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Green Tree Viper

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Snake Oil with four mints, bergamot, and green tea.


In the imp, a fresh scent from the bergamot and tea notes, over the syrupy sweetness of the vanilla. Yes, this is green.


Very fresh Snake Oil often has an almost camphor-like sharpness to it, and so does Green Tree Viper when it is first applied. I think the bergamot and mint, which can both be sharp notes, are strengthening that effect.


That sharpness smooths out pretty quickly, though, and I’m left with the lightness of the tea, the mint, and the bergamot swirled with the vanilla of Snake Oil. In this blend the vanilla is noticeably more prominent than the spices.


I love tea, citrus and mint notes for warm weather, so I was almost sure this would be a winner. I wish it were a little stronger, but I think aging will take care of that. Green Tree Viper is a perfect summer Snake Oil blend.

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The mint and green tea are the clear standouts on my skin. I like the smell of snake oil, but I find it a little too much for everyday wear, so I was really hoping one of these Snake Pit blends would tone it down enough for me to get that vibe without overwhelming the people in my office. I think this smells really fresh and zingy. I think I like it, but I don't know that I LOVE it. I'll probably try it a few more times and see how I feel in it all day.


Where I'd wear it: A sunny, outdoor summer festival

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It reminds me of pillow mints, but with a Snake Oil support. It's a pretty sweet mint combination with maybe a breath of tea, but the Snake Oil almost corrupts it. It isn't a bad thing, but it does take a pretty cheerful and perky mint and twists it a bit. The spices linger the most after a few hours of wear. Most of the mint is worn down and there's just a chilled breath of spiced tea left over.

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2016 version review


Mint tea and a snake oil base. I wish the mint stuck around, but its definitely minty tea. Vanilla mint tea. Good throw and wear length.

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Welcome to Womanz Sniff Report. <-- BF'ss idea. ❤️


Whoa this is sweet almost cookie like in the bottle! Like a vanilla cookie with Andes candies. It takes a few interesting twists and turns on the skin, slithering from sweet vanilla and mint (not toothpastey) too a final little ferny green, soft nest with the vanilla snek receding into the forest. It reminds me of a little green jewel with soft facets. Very intriguing and pretty and bright, morphs a ton but I like each stage. Not sure if it is really me, but I'll keep it around for now and see if age brings out the sweet snek more in the drydown. 🐍


Edited by RoseThornAndOak

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In Bottle: I get a confusing concoction of mint, bergamot, and vanilla that almost comes off as floral and is somewhat unpleasant.


Wet On Skin: It’s still very strong mint but with a heavy undertone of vanilla. I’m not sure if it’s still unpleasant but it’s also not a pleasant scent.


Dry on Skin: The mint has mellowed but is still the most prominent scent. I’m now getting a hint of green tea mixed with bergamot and vanilla under the mint. These scents don’t seem to be blending very well right now, everything seems disjointed and separate instead of mixing like most of the perfumes I have from BPAL.


Aged: Still a lot of mint. This has not rested well on me at all, I’m a little bummed about that too cause I really wanted to like it. I guess it’ll go into the rehome box.

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In the imp: Tea-laden Snake Oil, and the tiniest whiff of sweet mint.


Wet: Earl grey tea with vanilla, not unlike Dorian but with a richer and warmer undertone, and a dash of spearmint. 


Dry: The tea fades away gradually to leave a rich, thick vanilla. Medium throw, average lifespan. Benefits from aging. 


Stars: ★★★½

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I wasn't sure how mint or green tea notes would work on my skin, so I was happy to pick up a second-hand partial. It's dated from 2017.


I have absolutely no idea what Snake Oil smells like since I'm relatively new to all this + it was out of stock when I made my first lab purchase. 


GTV is vaguely minty in the bottle and on me, it is rather medicinal. It is a very herbal smell with vague hints of vanilla. But not fresh herbs, dried herbs. It reminds me of the expired matcha in my cupboard. No longer bright green  and grassy, but a dull, drab green that manages to do the job even if it's nothing to write home about. This is nice enough to keep and use, but unless it does something amazing in the next year, I'll be fine with only having a partial. 

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snake oil iced tea


goes on super minty, though the mint burns off pretty quickly.  as is its wont.  but it leaves behind a freshness, giving a lot of lift to a smoothly herbal snake oil-lite.  i catch the vanilla and a tad of the spice from snake oil, but really none of the musk.  this is fantastic for summer. i see myself reaching for this quite often as the thermometer pops 3-digits 

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I was hesitant to try this one because I could not get my head around how on earth mint would work with Snake Oil. But this is why I am not a perfumer! So I took the leap to trust the artist and I'm happy I did. Vanilla mint is a lovely combo. I'm a big fan of Alisz, but this blend has fangs instead of rosy cotton candy. I'm getting a minty bergamot bite gently softened by vanilla, with a slinky slithery snake oil backdrop. The bright green notes fade as the oil dries and Green Tree Viper becomes positively comfy. 

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Reviewing an aged imp. This is a light, cooling scent. The vegetal earthiness of snake oil isn’t present. In the early stages, the throw is occasional breezes of barely-minted vanilla with the coolness of green tea. 6 hours later I’m still getting cool, green-tinged vanilla wafts. 

My only issue with this is that I would like to be drowned in this lovely scent, not just teased by its gorgeousness. On the flip side, I’m impressed by the longevity, and these poofs are like tiny gifts throughout the day. 

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This is one I've had my eye on forever but couldn't see how the mint was going to work with the rich spiciness of Snake Oil - but it does! First on it is nearly all mint, there's a soft sweet mintiness as well as a bracing cool mint. There is a bit of green tea and the rich vanilla of SO just peaking out. As it settles it is less 'cold' minty, more fresh and green. The vanilla and spice just sort of grounds all the freshness. Vanilla mint tea.

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