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Velvet Unicorn

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Spun sugar, sparkling rainbow candies, strawberries, merangue, and cherry fluff.

On my Velvet Unicorn turns very... vanilla and plastic. Blech. When first applied this was GORGEOUS, and I agree with other posters that it is reminiscent of Midway (which also turned to plastic on me). Bummer, this didn't work at all.

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I started out LOVING this, it was sugary delights whipped into a fluffy, airy treat. Very similar to a cotton candy scent, with sprinkles on top.


After a few hours though, this transitioned into a very musky, warm scent that reminded me of the Vanilla scented pipe tobacco that my stepfather used to smoke. For some reason, some of these sweeter notes seem to fade into this vanilla tobacco scent on me, of which I'm not a fan


This! I was trying to think of how to explain the drydown I get, and this is it!

I thought people would think I was crazy when I tried to say that as a guy, I totally love this, and that even though its made up of young girlie notes, it dries down to an almost smokey spun sugar thats really not too sweet at all. I love it!

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I love this one too! All the sweet fruits are delightful and the dry down is all cotton candy musk!! YUM!

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I recently acquired a decant of this, and it smells very similar to a creamy version of Pink Sugar! Me likey! :wub2:

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This is so, so good.


VU starts out with a blast of cherry when I first apply it, but it's a nice, juicy, realistic cherry, not the cough syrup cherry that I've found dominates some BPAL cherry blends. It wears off quickly, though, and I'm left with a beautiful sugary candy note with a base of fluffy marshmallows! It's somewhat reminiscent of Plastic Pink Flamingo, actually. While Midway didn't work on me (perhaps I should clarify: Midway disappeared on my skin immediately after application so I really have no basis for an opinion of it), I can understand the comparison. This smells like a young girl at the local fair chewing on a candy necklace in one hand, with a big cone of cotton candy in the other. She's just about to step up to a midway game at which her boyfriend will try to win her--you guessed it--a kitschy velvet unicorn painting.


Velvet Unicorn is particularly special to me because it's the first BPAL blend with sugar that I can successfully wear (all others turn to rancid plastic--I'm lookin' at you, Sprinklecake!). I am so happy to have a bottle; it will be going into heavy rotation this summer. B)

Edited by KittyHawk

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i remember someone saying that velvet unicorn is "too...toooooo." that appealed to me very much. i was like, "bring it on!" :lol:

and yeah i definitely see what that person was saying. it's crazy cherry overload. it's like when you chew on a cherry laffy taffy and it's kind of oily/fatty and juicy and warm. just pure hedonism. definitely velvety. it also reminds me of the taste of those cherry catcher's mitt ice creams with the baseball shaped gumball.



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Velvet Unicorn + me = crazy delicious


This stuff smells wonderful on me, I cannot get enough. I'm so happy I put it in my locket today, because it was all sweet smelling yumminess, all day!


In the bottle: Hello, candy! Specifically, cotton candy. This is all warm strawberry sugared cotton candy.


Wet: My skin loves this. It's sweetness, pure and simple.


Drying down: This stayed true to the bottle scent and the wet scent, it's airy and light sweet strawberry candy. I'm noting a sugared incense type of edge to it as well, which I love. This is good, good stuff!


Dismayed that I only have one bottle, but so, so happy that I have it to experience!

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I accidentally spilled some of this on the back of my hand earlier, and I'm kind of glad that I did, because now I don't have to try it and spend a full day smelling it.


Smells very sweet in the bottle, like strawberries. Not my usual kind of thing.


On, it quickly turns to a sickly sweet vanilla with an undertone of strawberry. It's very plasticky and reminds me of a little girl's scented doll or something. Ugh. Definitely not for me!

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In the bottle - Skittles, seriously fruity juicy sugar


Wet on me - A smooth lemony sugared sweetness


Dry on me - A sweet soft candied lemon with creamy undertones


Overall - Very yummy, but also light and fresh

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In the bottle - Pink candy. Candied fruits? Rock candy?


Wet - There’s fruit and sugar. Sugary fruit punch. I’m getting strawberries and cream with maybe a hint of lime Jell-O.


Drydown - Ooooh, THERE’S the cotton candy. And here comes the meringue. If I concentrate, I can smell every single note listed. It’s so beautifully blended that I’m left with the overall impression of childhood candy binging. It’s soft and sweet and nostalgic, and every time I catch a whiff of myself there’s some new facet of this scent. Strawberries and cream, lemon drops, cotton candy, even that cherry on top. It’s all there, and it’s absolutely lovely.


Verdict - The scent disappears much too soon, and there’s perhaps a bit more lemon than I’d like, but this is still a standout favorite. I expect to wear it often -- especially when I need a quick pick-me-up.

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I absolutely love this, it's just what I was hoping for! Much as I adore Midway, about 9 times out of 10 it vanishes on my skin in three seconds flat, whereas 'Unicorn has seriously high octane throw and staying power :D ...so much so, I've just sold my bottle of Midway!


Freshly applied, it's like those fizzy rainbow laces with the sour sugar on the outside, the combination of sharp and sweet and zingy makes my mouth water. It totally smells like a rainbow of candies, it's kind of pink, but there's a lot of everything going on, just a chaotic happy sugar-rush rainbow. As it settles down the candy floss starts to come out more, which is awesome, but there's always an underscore of lemon/lime sugariness. Midway was always quite a calm, soft candy floss scent, whereas this is like, bouncing off the walls hyperactivity sugar scent :laugh: It stays fairly true at this level, never really changing from the bag of fizzy rainbow laces, with a side order of candy floss. And it is compulsively huffable! :wub3:


This scent actually made me quite emotional, when I first tried it, because it is the pure embodiment of a friend I lost just over a year ago - she loved rainbows, she loved candy, and caffeine in any form, and making crazy multicoloured cocktails that she would then toss a handful of Sour Patch Kids into, and this scent is like Essence of Gretchen... So it'll always be quite special to me, I think... :blush2:

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I received a tester of this from a really wonderful BPALer with an order for my birthday :D

First Sniff Impression: Cavities, here I come!

Wet in Vial: Sort of a strawberry cotton candy. It's actually not quite as bad as I was expecting. It's just about six kinds of sweet :D

Drying Down on Skin: I feel like this would be adorable on a little girl. It just reminds me of everything I loved growing up in the 80's: My Little Pony, Lady Lovely Locks, Strawberry Shortcake, Barbies that came with fruity lip glosses, getting cotton candy at the amusement park (along with these little unicorn figures they used to sell), and every bit of sugar I could stuff in my mouth. At least on me, there's something almost boozy about it, which is helping me to not get a toothache and to also make me feel a little bit less like I'm four years old. Guessing it might be the meringue, for it's sort of like a vanilla alcohol.

Dry on Skin: This is really remarkably pleasant. Besides the price tag, I never would've tried this if it hadn't been generously frimped to me. But I'm really glad I did, because it's great! It's sweet and yummy, like those body sprays and lotions you got as a teenager, but without any of the yucky chemical smells you can now pick out as an adult. It's also amazing that I can pick out a hint of the cherry, and it doesn't bother me. I feel like if any one note was stronger than the others then it wouldn't work, but as with many of the really good BPAL perfumes, they're very well balanced.

Conclusion: So I don't think I'll be dropping $200 for a bottle of this any time soon, but I think I'd be very open to trying another similar scent with a more forgiving price tag. And I definitely wouldn't say no to Velvet Unicorn if it was gifted upon me again! :)

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Velvet unicorn


Wet: Sharp sugary fruity. Can't tell what berry notes I'm smelling


Dry: I smell a bubblegum note while drying down. Sharpness is gone. Not getting cotton candy like other posters. Maybe because this is aged? Don't smell Pink Sugar by Aqualina (sp) either


It smells like Black Lace when dried down.. which is weird. It's got this cotton kind of note. Im going to take out Black Lace and compare the two on different arms.


Don't think it's worth the 100$ plus price tag personally. But I'm glad I got to try it!

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On my skin, it smells like a mix of a beautiful sugary sweet vanilla and Banana Boat suntan lotion. I love it.


Bottle test: I get creamy vanilla meringue with strawberries. The strawberry note in this one reminds me a lot of Loli.goth. I get lots of compliments on this one!

Edited by VioletVorpal

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The wonderful DJNevermore sent me a sniffie tester of this. Thank you do much babe!


This is Midway's little sister. Midway is in to baking. Instead, Velvet Unicorn is all in to sugar and FRUIT! She's actually a lot closer to what I wanted the original Midway to be. Sweet Cotton Candy with lovely fruit notes.


She's just straight up lovely, cotton candy, strawberry, cherry fluff. Tiny little hint of coconut, kinda like she's spent a day at the beach and the last of the sunscreen is wearing off... It's beautiful. I'd love for this cotton candy note to be used in a loooot of things. I like the way it feels kind of ethereal.

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Wet: Pink Sugar by Aquolina. I thought I was going crazy, and the looked through previous reviews and saw a few others mentioned it as well! (Pink Sugar notes, with similar notes to VU in bold: bergamot, orange, fig leaves, raspberry, lily, candy floss, licorice, strawberry, sandalwood, musk, vanilla, and caramel.) To be fair, it's been several years since I've smelled Pink Sugar(over 5, for sure), but it's what I immediately thought of first.


Dry: Yep, I stand by what I said in the wet stage. Pink Sugar. It's a (super) sweet, slightly warm, foodie scent with extra vanilla. Me gusta.

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5mL from the Lab


Preconceived notions:


I'm not really sure why I'm trying this one other than it being so popular.  And because of my surprising love of Midway, which I hear is somewhat similar. 


The notes give me pause, though.  I can get on board with spun sugar and even meringue, but the Lab's strawberry and sweet cherry notes tend to do me dirty and smell fake and cloying.  As for the rainbow candies, I'm not really a fan of most foody scents, especially candy ones, but I'll reserve judgment for now.


First sniff:


I can definitely see the Midway comparisons!  This is definitely "pinker," somehow.  I don't smell candies or strawberry or cherry or meringue...or anything in here.  At least not specifically. 


This is so well blended that what I'm getting is something between a walk through a carnival's food trucks and Pink Sugar (the perfume).  


Wet on skin:


This immediately becomes sweeter, if that's possible, as soon as it hits my skin.  It's not cloying, but it's like walking through a cloud of multi-colored, multi-flavored cotton candy.


Dry down:


Sort of a cross between the bottle smell and wet on my skin.  The fruit notes come out and play, but they just add depth to the spun sugar.  It's basically a fruitier Midway, minus the funnel cake note Midway has.


The verdict:


I really like this!  I won't be needing another bottle, since I've got Midway, too.  But this is definitely a keeper!


I love it when a scent that I'm not expecting to like turns out to be a winner and Velvet Unicorn is the newest addition to that list.

ETA: The very, very late dry down on this one (I mean HOURS after application), I'm getting musky vanilla.  Slightly powdery, but not in a baby powder or old lady sort of way.  Hard to describe, but very pretty and, again, unexpected.  This unicorn is full of secrets. ?

Edited by Penance

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Today I decided to bust out my decant of Velvet Unicorn. I needed something colorful and whimsical today and this fit the bill. To me this is the spun sugar from Boo paired with sweet fruity candy. It's strawberry Boo! I hope this one comes back some day. ??

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An extremely generous BPALista frimped me a tester of this, and ohhhh man. I am really kicking myself for those times I ignored this when it popped up on Etsy due to the strawberry note. THIS. IS AMAZING. It starts off as the most wonderful cherry fluff accompanied by spun sugar and a slightly lemon-y meringue. The strawberry becomes more noticeable after a few hours but is pretty tame here, like in Love from the Pickman Gallery: A Tremulous Song collection. It's such a delightful floofy candy scent that I cannot stop huffing where I applied it.


I don't normally chase down rares, but I may have to make an exception for this one. :bunnyluv:

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i got a bottle of this recently through a swap, and it’s so much different than i was expecting - but i love it! 


it’s much much .. warmer? than i was imagining it being; i think the meringue comes out on top for me, followed by cherry spun sugar. :wub: it’s a really fun sugary scent, and i would gladly eat 75 pounds of it if it were a real life dessert. ?

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