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Jolly Roger

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Sea spray with an undercurrent of leather, Bay Rum, and salty, dry woods.


Bay Rum is iffy on me, but sometimes it's ok. The other notes are iffy too, actually, I am really not expecting this to work, but gotta try it!


Wet: Sun-warmed wood and sweat! Very masculine, but that's to be expected. There's a faint aquatic note under everything. I am not actually getting much of the rum, mostly woods and salt. Very manly. Could totally see a pirate smelling like this, lol.


Dry: Warm salty wood and sweaty skin. Not my thing! But really realistic. It smells like what I imagine being on a wooden pirate ship might smell like on a really hot day.

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Salt, woods, warm spices! A little bit of soap which is sad but it goes away on the dry down. A less fruity cousin of 51! I like it!

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How the heck can an aquatic leather smell so... clean? This is a really nice, almost natural scent. Watery and unobtrusive. I don't get any rum and very little wood, but I like this a LOT.


edit: Ah, I see now that it's "bay rum" - that explains the touch of spice in the undercurrent! I'm giving this a full wear right now and am still really enjoying it.

Edited by vthesiren

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Wow ok so appearantly I hadn't reviewed this yet though I have sniffed it before in the past. This is the more masculine version of calico jack. Very woodsy, almost smoke-like and strong bay rum, which... tends to go bleh on me. Too bad. Gotta love me some pirates!

Edited by Cali

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Frimp! Yay!


Nice and piratey to start - lots of wood and salt and sea spray with a distinct undercurrent of nice-smelling man (must be the leather and rum peaking through). Good stuff. After a while the wood starts to take over, and it is a dry, almost smokey wood. It's still really nice, though. And about 3 hours after putting it on the leather makes itself known a little more and balances out the wood nicely. I like it but I think it needs a softer note in there to round things out - at least on my skin.


I'm keeping the imp - and will probably layer it with a coconut/lime scent so I can be a glorious beachy cliche this summer - but doubt it is bottle-worthy.

Edited by joopjoop

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On me this is quite similar to Anne Bonny: it has the same wood and salt notes, plus some soft leather in the base, minus the red musk. I don't get a lot of bay rum out of this. It's mostly salty wood and well-worn leather. Definitely a unisex scent, and softer than the description sounds. If I had to choose between the two I slightly prefer Anne Bonny, but this one is great too.

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Ehhh as far as pirate scents go I prefer Anne Bonny. It had more leather and gun powder and salt soaked woods to add interest to the ocean scent. This is pretty much a salt water scent with a tiny tiny hint of wood. Maybe I get a little of the bay rum but I've never been able to smell it clearly in any scent I've tried with it, it seems to be one that vanishes on me. Either that or it's what smells cologne-like in a few of them. Oh well, it smells pleasant but too cologneish on me, and while I definitely like a few masculine-leaning scents, this one doesn't really stand out much.

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Very much a bay rum cologne. Spicey (touch off allspice & cinnamon & nutmeg?). Smells good on my partner. Gives me a touch of a rash when I wear it tho (probably actual cassia or cinnamon in it).

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Wood, salt spray, and leather. It's lightly spiced with something. It smells like dried cooking spices, but they are pretty far back that it doesn't register as foodie. It's more for adding ambiance to a scent that smells very much like a location already. It smells like being by the seaside in leather boots. I adore it!

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This is one of the imps I received in my early BPAL days. I've worn it before, but apparently have neglected to review it!


In the imp: The waterlogged decks of a pirate ship. Salt water and woods!


Wet: The sea spray and salty woods are the first notes to jump out at me, but it isn't long before the leather emerges. The leather note doesn't overtake the salty aquatic aspect of this scent, but it does take it in an even more masculine direction.


Dry: Soft sea spray over black leather, which is now much calmer and smoother than before, with some bay rum and salty woods lingering in the background. I prefer this phase of the scent.


Verdict: This one matches its name perfectly! It's technically too masculine for me to wear on its own, but I layered it with Plunder on a special day a few years ago, so I feel the need to hang on to the imp for that reason.

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I actually reviewed this on the site before I realized this place existed:


On me this smells exactly like I’m standing on a pier in southern Florida, staring out at the boats on the Gulf.

If I smell my wrist where I applied the oil, I get mostly the scent of the spices they use in rum (with a touch of ceder.) The scent, as it wafts up to me, smells exactly like a wooden pier. That sort of old, water logged timber that’s caked in sea (ocean) salt. The salty ocean scent is more prominent, the wood a nice undertone. It’s not until near the end of the day that any sort of leather comes through (and it’s an old sort of leather, the kind that’s seen a lot of sun and sea.)


Why I ended up trading this off to my roommate- I live in the Midwest. Going around smelling prominently of ocean water is a little disconcerting. It sort of clashes with the natural Midwestern nature smell that’s far removed from palm trees and white sand beaches. Don’t get me wrong, I like it. It’s just not something I personally could wear everyday.

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I usually love leather, wood, and boozy scents, but something about this is bitter and unappealing to me. I tried two different imps of different ages, and the (I think) newer one was somewhat better (heavy on the wood), I still think they will both go to swaps.

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In the imp: Bay rum, salty ocean, and soft, dry woods.


Dry, this settles very quickly on my skin to wood and saltwater, but in a good way -- almost like the smell of driftwood on a breezy day on the ocean beach. The rum disappears quickly, and I never get the leather at all -- which is probably good since my skin tends not to play nice with either of those notes.


Medium throw and longevity.


I do like it, but -- while it's not overtly masculine -- it is more masculine than are the perfumes I normally like to wear.

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Woah, this starts off as salty green aquatic, bay leaf, very fresh. I get a woodiness to the scent but not dry at the start--it feels like a cold rough sea. Eventually it settles into a slightly drier woody aquatic with a hint of leather. 

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Very oceanic and woodsy. Wet and in the bottle, it almost hits you in the face and you would think it would be too much, but I absolutely love it. Lasts well through the day and gives me a practical jauntiness in my step.

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I'm pretty much only getting the sea salt, which I think I'd like more on a guy than on me.  It would be interesting to try in a bath, to make it smell like the ocean!

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I ordered an imp of Jolly Roger in my first-ever BPAL order, a scent I had carefully selected out of the dozens and dozens of oils I wanted to try. Needless to say, I was pretty excited about this one! When it arrived, I was pretty disappointed as it initially smelled *very* strong and reminded me of cleaning product more than anything else.


Thankfully, it has softened with time (my imp is about 4 months old now, I believe) and has morphed into exactly what I hoped it would be. On my skin, it is very woodsy, and very salty, and most definitely piratey (it's also beautiful when layered with Anne Bonny, for extra pirateness and a pinch of sassiness added).


I'm not sure whether I'll be getting a full bottle, but it's definitely on the maybe list, we'll see if it grows on me some more!  I think it'll be lovely to wear in the warmer months as there is something refreshing about it, and it's also quite distinct from other scents I own, so it might be a nice addition to my collection when I'm in the mood for something a little different.

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This reminds me of Anne Bonny at first, and I really like it in the initial stage. Then it sweetens up to a more basic aquatic smell that, while still pleasant, is kind of like . . . pirate cologne? I could imagine a dashing, dapper pirate smelling like this, like Jack Sparrow but with good hygiene. So, probably not something I'm likely to wear, but maybe if I write a pirate character someday. 

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This smells a lot like a jar of bubble mix on me. A lot of scents go soapy on me lately, and this is a specific type of soap I guess--sort of sweet and reminiscent of childhood. Not bad, but nothing like the description, and not anything I'm excited about. 

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I was not expecting to like this one as much as I do! I say that because leather is usually icky.

Despite its ingredients, it's actually a light masculine scent, one that as a feminine person I would be comfortable wearing in my conservative workplace. The bay rum is not boozy; rather it lends a bit of spices. The saltiness is wonderful, and I wish it would last longer. Dried down, the leather is what takes center stage. There is a slight soapiness, but I think this keeps it smelling clean rather than a cleaner.

Ocean salt, rum, leather... yup, this is a pirate in an imp.

I'm reeeal tempted to put this on my want-a-bottle list. My imp is of unknown age.

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Definitely a more masculine smell, very fresh and aquatic, salty and clean. Has a good throw on it and lasts for a long time on my skin. 

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I initially sought out BPAL on a quest to find a realistic ocean scent, particularly one that evokes the North Atlantic. A lot of the options out there, including some in BPAL’s catalog, lean heavily on citrus to enhance the ozone effect, which doesn’t particularly resemble the actual ocean and adds a southern, summery vibe I’m not really going for.


Jolly Roger is in the category that leans on pine for this purpose instead, which isn’t any more successful in replicating an authentic ocean scent but does have the benefit of not feeling out of place on a New England wharf in January.


In the vial: Pine, with a hint of ozone.


Wet on skin: This does not smell like the ocean on its own, but it is a very close approximation to a hike in the woods on the Maine coast where you’re getting whiffs of the sea here and there. The pine and wood are at the forefront, but the salt and ozone are definitely present. It’s very comforting yet energizing.


Dry: After two or three hours of unadulterated coastal pine forest, the bay rum starts to gradually come out. Combined with the pine and salt and wood, the overall effect isn’t really boozy or classically aftershavey so much as a pleasant sweetness that balances out those other more astringent notes for an effect that is surprisingly clean. It lasts the full work day for me.


Now that I look at the lab description, leather is actually among the listed notes, though I've never gotten a single hint of it. My skin tends to absorb most leather notes very quickly, so I’m guessing that by the time the pine dies down enough to let anything else come through, the leather is long gone.


Post-workout: It’s salty out of the vial, so sweat is just more of the same. It goes well with my natural body odor, with the pine having the tempering effect pine usually does in men's hygiene products.


While it's not the most realist fragrance I've tried in terms of resembling the actual ocean, this is a very nice, wearable everyday fragrance that works in all seasons and a broad range of occasions. It does come off as more heavy on the pine and less heavy on the bay rum in the winter, but it holds up. I initially tried this as an imp, and it became my first full size bottle purchase from BPAL precisely because it is the kind of thing I can reach for so often.

Edited by flumphlord

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