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Saloon #10 Atmospheric Spray

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Nuttal & Mann's Saloon No. 10, Deadwood, Black Hills, Dakota Territory: sweaty leather, chewing tobacco, and Red Eye.

At first sniff, this took me aback a little. It's not for the faint of heart, but it is very much evocative of an old Western saloon! The scent of worn leather and hard liquor (whiskey?) duke it out for supremacy, while the tobacco remains in the background. This would be great for my husband's office.. If I felt like being nice enough to get him a bottle. :P Edited by Shollin

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Whoa. This smells like an old, aged leather bar.


Not ... er, that I've been in one, certainly not...


But it has that whole rough-edged, smokey, sort of body scented aroma, but it's also very ... potent.


I don't think I like my apartment smelling like this, because it's very, very strong, but it's actually very evocative of a saloon.

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The reviews above are spot on... this is what I had hoped John Barleycorn would be like. Leather and tobacco, seamlessly combined. An oddly menacing sophistication going on here, it's great stuff.

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Got a goblin squirt of this. After using it a handful of times I can report that this isn't a scent to be reviewed in the first hour after spraying, or after the first use, for that matter. At least for me, it's got a really complex development that has to be waited out.


The initial scent is sarsaparilla-heavy, sweet, and frankly kind of nasty. Sticks to the back of my throat, and it reminds me of those pieces of real licorice root they sell in Europe. Like I said - a little repellent, but it's worth waiting out.


During drydown a hay note appears that reminds me of all things chicken coop. While that sounds weird, it smells ga-ga-gorgeous paired with the tobacco and leather notes. Like glossy cathouse couches, its cowboy-smoky and just dangerously sexy.


By the second hour, sweet sasparilla coalesces with everything else. The dusty hay swirls into the leather. I swoon. :P


Love, love, love it. Please don't take this one away, Lab (or at least give fair warning so that I can hoard). Perfect.


*edited because cut 'n pasting reviews from MS notepad is always a bad idea

Edited by Indig0

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Got a sample with my last order.


It's very strongly leather and tobacco, which are not really my thing. My boyfriend said it smells kind of like a cross between a bar and a furniture store. Great as a sensory experience, not so great for my living room.

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This is the lifeblood of Deadwood, and the deathplace of Wild Bill. The leather is heavy, but it's dusty leather, like cowboys who have been out riding in the desert with leather chaps or ants on, and the desert sands and dust have clung to it and worked it's way into the skin and hair of the rideres, who just want heavy drinks of whiskey and sarsaparilla


I smell blood, but no one else mentioned it, so it might just be me.


Definite keeper for when I miss riding. Thanks for the Goblin Squirt, Goblins!

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I had my boy smell this without telling him what was in it, and he said, "Oh God. That's disgusting. It smells like alcohol. It smells like a drunk. I wish you hadn't tested this out on our throw pillows." That kind of sums up my feelings about it too, lol.


Saloon #10 smells so weird to me. It's like cloying sweet, rotten bananas. And I don't know what I'm getting that impression from. I don't smell any tobacco or leather, just that really off putting sweetness. I can't imagine scenting my house in this. After several hours, I think I can pick out a dry wood or tobacco underneath the rotten banana, but it's still not very good.


This room spray won't be a keeper for me.

Edited by Little Bird

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Saloon #10

Whoa, this is an intense scent! it smells of heavy, heavy leather-think Quincy Morris or Auguste Dupin. This is saddle leather or rawhide. The tobacco is also very strong here and it’s a tobacco I don’t like-a sticky, treacly pipe tobacco, which smells cloying and thick. When I spray this I also smell something boozy at first, like whisky or some other strong liquor. Once that fades, the leather comes out and I smell worn wooden floorboards and that thick tobacco. At times the tobacco goes smoky and I even wondered if someone was smoking outside and the smoke had wafted through the window, but it was this spray. Not only that, but this is incredibly strong stuff. One squirt is enough to make the whole place smell of a rugged cowboy saloon. Needless to say, I don’t really like this scent-the leather is too strong and the tobacco isn’t my thing. (it may be nice as a shoe spray though, as the leather does smell like a cobbler’s, that leather shoe scent) and even stranger, my mum likes it. She said she liked the smell of ‘peppery leather’ in the house. I was expecting her to complain about it! but I’m not keen on it, it’s a little too rugged and rough for me.

Edited by yeahbutnobut

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I love this. This is what I thought hellfire would smell like. The alchoholic qualities seem closer to good cognac than cheap whisky and just add elegance to it without smelling like there was a drink spilled somewhere. The leather is the leather of a really old good leather chair. It is a salty brown leather. The tobacco is complimentary like the liquor smell without taking over. I think this is well balanced, primarily leather and makes my house smell like a victorian man's library - one who only drinks moderately and smokes little but reads a lot and maybe naps in his chair.


this is my absolute number one, top favorite black phoenix leather scent.

Edited by novak69

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My nose must be crazy, but I smell banana cream pie. Hrm. Husband smelled licorice that had gone bad. I'm hoping it mellows out over the next while :huh?:

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This is perfect....leather with fresh, dried tobacco leaves and a sweet boozy note (similar to Beths "beer" note).

My husband is in LOVE with this one. I sprayed some on his pillow before he crawled into bed and he sat up with wide-eyes saying "Wow that smells amazing...what is that?" He then proceeded to snuggle his face into the pillow and mumble things like "Oh that's nice". :lol: I told him I'd pick up a large bottle for him, and I will :) He just loves BPTP atmosphere sprays. I do too, I don't think I've smelled a bad one yet! :)


Saloon #10 is another win!

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Hmm. I finally broke out Saloon #10 to do a Smell-o-Vision thing with _Deadwood_ (my father's favorite show. Dad *loves* the profanity. Seriously. I asked him if he liked the show because of or despite the cursing, and he sheepishly said it was because of it. In related news, one of his favorite movies is _The Devil's Rejects_). I actually got this in when it was originally released for this express purpose but never quite got around to doing it until now. Spritzy spritzy spritzy, hmm, I'm not sure I like this. I have problems with leather, and it turns out it's almost all leather to my nose, especially since I all but hosed my living room down with it. Oh, well, too late, let's start the show. After fewer than fifteen minutes, my newfound love for the show has attached itself to the spray. It took me a while to figure out where the tobacco and whiskey are in here, but they're there, too, under the LEATHER. This is the leather of my dad's work gloves and boots (Dad was a timber cutter) or a saddle for a rancher. Quality but heavy-duty stuff, not high-end leather for purses or driving gloves. And three hours later, it still smells like it did at the outset, but I'm not horribly surprised at that (although this might be due to the fact that I am on day five of a cold and have regained only a limited sense of smell).


It's a hard scent to love (or even to merely like for someone who dislikes leather as much as I'm realizing I do), but as long as I'm watching this show, it's *awesome*. I won't be able to deal with it otherwise, though, and I won't miss it when I'm done with the show or the bottle (actually just a one-ounce decant, since I was getting it along with decants of the whole Yule Inquisition and didn't think I needed a whole bottle of *anything* at that time) is gone.


(As a side note, now that I'm watching the show and smelling this spray, I realize that my dad has always been really into the Old West. His whole family, too, actually. The sets on this show are like a trip through my childhood vacations, which is actually kind of odd since we actually went on very few vacations when I was a kid. Maybe I'm confusing childhood memories with recollections of running a saloon in the Old West in a former life.)


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wow! this is incredible!


leathery leather and gorgeous tobacco. not getting any booze to speak of but i don't care! this is perfect as-is!


i'm spritzing this around my place next time i hold a red dead redemption lan party!

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This is definitely a strong one. Good though. And has everyone in the house's show of approval. It starts off very leathery to me. There's a whiff of tobacco in the background. As far as my recovering from a cold nose can tell, there's no booze smell. It completely killed out any other scents in the bathroom. Will be getting more use.

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This is pretty great. I only got one slight spray out of a sampler a friend gave me as a sniffie in a swap. I did get a few small drops out of it and used it as perfume. I know, I know, I am not supposed to, but it wasn't enough to spray it out into a room. I like it. It is dark and deep, very smokey and leathery. I don't get booze from it. I am not sure this is because of the small amount I used or just the way the scent is. I am glad I tried it, I would definitely use it as a room spray. If you like tobacco smoke and leather, you'll love this.

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I never would have picked this for myself to test, so I thank the Labbies for chucking a squirt into my last order.


I was kind of all like, "OMG WHUT" in the bottle, then I sprayed it on my pillow and waited about 10 minutes and went straight to sleep. Which is not normal for me. I'm usually a toss & turner for hours before I finally sleep kind of a girl. So... yay?


The scent is extremely strong, dark leather with a depth borne of tobacco and smoke notes. I don't get any whiskey or alochol or sweet to it (but my sinuses are blocked and my ability to smell sweet is usually impaired at this point), so it's just strong, potent leather and tobacco smoke. It's not my favorite thing to smell, but I can't stop myself from smelling my pillow. Or wanting to go back under the pillows and sleep for another 14 hours.

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I just got a sample of this from a circular swap and I want to crawl into the tube and live there. Leather and tobacco are my two favorite notes.


I'd say it's at least 50% leather, and probably about 30% pipe tobacco and 20% some kind of high quality alcohol, not a cheap rotgut type of booze. I was afraid this would smell like a drunk in a leather jacket, but it's not like that at all. It's more like Buffalo Bill's study, if he had a study. It's very leathery, warm, and just a little sweet because of the cut tobacco, with a bit of sharpness that's the whiskey or whatever kind of booze "red eye" is. It's probably the same one that's in Roadhouse. There may also be a little bit of some kind of wood in this, but I'm not sure, it's not listed in the notes.


Saloon #10 is a well-maintained western saloon that's kept clean of piss and ruffians, so that only the quiet mountain men and sharp-eyed gunslingers remain. There is no smoke in this that I can detect, which is good, because I hate smoke and tar.


I must own this.

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Review: Strong leather dominent, mingling with strong whiskey support. They blend beautifully and the tobacco twines through them, not as intense, but very present. It’s well designed for it’s concept, straightforwardly masculine.

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I do not get leather from this..I literally just do not smell everything else that normal people smell with perfume/bptp. I hated this one..It was peppery for me.

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This smells like DeSade and C. Auguste Dupin to me. It was so powerful, I didn't even spritz it.


Off to a better leather loving home!

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I git this as a gave a way present from a friend and I never thought that I would actually like this :P

I adore it in my curtains !!! Soooooooooooo soft and yes, leathery :)

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Smelling this before I saw the notes, I thought for sure it had sarsaparilla in it! I smell smoke, lots, and it DOES smell like a saloon or a western themed bar that people wearing leather have been sweating in! I recognize this smell from some western reenactment stuff my family went to a few years back.


It's good! It's REALLY good!


Smelling it blind I wasn't sure if I'd like it - I like to know all the notes ahead of time, so I can pass on anything too sweet or too flowery.


But this is nothing like that! It surprised me, but it's pleasant! It's not something I'd spray on the bed to go to sleep to, I'd spray this more in a living area, I think? To give it character. Or a guest bedroom? It's not the sort of smell you go to sleep to, if you know what I mean. ?

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In Imp: Clear. Chloraseptic throat spray mixed with water from a zinc-lined garden hose.

Wet: Burnt electrical wires with a bit of Red Hots.

Dry: More burnt electric wire and Red Hots, but the addition of sawdust. Ick.

Later: Second smell that I have now encountered that was just so gross that I had to wash off.


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I was so excited to get this - I LOVE leather as a room scent, and I loved the idea of my den smelling like a bar (don't judge).


I was super bummed when this leather got really plasticky smelling - like naugahyde instead of leather - and since the Lab's leathers are usually SUPER good... So sad for me! I realised I was hoping for the leather from BPAL's Sherlock.

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Leather, leather, leather.  Dusty leather.  Strong.  The booze and tobacco are there, but afterthoughts.  Saloon #10 is all about the leather, and apparently I need my leather cut with something softer because this is kind of overwhelming.  

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