roseus Report post Posted September 23, 2016 Bottled happiness. Helps reverse misfortune, brings light and laughter to even the most troubled and discordant place, and aids in alleviating the stress and discontent that accompanies so many of life's daily trials. I got strawberry bubblegum the whole way through. Bright, happy, and fun for sure but not my kind of scent! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
theredkilt Report post Posted October 25, 2016 This reminds me of a fluffy pineapple meringue pie, with more focus on the delicious whipped cream. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
renfair Report post Posted March 18, 2017 I got a couple frimps of this, which was cool cause I like getting frimps I normally wouldn't purchase myself. I tend to shy away from the scents that don't have specific notes. I admit I read some of the reviews to get a basic idea of it before testing it, and this is what I came up with myself: First Sniff Impression: Bubblegum, like the kind at the center of Blow Pops, not the fake, amoxicillin kind, fortunately. Wet in Vial: The bubblegum is the most prominent note. There also might be something there like a light cherry, also bringing to mind a Blow Pop lollipop. Drying Down on Skin: It gets a little "faker" with the bubblegum smell when applied, but now I'm getting a hint of the cotton candy-like smell reviews on the forums have picked out. I also get a stronger, sweet, candy cherry, like those heart-shaped lollipops you see around Valentines Day. It's probably the only kind of cherry that wouldn't bother me. I didn't think I'd like this from the bubblegum note, but it's definitely sweeter and fruitier on. Very much like candy. Dry on Skin: Fully dry the bubblegum is mostly gone, which is great for me cause I'm really not a bubblegum fan. What's left is a sweet, fruity candy smell that's not overpowering. It would be a fun one for summer, I think. It didn't have much strength to it, though. After about five hours it was almost all gone except for a tiny bit of sweetness left. Conclusion: I didn't know if I'd like this, especially after I smelled it in the vial, but I think I'll keep it. It seems like a good, much cheaper and more easily found alternative to something like Velvet Unicorn. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lizabelle Report post Posted May 17, 2017 When I read that this is meant to alleviate stress, I wasn't really expecting bubblegum out of it. In its defense, it is a true bubblegum and not the "lotus-gone-wrong" version that always makes me slightly ill. It also has a powdery quality that reminds me a bit of conversation hearts. This is a playful, happy scent, but I don't know that I would reach for it much. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Katillac Report post Posted September 5, 2017 Our complete sewer line backed up just in time for hurricane Irma. I also got a hand stuck in an augger and am pretty fucking lucky to not be degloved since the outter coil caught on my wedding band. We have a plumbing company coming out today (while i'm at home alone and don't really like the outside world), so i put this on...And i feel okay. It's a really comforting sweet/candyish smell, but really close to the skin. Honestly, it could smell like actual feces and i wouldnt care because it is indeed calming me down. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lucchesa Report post Posted September 19, 2017 I tried Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo a couple of days ago and think I need a bottle. It was bright sugared strawberry to my nose, with a bit of a citrusy feel as it dried down, and it made me feel cheerful every time I sniffed my wrist. Not a lot of throw but that means I can wear it to work and anywhere else and have an instant mood boost close at hand. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mishi-bear Report post Posted October 4, 2017 Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo is a favorite of mine. To me, in smells a lot like mixed fruit candies, like sweet tarts that are more sweet than tart. There's definitely fruits to this, and maybe florals. It reminds me a lot of Maenad, but Maenad has a stronger strawberry scent to it. I wouldn't be surprised if this also has strawberry in it, but it's definitely milder. My only complaint: This really doesn't last long, and stays kind of close to the skin. I generally prefer stronger stuff that lasts longer. But this blend does make me feel happy and less stressed, so it has a place in my collection and I'll get a big bottle eventually. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RavenintheWind Report post Posted December 20, 2017 (edited) Hmmm, wet, I get Juicy Fruit gum with a bit of..root beer? It's sweet, but I like it anyway, and the throw is not very strong, so I can deal with the sweet smell. I don't get sugary cotton candy, but I do get a vanilla cakey sort of sweetness. I'd buy this for a little girl's first BPAL. I am not a super foodie lover, but this is nice. I'll keep the imp and hope for more joy. On the dry down, the scent mellows even more. Not sure there will be much left in an hour, but I'll come back to edit this if anything else shows up. ETA: ACJM turns into the faintest, marshmallow-y skin musk. Like a clean baby... This would be good for a bedtime scent. Edited December 20, 2017 by RavenintheWind Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
donkehpoo Report post Posted May 17, 2018 (edited) Wet: A vague bit of sweetness, but I can't smell much else. It's incredibly light. Dry: Very light... sweet tarts? The dry-down of this is similar to the LE "Like Father, Like Daughter" on me. (I actually think I prefer that, though.) I like it, but this is one I'd need to slather! I'll enjoy my imp, but I don't think I'll go for a bottle. Edited June 16, 2018 by donkehpoo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Joyleaf_ Report post Posted June 19, 2018 This smells like sticky summer strawberry soda. Alliteration! Its not for me, as I do not like to smell very sweet, but would be good for someone who likes lighter, brighter and more.. youthful scents! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
torischroeder9 Report post Posted February 24, 2019 In the imp: Have you ever smelled ambrosia salad -- with canned fruit and whipped cream and mixed together? Have you ever had an ambrosia salad assault your nose? Because this is like that. On my skin: Wet, it's ambrosia salad, then strawberry bubble gum (the kind with the powder on it that keeps it from sticking to the wrapper), then coconut, then strawberry bubble gum. Given time to develop, more fruit notes emerge, to the point that I can't distinguish them all. I wouldn't be surprised if you told me this contained strawberry, cherry, orange, pineapple, peach, and banana -- with extra sugar on top. Runts! The candy, including a banana flavor. That's what this morphs into on me, like smelling their combined artificial flavorings all at once. I can imagine why this would be the manifestation of a joy blend, but it's too sweet on me to be a workable perfume choice. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spookyumbrella Report post Posted April 9, 2019 This smells like a big bag of pick and mix candies from start to finish and I love it. It really does make the day a little cheerier - whether thats because of any innate magical properties or the wonderful smell is up to you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
follis Report post Posted September 23, 2019 I am testing an aged 2018 imp that came directly from the lab. Either the imp was only partially filled or the oil had condensed over time (none has spilled or been used) as it appeared to be quite low in fill. Bottle: This, smells, yum! Very syrupy. Wet: I am really liking this fresh. It did seem to lift my mood but perhaps simply to the candy content. I can see why people are saying strawberry bubblegum or mixed candies! It's fruity and I hope this doesn't go medicinal on me. On: This is quite a creamy feeling scent. I am getting a touch of a medicine note I often get with cherry or raspberry but it's not awful and not overriding the rest of the scent. Dry Down: Ok so that medicinal note never stayed. The throw on this is quite strong and lovely. It's French Vanilla with strawberry fruit notes, and ice creamy vibes. Yum! I'm definitely keeping my imp and am now considering a bottle for my already too large collection haha! Hours later: I still had a whiff of this, mainly as a very slightly fruitier French Vanilla. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hades_Girlfriend Report post Posted November 23, 2019 Reviewing this for both scent and purpose. I smells very sweet, but not in an overwhelming kind of way, and it has something more to it - both a depth in the sweetness and a note of some sort, that grounds it and is not that sweet. Can't really explain that note, but it is a weird kind of note, that was a bit offputting at first - not because it smells bad, but because it's a little "why are you here"-ish - but after getting used to is, it is quite fine. To me this smells bright, orange and yellow and white. Like non-artificial sugars and a lot of warmth. It reminds me of Wolf's Heart, but without the incense/resin part and therefore more "young"-ish. The smell is quite "there", but not necessarily in a bad way and it mellows down a bit, after some time. I like the smell quite a bit,. To me, what makes this a happy sent, is more the scent in itself, than the magickal properties. Which is fine - everyone needs a happy scent! :) Purpose wise it is a little more - not meh - but just okay. This was one of the first conjure bag oils I tried, and I really looked forward to this one. I have a lot of other mood-helpers from the conjure bag oils, and compared to those, this is in the middle. Others do, what I wanted this to do, quite a lot better - Has No Hana, Wolf's Heart and Blockbuster is the ones, that really WORKS wonders for me. But this one, a long with for example Waters of Notre Dame and Black Cat, has an effect, but it is just not heavy duty, not for me at least. But I will try all the ones, that doesn't work out (at all or just no big effect) in other ways a long the way. So all in all, this does work, it peps me up a little, I can see myself using it for the same purpose as Has No Hana or Wolf's heart (to tackle sadness, depressive thoughts and feelings, anxiety and the like), but just for milder things. But I do really like this for the scent, which will definetly make me reach for this once in a while - the scents gives a boost in and of itself, that even though it can't save me from my sometimes heavy feelings, still gives a bit of brightness. I'm not sure, I will buy a big bottle of this, at least it is not a high priority, but I might, when I get through all the other stuff, that I want more. I can at least see myself using up the imp and buying another imp when it is gone. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VetchVesper Report post Posted May 5, 2020 This brings me back to the 80's with memories of citrusy scratch'n sniff stickers and Tang powder. It's sugar orange powder up front, maybe with some pale vanilla in the background. Then something begins to emerge from beneath the bright top notes. Something sort of bitter and woody. I might be getting a hint of strawberry too? I never get bubble gum from this. Candy, yes. The powdery kind with lots of citric acid. The beginning stages make me smile, but whatever is murking things up in the dry down puts a damper on this being a love. This Caroline will have to find her mojo elsewhere. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
puellacaerulea Report post Posted August 16, 2020 This is sweet citrus and fruit to me, both in the imp and once on. There's also something a little creamy/vanillic about it -- the comparisons to meringue pie earlier reviewers made make sense to me. (On the other hand, this is a pretty well-aged imp, so that might be intensifying some notes.) If the scent's any indication, I can see this working as a mood booster; if nothing else, I feel less stressed and more motivated to tackle today's massive to-do list. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BetteNoire Report post Posted September 21, 2020 Roses? Candy? Bubblegum? Mayhap some citrus? All adds up to the olfactory equivalent of Judy Garland singing "Come On Get Happy" I actually love it, feels like bottled happy and we all need that right now. I usually got for comfort in a bottle, but clearly I need to seek out joy as well. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kitab22n Report post Posted October 11, 2020 Any Germans know what candy this smells like? I cannot pick it out but it smells strongly of a candy in my oma’s packages. Really want to figure it out. It smells very candy, very yellow and orange(not the fruit) if that makes sense. A happy color for a happy smell!! I dab this one in my mask and it smells so good and comforting. Very uplifting and I need a full bottle ASAP Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Claire-of-the-Valley Report post Posted October 3, 2021 A lot of people have mentioned bubblegum, but I really don't get that from this. I would say it's kind of citrus-y with a backdrop of baked goods. Someone mentioned pineapple above and I agree; I could see that and maybe a touch of vanilla. Definitely a sweet scent regardless and a very happy one. Food scents are hit-and-miss with me, but I quite like this one and would say it's some joy mojo indeed! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SimonsSays Report post Posted February 12, 2024 (edited) I didn't get the bubble gum everyone is talking about. To me, it smells of a pineapple upside down cake and fades to a pina colada kinda fragrance. Edited February 12, 2024 by SimonsSays Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PumpkinGuts Report post Posted May 9, 2024 Straight up, Flintstones Push-Ups. The orange ones, maybe a little bit of lime. Those were the days... thanks for the nostalgia, Aunt Caroline! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Assimbya Report post Posted September 11, 2024 Definitely get the bubblegum, and powdery candy. There's a waxiness which reminds me of makeup or lip balm marked to young children, bright and pink. I founded it mildly unpleasant, and wouldn't feel comfortable wearing it in public. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyturtles Report post Posted December 4, 2024 Candy-sweet strawberry syrup, with some light underlying earthy spices to hold it down. (Cinnamon? Clove? Nutmeg? idk) I think that as a spell, this is a successful blend ^^ Thank you labbies for the frimp! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites