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The scent of sexual obsession, slavery to sensual pleasure, and the undercurrent of innocence defiled utterly. Amber and honey with a touch of vanilla.


Very simple on me - amber and honey. I dont even get vanilla from it. It is sweet and comforting but im being greedy and i want more from it (isnt that usually the case? :-) ). I want to be blown away from this scent and have my socks knocked off. I want something so sexy that when i walk into a room heads will turn. Until then o, ill revisit you when it gets cooler out.

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It smells almost exactly like snake oil o.o

The vanilla on me threatens to go kinda plasticky, but it goes away.

The oil is red, which I find odd for the listed notes, and I swear I smell red musk, but no amber, and the vanilla isn't very strong either except for the almost plasticky dry down.

It's very smooth and light on my skin. It's warm and clings.


  On 8/10/2013 at 7:09 PM, Alyssa79 said:

Very simple on me - amber and honey. I dont even get vanilla from it. It is sweet and comforting but im being greedy and i want more from it (isnt that usually the case? :-) ). I want to be blown away from this scent and have my socks knocked off. I want something so sexy that when i walk into a room heads will turn. Until then o, ill revisit you when it gets cooler out.

This is very accurate to my experience as well. I was expecting something almost decadently sexy. Rich vanilla and honey with glowing amber, but it's all very dull in comparison to what I expected.

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This scent is just as advertised: honey, vanilla, and amber.


Wet it is almost all honey on me, the vanilla just gives it a hint of sweetness. The amber is barely detectable, which was great as I've had a few bad experiences with it before. But not in O, thankfully!


This dries to vanilla that has been drizzled with honey. It's great for vanilla-lovers (which I am), but I don't find it THAT sexy. Unless the object of your affections is into sweet foody scents, in which case they'll be on you like a white on rice in a glass of milk on a paper plate in a snowstorm! :lol:


Update: Let this be a lesson to me about testing things twice. I slathered myself in O and skipped off to school, delighting all who met me with the scent of honey and vanilla... for a few hours. Then I began to reek of play-doh. By the time I got home it was nauseating. Darn it.

Edited by Teaker

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This was part of my first imp pack, and this particular imp is now over nine months old.


In the imp: Honey.


Wet: Sexy honey.


When this imp was newer, those impressions were reversed. I got sexy honey—or to be really specific, sex and honey—in the imp, and an almost pure honey note on the skin. Now that this imp is aged, there’s a musky undertone to the honey when it’s wet.


As this dries, I can pick out both the honey and the amber, which again, I couldn’t do when O was new. The honey comes first; it’s the same honey as in Alice. Then the amber becomes more prominent. It’s the same amber as in Tamora, one of my favorites. I can’t really isolate that touch of vanilla, but the combination of amber and vanilla smells very similar to the same notes in Tamora, and like Tamora, O is a warm, golden scent on me.


O has definitely improved with age. It didn’t smell bad when it was new, but I didn’t really want to smell like a single-note honey. While this is still a simple blend, I like it much more now that aging has brought out the different notes.

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I personally don't like O very much. I think it had to do with me not ever trying bpal's version of honey and vanilla before. I was afraid of vanilla at first anyway, so it wasn't a huge surprise to me when I found that O smelled way too strong.

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Ok, it's probably about time I tried this. :)


In the imp: Very amber-y with a touch of sweetness


Wet on skin: Same as before - sweet and amber. I'm probably getting both the vanilla and the honey, but they're blending into each other.


Dried down: Same as before.... but now I'm getting a faint rubbery smell. Or latex? O_o


Throw: Sweet and light.


Verdict: *** Honestly, I think I can do without this one. It's nice, except for that latex scent on me, but even without that, I have many other scents I like better.

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I've probably never reviewed this one, but I've used it for years and it's the perfect sexy skin scent on me, so I think it deserves it. An added bonus is that it drives my boyfriend nuts (in a great way). :)

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NOOOOOOOO! It's playdoh on me Q,Q..... I'll have to see how this ages...


Edit: Aged 1.5 years.


Still that stagnant, salty water and mildewed play-doh on me. It's so weird! All those notes work for me. Yet this blend is a death blend x,x...


Going to try it another year and maybe look for an imp from 2009?

Edited by Valtiel

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I first encountered O back in 2009 when I was first introduced to BPAL. At the time, I wasn't blown away by the scent at all and got rid of my lab fresh imp after testing it once. O has always been in my mind though, and I decided to snag a partial bottle on a whim while buying some bottles off the marketplace. Incidentally, this was from 2009 as well, so hello old friend.


I decided to dab some on my wrist tonight for a test run. After half a minute, I started sniffing the air because there was this sweetness gently whiffing it's way up my nose. Lo and behold, it was O. I got braver and dabbled more of the oil on my inner elbows and behind my ears. 2 minutes later, I was slathering it between the girls and on my neck. My room is now this sweet, sexy vanilla honey cave and I've never been more in awe.


I can only think of two possibilities - my olfactory senses have taken a spin for the better or this oil ages extremely, amazingly, beautifully well. This blend is both sweet and sultry at the same time and I'm so glad I rediscovered 2 nights before my anniversary. I know what my man will be sniffing as we snuggle.


Orgasmic. I need a full bottle.

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I could have sworn I reviewed this one because I seem to recall it not behaving on me but I can't find it, so here we go again!


Sticky vanilla honey in the imp, yum. On me, it has a bit of that Snake Oil-y vibe with a side of Play-Doh :( Yep, I remember now. I hate to put it like this, but it's the most accurate description I can think of... it smells like baby powder and vomit on me :( I am so disappointed because it really smells wonderful in the imp but my skin chemistry hates it.

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And here I thought I reviewed this one...guess my BPAL binging since Christmas hasn't yet been caught up to.


So loving this. O in the imp smells like pure honey: thick, sweet, and luscious. It's not at all as sweet as that makes it sound, though; it's a deep sort of sweet, with a distinct aura of sex behind it. If I didn't know better, I'd immediately assume there was musk involved.


On my skin, the amber and vanilla come forward just a bit, though the musky honey scent is still the strongest. It really does smell...well...exactly like all the best parts of good sex, like musky, warm skin and a thick but not cloying sweetness that makes me want to roll in it.


It's definitely up there with Snake Oil on my list for big bottles (aka the "Does it come in barrels?" list), though it has yet to have gotten quite as strong a reaction from anyone as Snake Oil has...yet.

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wet on the skin, it smells sugary and sensual, and vaguely spicy (which might be the amber). It settles quickly to a faintly honeyed powdery odor, addicting to smell but subtle enough to be an everyday perfume. Unfortunately, after an hour or so the honey disappears and it smells overtly powdery on me, which I’m not a fan of.

Now, if only it could stay exactly as it is the first half hour, it would be my favorite BPAL scent so far.

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183: O
GC: Ars Amatoria
"The scent of sexual obsession, slavery to sensual pleasure, and the undercurrent of innocence defiled utterly. Amber and honey with a touch of vanilla."

Received from Lab 2012

In bottle: Sweet and creamy and warm - delicious! I remember sniffing the imp when I got this, not being impressed, and then never testing it. I wonder if I'd only like this aged?

Wet: Sweet, rich, golden honey, smooth amber, and creamy vanilla. It's hard to describe, but it smells like the way honey tastes - almost hot on the tongue and a little prickly. Wow! this is very sexy and I like it a lot! Wonder what it would do to a man? :twisted:

Dry down: Warm, rich, very sweet and sexy! I think I need a bottle of this!

Dry: Gorgeous golden honey, sweet amber, and creamy vanilla. Just delicious and sexy as hell. I haven't liked a new scent this much in a while! I need a vat of this!


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In the imp: This is mostly amber, with a little bit of honey & vanilla for sweetness. Nice, but a bit 'blah'.

Wet on skin: Vanilla-amber. There is maybe the tiniest hint of honey, but only if I'm really looking for it. Nice - very sweet & comforting, but not exactly thrilling.

Dry on skin: Vanilla! It's almost not there, like I spilled some vanilla extract on myself a while ago & forgot to wash/lick it off. The honey & amber are giving it warmth & depth, but aren't really there on their own. I'm not getting the "super-sexy" vibe that many others have reported at all!

After a few hours: Warmer & deeper now. Amber-honey-vanilla. Very sweet & comforting.

Verdict: A really nice scent, but it takes a long time to warm up on my skin & even then it's still quite subtle. I still don't get the "sexy" vibe, more a "warm & comforting" vibe for lazy cold-weather (or sick) days! However, it is REALLY good for layering with something that needs a little sweetening up!

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On my elbow: it's really sweet, I think mostly honey on me, maybe a little bit of amber. I like it here but...


On the wrist: this smells like when you lick your skin and it dries. I like the smell on my elbow but I really don't think it's worth it to wear for that yucky smell on my wrists!!

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In the imp: Big ol' blast of honey. I think I'm detecting amber, too, but not amber like I've smelled it before, more like a spicy-ish complication for the honey. If there is vanilla in here, it's getting rather lost among all the other sweet scents. Finally, is that a whiff of traditional perfume I smell?


Wet: It's interesting - whenever I get a whiff of myself in passing, I think "ah, there's my old friend amber!", but when I actually stick my nose on my wrist, I get honey with maybe a touch of vanilla. I think yesterday's White Rabbit is running a bit of interference, because once it settles down, I get an interesting sort of musky-amber honey on one wrist, and soap on the other. Weird.


Dry: It becomes about 95% honey by the end, with maybe a touch of amber to keep things from veering too foody-sweet. The vanilla never really develops, alas.

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(I'm trying to go through and test all of the bunches of imps I have collecting dust. Not sure of the age on this one but I'd guess about five years.)


In imp: Super sweet, golden, a little bit plasticky?


On: Until this exact moment, I didn't realize the common denominator in Alice and Bengal that makes both of them go to sticky plastic on me... it's honey. There were a few glorious minutes when I put O on when it was all golden syrupy honey, but now it's teetering on the edge of plastic again. It's so so close to being awesome. :ugh: The sillage is definitely better than the up-close wrist huff, but I can't decide if it's actually good. Since I also smell plastic in the imp I think I can chalk this up to a double failure of both my nose and my skin chemistry.


This is triggering a super strong memory of testing Bengal in the dark of winter when I was in college... sitting in a cafeteria grabbing a late dinner and cup of crappy hot chocolate, surreptitiously huffing my wrists to see if I still smell like spicy plastic. It's snowing outside, One Republic is on the radio, and I'm doing the crossword in the school paper. I've never had a BPAL trigger a memory of another BPAL before!


Verdict: Probably the swap pile. Too bad... amber, honey and vanilla are some of my favorite things!

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For me O is an istant love!


Sex in the bottle, dirty and sweet at the right point...I was a bit scared, it was a blind buy, but I 'm so happy that the chemistry of my skin blends well the ambery and honeyed notes of O...another great addiction in my collection of most beloved


Overall it's a very linear fragrance that could be perfectly layered with others, giving more deapht and a musky skinscent undertone


Rated 4.8

Edited by Elmifra

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In the bottle/imp it smells like vanilla chocolate.

On me it's a warm, sweet, milky honey & vanilla.It has hints of naughtiness and indian spices. Exotic and very sexy. It's unusual but I love it.

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wet on the skin: honey, vanilla starts to come out

drying down, the spices emerge and the complexity wows me. On the bottle it just smelled like honey, and the overall smell was very subtle and light. On my skin it gets complicated, mysterious and lovely as the spicy vanilla and that SOMETHING I just can't figure out... it evokes something very primal and (maybe even) dark in me. Now i get the sex references.

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In the bottle, this is very warm amber, sweetened up by honey and vanilla. Wet, its like sweet cough syrup on me in a kind of pretty way? but also not something I want to smell like. The Lab's honey always tends to go a little powdery on me, which it does here. Powdered sweetness over a red amber. Not working for me :(

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In the bottle: Nothing...maybe the tiniest bit of honey.


On my skin: the honey and amber are the strongest notes and they are pretty and warm and calming


Drydown: I hoped this would get sweeter at this point but it gets powdery...very powdery. Amber does this on my skin sometimes. It's not bad smelling but just all baby powder isn't what I was looking for. Too bad. :(


Throw: Did have pretty good throw but didn't last long.

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At first I LOVED this. It was this sweet, intense, sticky, seductive honeyed cherry on my skin. I read the reviews and thought I was so lucky that it wasn't powdery on my skin. A few months later, the same imp now smells like ultra sweet and wet baby powder; gross, cloying, and choking. Not good. Very sad that it changed.

Edited by andabri

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I finally tried this at Will Call last night. The sweetness is sexy and feels seductive and reminds me of Hair Loosened and Soiled Hair Gloss, which is a favourite of mine. The patch on my arm where I put her on is still strong, almost 24 hours later! I'm definitely picking up a bottle!

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  On 10/19/2014 at 6:00 PM, spectrum-in said:

On the wrist: this smells like when you lick your skin and it dries. I like the smell on my elbow but I really don't think it's worth it to wear for that yucky smell on my wrists!!

Beekeeper's daughter here, and yes, honey can totally smell like spit. I have spilled a lot of honey on myself, and depending on the bees, the season, and what the bees got their nectar from, spit (scent) happens ;-).


Wearing O, I smell like the most fabulous honey cake ever, plus Amber. The honey is strong, and smells it's been heated (which I should have expected, because how could you extract fragrance from raw honey?)


My fantasies about smelling like all the flowery secrets present in raw honey did not come to pass, but I'm happy I bought a bottle. ETA Can't stop wearing it. My daughter's review: "Like eating honey cookies in a room with incense."

Edited by Teamama

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