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BPAL Madness!

Drink Me

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… However, this bottle was not marked `poison,' so Alice ventured to taste it, and finding it very nice, (it had, in fact, a sort of mixed flavour of cherry-tart, custard, pine-apple, roast turkey, toffee, and hot buttered toast,) she very soon finished it off.

This is definitely a weird one. In the imp, I mostly get the buttery/gourmand notes -- not getting cherry or most of the other scent notes. After some time on, it does turn into something that's reminiscent of roasted meat. Super weird. It eventually fades, going back to a sort of buttery, sugary scent.

Edited by puellacaerulea

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My test is with a new imp from the lab.


To my nose, this is 100% buttered rum.  In the vial, wet, dry, hours later, it's just buttered rum.


I hope that this one changes as it ages, because right now it's like a PG-rated adaptation of Perversion.

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I went a little crazy and ordered a blind bottle of Drink Me. Luckily, my crazy self seems to know what I like, because this is cozily delicious! 

A fruity pineapple blast roars from the wet oil and then dives back into its den, pleased with its performance and ready to kick back and enjoy the rest of the show. Warm, rich and buttery pastry cradling delicately-spiced rum custard saunters forth and sings a song, both enchanting and comforting, to my quivering nostrils. A long-lasting song. A mouth-watering, I’m-hugging-myself, this-is-a-damn-good-day song. Every now and then, pineapple peeks out a bit to remind everyone of his big debut. 
It’s just the right balance, and I’m a huge fan. 
Holiday approved! 

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This is wonderfully foodie, but not spiced, for those who are looking for such things. In the imp, I'm getting the toffee and custard very strongly, with the cherry and pineapple in the background, along with a very strong buttery note. On my skin, this doesn't morph all that much. The pineapple gets a bit stronger, but this stays a butter-toffee-custard forward scent. I love the cherry in this, though it isn't very strong. It's more of a memory of a scent that an actual note. When I lift my wrist to my nose and sniff, I smell everything EXCEPT the cherry, but when I pull away, the note that lingers in the back of my nose/throat is the cherry. Honestly, this smells like butterbeer to me. 

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When I first applied this, it resembled a vanilla and fruity milkshake. After it being dry for a couple hours, it now has a buttery note and I can pick out the toffee. The toffee reminds me a little bit of booze. I recently tested Hot Buttered Rum, and this reminds me of that but without the spices. Thank god there wasn't a turkey note! :P


Definitely a interesting morpher, I like both versions! Compliments Eat Me well.

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Starts with a strong, sweet pineapple that suddenly moves over to a very unusual savory scent I can't place (could it really be turkey??). I think that background smell is too bizarre for me to wear this, sadly. Maybe could work if mixed with a caramel heavy scent. Lasts pretty long, average throw. 

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I absolutely I do smell the roast turkey (or some sort of glazed meat), along with the pineapple and toffee and buttery pastries. But the meat is like honey-glazed ham, so it strangely kinda works with the rest of the sweet notes. No cherry on me though. It's like eating a hawaiian pizza and washing it down with a salted caramel milkshake. Very foodie, very fascinating.

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Wet, this was a sweet gooey indulgent mess that couldn't decide what it wanted to be. As it dried, it settled on becoming a pineapple custard. It's very sweet and creamy with a hint of caramel, reminiscent of thick condensed milk or a flan. The pineapple is very prominent for me and it smells caramelized.


I could see this being a morpher so I'll probably try it again some other time. I like it but it is very sweet and rich so it's not really an everyday perfume.

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Today I put on an aged Drink Me and wondered why I'd ignored it so long. Without looking at notes I get apple cider, caramel, coconut, and butterscotch, but blended in the best way.


Looking at notes: okay yeah, there's the cherry that usually blends with the cider and occasionally rears its head as a medicinal smell. Otherwise, this is delicious. I could see pineapple being here too. Not my favorite fruit to smell, but hey. It doesn't stand in the way of the absolute cake party that is going on on my wrists.


TLDR: Cake party!

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From an imp: pineapple upside down cake, pleasant, upbeat, light. In the opening there are lots of interesting touches of really light currant, cherry, gold rum type hints. Emphasis on cake and pineapple juice, only slightly syrupy after initial application.


Not super artificial fruit smelling, which I appreciate. Also very light on caramel, butter, and dairy, which tends to not work on me. Recommended for pineapple lovers and people who want a gourmand cake smell that's not super in your face artificial foodie.


Definitely Captain Morgan and pineapple juice cocktail vibe :-0

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I tried this one on a few years ago when I first got the imp, and while I got the sweet fruity notes I also got some serious stuffing scent. Like straight up Mrs. Cubbison’s stuffing from a box, once the celery, onion and broth have been added but before baking. So I put it away and tried to forget about it. 

I drew it today and since I’m trying to stay committed to my challenge and not cheat I reluctantly opened the imp. Pineapple! And stuffing ?. But I couldn’t stop there so I had to dab a little on to give it a chance. The fruits all but disappeared and I may as well been wearing a life sized stuffing box. In addition to the cut veggie scent I was getting a really strong celery seed smell, and had my partner sniff my arm to make sure I wasn’t imagining things. He couldn’t smell the stuffing at all and said it smelled nice. Nevertheless, I had to wash it off. Don’t get me wrong, I do like stuffing, but just not on me. Swap pile it is. 

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This one goes way too sickly sweet on my skin for me. Makes me think of Yankee candle shop? I'm picking up vanilla cupcake with pine and fake cinnamon, maybe. This imp is headed for the pile to share with my sister - sweet doesn't seem to do such strange things on her!

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I’m not getting any turkey notes from this but upon first sniff it’s a yummy pineapple cupcake with marzipan buttercream frosting, and it’s strong. I only used a tiny dab on my skin after smelling the oil in the imp. I love foody scents, but I don’t know if I could slather this one. it might be one for the hair. 

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This surprisingly doesn't do much morphing on me. It opens with a bright pineapple note, which slowly recedes as the toffee and butter take over. There is also quite a bit of spice, and I have no idea where it's coming from. I tested both new and aged imps out of curiosity, and I didn't get turkey from either one, just pineapple and buttery toffee. 


Too sweet for me, but fun to test!

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Finally got an imp to try and it's delicious! Overall I can't really pick out any individual scents in the imp and freshly wet. It just smells yummy and foodie.

Dry I definitely get a butterscotch/toffee type of smell which is fantastic!

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