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Spongy grey and pink cake, with sweet strawberry cream, giddy carnation, and electrical pulses of white grapefruit.

Strawberry, cake, and plastic.
Too sweet for me, and I usually love foodie smells.

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Cakey and sweet, but in a good way. Not so foody that it makes me want to lick my wrists obsessively (I'm looking at you, Sprinklecake) but still tasty. Definitely some carnation coming through at first, but it dries down pretty fast and I'm left with cake crumbs and champagne fizz.

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When I put this on I got all sweet and tangy grapefruit and not much else. In the dry down I was hoping to get the cake instead I got mostly the carnation and strawberry. The carnation was very spicy! After a while that's all that stuck around too. This is a yummy fun scent but didn't blow me away. So glad I got to try it though and it was a frimp from a wonderful forumite! ;)

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I like this way more than I expected to. The Lab's pastry note (e.g. Eat Me) can be just awful on me, but apparently I can do sponge cake :smile: It is super strawberry frosting sweet, especially on initial application, but the grapefruit prevents it from being cloying, and eventually I get a bit of the carnation as well. Delicious!

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I was really excited about this scent, but it took me AGES to get it, then AGES to try it once I got it.


So here we go. In the bottle it's alarmingly tart to me. Full disclaimer I despise grapefruit; but usually the taste not the scent necessarily. But I wonder if that will mess with me. I think that's what the "tart" is.


Wet on skin, same as bottle plus some depth sneaking out.

Dry on skin, right away, tart goes away (shew) and I can tell it's just turning into carnation. Which, I adore. But I know I amp it. Mid way it's a sort of sweet carnation for me. The cake scents don't seem to do much on me, but I'm hopeful every time. I think in this case it's keep the carnation in line. For now.


Few hours of wear; Becomes a very low throw, close to skin, warm creamy/fizzy scent. It reminds me of something I've smelled before but I can't place it. It's kind of like vanilla coke, if it were a baked good.


Pleasant, but the super low throw means I'll be trading it. Too bad!

Edited by Aveya

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In the decant: Sponge cake, spicy red carnation, strawberry cream, accompanied by some bright grapefruit.


Wet: The sponge cake and carnation are the first notes that jump out at me, and the carnation overtakes the cake, because I tend to amp it. I get some of the strawberry cream in the background, but I'm not getting super strong strawberry cream from this (probably because the carnation has taken over).


Dry: The carnation still dominates, and I'm getting the zing of the white grapefruit now. I can still smell the sponge cake, but it's not nearly as strong as it was when first applied. The strawberry cream remains in its background role, but I smell a bit more of it than I did before.


After a few hours, the carnation calms down somewhat, and I get more of the strawberry cream, with the sponge cake and zing of grapefruit in the background. It's now mostly a warm, creamy scent with a bit of effervescence from the grapefruit.


Verdict: I'm really glad I got to try this one! I was afraid of the strawberry, but of course, it was the carnation that was the main player on me. I don't feel the need to hunt down more of it, since it was more carnation than cake and grapefruit on me, but it is nice. I think I'll hang on to the decant and pair it with Alice HG.

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I have no idea how I reviewed V1 but didn't review this one yet?!


Wet: Sweet strawberry cake, and a pinch of carnation with grapefruit.


Dry: The carnation is stronger than the wet stage, but still not as strong as the strawberry cake scent. The grapefruit has totally disappeared.


Delicious foodie scent with a floral note. I've been hoarding this bottle for years, and I'll be so sad when it's gone.

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In the bottle: strawberry sponge cake. I've had this on my ISO for a while, and neglected to look up notes. But, still, at this point, totally seems wearable. When I originally smelled someone else's bottle, it smelled more of apple.

Wet: Oh no, someone dropped their carnations into my strawberry cake. It also reminds me a bit of Blossom Jam Tea Cakes from Solstice Scents. Now I know what that floral note is.

Drydown: sweet, floral cake with maybe a hint of a spiciness from the grapefuit, mixed with pepperiness from the carnation. Overall, the carnation ended up being too much for me since i amp it.

Edited by torikitty

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kind of smells like spiced apple room spray. my mom says it just smells like a candle. i get a lot of spicy carnation, a bit of grapefruit, minimal cake and no strawberry cream. i strangely like it/am okay w it, pero i reallyyyy wish it smelled truer to the description

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