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Arabian musk with two roses and a bevy of Middle Eastern and Indian spices.


This smells pretty similar to me as it does on my BPAL buddy, but then musk and rose like me! Really beautiful and sexy scent, like I said the rose and musk are there, but there's no competition with the spices - it is beautifully well blended. Also, this leans more towards a "feminine" scent, but I could see it working very well on a guy.

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In imp: yes, laundry detergent, but SOOO fresh! Like, you would definitely pick these over any other.


On skin, it's got the powdery feel of detergent. At this point, it sort of starts to dry into the perfume, Red Door, if it were a laundry detergent. It's really not that bad! It's very Perfumey, soft, tad spicy, very much like linens.


I don't know if I need it, because it reminds me of my grandmother's Red Door...even if I love her smell...but I'll keep the imp around because it is very good.

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I got this imp in a musk pack to get something that had been oos for a while. I read up on the rest of the pack, othello included, and figured it would be worth it all around. At the worst i expected it would be vaguely pumpkin pie-ish. In the bottle, this is really weird but, i smell nothing. Vague soapishness. First applied there is still nothing. It doesn't develop over drying out. I got it a few weeks ago and i just tried it again the other day thinking maybe it would have blended a bit. Still nothing. I thought in the bottle i smelled a bit of rose but maybe that was just wishful thinking. No throw and i couldn't guess what the lasting length was.

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My imp of this is over a decade old, so it might smell different than a fresh batch does.


To me, Othello is obviously mostly rose. I do however smell the spices and musk in this, and they keep it from being too much of a one-note rose.


Not much to say beyond that. If you like rose scents, it's worth trying this one. If you like rose scents but want your rose scents to have a little something beyond florals, this might be worth a try as well.

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OMG this is pure heaven. I don't get the spiciness at all which Im happy about. I just get a light musk with the rose/floral notes. I definitely agree with what some people said about it being a clean, powdery scent like fresh linens or dryer sheets.


I am in love with this one!

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In the imp: This is mostly Arabian musk and rose to my nose, with just a bit of spice.

Wet: On my skin, it's still mostly musky rose and only a bit of spice. The Arabian musk note is stronger than the rose at first, but then the rose note quickly asserts itself.

Dry: This is still all musky rose on me, with some faint,, dry spices in the background. I thought the musk and spices could mean Morocco plus roses, but that isn't the case at all.

Verdict: This one isn't one I could see myself reaching for (I have a ton of rose scents as it is and prefer sugared florals), but I'm glad I got to try it.

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The first note that hits my nose is rose, followed by something else that I'm reading as honeysuckle, though it's not listed. It dries down to a slightly rose-scented cloud of soft spice and musk, with the spice/musk combo reminding me a bit of Hell's Belle. The rose makes it different from Hell's Belle's citrus and magnolia, but it has the same kind of languid hothouse softness. If I'd tried to imagine with Othello smelled like, I doubt I'd come up with something that reads so femme to me, but it might be a reference to the Middle Eastern perfume traditions where, IIRC, rose is less gendered. Anyway, it's beautiful and I really like it.

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In the imp: Musk, rose, and spices. 


On my skin:


Wet, the rose note hits my nose first, but the backing musk note is actually the one that fills up the overall scent more. On the drydown, the rose eats up all the musk and spice. Given additional time to develop, I can detect the musk a tiny bit as a backing to the rose; however, the spices aren't currently anywhere to be found. 


Ultimately, this is very much a rose scent on me. It's a strong, deep rose, and I can see where it reads to people as a more "masculine" rose. However, with my skin chemistry, it's definitely a "rose" scent and not a "rose plus" scent or a scent containing rose. 


Like all rose-dominant scents on me, this has lots of throw. 

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Wet this is deep musky rose with a sharp smoky smell that smells a bit like spent fireworks for a moment before turning into heady incenses. Soon it settles into a much more subdued smooth musk, with just a breath of dark roses over the top. 

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Subtle with an air of sweet spices. During the wear of this scent, it just kept clinging close to my skin. I had to make more active efforts to catch whiffs of it. The blend itself is well balanced and has a serene earthy aspect to it. Unfortunately, it only last for about 3-4 hours before it fades away into nothing. 


It is a pleasant scent but with such a low throw and short staying power, I just can’t see having more than imps worth of it.

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Maybe i'm losing it, but this feels a bit like a watered down morocco to me. That, but add red musk. It's very nice, but this is no where near strong enough on my skin unfortunately for my taste...

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I love musk, but I do not love rose. Too much laundry, too much Daiso. Watery and clean and floral, mostly. Was nice in theory, but I do not know many mascs that would wear this tbh. Passing this lab fresh frimp on.

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~~frimp review~~


on right away, it is definitely the most beautiful smelling drying sheet. it's got that specific laundry detergent/dryer sheet/fabric softener-esque powdery chemically quality about it that I just can't describe fully but you know what I'm talking about. very florally and nice. the musk comes through after about a minute and they blend nicely with the rosey smell. soft, powdery, rosey, checked by the subtle musk.


now after 20ish minutes, it's definitely powdery and rosey. smells like some powder you'd use after a shower as well as detergent. it's verryyy nice, I really do love it. this will be more of a bedtime wear rather than going out an about. this doesn't lean masculine or feminine to me, just kinda neutral since everyone washes (or should was) their laundry. after a day of doing chores, this smell is welcoming to me. it's great!

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Something made me dig through my imp stash to try this one today! My one and only imp appears to be very aged, by the looks of my label. It went on and stayed as a sweet musky rose. I don't really get spices, but it's a lovely scent. I might have to order a bottle just to have, because it really is lovely!

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