at all. I get 100% Christmas spice which is something Ive been looking for! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mister Azure Report post Posted January 11, 2019 A familiar scent of my youth. Wet: The almond and buttered rum mixed together melds into something beautifully familiar on me. Has a potency that is warm and mindful. While the other elements of this fragrance still hide away, I feel confident they will rise up to make themselves known when they are ready. The throw may only be medium here but it is enough for that brief period of nostalgia. It took some thinking to figure out what this reminded me of but then it dawned on me that it was the original Jergens lotion. I can attribute this to the bay rum and almond blending together in my skin that give it this effect. Dry: Now I get a spot of clove mixed in with the almond and buttered rum! There is an airy spice to the scent now. Feels like being on the outskirts of an outdoor market brimming with possibilities. The throw starts to dwindle within a couple hours however. My skin consumed this rather quickly. Wanted nothing but to gorge on this sliver of nostalgic tidings. Then around 4 hours, this scent also became a memory. A faint and lingering memory. Final thoughts: While I do enjoy this scent, I find it lacks day long staying power and appeal on me. I find it more comforting as something I will enjoy when trying to rest late at night and I want to bathe in memories of days long gone. I did not get to take in the sassafras as hoped but even without that in the forefront, this remains a scent I will come back to from time to time. A single bottle would last me a very long time, however, for now I will just settle for the modest decant gifted to me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
monocainsheresy Report post Posted March 24, 2019 Mmm! Booze, spices, and fluttery buttery almond! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Permanent.Black.Ink. Report post Posted November 22, 2020 I wasn't sure about this one based on the scent notes; I felt I like it was going to head in a direction soon after application that smelled like I had put on my grandad's Old Spice. I'm super glad I got an imp and decided to give it a try--the almond and clove working together with that sassafras to mellow things out is so alluring and unexpected. It's got a low throw and 6-8 hours of wear before it's pretty hard to read even with nose to skin. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WoolyBee Report post Posted January 4, 2022 I just received a frimp of this with my latest order. I never typically gravitate to foodie scents (I love the scents, I just don’t prefer to wear them). But I cannot resist almond extract, which is what hits my nose first. Immediately after applying I get almond and a bubblegum note that fades fast. Then it morphs into the warm, lovely clove. I adore this and am really glad I got to try it out! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cali Report post Posted May 9, 2022 Very, very strong clove and almond. Wish the rum was more apparent in this or it would have been a keeper. Definately delicious! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jarek Report post Posted March 19 Got this as a frimp, and I pretty much immediately extra special loved it. I need a bottle! In the imp: Not the most pleasant, but hard for me to place. Kind of sour, maybe some of the sassafras? Wet on skin: That scent in the vial doesn't carry over to bring on my skin. I mean there is some sassafras, but it's quite lovely, and a buttery but not very boozey rum. As it starts to dry I get more clove, it's a bit spiced now, but still with the sassafras and maybe the bay, I do smell something a bit herbalish behind the rest. I'm not getting much almond, but it might be blending in. As it dries, a couple hours later, the cloves back off a bit but are still present. The rum is mostly gone but it's still a bit present. Still no almond. I think the sassafras is mostly gone too. Maybe some bay? The throw is less than it was. Doesn't last very long, but long enough, and it smells amazing on me! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites