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A chilly, bright perfume: flurries of virgin snow, crisp winter wind and the faintest breath of night-blooming flowers.


This is straight up baby wipes on me. I hoped it would transform into the beautiful sweet goodness Id imagined it would be, but no. It's just got worse, every time I get a whiff it feels like a baby wipe is stuck in my throat . Nope

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This one started a little play-dohy on me but that went away and now it reminds me a lot of Lush's old shampoo bar Trichommania

It smells coconutty and a little fresh yet powdery, it threatens to go a little plastic on me but hasn't yet

I'll see how this one ages, right now I'm not a huge fan but I also don't dislike it


edit: scratch that, it went full plastic-y on me, noooo


double edit: I've let it age some and the plastic-y went away AND a greenness came out that makes this lovely...it's now a keeper!

Edited by Spaztic

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I will start off by saying that Snow White 2008 is my very favorite version, my love. Snow White 2017 is so much like 2008 and I'm so excited!

Snow White is all soft sweet snow, a touch of cold florals, and an absolutely gorgeous vanilla. The vanilla is a teensy bit stronger in the 2017 version, with a hint of greens that I don't detect in the SW 2008. All in all it is an awesome addition to the Snow White family and is right up there with my beloved 2008. If you are debating about trying this scent, or this incarnation, do it! It's beautiful!

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I had a bottle of one of the original iterations (back in the cobalt bottle) that I paid a ridiculous sum for because it was HTF, but when I got into BPAL it blew me away so much in the sniffie someone gave me, I had to have it. It was worth it--I adored it, and then perimenopause hit; I'd never smelled anything but snow and that faint hint of florals, so to finally understand what people meant by "plastic" was so devastating. I finally swapped my bottle away, broken-hearted. After a while, I'd see it show up on the Yules each year, and think about trying it again, but menopause has changed my chemistry so much it didn't seem worth it.


With two fragrances making a reappearance this year I wanted, I figured I'd try again, and I'm so glad I did. In the bottle, it's the snow and flowers I remember. When I put it on, I thought oh no, plastic again. That was stupid to try. And then on dry-down, it morphs into the coconut smell, which I'd never smelled before. And then about 15 minutes later, it's settled into snow. I'm so, so happy.


It has an intense throw to me that my original bottle didn't, and it lasts all day on my skin, even longer on my clothing where it touches. In fact, I still have yesterday's on my cuffs and collar! As much as I miss the beautiful cobalt bottle, I'm so glad to have almost the same Snow White as the first one I fell in love with, and that I can wear it once more. This is such a beautiful scent.

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This is for the 2017 version.

In the bottle: Sweet snow, with just a touch of coconut

Wet: Now the florals arrive, more green stems than flower petals

The dry-down: As it dries, Snow White's notes blend into a sum that's greater than the whole of its parts. There's the sweet snow, but tempered by the green florals, and mixing with the coconut. (I know coconut isn't listed, but I sniff it each year that I try Snow White.) It's always lovely, but always a little different each year.

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2017 version, applied in 83-degree F dry heat


In the Decant: Sweet florals, ozonic.


Wet: Weak white florals, a bit of almond and coconut, still very ozonic. Bit of a dryer-sheet quality to it.


Dry-down: Kind of like when you get out of the swimming pool and your nose is full of chlorine. Something like that. Also, getting that pineapple that others have noted, but it's not overly sweet. Powdery and atmospheric yet sharp if you get a good sniff. I would say Snow White's primary quality is ozonic.



I'd like to try this out when it's actually cold outside, because that's probably its intended use. Low throw, even in this heat and after a sweaty walk through my neighborhood, but good longevity.

Edited by RedPersimmon

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2010 version.


This is pretty! In the bottle it’s creamy, coconutty floral with some hint of chill. I don’t need much of this in order to smell myself. Wet, I can understand why people think “plastic”. I think that’s the coldness or the snow spooking before drying down and morphing into actual snow or coldness. . To me it’s cold, creamy, not really floral (I have to say that I’m not familiar with florals, so I’m not sure but I can picture pale flowers). Just delicious and I’m not sure as to what I’m actually smelling other than creamy coconut with some other fun thing. After wearing it for a couple of hours it turns cold. It smells COLD. HOW?! It’s like the scent in the air before the first snow falls. This blend is pretty and it stays for hours.

I love this blend!

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2008, a decant from a lovely forumite.  I was pretty sure Snow White would work well on me because I love Cotton Phoenix.  I was right.  There's something pillowy about Snow White.  Sweet, soft, white, marshmallow-y.  I don't get coconut but rather a delicate almond blossom and a snow effect which I think is a gentle ozone underlying everything.  It's magical.  It wears close to the skin (normal for my chemistry) but has good wear length.  

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2012 version. 


In the decant: This is the note I recognize from the Yule 2018 Frostbitten series. It's a round and softly sweet coconut vanilla. 


On my skin:


Wet, it's just as it is in the decant, and dry, that's just how it stays on me. It's delicate and inviting without being too heady or cloying. Though it has very low throw on me, it's utterly gorgeous. 


Debating whether I need to try to hunt down a bottle. The scent profile is gorgeous, but I'm worried I'll be the only one able to smell me when I'm wearing it. 

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2019 version. This wasn't quite what I expected, but it's growing on me. I thought it would be much sweeter than it is, but the watery snow note makes it light, delicate, and ethereal. It really does smell like cold snow once it warms and dries, with just a touch of coconut and flowers. My only issue with it so far is that if I sniff too close to my skin I smell something like mineral water (which I have a negative association with after drinking a huge swig as a kid, thinking it was soda), but when my nose is farther away, I enjoy the cold creaminess. Once it has been on for a while it takes on the pina colada scent others have mentioned, which is nice.


ETA: This has quickly become a favorite. It makes me feel like a snow fairy. I went hiking the other day and the scent of the snow and ponderosa pine bark meshed so well with the whiffs of Snow White I was getting from my hair.

Edited by feyofthefellwood

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2019 Yule 


Wet: ...Play-doh.  My wrists usually smell different from each other but on this they agree.  What have I done.


Just dry: There's something sweet and flowery happening here.  Can't make it out.  I can see where people get "coconut."


Dry: GREEN.  I don't know if freesias bloom at night but I can't smell them: all I get is this green smell.  Soft florals--not heavy or overly sweet.  Snow has poked through.  I like this.  It's got a "clean" vibe.

Edited by DigitalCoyote

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2019 version.


Snow White and I have had a very confusing journey so far. I cannot decide whether I love it, or whether I don't much care for it. There isn't really a middle ground, although I certainly don't actively dislike the scent. I have just put it on my skin again and I can't stop sniffing myself. Might be true love, or might be that I'm confused and trying to decide how I feel about this scent. I couldn't tell you.


It's a difficult scent to describe, but there are enough reviews already that I think I can get away with not elaborating too much. I do get the pineapple and coconut qualities that others have referred to, but in a subtle kind of way (at least at first), and I may not have picked up on that had it not been mentioned here so many times.


I think what I may like best about it is the way it swirls around me like a sweet, soft cloud. It is an airy kind of scent, but it has a remarkably good throw on me, and lasts for ages. What I like less is when I get up close and personal with it. If I inhale deeply, the pineapple scent is quite prominent, and there's something artificial, almost plasticky about it. And... oh no, with time the pineapple gets more and more prominent. And there we have it, the conclusion of this experiment: I really love the wet stage of Snow White.The drydown, not so much unfortunately.


This is not a bottle purchase for me this time, but I suspect I may want to acquire one the next time it comes around. Or the time after that. Hmm. Overall I think I'd probably be more inclined to try it either as a Hair Gloss or a linen spray, as I think the issues I'm having might be due to my skin chemistry.


I initially almost blind bottled this, and was advised to try and track down a decant of it first. I was warned that it was a very hit or miss kind of scent that did not work on everyone, which turned out to be very true for me, so I'll throw that out there and pass on this sage advice. ?

Edited by Kelthara

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2020 version!


I can see why this is a classic, it's stunning.  In the bottle I get soft, sweet snow and a whiff of florals -- fresh but never overwhelmingly green.  Wears gorgeously on me, without going powdery.  SUPER glad I took a chance on this and got a full bottle.

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This review is for the 2015 version!


Very soft and sweet coconut shavings and powdery snow with a hint of vanilla and some florals. I can't really pinpoint what florals they are though, maybe lily or holly? It's definitely something winter.


This is so gorgeous! I'm not sure how different my version is from other years, but I'm a huge fan of this.

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2020 version!


Wet: In order from the strongest scent to the weakest, I'm getting - pine, snow, vanilla, and almond.


Dry: The almond seems to have dropped off, so I'm left with a perfectly pleasant combination of pine, snow and vanilla. Fresh and chilly.


I've tried different years of Snow White before, and for whatever reason, this one has been the most successful! (Past years have smelled like pine and plastic on me.)

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Snow White 2020


Respect to those who love this BPAL classic. I figured everyone should try it at least once, so I got a decant. On me, it's a skin chemistry fail. High pitched screechy white florals, laundry musk, and coconut. Sorry, Snow White. Glad I tried you, but you are not for me.

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Review for the 2013 version, received in 2021.

I will start by saying I am not super into "cold" scents, and have been hesitant to try many. 


In the bottle, this really does kinda smell like Play-doh. It's not strong like fresh Play-doh, but now that I've smelled it I can't un-smell.

I'm not getting anything reminiscent of snow or cold or flurries. No flowers really either. 


Wet on my skin it is similar, but there could be a coconut or a flower in here somewhere. Maybe balsam or almond? But if so, very faint. 

This almost disappears on me as it dries. Nose to wrist there is a suggestion of soft powder. This Snow White has gone back to sleep!


I am going to assume my skin chemistry has done something odd with this one.

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2021 version. 


Alas, I think I am part of the contingent that gets Play-Doh, from out of the imp to drydown. It has a bit of a vanilla-almond tinge to it, but I already have Dana O'Shee for delicious almond, and Dana also doesn't give me Play-Doh vibes, to boot. 

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For 2022. 


LOVE THIS. I had a bottle of Snow White years ago that I was "meh" about - and later a decant that I liked better. Now I have a new bottle that I am absolutely crazy about. Did my nose change? Not sure.


Anyhow. This smells like a very delicate blend of different flowers covered in snow. Chilly, fresh, pretty, and very feminine. Absolutely gorgeous and I am buying a bottle as backup.

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Coconuty, milky, soft sweetness--in a way that isn't sticky or syrupy, but instead light and fresh and airy. I got a bottle way back around 2014, and my 2022 bottles bring memories of it back with the first sniff, so I don't think there's that much of a difference between the versions (aside from aging). For people scared of almond, as I am, don't worry, it's incredibly subtle. The sort of thing you can catch if you're specifically looking for it, but otherwise, it's all just one well-blended comfy wintery scent.

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2022 version


I'm getting sweet coconut cream and subtle white florals. There could be some lily in there, but if so it's a rare lily that doesn't amp into a big juicy nectary note on me. Fortunately there doesn't seem to be any almond oil in this (I have a nasty topical reaction to all the almond oils), and I'm not smelling any almonds/almond blossom, so I think I'm safe (I didn't noticed that point that some people were making in the reviews until after it was already on my skin). I'll keep an eye on the wrist where I applied it anyhow.


There's definitely a light brightness or freshness to the scent, but it's pretty creamy and coconut forward on my skin. There's a faint hint of some sort of greenery hiding in the very depths of this scent, perhaps something evergreen under that snow, but it's not a terribly cold scent to me.

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Though I’ve tried several versions of the Lab’s Snow White over the years –even one all the way back in 2005!– I have never once written a review for it. It always smells like a revelation, and you know how wily and ineffable those things can be. It’s almost impossible to paint a picture of; it’s all fleeting impressions, like a dream that you wake up from and you’re like, “…I was dreaming of Edmund Dulac’s Snow Queen, and sugared almonds, and fluffy, and chilly-almost-minty-but-it can’t-be-mint-because-I-hate-mint, right? And vanilla, coconutty filigree fluffy snowflakes, and whispery arctic-floral musks? …And you were there, too!” You know, that kind of dream. It sweetly cocooned you all night, and even though you can’t recall the specifics, you can still smell it on your wrists in the morning.

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This one is a head scratcher for me, got a 2023 bottle!

I know there’s a lot of contention surrounding the play-doh-iness that some people seem to pick up on. That’s all I really seem to smell, opening up the bottle. It’s almost salty! 

I’m not getting any of the florals out of this I was hoping for. 

I’m gonna leave this bottle alone in hopes it will age into something more for me over time. 

Cheers and happy new years! 

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2024 version!


In the imp: It smells white and fluffy! Something akin to the "starry" note from, say, Canis Major or The Flame of the Bear, but less crystalline. It's quite a sweet scent, the way night air is sometimes sweet. And maybe a little bit floral?


Wet: White and chilly, what can I say! Now with a distinctly sharper, chillier, more night air-y edge. Still very sweet - if I was smelling this blind I would assume some sort of ineffable florals, or maybe vanilla?


Dry: Fairly linear. Always fairly soft, and getting softer over time, but it loses that sharp, chilly edge. I do want to say that it's coming across as mainly vanilla-ish, with maybe some florals as well.

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