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Jinx Removing

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Use on the night of the new moon to banish the baneful effects of negativity directed at us on a daily basis: e.g., dirty looks, rude gestures, smarmy remarks. Banishes the residue of everyday F*ck Yous. Use in the bath, on self, and to dress white candles.

It is the new moon, and I need this badly. I collect and wear negativity from others like a horribly heavy cloak. I am, to put it simply, way too sensitive. Recently I heard that I was the subject of conversation by people I haven't spoken to in years, and the fact that they still bear me such anamosity really hurt. Other painful remarks, sometimes unintentionally so, have built up over the month.

This is one oil with a blueprint for use, and I am looking forward to a bath with white candles, myself and the bathwater annointed.
As I annoint candles with it, I am nearly knocked over by the fresh peppermint smell. I think my sinuses, as well as my aura, are likely to be cleared out.

So, to update... I lit a white candle annointed with this oil. The smell of peppermint patty (or "pattie", if it's a York) quickly filled my bathroom. I put a couple of drops into my bathwater, and then annointed my pulse points. I was surprised that with such a small amount in my bathwater I was actually getting somewhat of an icy sensation.
I tried to focus on relieving myself of the negative buildup from the past month.

The energy coming out of that oil is very... white. I do feel lighter. I wasn't able to focus on the intent of the oil as much as I wanted to in the tub though. (My husband came home, came in the bathroom, and we started chatting.)

ETA- A couple of weeks after using this I do feel like it gave me a fresh start and I have turned a corner in my moods. I do feel like the negativity was banished on that day. Edited by Shollin

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I used this last night. I'm pretty happy with it.


This is a nice, bracing peppermint; in fact just a few drops will do ya in the bathtub. I may have put in a couple too many, but it wasn't enough to be irritating. It was very minty and cool. I dressed a candle and burned it beside me in the tub, and then for the rest of the night, I let it burn until it went out (it was a tealight).


In the bath, I just relaxed and took deep breaths, imagining all the negative energy draining out of me and into the water. Then I drained the tub and stayed in until all the water was gone. Sitting there afterwards, I felt very light and cool. That might have had something to do with the natural effects of taking a bath and the peppermint evaporating off my skin :D . But it was somewhat stonger than that. I do believe this worked. I've used enough TALs now to know they're the real deal.


I felt quite good, very strong and replenished for the rest of the evening, and I think the effects still remain today. I still have half an imp left, but I think I'll be ordering a bottle; the way I've been going lately, this looks like it will become a regular ritual for me :P

Edited by Inanna9

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Jinx Removing seems pretty much like pure peppermint oil to me. Sort of like Lick It, only not quite as sweet. Unfortunately, I really do not like the smell of peppermint.

Edited by Little Bird

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In Bottle: Beautiful peppermint


On Skin: This is a fresh energizing peppermint, and it actually cools my skin. There’s a little tingling where I applied it. I should have tried this on the new moon, but I forgot, so I’m trying it today. There has been some recent unwarranted negativity in my life that I would like to send as far away as possible and I’m hoping this will help. I love that it completely clears my sinuses. I am usually not a fan of peppermint, but for some reason this scent just instantly uplifts me. My husband and I were arguing about money issues and as soon as I applied this I felt the stress just melt away. I am going to be trying this out again and I have a feeling this may be a new favorite.

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Well, I must say that this one really threw me for a loop. I have had great sucess with a number of the TAL oils, but most of them the effects are not nearly as immediate.


First off, this oil has a very pepperminty, menthol kind of smell and feel to it, both in the imp and during use.


I used this this morning, being the new moon and all, and brought my imp into the shower with me (I am not one to take baths often). Before washing I put a number of drops on a washcloth, and gave myslf a rubdown with it in the running water. After washing up completely I then poured about half of the imp into my palm and briskly rubbed myself down with it directly from my hands, then using the residual left on my hands to give my face and hair a good wipe, all the while focusing on washing away the negativity with the warm water pouring down on me. I finished up, and stepped out and grabbed a towel, and wrapped it around me, almost immediately feeling like I was freezing (this is not just peppermint, that is certain!). I stood there for a minute feeling frozen to the core in the near 90 degree heat, and dreading the thought of going into my air conditioned bedroom for clothing... I then had this weird electric like wave wash over me, and felt almost to be in a state of altered conciousness for just a split second. After this odd electric sensation passed, I started feeling warmth spread over me ever so slowly, and went to lie down on my bed for a moment, as I felt a bit out of sorts. Lying there, I got this warm, fuzzy kind of feeling, coupled with a numbing sensation throughout my body, almost like when a limb goes to sleep on you. Kind of stiff and numbing, but not unpleasant by any means. All of this passed within about 20 minutes, leaving me feeling quite refreshed.


One thing I noticed that was odd throughout the afternoon, however, is that it seems to have thrown my sense of taste out of whack. Everything I have eaten today tastes ever so slightly off... I do have a very strong sense of taste/smell, so I am not sure if someone else would notice this, but it did strike me as a bit odd.


This oil is really something else!

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this smells like herbal-peppermint in the imp. on my skin it curiously turns to a dry herbal-mint-floral, but i cannot place the florals in this at all. something dry and woody is in the background, rounding out the peppermint, that almost smells cocoa-y, but i cannot place it!

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I just want to say how awesome Jinx Removing is.


I rediscovered a little decant of it and since it said that this oil is to be used on the night of the new moon, I used it tonight. I didn't have time or enough oil to use in a bath, but I dabbed some on my chakras and visualised the accumulated negativity I get from day to day just flowing away, before dabbing the rest of the oil on a small tealight (a white candle, as per the instructions). The effect was instantaneous. I felt an incredible cooling tingle where I had applied the oil, but it was especially strong on my third eye. I know it's the peppermint (the oil has the smell of peppermint tea) but even a small dot of oil made my skin tingle intensely, and it was a pleasant feeling, it cleared my headache and also cleared my cluttered up mind. I now feel refreshed and rejuvenated. Amazingly powerful stuff.

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I have for the last 3 or 4 months used this pepperminty blend on or within about 2 days of the new moon as directed. I dab my chakras and use about 3 drops in the bath because I know how stimulating anything with peppermint can be in the bath.


I love this oil. I don't feel I have a lot of negativity sent my way during the month, but I definitely feel lighter after using this oil. I usually do some basic energetic clearing and my intent is to release not only the negative energy that is sent to me but also anything I am creating.


I have been using an imp from a decant circle, but I will definitely be purchasing a bottle when it runs out. It leaves me feeling like a new person.

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I just used this oil on a white tea light, and tonight is the night of a new moon where I am... it's a nice oil. First off, it's so minty, which I LOVE. The scent of it immediately made me think that this oil WAS going to wash away the negativity. I carved my name on the tealight, dabbed some oil on it, declared "Take negativity away from me" as I lit the candle and visualized this powerful beam of light on me quickly washing away icky bits on me and moving it so far away that I couldn't see them anymore.


Almost immediately after (this only took a minute or two), I felt much lighter. I'm planning to shower now and put this oil on my chakra points, I assume it'll amplify the effect even more.


Great oil. I got my imp from a decant circle so I think this will be a bottle buy in the future.

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Used this at the last new moon. Anointed a white candle which I burned during a bath into which I added sea salt and a couple drops of the oil. I did a cleansing meditation while soaking.


I'm still a White Light fan first and foremost, but I did really enjoy this informal ritual and plan to repeat it with this oil each month, if I can. Worth it to wash accumulated gunk away.

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Soooo much mint!


I've now tried Jinx Removing, and I think I'll make this little new moon ritual a part of my routine each cycle. I've had kind of a crappy month as far as tension and drama and heartache, and it was really nice to take a moment and affirm that I'm washing it off and starting over with the new cycle.


I'm not really a bath person, but I went topless for this ritual ;) and applied the oil to my shoulders and arms, which is where I tend to carry my tension, in sort of a "brushing dust off" motion, while saying that I was brushing all that stuff off like dust. Then I put some on a white candle and lit it.


I didn't expect to feel an immediate effect, but I did! First of all, it creates a tangible cooling sensation, but I also feel lighter now, maybe a little giggly. TAL is awesome!

Edited by lady_pandora

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I used Jinx Removing on myself and then on my bath. I anointed myself in Jinx Removing, and put in some in the bath water which was also scented with L'Eau du Chagrin BO which smells like relaxing lavender to me.


ETA: I think it smells minty and kinda herbal. I don't think I was struck by anything. It may have some lemongrass.


I remember concentrating on letting all the negativity drain away while in the tub. As the water drained, I used the water to "wash myself" envisioning that it was taking away whatever was dulling my inner shine. To complete, I took a quick shower to rinse everything away.


I remember feeling lighter and more refreshed after the shower. Cleaner too, in a less cluttered, sense. Post-bath I anointed myself with some White Light.


We'll see how this month goes, but I can totally see doing this every month as part of a "better care of yourself" regime.

Edited by zankoku_zen

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I really do feel refreshed for using this. I've mixed it up in combo with White Light over the last couple of days and it's been great in a diffuser and as a cleansing spray as part of my "fuck you and good riddance 2016" workings as well as in the bath.


I wore it alone on my wrists today too, it's a lovely rose scent on me with just the faintest hint of citrus. Which seems completely different to what others have got from it, but suits me perfectly as I love roses. Will definitely stick to using this every new moon as a top-up.

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I love the scent, which is bright and pretty, and I love the act of anointing candles with this on the new moon. A simple basic ritual when I'm overwhelmed with other demands, or made more elaborate as needed/desired. Afterwards everything not only feels cleaner, but also brighter, happier, sweeter. Gentle in nature but with profound effect. ?

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