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...The scent of black smoke, of crackling flames, and smoldering ashes.

Wet this was all acrid smoke. Harsh vetiver. But dry, I do get the smoky cola vibes. Very interesting, but not for me.

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In the Imp- slightly acrid cologne-y-ness with a hint of lighter fluid.
Freshly Applied - Once on my skin, Djinn smells like charcoal doused in lighter fluid, but, like, in a good way. It doesn't smell scorched/burnt so much as it does flammable. My father has a big, old cast-iron charcoal grill that used to belong to my grandfather, and the wet stage of Djinn reminds me of that metal barbecue grill just waiting to be set alight. Something in this tingles in my nose slightly, like of combination of something acrid/something medicinal (maybe menthol?) which I think is what's giving my the lighter fluid impression. As it dries on my skin it goes from charcoal to slightly-medicinal without losing the flammable aspect, and there's a note of something almost fruity beneath it, and maybe a bit soapy (ozone?). This is not the face-full of gritty-smokey vetiver I was expecting, unless it's one of the more barbecue-like vetivers.
Five-Ten Minutes In - Barbecue-type vetiver, hint of something fruity, wood? (the lighter fluid aspect is now just the faintest hint). Something about it makes me think of mesquite-applewood smoke. I could eat something cooked with/cooked over this. If Smokestack is a lumberjack's campfire smoke, Djinn is the fruity charcoal you're getting ready to smoke meat over. This is actually a really good scent for a cold, drizzle-y winter day, like a whiff of Fourth of July barbecues in the middle of January. Djinn is prepared to handle all your summer cookout needs.

A Hour+ In - As the drydown progresses, the acrid/smokey notes fade and the fruity aspect gets stronger. It reminds me a lot of the fruity note that dominated Christougenniatiko Dentrophobia on me (opoponax?), except I like Djinn better, probably because of the vetiver. I'm a fiend for vetiver.

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The opening of this one is a lot. I almost washed it off, but now that it's settled I'm glad I didn't. BPAL's fire scents seem to be my newest surprise favorite thing. It starts with a huge blast of bitter smoke and blackened wood, which I was unprepared for even though I read the notes and reviews in advance. It's very strong. Over time it warms and gets much less bitter--I can't pick out the notes here but the best way I can describe it is that it goes from smelling like death to smelling like life. I would honestly not know the difference if they renamed this one "Phoenix," because that's what it reminds me of. In the final drydown there's still a curl of dark smoke, plus some of the warmth from the middle (fruit? resin? wood? I'm not sure). I don't know how much I would wear this because of that opening, but this is an amazing scent for how it develops.

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From the imp I'm getting a very smokestack (when wet) vibe from this. Very heavy. There's something sweet in it that I can't put my finger on it, and something ever so slightly salty (vetiver?). Maybe just a tad of wood in here?
Certainly interesting, and atmospheric, but I don't want to smell for this. Might be great for someone who loves smoke-y things though. n_n

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I get a surprisingly sweet experience from Djinn. It is kind of smoky, but it's by a sweet wood or incense. It isn't really strong on me, and that's kind of a shame. It's a very simple perfume, but I like it quite a bit.

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I actually quite like this on drydown. Wet, it's a massive kick to your nostrils blast of smoke and vetiver. But later this rather sweet pine or wood comes out and makes it much more wearable.


I love the smell of woodsmoke and campfire and often find the lab's bonfire notes too smokey - but this is doable.


It's something I'd never reach for but would smell awesome on the right person.

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Djinn was a bust for me, unfortunately. In the imp it's all sharp woodsmoke, which I was really excited about. But the second it hits my skin it turns into salt and soap. And then stays that way. For hours. I guess I don't play well with vetiver?

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Djinn is very acrid and smoky on wet, but it strikes me as a red acrid scent where something like Smokestack is a black acrid scent. I don't care for the wet phase, but dry it is wearable, a sharp gingery incense. I'm going to have to test it one more time to see if the drydown is worth living through the wet phase, but if you like interesting and smoky scents, you should definitely try this.

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In the imp: This smells like smoke, ash, spice (probably the crackling flames) and eucalyptus to my nose.


Wet: I get the same on my skin. There's lots of smoke (probably vetiver), ash, spice (maybe cassia or red ginger), and eucalyptus. Sometimes I get more smoke and ash from this (I'm thinking tobacco may be contributing to this feel as well), sometimes more spice, and sometimes, more eucalyptus (or is that menthol?). It's smoky, spicy, and minty on me, all at once.


Dry: Ginger, menthol, maybe some pine, and possibly opoponax? Definitely getting a cola-like, resinous vibe.


After a while, it smells even more like cola than it did before (and there's a clean vibe to the scent).


Verdict: This one is a pleasant surprise (and an interesting scent experience)! I actually thought this would be one of those BBQ vetiver scents on me, but it wasn't. I think I'll hang on to this one.

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I get cold air, BBQ smoke vetiver with a hint of cola. This is a harsh deep dark scent. A surprising capture in a little vial.


This would work on a chilly night outdoors, going camping, or going on a hay ride or through a corn maze. It's not something I would want to wear indoors unless in a cabin in the middle of the woods, in late fall or in winter. There's something solitary about this scent.

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Wet: Smoke and ashes, with something sour. Agreeing with previous reviewers -- I think vetiver is in here.


Dry: Less smoke, and more of that sour smell. So... sour-smelling smoke and ashes.


It's interesting, but not for me.

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A sweeter version of Brimstone. Smoke and vetiver, which is a big meh for me. The vetiver in this does not, thankfully, reach the death-note stage.

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In the imp: Smokey vetiver. 


On my skin:


Wet, it's the same smokey vetiver. As it dries, there is something with a sharper smoke note than I get from the vetiver. It keeps making me want to sneeze whenever I sniff it. 


Once it dries, it stays steadily smoke and ash, almost acrid. Does well at what its scent description conjures though I'm not sure that it's a wearable perfume on me. 

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I've had my imp for a while and thought it was about time I did a review.

Interesting scent! I loooove the concept. My boyfriend always calls me a Djinn because I have lots of different skills. I'd love to have made this my signature scent but I think it's too out there to wear everyday. I love randomly putting it on when I'm at home though, it's so evocative.


Wet on skin: scorched and acrid with something underneath which I can't put my finger on. Tlas time goes on there is almost a citrusy cleaning product type smell to this, which oddly isn't unpleasant. 

It smells so acrid it's incredible. 

Drydown: this fades quite fast on my skin, after 45 minutes it's barely lingering. The word that comes to my mind is 'sinister' when I sniff this one. 

 Dry: barely detectable anymore. I get a faint whiff of it now and then. It still has that sinister, scorched scent with something lingering underneath. Something sharp and peppery. 


I'll keep the imp but I don't think I'll get a bottle of this. I think it would be great on a guy. Someone who could really pull it off. 



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Initial blast of fresh strong green bay, ginger, lemongrass. A little prickly camphor-cinnamon, sweetness. I can't distinguish balsams and resins very well, but there's a nice light 

musky dry down.


I don't smell any smoke or pepper. Though it is "incensy" and masc, but easily could be gender neutral.  Not even close to the smokiest bpal scent (no bbq) I've smelled. No vetiver, no patch, no identifiable woods. Also, no Christmas candle spice potpourri! I had a very different experience than other reviews, but tested 2 imps, one new and an older one and they were both identical. 


Similar scent to aureus (again my olfactory memory is not at all reliable). Light cozy after a meteoric opening. 


When I queried my bf, he said it smelled "sweet". Pleasant! Wild, unique, intense, bold, refreshing, cinna-sweet then soft... Highly recommended! Smells like the leaves and trees and grasses I gather on hikes in nor cal

Edited by Supertrooper Omni

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Testing a frimp fresh from the lab: 

Fresh vetiver and bay hit right away, but then it starts to warm up a touch with something cinnamon/resin. I get something faintly smoldering if I really concentrate? But this is much colder than I expected. Huh. 

I get cold cinnamon in the drydown. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I mean, it's nice. Certainly nicer than the red hot candy cinnamon I've gotten from other scents. Don't think I'd order a bottle though.  

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Strangely, this smells to me of lemon, ginger, and the aftermath of a campfire.  Something more than just smoke and soot.  There's also something woody in there, which sometimes makes me think of cedar, and sometimes of pine.

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2022 lab freebie.


In the imp: Blackened camphor-laurel and a blast of smoke.


Wet: The crunchy dried leaves from October smothered in camphor and charcoal, mint (or eucalypt perhaps?), and sage.

Dry: Smoke, brimstone, ash, which vanishes without a trace.


4-6 hour lifespan with a bizarrely mild throw for a fragrance with so much darkness about it.

Stars: ★★★★

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My husband was watching me sort through my imps, saw Hellfire, and wanted to give it a try. He told me he was looking for a dark smoke and fire scent, and having just input Djinn's notes into my spreadsheet, I had him try it out. Holy hell, it is gorgeous on his skin! It's very ash and smoldering fire forward, but there's a hint of dark sweetness in the background (maybe plum?). There's something woody there too. It smells sinister and powerful, and I cannot stop sniffing him when he wears it! I'll be adding this to my wishlist for him, because I want to smell that all night ?


So imagine my disappointment when I tried it on, and it started off smelling like coca cola and ashes, but dried down and turned to soap. Some people have all the luck.

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This threw me! I was expecting burning burnt burn fire smoke and all things like that. Which is does have, there’s definitely a smoky quality. But it’s cut through with something else. It’s in equal parts spicy, Smokey and myrrh

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Initial thoughts: This opens super lemony with a little smoke, which gives way to a sparkling resin accord. The smoke and resins have a little tug of war, but the resins ultimately win out. Not sure what is at play here, maybe frankincense, opoponax, and myrrh? It has tha cola quality but also a real brightness, and at moments there is also a pronounced vanillic aspect. I will definitely be wearing this for a full day test at some point. 

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