LizziesLuck Report post Posted February 6, 2016 Uncontrollable passion and insatiable sexual desire: red musk, patchouli, ylang ylang and myrrh. Frimp from the Lab! Puddin put up a Luper teaser that appeared to be Lust Smooch, so I figure I had better try this now! Wet: Lots of red musk. The patchouli is a faint undercurrent. As it warms on my skin I'm detecting hints of Myrrh. I love all three of those notes, and they're playing really nicely together so far. Sexay! Dry: The patchouli really dominates when this is dry. I do like it, but I have other patchouli scents I like better. That being said, I will jump all over this as a Smooch, because when it's wet and I can smell the musk and Myrrh as well as the Patch, it's divine! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cali Report post Posted March 2, 2016 The patchouli really gives this one a bit of a "bite". A sweet mixture that kind of makes me hungry.Doesn't stick around on my skin for a long time, dies down after about an hour? The red musk is most obvious when wet, but later my skin amps up the myhrr and I'm left with almost only that. Not for me, but quite lovely. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nolifeking Report post Posted April 12, 2016 smell exactly like Sin on me:dirty incense-y hippie blend style yuuuckk.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Casablanca Report post Posted May 12, 2016 I'm not expecting much from this freebie. I haven't liked the lab's red musk so far, and patchouli is kind of risky. I love ylang ylang, but it's strong and needs care. So far I've only liked it when it's supporting something else, whereas this looks like a top- and heart-note solo for it.Wand: Mostly ylang ylang and patchouli. The red musk isn't standing out to me here.Wet: Ylang ylang. At first this isn't much different from the ylang ylang oil I have at home, save for the earthy weight of patchouli behind it. I get a little of the burnt, spicy, cherry smell of the red musk after a few minutes, and myrrh with it. I wonder if there's also a wee dot of frankincense in this. I'm getting some of the dry, gritty texture I usually get from frank.Dry: Red musk takes the stage in all its stinky glory. Patchouli keeps trying to body-slam the crowd. I want to quietly exit out the back.Yeah, a me-repellent. It'll work for someone! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roseus Report post Posted November 23, 2016 In the imp: patchouli and ylang ylang. Wet: the red musk trickles in over the patchouli. Dry: The patchouli, myrrh, and red musk blend together really nicely. Very smooth. Some heady ylang ylang floats over top. A very sexy, slightly dirty blend. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
whisperstilled Report post Posted February 21, 2017 I never thought a scent with patchouli in the notes would get me so hard, but holy cow. Ylang ylang is a love it or hate it note for me, but its intense sweetness pairs really well with the dark sexy myrrh and patchouli. People weren't kidding when they said this one was sexy as hell. It's dirty headshop for sure, and I don't know if I'll ever wear it, but it's so rich and interesting I'm hanging onto my imp. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lizabelle Report post Posted March 14, 2017 This starts out so well, but the ylang goes weird on me and just barely misses the mark. The base of this is dark and dirty, with patch, myrrh, and musk present equally. It becomes more syrupy as it warms to my skin, darkly sweet and almost edible. The ylang also starts off well, a sweet yellow floral on top of the other notes, but over time goes cooler and almost soapy. That tone doesn't mesh well with the rest, and I can't help but think that if it were just about any other flower this could be a favorite for me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nikki Scarlet Report post Posted July 10, 2017 A frimp from the lab. I'm wary of scents with patchouli in it, but I will try it for science!In the imp:Smoky. I'm reminded of Sin, but this has a little more depth.On me, wet:. . . Sin with cola? o.O I'm not familiar enough with myrrh, red musk, or ylang ylang to know which of these scents is reading as "cola" to my unsophisticated palate (or if it's the combination of the three, or if I just have weird skin chemistry), but that's what this smells like to me. Interesting, but not exactly sexy.On me, dry:Yep. If Sin smells like "me after I've been hanging out in a heavy smoker's house for a while," Lust is "me after I've been hanging out in a heavy smoker's house for a while and they gave me some soda."Verdict:A little nicer than Sin, but still not for me. This is a swapper. Will probably remain open to other scents with some of Lust's non-patchouli notes in it, though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
achildoftime Report post Posted November 30, 2017 This one had about a 50/50 chance of working. Red musk and ylang ylang usually work for me and patchouli and myrrh are temperamental. When it's wet, it's mostly red musk with a bit of patch behind it. It's not overwhelming for me, just a little gritty. It's mostly a sweet red musk. It dries down to be less sweet for sure. I do enjoy this scent, but it like other red musk heavy scents better. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lunasariel Report post Posted January 28, 2018 In the imp: Exactly as described. The red musk is dominant, but I'm also getting some sexy-sultry florals, myrrh (more resinous than incense smoke-y), and the patch is fruity rather than gritty. Wet: Still red musk-dominant and very sweet, but almost a cherry-like or boozy sweetness. The myrrh is drier and more incense-like, and the ylang ylang also takes a big step forward. I can definitely see the Sin comparison; it also reminds me of scents like Red Lantern, Desire, or Scherezade. Dry: A classic BPAL sultry-sexy scent, mainly red musk and patch. That odd, too-sweet, cherry-boozy sweetness has faded, leaving it a lot subtler and more complex. I still get the occasional whiff of florals or resinous myrrh, but mainly it's the red musk and patch all the way home. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lucchesa Report post Posted March 9, 2018 On me Lust turns into sickly sweet red musk. I guess that's the ylang ylang? No patch in evidence nor any detectable myrrh. I suspect they may emerge in an hour or two, but I may not let this go on that long. I can see how this would be great on someone who doesn't have my problematic relationship with red musk, but Lust is not for me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
torischroeder9 Report post Posted October 20, 2018 (edited) In the imp: Red musk, patchouli, and ylang ylang. On my skin: The red musk is a steady note as the patchouli becomes the most aggressive. I can also smell the faint emergence of myrrh. Interestingly, I also notice my skin start to tingle and turn pink. It's not enough to feel irritating or unpleasant, but I wonder if that's the ylang ylang or the myrrh. (I've tried red musk and patchouli in lots of blends, so they're likely not the culprit here.) Dry, it's almost all patchouli and myrrh. Going to let this imp age for a bit. My skin usually plays much more nicely with red musk than it's doing here. Update 11/25 -- Wore Lust today and again... maybe about a week ago? The red musk now remains the prominent base note, with ylang ylang adding some floral sweetness on top and patchouli and myrrh adding some grounding weight. I'd say the patch/myrrh combo is a touch stronger than the ylang ylang because I'd describe this blend overall as on the "less sweet" end of my red musk blends. Edited November 25, 2018 by torischroeder9 update Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spookyumbrella Report post Posted December 1, 2018 Warm, smokey incense. Not at all lustful to me, but rather quite sleepy and soothing. It makes me feel all snuggled up and cozy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
starryeyes Report post Posted March 12, 2019 (edited) Wet: I wasn't too sure about it, there was an almost warm sour note that wasn't too pleasing, but I've learned to never judge a scent before it dries down. Underneath the sour I could smell the ylang ylang, so I held on. Dry: There it is! The musk and ylang ylang make an almost smokey dark sweetness that is very alluring, given enough time and enough inhales I could see it potentially putting someone in the mood. However, my initial reaction was to feel very relaxed and almost mystical, like I was cuddled in the corner of a dark, incensed occult shop. It's also just a scent my nose likes ? Personal Preference: I put this on with just a touch of "The Rose" oil, and that little spot of floral turned it from a dark sexual scent into a more romantic, passionate scent. Edited March 12, 2019 by starryeyes clarity Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Brigdh Report post Posted May 1, 2019 In bottle: A smoky, resiny scent, almost all myrrh, given a sugar-sweet quality with the ylang-ylang. Wet: Warm, animal musk, with just the faintest hint of a floral note to lighten it and a bit of myrrh to give it a sensuous smokiness. Gorgeous, and not too overtly sexual to wear at work. The actual oil is so thick and dark that it leaves a mark on my skin, but once I rub it in, it vanishes. Dry: Powdery ylang-ylang with sweet patchouli. A really nice subdued floral. It has some soapiness to it, but that doesn’t bother me. A medium last length, not as intense as I would have expected from the dark thick quality of the oil. At three hours on, it’s beginning to disappear. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RoseThornAndOak Report post Posted January 2, 2020 This one's...interesting. I get a smutty red musk darkened by patchouli but it never really smells like patchouli, it just smells...smuttied I guess? Madame Moriarty works better imo, however I like it and will keep the imp around. Gender neutral. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DiZZysTARdust Report post Posted February 29, 2020 I'm on a red musk kick so this needs testing. In the bottle i smell the patchouli. Going on it's a battle for who wants to be more prominent, the musk or the patchouli. I agree with the candy comparisons. There's a sweetness to this from i'm guessing the ylang ylang and myrrh that grounds the scent without being specifically identifiable to my nose at the same time. As the scent is drying the red musk wins out over the patchouli, with the result of a sweet piney musk without the grape cough syrup vibe i usually get (in a good way). Stays sweet but veers toward the delicate powdery side as it dries Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Janis Report post Posted April 6, 2020 I was frimped a vial of Lust in a recent sales purchase on these forums! I don't know the age or condition of my imp. In the vial I smell patchouli and more patchouli. It is immediately eclipsed by myrrh upon application. A very dirty, dark, almost B.O. scent at this point - but not smoky. I'm not familiar with the smell of ylang-ylang so I can't comment on how it contributes to the blend. On drydown the grittiness burns off fairly quickly and I get a sweet red musk that's cozy, warm, and truly addictive - I love every whiff and can't stop sniffing! It's a very comforting, homey scent that I wouldn't describe as being sexual. It fades gracefully and pleasantly, too. I've been wearing it almost daily this past week. ? I'm also going to add that I don't find Lust to be similar to Sin at all. Sin is very smoky and I amp up the sandalwood/cinnamon whereas Lust is all about the sweet red musk! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fairybites Report post Posted October 20, 2020 In the Imp: I'm only detecting patchouli On Me: Red musk blends in with the patchouli wonderfully, an addicting smell that I can't stop sniffing. Slight powderyness too which I like and that might be what's making this smell sort of sweet to me. Beautiful scent, but I haven't decided yet if this will be bottle worthy due to owning similar scents. Seeing some comparisons to Sin, which is on my wishlist and I haven't tried it yet.If I happen to get an imp of that and notice any similarities, I will update this review. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sorciere du marais Report post Posted June 24, 2021 Goodness, I haven't smelled this since... over a decade ago! It is a lovely scent but a bit too sweet for my taste... not sure where that comes from. I see the powderyness that a lot of people mention, and it gives it a soft, sensual feel. It honestly reminds me of the Kate Bush song In the Warm Room. In the warm room Her perfume reaches you Eventually, you'll fall for her Down you'll go To where the mellow wallows... In the warm room You'll fall into her like a pillow Her thighs are soft as marshmallows Say hello To the soft musk of her hollows Anyone else think in Kate Bush lyrics? ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rane. Report post Posted August 8, 2021 Received as an imp. I think the Ylang Ylang is lending that fruity smell. I get the patchouli & red musk up front, followed by Ylang Ylang. The myrrh is giving so much body to this, it carries everything nicely. Deep, rich, slight hint of floral. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Luna Fatale Report post Posted August 22, 2021 In the Imp: Sweet & spicy cloves? On the Skin: Sweet & spicy again. A clove-like scent is apparent (might be the red musk & patchouli). Ylang ylang adds sweetness to the scent & myrrh adds an incensey touch. I do find it sexy and would buy a full bottle. ❤ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyturtles Report post Posted October 27, 2021 I received a lab frimp of Lust recently. Maybe I have too many scents that are red musk-based, because Lust just isn't as exciting to me as all of this hype would lead me to believe. I do like the surprise bit of fruitiness, though I wish there were more of it. The patchouli is strong, and I find it kind of boring. All in all, it's just not my definition of "sexy," I suppose. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
elissamay Report post Posted November 15, 2022 For me, this blend is the counterpart to Satyr. That sexy, almost effervescent red musk is wrapped with some sexy lingerie here instead of sporting cloven hooves, but the effect is the same. A BPAL classic! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AbbyNormal Report post Posted February 4, 2023 (edited) For the longest time I was very leery of heavy musky/patchouli scents so I avoided even opening this one when I first got it based off of the description. Over the past couple of years my tastes have changed and I trie this one today. DEAR FSM WHY WAS I HESITANT? I want to roll around in this like a happy dog in a mud puddle. I think this my be my new non-seasonal signature scent!! Of course, I still have well over a hundred scents to go before I try everything I’ve collected over the years, but this one is GOOD. I’m trying to rein in my full bottle purchases since I’ve gone a little overboard last year, but I need a bottle of this like I need air. It’s really tempting me to give up on my scent a day challenge and just wear this one on repeat. As far as the scent itself, it’s reminiscent of both SO and Black Phoenix, while smelling like both and yet neither. It’s definitely their grown up cousin who has SEEN THINGS. It’s deliciously musky, sweet, and dark. I don’t get the almond I get from BP, and while I wouldn’t necessarily call it sexy, I can see why many would. I can’t stop sniffing myself. **edit** Now I get it. this Lust isn’t for a partner, it’s lust for myself. It’s like my very essence has been bottled and then released for the first time. Smelling this, I’m smelling ME. Edited February 5, 2023 by AbbyNormal Share this post Link to post Share on other sites