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Pumpkin with mango, persimmon, coconut, and myrrh.

On me, this goes on mostly persimmon and coconut. It seems almost like some apple sneaks in there, even though it's not listed as a note. :P

I'm happy with how long the coconut seems to linger in the scent. BPAL coconut notes tend to announce themselves big on my skin but after a few minutes they run off and never come back. So far that hasn't happened with this one, and it's been a few hours since I applied.

Nice! I think it's my favorite pumpkin this year.

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I sniffed this at ECWC and made a note that I was to procure an imp to properly test it. At ECWC, it struck me as wonderful tropical-coconut pumpkin, which intriqued me since its an unconventional blending of seasons.


Imp: Buttery pumpkin, lots of myrrh, and a little bit of mango.


Wet: Buttery pumpkin with hints of tropical fruits (they have a citrusy quality, actually), and some smooth, creamy coconut. This is a beautiful coconut note.


Drying: For a while this is delicious coconut pumpkin and a spiciness comes out, too. And then… myrrh starts to take over. Its that super sweet, maple/burning treacle sort off thing that myrrh sometimes does on me. It was so lovely before…I wish the myrrh would butt out. :P


Overall: It had some shining moments at the beginning (love that summer + autumn/winter thing it does), but ultimately not meant for my skin chemistry.


DH review ( cuz I love hearing his 1-2 word impressions): “sweet potatoes”

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Every year I try the pumpkin patch and every year I trade them away. I love pumpkin, but for some reason, none of the PP blends ever stand out to me as remarkable or particularly wearable, even. I got decants this year because they looked very different from previous years and I had some tentative hopes.


This is it. This is the Pumpkin Patch blend for me. I am so not a fruity blend person, but this is luscious. Something about the myrrh and coconut binds everything together and smooths it all out. I don't get the mango and persimmon as distinct scents, though I'm very familiar with both notes. They are just a bright, sweet/tangy fruit. The pumpkin does have a buttery aspect, but it isn't overwhelming and seems to dissipate awhile after drydown.


I wore this around my bf and his parents and as soon as I walked in the room they commented on a nice, spicy-sweet scent.

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At first, I really loved Pumpkin I. It is foody, warm, buttery, and the splash of fruit is fun, as is the hint of coconut.


However, after a few hours, I just grew sick of it. It's a bit too foody for me - there's some baked-goods/bread/cake/pie kind of note that just gets cloying after a while.


Love the Cabin Fever clip! :P I guess that's what it did to me, too, after a while : -)


2.8 out of 5

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Wow. Oh my. Holy cow. Love, love love love love love this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When first applied, this smells like a buttery pumpkin with a hint of coconut and persimmon, with mango chillin' in the backround. Here comes a little bit of myrrh. Turns a bit spicey for about 5 minutes on me, then calms down to a rich, luscious, sweet, coconutty, buttery pumpkin. Gorgeous.

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When I first applied this, I got the warm, buttery scent I associate with pumpkin scents - the scent that I love. As time went on, though, something sharp and almost citrus-y came out and made me fall out of love. Maybe as this ages, it will blend and mellow and I will love it. For now, I'm sticking with Pumpkin II.

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Some others have mentioned maple, and I definitely get that in this blend--maybe from the coconut? I don't get much fruit, more spice and pumpkin than anything. It doesn't change much--I smell pumpkin bread or gingersnaps. Decent throw, lasts quite awhile. VERY yummy.

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Oh I hate to post negative reviews but I must say this is probably my least favorite BPAL I have ever tried. It smelled like maple syrup on me. Actually maple syrup gone bad. And cloying. It made me and my bf nauseous and I had to scrub it off :P Oh well.


Of course, YMMV.

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This smells like Thai Coconut Curry.


Exactly like it.


And not in an EW curry kind of way..like the funky note of a red or green curry but truly the pure essence of a coconut milk based thai curry, complete with something like lemongrass lifting the scent up. It's totally food in a vial!!!! It's the strangest experience to have thai curry perfume. :P

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Seriously, thai coconut curry... except without the curry. It's got this creamy pumpkin and coconut. The pumpkin actually makes me think of squash. I think the mango in here just adds a teensy bit of sweetness, and it general, its like this yummy thai sauce.


It makes me hungry. Seriously hungry. I can't wear this scent or I'd become like a thai craving hobbit. Eating all the time.

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I totally get where people are getting pancakes. I got that too, for a few minutes, but in the throw only; the close-up scent was more fruity. I'm still after 30 minutes getting some maple syrupness out of it, but still fruitier up close. It's sweet and a bit spicy, and I think I like it a lot. I'm not really picking out any individual notes, but just a pretty blend of them all. I'll have to try wearing this one all day to see if I need a bottle, but it's a definite possibility!


Update: Wore this all day, and smelled pancakes all day. Had my co-worker sniff it, and she said "Pancakes with maple syrup!" She liked it on me, but honestly I found the all-day pancakeness with a hint of fruit not as nice as I'd hoped - it was heavy and sweet and just a bit much for all day. On the plus side, this did last well over 16 hours on me. I still think it's nice, and will test again, but I'm not sure anymore that I need a bottle.

Edited by AmyAngel

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In the imp: MANGO! It's a tropical jack-o-lantern, mon!




Wet: Here comes that weird butter-pumpkin scent and then hello, coconut!


Dry: The mango comes out and balances out that butter-pumpkin, with the coconut sweetening and the persimmon brightening. The myrrh, I can't detect. Oh wait, there it is, right at the back. This is reminding me of something, a physical object--I can't quite place it yet.


Nice, but not bottle-worthy.

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Spicy pumpkin. I really adore this blend. I never would have tried it were it not for receiving a frimp of it that spurred me to get a bottle. I get mainly coconut, pumpkin, and the spiciness I attribute to the myrrh.

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This is what I thought Diwali would smell like... A bit foody but also not. It smells very templey to me, for some reason... At first whiff it's all spicy and pumpkiny/lemony foody, but then when you sniff a bit deeper it's incensey and lovely.

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At first this smelled like a juicier version of Coral Snake. I get the fruitiness, which smells like apples to me, but must be the mango. As it dries, the spice comes out, and I smell just a touch of pumpkin and a bit of coconut. I know spices aren't listed, but they gotta be in there!! I really like this, and wouldn't have ordered any pumpkins (I don't need any more bpal addictions!!), but thanks to a very kind forumite, this ended up in a package. *Hijack* as a relative newb I can speak for myself and say that I really appreciate these lovely frimps. I may have to check these Pumpkins out next year :P

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I really thought that I would love this, because I generally love all of the notes that it has listed in its description. In the vial, I could smell hints of the coconut and a fruitiness that reminded me of apple juice. On my skin, this is the most pumpkin-y of the pumpkin blends this year. It's a cloying, buttery, spiced pumpkin that holds its ground against the other notes. I agree with reviews that picked out a weird, maple syrup smell. Myrrh sometimes smells like a spiced syrupy scent on me, but I usually enjoy myrrh, and I'm not liking this blend too much. The fruitiness seems to morph into a sharp citrus in the drydown. Buttery pumpkin spice, 'off' maple syrup, and sharp citrus. I thought that this would be my favorite pumpkin this year, but no. (Pumpkin V is the definite favorite <3)

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in the bottle: buttery, fruity pie. :P


wet on skin: the mango is top, with persimmon following as a close second. that's buttery pie crust lingers deliciously, though! :D


dry down: the fruit settles in with the pumpkin and butter rising to the top. nomnomnom :D


in all: a very light pumpkin bland, which i'm rather excited about. in the end, it becomes almost pure pumpkin with yummy undertones of fruit in passing. i have a feeling this is going to age very, very well.





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In imp: warm, tropical, creamy, fruity.


Wet on skin: all of the above, plus rich and spicy. I'm not sure what persimmon smells like, but I can make out mango, coconut and pumpkin, while the myrrh darkens and grounds it.


Dry on skin: this is nice but not amazing. Pumkin and coconut are the main notes, over a background of fruit and myrrh. It's well blended, warm and smooth. Not much throw, but perhaps I need to apply more. There's a note in here that I don't like very much, but I'm not sure what it is. Short wear length.

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Aww, so disappointed. This is my first plastic BPAL experience. Totally weird, plasticky odor coming from my wrists after the first 5 minutes.


And this was such a beautiful scent in the bottle and in my anticipatory mind. :P

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In the imp: PERFECT blend of each fruit! Smells like a great cocktail! I wanna drink! On me: Almost the same as in the imp, but lighter. I’m not familiar with persimmon or myrrh, so I’m not sure which of the two is more prominent. I just know I detect an unfamiliar note most strongly that soured my delicious fruity drink! :(

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i usually love the pumpkin patches but this one was too sweet for my liking and something in it burnt my skin so off to swaps we go.

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How strange, but interesting......at first I smell some fruits, kind of clean like the apricot in Ebisu. But the slightly buttery pumpkin is there too. After a while, I would swear that I smell nuts, maybe pecans. I don't think it's the coconut, but I'm really not sure....maybe just a combination of the pumpkin and myrrh, doing something strange? I don't know, but when I read this:


  jewelbug said:


DH review ( cuz I love hearing his 1-2 word impressions): “sweet potatoes


......that association got into my head, and I would have to agree! It's like a sweet potato casserole with brown sugar and pecan topping. Wow. I really don't smell coconut or myrrh, even when I try.


So, bottom line, this is yummy and sweet, but not quite what the description says, to my nose. And jewelbug, I totally agree with your DH. : ) Sweet potato casserole with nuts. Maybe it's a guy thing. :lol:


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Pumpkin I 08


In the imp: pumpkin, brown sugar, and mango.

Wet on skin: pumpkin with smoke and another fruit note which is probably persimmon.

Dry on skin: interesting. I smell a bit of mango, and not too much pumpkin. What I do get a lot of is persimmon (it reminds me of the fruitiness of Tanuki) and also the myrrh, which is doing intriguing things to this scent…it smells smoky and dry, this myrrh. And, unusually, it also has a hint of brown sugar or treacle to it, or even roasted butter…the pumpkin makes this a buttery myrrh, but it’s not a cloying scent, this is definitely incense. in fact, it smells like myrrh resin gently smouldering as incense, and I love that. The fruit notes are bright and tropical-smelling, especially with that hint of coconut that pops up now and then, but the incense and pumpkin add a surprising twist.

After a while: buttered myrrh and coconut! This reminds me a bit of my Chaos Theory, which has mango and coconut in it, but with added pumpkin and myrrh. The mango isn’t too obvious, now this scent is a really nice toasted coconut scent with a smoky, dry myrrh undertone and a hint of melted butter…but it’s not a sickly, overwhelming butter note. There’s a dryness to the scent as well, a hot crumbly and almost sandy dryness, the juicy aspect of the fruit is now gone.

The scent then gradually turns into buttered coconut and toasted myrrh, the smoky aspect in this scent is a foody smoke, almost nutty, reminiscent of roasted chestnuts or walnuts, or the foody smoke in some Yule scents…like overcooked butter, but not as acrid, and not unpleasant.

Verdict: I can’t decide whether I like this or not. It changes a lot on the skin, I think…sometimes I love it, when it smells of juicy mango and coconut and then turns to incense. But then it goes into stages I’m not sure about, when it smells like burnt butter, sometimes the fruit in here smells a bit odd as well, a little sharp, a little artificial? I love myrrh, but in here this note has a strange buttery smell, probably from the pumpkin. I also get a bitter nut smell like walnuts. The coconut at times is lovely, but at other times it’s a little too dry and scrubby. It’s not a bad smell but I don’t think the notes are meshing well together on my skin. It’s a very unique and intriguing combination though!

Emoticon rating: :think:

Is it a keeper? not sure.

If you like this, try: Tiki King, Goblin, the Dodo, Tanuki, Spawn of the She Devil

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For some reason this smells spicy to me. Not sure why. I'm not sure I like the pumpkin and mango combination all that well. It smells quite fruity to me. Smooth, but bright. I don't think this one is going to be a favorite of mine.

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