savage_rose Report post Posted September 13, 2008 Truly the scent of autumn itself -- damp woods, fir needle, and black patchouli with the gentlest touches of warm pumpkin, clove, nutmeg, allspice, sweet red apple and mullein. There are so many notes here I seem to get something with each squirt. The spices are the strongest notes, and are balanced with the crisp apple and the mellow mullein. And then sometimes it smells like a fruity, spiced pumpkin. It's like the Samhain oil, but with a different manifestation of it with every spray. Very rich and warm...very lovely. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Medici Report post Posted September 25, 2008 I love me some Samhain. Lord knows the blend turns to baby powder on my skin, but it makes my room smell mmm mmm autumny. Very much like the oil for me: spicy, dusky and sweet. One of my long-time loves, but in a bigger, longer-lasting format since the scent re-blossoms every time I walk by the pillows I doused with it this morning. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ravenfeathers Report post Posted October 3, 2008 surprise, surprise, it's samhain. one of my all-time favourites from the BPAL arsenal and now i don't have to squander it in my tart burner to make my room smell fantastic. not much to add about the smell. it's apple and fir and the generally orange-coloured smell of autumn. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
twilighteyes Report post Posted October 9, 2008 (edited) Samhain atmospheric spray FTW!!!! I love the perfume itself but the spray is so much more fun because now I can spray it on my clothes, shoes, car, under my desk, blankets, boyfriend, EVERYWHERE!!! And it lasts for days and days! I am always getting whiffs of it unexpectedly. I only have ~1oz of this (decant circle leftovers) so I will be ordering more!! Edited October 9, 2008 by TwilightEyes Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
heathercaley Report post Posted October 14, 2008 Wow!!! I'm in love... big time... Spicy and dark... sweet and warm... just beautiful. I think I'm going to have to stock up on this bad boy! Holy cow my bedroom smells like a den of halloween autumny goodness! In southern california, we don't get to experience the autumn smells or the general feeling of "wow! it's Autumn!" and this captures that goodness and takes me away to a place where leaves have fallen from the treas, (and not just from Santa Ana winds mind you!) apple pies baking and ghosts haunting old homes. <~ Totally Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cuervosueno Report post Posted October 29, 2008 This is absofuckinglutely gorgeous, even better than the perfume, which was one of my all time faves for a long time before my skin chemistry went wonky and now doesn't wear it well. It's so rich and brown and autumny. It smells more like apples and pumpkin then the oil least to my nose. There is all the delicious spice, too, as if the best ever cider was warming in the house, along with pumpkin bread. Yet it still holds the scent of fallen leaves, that slightly spicy crispness of autumn air. The patchouli is only a warm darkness in this....unlike the perfume which is very patchouli on me. I felt guilty after I bought this because I knew I couldn't really afford it, but you know what? It was worth EVERY PENNY! This is by far the best of the room scents I've tried, and so far I pretty much like them all.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zankoku_zen Report post Posted November 20, 2008 Guh. This is like the Samhain perfume... but... better. Cuz it makes everywhere smell like Fall. For me, one of the distinctive features is the 'apple' tone to it. Take the fall leaves from L'Autunno but add the apple, almost cidery appleness, tone to it and you get close to what Samhain smells like. And maybe its residues of the Gooey Pillowcase, but there's this candy sweetness to it, like finding candies sprinkled on a cold, autumn day on the lawn which is covered by leaves and sticks. And yes, now I am considering layering Gooey Pillowcase AND Samhain. Cuz I'm crazy like that. ... I also have to mention it gives you the insane desire to jump into a big pile of leaves. Seeing that it was in my bedroom, I had to make do with pretending with a big pile of blankets. Not the same thing. I will have to find a big pile of leaves now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Little Bird Report post Posted November 27, 2008 A lot of the room sprays have been scents that would smell awful on me, but I wind up loving them as home fragrances. Samhain doesn't work on me at all as a perfume (morphs into something like stale cigarette smell), but this spray is really wonderful. I don't get any apple from the perfume oil, but there's a lovely apple cider type smell in this spray. There's a good amount of spiciness to this without smelling like crazed cinnamon and giving me a headache. It has that dark, dry, cool sort of spiciness that I love in the perfume oil before it touches my skin. I can smell the dry spiciness of fallen leaves and an autumn chill in the air. It really does make me think of jumping into a pile of dried, autumn leaves too (and right now it makes me sad that there's 4 feet of snow outside and no leaves to be found, lol). My picky, foodie-hating fiance loves this scent as well, so that's also a plus Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thelaurenator Report post Posted December 24, 2008 This is gorgeous! the most lovely, outdoorsy fall scent-- spices, leaves, pine, woodsmoke... pretty. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deviant kitten Report post Posted September 28, 2010 Samhain 2010 The red apple really stands out in this years blend. The fir needle is not far behind, and the damp woods really makes it fresh. Smells like if you were in a deep forest, and came upon a singe red apple tree in a clearing being warmed by the sun. You pick an apple, take a bite, and inhale the sweetness of the apple amongst the dew freshened fir trees. The patchouli is ever so gently there, but it's not OHAI I AM PATCHOULI FEAR ME It is soft and gentle A truly beautiful blend!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Poenari Report post Posted October 4, 2010 (edited) I am one of those who continues to try the Samhain perfume each year, because it ought to be a holy grail scent for me but somehow comes up short. I never get the pumpkin or apple, just the fir and woods with spices. It's not bad, just not perfect. That's why I passed on getting Samhain Atmo Spray the last time it was offered. But being an eternal optimist, I decided that this year I would get the Samhain Atmo Spray, because I thought, maybe I will get some pumpkins and apples from the room spray. Well, at first spray "maybe" was all. That being said, the Samhain room spray is definitely autumn in a bottle, and it's going to work out much better than I thought at first! I have last year's Knock-A-Dolly for sharp fall leaves and spices, and comparing them, Samhain is definitely a sweeter spicy fall scent. Also by comparing them, I finally detect the apple. I am definitely glad I bought a bottle. edited: now that I've had a chance to use this several times at home, and brought it to work to spray my office, I can definitely detect apple first with all the other spices and notes listed. I sprayed my desk chair, and several days later I can still detect it. Several co-workers who have walked past my office have stopped and said that my office smells wonderful. A little goes a long way, so my bottle should last for many Halloweens to come. Those who love the perfume are really missing out on something wonderful if you don't snag a bottle of this while it's available! Edited October 24, 2010 by Poenari Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
angelicruin Report post Posted November 7, 2010 2010 Has a very distinct burning/smoky quality to it. I get the patchouli and dark spices, but not really picking up the apple or pumpkin. Then again, I never pick up those notes in the perfume either. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Invidiana Report post Posted November 9, 2010 (edited) This smells just like Samhain does on me, really. It's warm and smoky with that same honeyed qulity that the oil gets on my skin, which I'm assuming is coming from the apple, pumpkin and sweet resin combined. Good thing I have enough to last me till next Halloween! Edited November 9, 2010 by Invidiana Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fairestrocza Report post Posted December 14, 2010 I am so glad I got a bottle of Samhain Atmo Spray! When I first tried the perfume oil, I wasn't sure how I felt about it. I had to "test" it about 15 times before I realized that I was obviously entranced by it. I ordered a backup of the oil the same day I ordered the atmo spray, and promptly ran out of the partial bottle of oil. The atmo spray is keeping me going while I wait for my perfume oil to arrive. I don't get individual notes out of the oil or the spray, they just combine into one distinct Samhain smell (though when I get compliments on the oil, the most frequently used descriptor is "spicy"). To my nose, the atmo spray smells exactly like the oil. I've used the spray to scent bedding, a jacket, and as a room spray. My only complaint is that sheets get a slightly oily residue unless I spray from a great distance. (This is easily remedied by standing on top of my bed before scenting the sheets). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mechanical Death Report post Posted October 27, 2012 I jumped on this stuff, since I loved the oil. MmmIt's leafy and cool at first, with a touch of sweetness. Not herbal or aquatic, but it has that hint of cool autumn air. As it fills the room it sweetens a bit further. The pumpkin becomes apparent-- it's fleshy pumpkin, not buttery pie pumpkin, just pure fresh pumpkin pulp and a crisp red apples spiced by fall cider spices. The Patchouli is there faintly to ground it all.The spray version is all about the pumpkin, apple and spices, with a hint of the woody fall background, where as the skin version dries down to leaves, fir, patch and a hint of sweetness and spice from the other notes.Both are stunningly beautiful epitomes of fall. I sprayed it all around the house, completely nozzle happy Gonna have to order more with my next order before it goes bye bye. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Larinessa Report post Posted November 7, 2012 I need this. I love this. Spicy warm Apple, pumpkin, and patchuli. I have almost used up both my decants of this. Total win. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ianastar Report post Posted November 21, 2012 Wow, I really love this. I spray it over the bed every night before falling asleep. Its a warm, comforting scent. After a bit, or the next day on the sheets it is a really soft powdery scent that lingers behind. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thekittenkat Report post Posted November 25, 2012 In the bottle: The spices are at the top of the blend, but the fruit and woods notes are also present. Sprayed onto an unscented tissue: Just gorgeous! All the notes are present, but the spices are the most obvious. I've had my bottle for some time now, having ordered it as soon as the Halloweenie Post update went live, and it has aged a little and is even more wunderbar if possible. The best version so far! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
loubric Report post Posted December 1, 2014 I swapped to get a bottle of the spray because I fell in love with the purfume so much. The spray is amazing and is pretty much exactly the same as the purfume. I smell what I like to call a cluster of Fall yumminess. Spicy warm apple mixed with touches of spice, bitter leaves and hints of the patchuli. On my skin it's warm apple in all their glory with a background of sweet and warm spices, hinting at sharp herbs and leaves. It smells like Fall, it smells like warm fire places, it smells like a barn full of hay, it smells like a farm house kitchen. This is everything Autumn should be and is and I absolutly love it. I sprayed some around my desk and on my scarf and now I can't wait to have some burning at home!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GlowJob Report post Posted October 30, 2015 I first fell in love with Samhain in 2005 and I'm surprised I didn't snatch up a matching atmos spray when it was available in past years. But I smartened up and got a bottle this year and I'm so glad I did. I'll be straight up: this does have a sort of "craft store near Halloween-tide" vibe going on but it isn't fake or cloying or unpleasant AT ALL. I can smell every single individual note in the blend. It's very woodsy but also borders on foodie when you get a whiff of the warm spices. It's a lovely quintessential fall scent and it lasts longer than most of the other room sprays I've tried from the Post. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LiberAmoris Report post Posted November 25, 2015 I love Samhain, but I've been savoring my 10ml bottle of perfume since 2004...I find that I want to wear it just a few times each year, and then I cellar it again for the following autumn. The atmo is genius because this is everything I love about Samhain, but I can spritz a room and smell it everywhere without wearing it directly. This smells like fall to me—damp woods. fir, dark patch, and then all the spices of the season, plus pumpkin and apple. It's like a roundup of everything good at this time of year. I'm so glad I have a bottle, and will be using it regularly until first frost. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zankoku_zen Report post Posted December 1, 2015 Samhain smells like.... the perfume. Dark woods, dark patchouli, dark spices brightened by pumpkin and apple. Unlike PSE which just smells like bright baked goods, Samhain smells like a walk in the woods on a cool autumn evening. You know the kind of walk where you have magic in the air, and you better watch out for those fairy rings! Darkly atmospheric. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Poenari Report post Posted December 15, 2015 (edited) Samhain 2015 is just as "Samhain" as the previous versions. I have bottles of the atmo from 2010 and 2012 and other than slight differences due to aging they smell exactly the same. Autumn in bottle! If you've smelled the perfume, you know the autumnal perfection of Samhain. The atmo spray is actually what convinced me to fall in love with the perfume. The scent of the woods, patchouli, a hint of fir trees, a dark night, and spices coming from apples and pumpkin all make this the epitome of an autumnal scent. I love being able to surround myself with the scent, as autumn and Halloween are my favorite things. It makes me feel happy to turn my home and car into Halloween with just a couple of sprays. It's very long-lasting, but I never want to be without, which is why I bought a bottle again this year, even though my 2012 is still very full. Also because we are never guaranteed that a scent will return in the same form again, so don't hesitate to buy this lest you miss out and live with regret! Edited December 15, 2015 by Poenari Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lizabelle Report post Posted February 8, 2017 This is potent. It's almost too much for me right now, but then I sprayed it right by my head for easy sniffing access. Bad move, apparently. I could have sworn this was the same honey/clove mixture as in Blood Kiss, with some pine and apple thrown in, but it looks like there's no honey in it at all. For me the most dominant note is the honey! Weirdness of that aside, this is a good blend. I'll have to try it out a few more times on my linens to see if I actually like it as a room spray or if I'd prefer it as perfume--normally I don't like extremely strong room scents, and forever reason this seems twice as concentrated as the others I've tried so far. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
alterosen Report post Posted September 21, 2021 Autumn in a bottle, indeed! ? Smoky, woodsy, leafy, appley - all the good things! It is quite strong, so it can be a bit overpowering in a small space. In season, I spray my front door with it so I smell Samhain as I walk in the door and as I'm about to leave. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites