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Golden vanilla and gilded musk, stargazer lily, white sandalwood, grey amber, elemi, orris root, ambergris and sea moss.

Lyonesse was an imp that I ordered in my last BPAL order since it sounded so interesting (I really like vanilla smells). I had completely forgotten this had a stargazer lily note to it, but that has piqued my interest; I think stargazer lilies are cool, but they smell STRONG and I wouldn't be able to have any in the house whether I'm feeling cool with the scent or not since they're toxic to cats. There are several notes I've never smelled before, so I guess we'll see what I think and what familiar things I can parse out.


In Bottle: I'm detecting a lot of things. In the bottle, this is sweet for sure. I think I'm getting vanilla, musk, stargazer lily, and maybe also the sea moss. I think, other than the sweetness, I could also describe this as floral and herbal.


Wet on Skin: On my skin, I think I'm getting more of the stargazer lily. Maybe also some background musk? I feel like the notes are swirling around a bit, so this is coming off as a morpher to me. I kind of want to say the scent has become somewhat aquatic? Maybe that has to do with the sea moss. Like I wrote before, I don't know all of these notes.


Approx. 2 Hours Later: I think this became vanilla and musk-centric, with other notes still lingering. The scent reminds me of one of the Crimson Peak atmo sprays (The Golden Hour) though I never had the chance to check out the perfume incarnation of that one. Admittedly, this isn't as powdery as the version of The Golden Hour I have.




I really like this first impression. It's not too sweet and the different notes have me puzzled in a good way. Trying this also makes me feel more confident that a stargazer lily note will not necessarily drown out everything else. I'll see how I like the imp as I continue to use it (in rotation with the others I have; I may need to pare down the selection later).

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This was a frimp I would never have gone for myself, wary as I am of sandalwood, but which actually turned out to be quite lovely and the morphiest BPAL I've tried yet.


Immediately upon application: I was blown away by how different this was from what I smelled in the imp. Rich and creamy but not overly sweet, vanilla and amber and what might be the orris, though that's not a note I'm very familiar with. No sandalwood, thank god. At this stage it makes me think of white chocolate??


A few minutes later: Ah. There's the lily, and the sea moss has shown up to cheer it on. Veeeery floral, in a not altogether pleasant way. I don't think I've ever tried a lily scent before, it's not really my style, but looks like this might be a note that amps on me, like jasmine. :/


After about half an hour it's settled down, and doesn't change any more over the next few hours before I fall asleep. The soapy floral/aquatic is still dominant, but the white chocolate reappears, if only to lurk in the background (it's actually more noticeable from a distance than when I put my nose to my arm). The white sandalwood is gentle, just rounding out the blend and never turning sour on my skin. I wouldn't say the lily ruins this for me, it's still a wonderful complex and intriguing scent and I'll be keeping the imp for now at least while I decide if it's something I'd actually wear, but I wish the other notes were given more of a chance to shine. 7/10

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I'll admit that before this perfume I had no clue what ambergris smelled like. After looking it up I'm pretty sure that's what's making this scent so interesting for me--there's a soft, almost-salty resinous note tying everything together that's absolutely amazing. I get a lot of vanilla and muskiness, with a shockingly-behaving amber note and a deep salty-mossy base. I don't get a lot of sandalwood out of this, but I'm not too upset because it's lovely as-is. To me this is nicely balanced between being overly cool or warm; it's sort of beachy, but in a "sunny spring day with a breeze" way rather than a summery way. This is unlike anything I've ever smelled and I definitely need a bottle.

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Lyonesse is a warm, well balanced oil. Echoing other reviews. Yes-this is a 'golden' scent.


I feel it is so well balanced, that it is difficult to pry the notes apart. But, I get mostly soft ambers, swirled with vanilla over the backdrop of musk, and a sweetness that rounds it all out, without being cloying. The dry down is the most pleasing to me, because wet this oil can be a little strong.

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In the Bottle: Light, sweet, very light salty vanilla


Wet: Mmm this is a beautiful oceany gourmand vanilla musk. It smells like rich, creamy and musky sweet vanilla orchid with salt from the seaside licking around it. It’s so gloriously pale light, creamy, foamy golden in olfactory colour.


Drydown: The muskiness from this is astounding, it almost reminds me of Antique Lace and Regan (heavier parts of Regan) blended together with an added oceanic salted element. It emphasises the rich and sweet characteristics of the vanilla but also keeps it from venturing too far into gourmand territory. It’s seriously glorious stuff. The oceanic , slightly salty and atmospheric ozone nature of the sea moss and ambergris are a little sharp on me, but tangs up the blend the way salted caramel tangs up the taste buds. It’s utterly beautiful. I never thought I could appreciate a salty vanilla- but the salt is more of a salty sweet mist, wafting around the blend, rather than a big lump of salt lick just randomly dumped it. Such a masterful, atmospheric blend.


TL;DR: salty sweet sea mist and musky rich, sweet orchid vanille.

Edited by celestia

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This to me is one of the most beautiful Black Phoenix oils I've tried. It's not me at all, unfortunately, I wished my personality matched this! But for others I think it's so perfect. It reminds me very much of Dorian, although it's been years since I've tried Dorian, so correct me if I'm wrong... Either way I just wanted to show my love for it, especially with Dorian being out of stock.

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My imp of this is at least a decade old, so keep that in mind.


Lyonesse is mostly vanilla and sandalwood on me. The florals at most add a touch of sweetness to the far background but are barely there. I do actually get a bit of the sea moss though, adding just a touch of damp greenness to the background, making this feel vaguely seaside-y, but just a touch.


Overall I actually really enjoyed this one mostly for the vanilla and sandalwood. I'm curious to try a fresh imp of it before springing for a big bottle though.

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Oh my. The golden vanilla and musk meld beautiful with the ambergris that my skin amps. So largely this is a warm, vanillic salty skin scent on me. I catch just hints of the sea moss occasionally making this a lovely non-traditional beach scent. Will need more.

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I opted to give this a shot because I'm still trying to narrow down which florals are migraine-safe for me, plus anything sandalwood-vanilla is something I gotta try (especially with amber/ambergris)!


In the imp: sweet florals and salty ambergris


Wet: Ooh, beachy aquatic. The florals are very prominent and I'm a bit concerned as they're pushing it a bit too commercial-perfume for my taste. That's the orris doing that, I presume. Behind that is the sandalwood, moss, and ambergris, with the vanilla and musk coating it all in a creamy soft glow. I'm having several scent associations at once: a small beach in Gloucester, MA; older, more sophisticated relatives visiting from Rhode Island; a Neutrogena sunscreen sample that smelled strongly of lily. Very summery, very coastal, very feminine.


Dry: Unfortunately, the sandalwood has gone MIA in short order, and the florals are really getting to my head in a bad way. Ah well, at least it's a winner for plenty of other folks. Time to add lily to my 'nope' list.

Edited by Juliamon

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In the imp: The soapiness I associate with Lab aquatic scents, plus florals. Sniffing again, I can also detect the vanilla and maybe the sandalwood and/or moss. 


On my skin:


(First, full disclaimer: the imp wand was acting abnormally, so I ended up just imp-slathering this on my skin.)


Wet, the soapiness dies down, and the aquatic-like scent becomes moss and musk. Unfortunately, the vanilla goes into hiding. 


As it dries, I can start to pick out the sandalwood, elemi, and ambergris. I can't pick out either the vanilla or the lily independently, but some sweet note is acting to keep this from being an overly dry or harsh blend. 


Oh, dang. After about 45 minutes, the soapiness comes back. 


It was an interesting run while it lasted. 



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Vanilla underscored by sandalwood, amber, lily, and musk, contrasted by the fizzy aquatic combo of elemi, orris, ambergris, and moss.

Honestly, this smells like Bath & Body works in the summer.

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Lyonesse is a perfectly blended, non-sweet vanilla/musk/sandalwood with an oceanic undertone that unfortunately gives me a little bit of pre-migraine queasiness. It's probably the orris root, the sea moss, or the ambergris that's affecting me.


When I tested it on my wrists, I found it so gorgeous that I ambitiously slathered it on my collarbone area. Rather than wash it off completely, I tried rubbing some jojoba oil on it and wiping it off. That left just enough of the musk, vanilla, and sandalwood, which are the notes that made me try it in the first place. I'm going to try wearing it only on my wrists to see if that mitigates the problem, because the jojoba trick would be wasteful and I don't want to give up on something that smells so good.


While I was wearing it, though, I had the impression that it would be an ideal thing to wear when I want to feel sophisticated without wearing something overpowering. It could be equally good for work or date nights. This would be a great scent to use if you're trying to enable someone who's never strayed from commercial perfumes. 😄

Edited by boomtownrat

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This, uh . . . smells like sea salt on me. :D I'm assuming that's the ambergris and/or sea moss? I get a faint whiff of vanilla once it's dry, but I'm not sure where the lilies are. It's not un-pretty, but I'm hoping everything will blend a bit more as it ages (my imp is brand new).

ETA: On my second try, this turned out quite nice! The vanilla came out more and balanced the saltiness. I think the note that was confusing my nose was actually the elemi (citrus-y), but yeah, very pretty scent overall.

Edited by feyofthefellwood

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This one shifts on me!  I started out not liking it at all- probably the musk, that's very unpredictable on my skin- but it's settled down into a wonderful golden vanilla.  I'll have to keep the sample around for whenever I'm doing any Arthurian writing!

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I thought I came back to BPAL from a ten year hiatus simply to sell off bottles from old stash that I simply haven't worn enough of over the years. (Un)fortunately, that was easier said than done and I ended up re-ordering a few old standbys that I long ago ran out of. Lyonesse was an early, outlier favorite from like... 2011ish... and upon receiving a fresh bottle, I've fallen all over again.


Lyonesse is at her core the watery, saltiness of the sea, but enriched by a creamy, warm glow. Like a mythical hazy fog or warm sunset covering the ocean. She's unique without being jarring or offensive, light without losing her distinctiveness. She evokes a sweet nostalgia.


I've never really had a signature scent, never committed to any one blend as "mine." But I have no doubt anymore-- Lyonesse is my true love scent and I'll never be without her again. I know what I'll be wearing at my wedding.

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Lyonesse is a gorgeous ambergris-heavy scent. It’s sweet and perfumey. It’s a syrupy, yet a bit like clean sweat.

I’ve been working detecting ambergris recently, as I was never sure the effect it gave scents. This is a fabulous one that showcases the sea amber. Salty musky and clean sweetness... I’m repeating myself a bit..  I like it! The sea moss actually shows up in the late drydown, the lily must be helping sweeten up the scent with vanilla. I detected the sandalwood at one point, though it’s not crazy obvious. 
I’m glad to actually give the time to wear this shining sea glory! I think it’s a great summer dress-up scent. Feminine and classy sexy, in a nonchalant, breezy manner. Makes me want to don a white sun dress and a straw hat! 

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Oh no oh no I have been totally blindsided by love! I usually go for really dark, typically gothy or hippie scents. This doesn’t strike me as either. It makes me feel feminine and lovely and strong, like looking at an Easter Sunday photograph of my dear grandmother when she was 25, looking hard-eyed into the camera gripping her children’s shoulders fiercely with her delicate white gloves. Feminine but fierce and just...gorgeous. I can feel this as gorgeously fitting for a sea-salted nosegay, à la Judy Collins’ Albatross. I can imagine a woman walking along tide pools, wind tossing this smell around her lovely hair. Its so timeless...let me explain. 

In the imp I mostly smelled vanilla and sea moss.

Wet, the sea notes and musk remind me of the complex musks of yore, something on an antique vanity that no one knows the name of and no doubt can’t be found...and even if a bottle could be found, it wouldn’t smell just the same as this mysterious bottle no one can name. 
Dry, the sea notes become more warm and blend with the other notes into something less sharp, the musks round out...finally I can say it feels like a vanilla scent. It was always there, but in this blend it isn’t foody, or sweetening up patchouli. It’s rounding out an extremely nostalgic musk. I haven’t had the pleasure of enjoying this kind of musk in a LONG time. I’m new to BPAL, so I’m hoping this musk is in many other blends. It’s a long lost lover to me, and it makes me feel classy and gorgeous in a way I usually simply don’t. Thank you so much Beth! 

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a very pretty, feminine scent. not cloying or overly sweet, but definitely sweet. very soapy smelling, i believe that would be the ambergris?
i hardly get any sandalwood, but the vanilla and oakmoss come through during the drydown. the salt is ever present.

overall, i like it. very summer appropriate.
if this were a color, it would be light yellow with a flash of gold.

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This was a straight-up generic aquatic scent bordering on stale perfume. I didn't smell any vanilla in this but I think I got an idea of the lily which I don't necessarily get along with. At least here. 


Reading the reviews I can definitely second that it's soapy smelling. 


I didn't like this at all and washed it off because it was giving me a head-ache. 

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i received an imp of lyonesse in a secondhand purchase from someone, and i decided to test it. it’s been on my want list so happy to get the chance, and even fresh out of the mailbox i can see why it seems to be such a popular scent! two swipes from the wand are enough to create a test patch with serious throw and this is phenomenally gorgeous. very much a perfumey blend the way everything blends so seamlessly.


to me the vanilla and lilies are the stand outs but it’s more the vibe of them than actually being able to pick them out of the blend. they give it a clean, cologne sort of vibe, but they temper each other to keep lyonesse from becoming a pure soap or axe body spray type of scent. definitely agree with above descriptions of woody, but like a huskiness rather than in a wood shavings way; more like that with a bit of saltiness from the ambergris combine to give it a sort of aquatic driftwood vibe.


the aquatic nature keeps this from being something i would want a full bottle of so i’m glad to have a sample size. even still i can definitely see why this is so well loved and looking forward to future tests after letting the imp settle and age!

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I can't believe I haven't reviewed this yet.

It's a white, soapy and floral scent, but there is a sweetly sour tone underneath that remind me of pickle juice - very off-putting.

There is also a spicy dryness to the scent that reminds me of those undesired pencil shavings.

I get why this is an aquatic, and I remember that those never seem to work on me.

I don't really get any vanilla or warm golden glow.

It's mossy and murky and... just ends up being pickle juice mostly.

I'm very sad it's not working on me.

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Oo I really like Lyonnese. Its a full size candidate for sure. While it has vanilla its not a strong vanilla, its only giving it a soft warmness to the scent. Its also not a foody vanilla, being more of the floral type in my opinion. The lilies are prominent and pretty but in the first imp I bought they were a bit too much, however in a second imp I received they were more toned down (may be it was older?) and I got more of the moss and ambergris which are two of my favorite notes ever. I don't feel like this is a very aquatic scent, I find it more of a mossy almost cologney type scent.

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2024 version. Lyonesse has changed so much since it was first released. I used to really like the fragrance, but the sweet, creamy vanilla and subtle, golden amber are nonexistent now. It's a clean, plasticy scent to me now, a barely there sense of clean, powdery musk and an undertone of super plasticy vanilla that I don't find pleasant at all. It starts off subtle and then disappears very quickly. It's an extremely pale shadow of what it once was.

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I avoided this because BPAL vanilla tends to go plastic, lily tends to amp too much, and orris is a death note.  However, this blend works.  Mostly.  It turns into a very delicate a gentle powdery scent, neither baby nor old-lady.  Soft and lovely.  It does not have enough personality to make it a favorite, but it is very wearable.  Could be good for layering.

Edited by Lit Chick

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I bought an imp of this a year ago when I was seeking scents for summertime, as all my fall and winter favorites were feeling too heavy. I've become really enamored of Lyonesse. I love ambers in general, and this one is lightened and softened so nicely by the vanilla and the sandalwood. The lily isn't a heavy one like some of them can be, which is nice. I also feel like the ambergris adds just a hint of aquatic sharpness. All in all, this is one of those lovely blends that's more than the sum of its parts. If it were a color, it would be grey-gold, the color of the light when the sun is peeking out from a clouded sky. 

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