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Eve v5

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Unreleased prototype, no scent description given.


This was my favorite of the two unreleased Eve versions available.


This is sweet golden apples. Not tart in the slightest. I get a vision of golden delicious apple slices dripping in honey. There is something almost floral in the background, perhaps apple blossoms.


Edit: Tested this one again today and while is does remain apple, there is a floral that is coming up as well. Could be some white rose and again I want to say apple blossom.

Edited by TwilightEyes

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When I read about this scent, I went a bit nuts--I love Eve and I love some apple notes insanely. A lovely forumite sent me an imp and, while I do love Eve and I do love apple notes, I am not as in love with this as I thought I would be.


It is very apple with a nice floral that comes out more and more the longer it is worn. It has average throw and excellent wear length.


Don't get me wrong--I really really like it and am happy to have it. But I was also lucky enough to obtain a CT of O that has the same apple note and I love that one more. And Maiden v. 2 may have turned my head so much that it's hard for me to see straight.


However, my love for the original of Eve has just grown stronger. It's the first original I prefer to the prototype thus far. How odd is that?

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Eve is definitely warm golden delicious apples and honey. On wet, it's a very strong, springy green kind of apple but it warms up quickly. It's almost got a 'baked apple' feel to it. There's definitely something floral lurking in the background, and I would guess white rose as this does have a passing similarity to the White Rose blend. I am thinking this has a touch of brown sugar to it, perhaps molasses.


For me this is White Rose + APPLES + honey.

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Apples, definitely, unquestionably; soft, warm apples in the bottle. On me, a tartness appears, less golden than the bottle scent. There's something else in here, something clean that's giving me an Herbal Essences vibe. (Sometimes I wish I'd never used that shampoo, so I couldn't think of it every time I smell apples!) Maybe a hint of spice, but sweet spice, not readily identifiable to my nose.


I don't get honey, but I do get a warmth that's suggesting baked apples. Sort of makes me think of ice cream with baked apple chunks - is that a vanilla tinge? The soapiness — which I kind of suspect is apple blossom — is getting a little fainter, but not entirely going away. It's really nice, and I like the sweetness, the impression of the soft apple flesh dotted with spices; I keep thinking of cinnamon even though I don't exactly smell it (the sweet spiciness warms up the longer this is on my wrists). But Eve also reminds me of several CTIVs that passed through my hands; there were a few with an apple note like this, and one I kept an imp of. I do like when it starts to smell a bit like apple peels — something about that texture makes me smile — but at the same time it seems just too ... something for me. I'm not quite sure what, but I think it's just that apple isn't my thing!

Edited by bookandbroom

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First, warm apples and cinnamon. Then OMG ROSE, which is actually probably apple blossom as well in retrospect.


Now it’s a green, crisp apple with floral overlays and – SNOW GLASS APPLES, IS THAT YOU? The apple is asserting itself more than I remember from SGA, so this might be something to keep for a few months and re-try. Or re-try in a couple weeks. Or both.


Man. This is not a bad thing -- if this is the uber-SGA, I'm just fine with that.

Edited by wednesday white

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Apple! I get a fresh crips greenish apple. And it stays Apple for me as it dries down. I dont' often want an Appl-y type scent but I am so totally liking this one!

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straight sniff from imp is a fruity, floral overload...

once applied....oh yes...

most definitely....

an overload of apples and apple blossoms...truly lovely :D

i am diggin it....


ETA: aptly named as well!!

"well she ate it...lordy it was love at first bite!!"

aerosmith's 'adam's apple off toy in the attic'....thanks beth!!! :yum:

steven is aptly waitin' for his dragon's milk fix as well....teeeeeeheeee....xo

Edited by sookster

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Sniffed: Delicious tart-crisp apple, and a slightly soapy-powdery sweet floral, amongst maybe others - not traditional or heady florals, though. Girly and fresh and sweet.


Wet: Almost candy-sweet - it reminds me of Pink Moon & Candy Phoenix but with apples as the fruity note. Almost a little spicy, and I get the impression of spring florals - maybe some phlox? Definitely more juicy apple than tart, I agree with the golden delicious description.


Dry: I don't get rose, and while there definitely could be some apple blossom in this - it's so richly and deeply apple-y that it seems very likely - the soapy floral is something else. I also think there may be a little carnation in this, because it's even spicier and warmer.


Later: The candy scent has a caramel/brown sugar edge, now. Definitely a vanilla note of some sort that's amping on me, and I totally agree with the 'baked apple' (though this still smells fresh as well to me) thing. There's also a warm sort of woody note. Oh! the floral is SUNFLOWER!


Summary: It smells pretty autumnal, and as it dries further it reminds me of Agrat-Bat-Mahlat, L'Autunno & above all, an apple-spiked L'Estate. I strongly suspect there's an amber note in addition to the sunflower producing the warm powder effect. Great throw & longevity.


It's really quite an intriguing wrist-sniffer and the apple note holds so much better than most, but it's a bit too warm & powdery for me. Thank you wednesday white for the chance to try this! :)

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Pure fresh apples! When it was wet it smelled like red apples, and once it dried it went more green apple. The drydown didn't really change the scent, it just got softer as it faded.

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Apples. Fresh. Crisp. Tart. Bright red. Delicious. This is one that I prefer to what is available from the lab. I understand why this version did not make it, but DAMN it's nice.


I would buy vats of this and share them with the apple queen, ScaryDoll.

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Upon the initial application, all I can smell is APPLES. Which is perfect since I love apples. It's one of my favorite notes. I do detect a hint of the amber someone mentioned above.


I also get some kind of floral. I don't think it's white rose, since white rose is a rose that works with my skin chemistry, while the flower in here is not really working with my skin chemistry. At all. Sigh. I really liked this one before my meanie skin chemistry ruined it.


ETA: Okay, LIES. The flower dries down after about two hours, and the drydown is to. die. for. Smells amazing and has TONS of throw.

Edited by sarajane

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Wow, fruity – apples for sure. This is very bright, cheery, slightly floral….I like this better than how I remember the released version. The apple in here is lovely and fits so wells with the soft flowers. Maybe a titch of amber too to provide a base to the fruit and flowers. Gorgeous!

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I wish I got the warm golden apples and honey out of this, the comforting baked apple feel referred to at the beginning of this thread. I love honey and usually amp it but something went seriously wrong here. All I get is apple peels and cheap powdery floral soap, not the comforting snuggly blanket type of powdery but the type that reminds me of my grandmother's Coty powder which made me gag. I desperately tried sucking in huge whiffs of it for any chance I might detect the slightest trace of honey, but nothing doing. If anything, the cheap floral soap background only kept amping with time. I hope it goes to someone whose chemistry turns it into the honeyed wonderfulness I was hoping for.

Edited by Invidiana

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Eve v5 - Fresh, crisp, juicy, green apples. This is the same note that's in Snow Glass Apples. It's the one apple note I don't just tolerate, but actually like. If there's apple blossom in this blend, it would be the one time ever that apple blossom doesn't turn to soap on me. I'm more inclined to go with the white rose guess that a couple other reviewers had. I also think there may be a hint of golden amber to ground the scent, as there seems to be something a bit heavier and earthier in this blend keeping the fruit and florals from floating away. Overall, it's a very pretty scent, but sadly, it doesn't last long on my skin at all, and within 3 hours, I can't smell a thing. I'm so glad I got a chance to try this.

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I don't have much to say about this one. I get a green, slightly soapy apple that makes me think of shampoo. It reminds me of the apple blossom note in a lot of blends. I don't like it, but it fades in about five minutes on me, so no harm done, lol.

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Apples. Sweet apples that are crisp, juicy, and well...realistic. I am getting some sort of lush floral element in the background with a bit of sweetness. Maybe some apple blossom with a bit of amber. Very nice.

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In bottle: oh, very...*ponders* floral and fruity. Slightly soapy, too. I'm getting apples, but it's a little flat--yes, flat, not crisp.


Wet on skin: relatively the same as the bottle smell, but oh! On my skin, it becomes a little creamier, with a vanilla sort of creaminess. It's still fruity-floral, but the bottle smelled too "airy" for me, and almost artificial as a result. On my skin, it has more fullness. It doesn't go crisp, but it does has more depth.


Dry: augh. Like The Hesperides, this sadly turns grandmothery on me, a kind of "oily" and stale sort of scent.


Verdict: I don't know if I'm lucky or not that I've dodged another proto bullet. I did hope to love this, but alas, my skin chem strikes again.

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I can see Golden Delicious apples, but I'm not getting honey. This ends being sweeter on me than I expected. I kinda feel similarly to the previous poster.



Like The Hesperides, this sadly turns grandmothery on me, a kind of "oily" and stale sort of scent.


I don't know about oily or stale, but I feel like it does the same thing The Hesperides does on me.

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in the bottle: Apple!... with an odd edge.


Goes on as aaaaaaaaaapple, the Lab’s awesome fresh-juice note. There’s an edge to it though, some kind of note on top I can’t place. Baked? something sour? can’t put my finger on it.


What is that? Is it fermented honey? Is it my nemesis, ylang ylang?


The apple is receding now into something powdery, and floral. Oh mercy, it’s roses. I’m done. This started really awesome, but the finish is out of my wheelhouse. Off to swaps to find someone who will love it more.

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