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The scents that get you the most compliments?

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I don't get too many compliments, but Crypt Queen has gotten a few. Monsterbait: Bloody Mary, Crowley, and Two, Five and Seven have also been noticed and commented on appreciatively.

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My coworkers, friends and family have pretty much stopped commenting on my perfume. (not in a bad way like they don't like it, just in a 'as to not sound like a broken record' way)


A friend of mine said the other day that she just knows I'm going to always smell good and always smell different so she doesn't say anything anymore. I've heard several times that "Kim always smells good."


I get the most compliments on Schwarzer Mond, then OOD: Lucy Westrena and then Vassakassajja. All three are scents I love and I am a total slatherer though. Chimera also gets comments but I'm never sure if they're good or bad (smells like a good candle, smells like christmas and sex, smells like hot cinnamon rolls).

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I have seriously funny experiences with Snake Oil ~~

1) A man standing in line behind me at the store kept edging closer and closer. Each time he got closer, I could see his nostrils flaring, like he was taking a deep smell. Each time he stepped closer I smiled and he smiled back. Then when he got shoulder to shoulder with me, I turned around and said "Yes?" and he said "Siiiiiiiiiiii!" (He was hispanic)


2) The biggest June Bug I have ever seen, I swear it was the size of a hummingbird, kept buzzing around and landing on me. I kept gently coaxing him onto my finger then fluttering it so he would fly away. He kept coming back. He landed on the exact spots I put the Snake Oil. I felt so sorry for confusing him so badly~~ he obviously was looking to harvest some honey


But the one that gets me the most compliments / verbal responses is Snake Charmer. People have been talking to me at work, pause...and I can see thier noses flaring. Mostly they say "You smell good!" or ask what I am wearing. I've worn it in my hair while at LARP and the guy who played my character's husband was leaning over talking to me in character. He paused and said "Gee! Your hair smells terrific" (quoting that old TV commercial) and I said "It's not shampoo its Alchemy"


But Smut got me the **funniest** response ever:

A woman asked me one time what I was wearing. I said "smut" She said she didn't think she had ever heard of that perfume before. I told her it was made by the Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab. She said "Alchemy!! Does that mean its made by...**gasp** satanists?"

...... I choked back a laugh and did my best Angry Cat Hiss at her and said "I'm telling Beth on you!" and laughed as I watched away. Poor old gal probably swallowed her partial plate :P

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I had the same experience with Snake Oil. I tend to wear my BPAL scents when I am not working. I guess I feel it's safer in case I smell weird. I went to the bagel store and a man next to me casually said I smelled good. He asked if I was wearing Moroccan spice or something. I told him it was a new perfume and after his comment I think I will wear it more often. It wasn't a pick up line at all, which really made me appreciate the comment and the Snake Oil. He just took his order and said "have a nice day" . I used to think BPAL scents were mainly about how they make you feel. But I am beginning to see that some of them do have a nice effect on people who notice something in the air. They aren't scents that hit you in the face like many commercial perfumes.

I also notice my cat has a very strong reaction to Smut. When I put some on at night before bed, he will perk up and starts kneading me. I literally have to push him off of me. This has happened on 3 occasions so I know it's not a coincidence.

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Finally I got a comment that was good! I was wearing Antique Lace. So far, that's the one with the best reaction. Tombstone was commented on as "That's just weird!" and "It smells like my car freshener." The others mostly got "It smells powdery." Hopefully today's Imp will be a winnah :P

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Obatala gets me the most reaction, which is funny because its one of the ones I notice the least. Apparently when you enter the second floor suite of my office EVERYONE knows when I'm wearing it.

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I find that I mostly get compliments when I'm in the car with people, because that's when it's noticeable. If you're finding yourself short on compliments, I think it's probably because BPAL is less throw-y than conventional perfumes. So you'll probably get the most compliments on strong scents or from people whom you're more intimate with.


I've gotten compliments on Prospero and Bordello (which I layer with Smut). So apparently the plum is a hit. :D (Prospero is LE, but still available from Dark Delicacies.)


I've also gotten a ton of compliments on Dia de los Muertos, which is an LE, but one that comes back every year. It seems to have better throw than some other scents. If I put it in my hair, I can catch it wafting nearly every time I turn my head.


Most of the time that I get compliments, it's on scents that people describe as "incense-y". I also get compliments on the foody ones, though, because people seem to love anything that smells like cake. :P

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It may not be because people aren't smelling the perfume, though, as much as they don't get BPAL as perfume. I was once waiting for people in a used-book store to tally up some books I'd brought in, and the employees started saying to each other, "Do you smell pot-pourri? I'm sure I smell pot-pourri!", and I'm quite sure it was actually ME! But we all agreed it must be the books. :D It was Tamamo-no Mae, which I don't think smells at ALL like pot-pourri! But I think the thing was that it doesn't smell at all like conventional perfume - no flowers or musk - or alcohol! - so it just didn't register as perfume them - it was some other kind of smell. So I think some people don't comment because BPAL is so unlike conventional dept-store perfumes, they don't associate it with something that people wear.


i had someone in my office tell me i smell like potpourri once, too, when i was wearing banded sea snake, one of my favorites :P if you haven't smelled banded sea snake, believe me, it is nowhere near potpourri-like! it's either my chemistry being wacky or that particular person's unsophisticated sense of smell. i tend toward the latter :D

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My Mom first noticed me wearing something when I wore my Rose Moon '07, she asked me if my hubby had given me flowers recently!


Da hubby always compliments me when I wear Midnight Kiss, most of the rest of the time he's just like "oh you're wearing one of your smellies again"

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I got plenty of compliments on Hollywood Babylon.. People were like mmm you smell so good! It was one of those that left a trail of fragrance as you walked by. I think it's the red musk, yummy!

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Interestingly enough, I get compliments whenever I wear Bess! People always ask me what smells good and then I tell them it's my perfume.


I, too, think it's a throw issue. If you slather yourself in your BPAL, you might get more comments. Also, the dilution idea is a good way! Make some little parfums out of your oils and see what happens!

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I've gotten the most compliments on Smut and Titania - how's that for two completely different scents? They both have good throw, though.

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First time I wore Lyonesse, I got a crowd of soprano gawkers after the girl sitting next to me declared I smelled exactly like vanilla icing.


Last week I was wearing some Sri Lanka at work and my male coworker suddenly declares it smells like Tea Tree Oil in here...now I never really gotten that off the Imp before, but then he immediately began saying it's one of his favorite scents and started gushing...weird, again, 'cause he's never been one to notice my BPAL beore

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Snake Oil has gotten me both compliments and ... not compliments. :P My wicked(ly awesome) step mother loves the stuff and would compliment me on it whenever I wore it around her. I finally bought her a bottle for her birthday in August!


Beaver Moon has gotten me the "OMG who smells like the best vanilla EVER???" compliment.


TKO is well loved by my husband (who thinks it's sexy!) and my friends who think it's just lovely.

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I think you've got to slather a bit, or wear strong ones: your Bvlgari and other normal perfumes come in a spray bottle, right? So one squirt is pre-measured out in a way-- it's not like BPAL where you can wear a toothpick-tip amount if you like.


Twilight is pretty and has pretty good throw. Smells like Joy, too.

Snake Oil is strong, everyone loves it and it's sexeh and reminds me of Poison.


The ones I've gotten compliments on are... there are a few, and the compliments are often from people hugging me and smelling it. Corazon, though-- nope-- the girls at my local nail salon were all "YUM!" about it.



If you're really worried they don't like it, maybe go, "Hey, guys, I bought this perfume the other day... what do you think?" and see what they say. If you make out that it's something only recent, they might be a bit more honest.


Another thing, is maybe they're used to the Bvlgari and they're subconsciously associating it with you. and every time they see you, they smell "your" smell and think, "Mmmm! It's Denise! Good times!"

Edited by LadyLuckDoubt

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Snake Charmer is always reliable for compliments. Some of the "Oh you smell really good" variety after a hug, some of the "Wow, what is that perfume you're wearing?!" variety when I walk up to someone. These comments have all been from women. My aunt, my cousin, my friend, etc. Men have never commented on it. Not once.


I have gotten several compliments/questions from women about La Fee Verte as well.


What do men like? Dorian, apparently. I wear Dorian, they go nuts. I wear Snake Charmer (which I think is incredibly sexy), and no comments. Weird, eh?


People tend to like the pumpkin scents as well. Maybe because they're unusual... I'm not sure. But several people have asked about my perfume (in a very nice way) when I was wearing a pumpkin scent.


I also get quite a lot of the "She always smells good!" comments, so I think that some people who see me fairly frequently just know I'm going to smell good, so they don't say anything. :P

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I tend to like light scents with limited throw, so I don't get a ton of compliments unless people have great noses or get up close.


But, people have, without prompting, commented how they liked:


Black Lily

Croquet (my ex's favourite)

The Fruit of Paradise (multiple compliments)


And while I've not had verbal compliments on the following, I have some strange stories which indicate these oils have power IMO:


51 (MULTIPLE gay men have made out with me when I wear this, and ONLY when I wear this)

Fae (like glamour or charisma (I swear it works like a TAL) and makes me not only feel MAGICAL but seems to draw people to me like bees to honey, especially menfolk)

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Unprompted compliment getters:


Snake Oil: I know. Everyone says Snake Oil. I'm not even fussy about Snake Oil myself, but I have a bottle and I wear it every once in awhile and everybody else loves it. I've been told it smells like rootbeer and cookies or I have one friend who announces that I smell like sex every time I wear it.

Kabuki: I get unsolicited compliments on this all the time. It's really unusual so people take notice of it, and red musk is a sort of undeniably scent-on-skin scent that they also know that it's not a pot pourri or incense.

The Caterpillar: Every time I've been complimented on this, it's always a woman who compliments, and then she'll tell me that she loves LUSH and it smells like something LUSH would have produced. Then I give her the URL and a new addict is born.

The Attrocious Attic: The vanilla/lavender/florals combo is really potent and has a sort of really sugary edge to it. Attracts the sweet tooths.

Blood Rose: Men like Blood Rose. Unsolicited compliments from men have come my way while I'm wearing Blood Rose. And luckily it's a sexy scent without smelling sleazy or cheap, so for the most part it's just been polite compliments on my perfume.

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The only ones that have gotten unsolicited (i.e. I didn't assault them yelling "sniff me!") compliments were the Antikythera Mechanism, Rosalind, and Pontarlier. Pontarlier prompted a discussion between my aunt and uncle about how strange it was that the lavender was blooming so early in the spring when in fact it was eventually determined to be me.

Edited by Leezer

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There is a reason everyone says "Snake Oil". It's enchanting, sensual, and has major sillage. After all these years of BPAL wearing, it is the #1 complement getter from the general populous: children, teens, men and women, young and old, strangers and close friends. :P

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Smut gets the most compliments, hands down.


And I don't remember what I was wearing, but I think it had patchouli in it, but my mom and I used to work at the same office. Someone said one of the student workers smelled like pot and my mom chimed in that it was probably me because sometimes my perfume smelled like pot

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I have been chased down the corridor at work by a student wanting to know what my perfume was. "Oh,you smell so warm and soft and wonderful, what IS your perfume?!' Lucky for me it was my number one fave, Lucifer. :D


I don't know if it's because I slather a bit more since I love it so much, but Lucifer always gets me the compliments, though I do worry a little about people thinking I am a crazy satanist lady with my devil perfume :P

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Snake Oil, Antique Lace, Shub, Red Lantern, Midnight on the Midway, Phantom Calliope, Green Tree Viper, Melisande the Puppet Mistress, and Uruk have all gotten unsolicited compliments repeatedly for me. :P


I've tried Azathoth three times now from an imp and each time, my mom's grabbed my wrist and inhaled deeply and insisted that I couldn't walk away until she was done trying to figure out why I smelled so good, for several minutes at a time - she hasn't had that reaction to anything else. The last two times, she insisted I couldn't be serious when I told her that was the same scent she'd done that with before. I've gotten similar reactions from friends & coworkers, though thankfully not as much of the insisting I can't walk away yet. :D Planning to get a bottle of that one soon.

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Amazing as it seems, even to me, I get compliments every time I wear Hastur. I thought it was too sour and strange for other people to like it (It's my very favorite one, tho!) but every time I put it on, somebody compliments me on it.

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