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BPAL Madness!

Where is this scent?

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I can't afford to have a BPAL habit all the time, so I tune in and out of the update situation for months on end. I must have missed something, but what became of all the Panacea oils? Only TKO seems to have survived, presumably because it's a "beloved favorite" and a heavy seller. Are all the rest discontinued for good? (Oof, Ugh, Grr, etc.)

Sorry, yes they have been Discontinued.

you can find all the Disc. GCs under In Memorium section of their website here:


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I don't know if this is the right place to ask.

Dee has been out of stock for quite a while now. Has it been discontinued?

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Hi there!


Have been away for quite some time - again *sigh* All the time I have been waiting for an update for Revenant Rhythm. Wasn't there talk about it becoming a GC? I know about the hair gloss etc and when it came online I was "ah well, I'm waiting for the perfume blend ... no need to go for the gloss". Now I regret this decision. Anyway ... any information about it?

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Hi there!


Have been away for quite some time - again *sigh* All the time I have been waiting for an update for Revenant Rhythm. Wasn't there talk about it becoming a GC? I know about the hair gloss etc and when it came online I was "ah well, I'm waiting for the perfume blend ... no need to go for the gloss". Now I regret this decision. Anyway ... any information about it?


I asked Puddin about it about a month ago and currently they are out of a component and are not sure whether or not they'll be getting it again. So right now it's permanently out of stock unless they can can obtain more of that component.

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Hi there!


Have been away for quite some time - again *sigh* All the time I have been waiting for an update for Revenant Rhythm. Wasn't there talk about it becoming a GC? I know about the hair gloss etc and when it came online I was "ah well, I'm waiting for the perfume blend ... no need to go for the gloss". Now I regret this decision. Anyway ... any information about it?


I asked Puddin about it about a month ago and currently they are out of a component and are not sure whether or not they'll be getting it again. So right now it's permanently out of stock unless they can can obtain more of that component.



Thank you!


But really not the answer I was hoping for. Well I'll just hope the component will be available again.

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Hi there!


Have been away for quite some time - again *sigh* All the time I have been waiting for an update for Revenant Rhythm. Wasn't there talk about it becoming a GC? I know about the hair gloss etc and when it came online I was "ah well, I'm waiting for the perfume blend ... no need to go for the gloss". Now I regret this decision. Anyway ... any information about it?


I asked Puddin about it about a month ago and currently they are out of a component and are not sure whether or not they'll be getting it again. So right now it's permanently out of stock unless they can can obtain more of that component.



Thank you!


But really not the answer I was hoping for. Well I'll just hope the component will be available again.





Yeah, it wasn't the answer I was hoping for either. I am crossing my fingers that they get more of that component in so it can be made still.


That said, you can always do a ISO, I did and got a number of responses for the Hair Gloss and Bath Oil.

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And another question: Blood Amber. It's OOS ... do I need to be concerned? It's my signature scent and I wanted to get another backup bottle. Has it been gone for long?

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Has Wanton been discontinued? I've been waiting desperately for it to come back in stock but it's been about a month now and I'm loosing hope :cry2:

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So I have an old imp of Tempest, which is not Storyboard: Tempest, but it's not on the site. Does it still exist?

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Does anyone happen to know if Roadhouse and Scarecrow have been discontinued ?


Beth posted about the issues they are having right now - some are component issues with a lot of the GC's (meaning they are not discontinues, just OOS until they get the components needed to make them again). Then on top of that they are having website issues with things popping on an off the site. Beth said if anything is officially discontinued we will be notified. So I think the short answer is "not yet", just OOS, but if they are never able to get the components again, they could be Discon'd.

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Hey all

Sorry if this is old news, but has Lady Una been discontinued?

I figured it was just out of stock because all other Stardust scents are still available

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Hey all

Sorry if this is old news, but has Lady Una been discontinued?

I figured it was just out of stock because all other Stardust scents are still available

There's still a waitlist button posted, so I think you're safe. When it disappears from the site entirely, then it's gone. Make sure you sign into your account and get on the waitlist -- I got an email recently from the Lab telling me that Jareth was back in stock after being OOS for ages, so it does work!

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Hey all

Sorry if this is old news, but has Lady Una been discontinued?

I figured it was just out of stock because all other Stardust scents are still available

There's still a waitlist button posted, so I think you're safe. When it disappears from the site entirely, then it's gone. Make sure you sign into your account and get on the waitlist -- I got an email recently from the Lab telling me that Jareth was back in stock after being OOS for ages, so it does work!


Oh good! I also sprung on a Jareth, there was only 10 bottles left!!

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Umlaut was available on the Mutter Museum's eshop last week, but today when I went to order the entire page had disappeared. Does anyone know if it is simply out of stock due to holiday demands or if it was suddenly discontinued?


Edit: It's back on the Mutters website! Hurrah!

Edited by shubultz

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Did Sacred Whore of Babylon get Discontinued? I searched for it on the site but couldnt find it

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