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BPAL Madness!

Alice's Evidence

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Containing nary a neutron of meaning: rum-quince-cassis with prune and a bit of black ginger.


When first applied, this is the most delicious spiced punch scent I've ever smelled.  It only stays this way for a few minutes, though. It dries down to a very charming cinnamon/stewed fruit.  This is asking to be worn in the coldest days of winter, as it will make you feel warmed and cheerful.

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Unknown aged imp, pale yellow in colour 

Wet: ginger, sharpness like pepper, slight whiff of fruit of some kind (I'm not familiar with how quince or cassis smells, however), something powdery 


On: ooh ok, pastry, fruit, the throw is decent here, oh so slightly ginger and maybe a hint of rum. I really feel like I'm smelling some kind of baked goods even though it's not in the description. This is actually a lovely scent and well, makes sense to me! 


Drydown: woah. Ok, something comes out more here which throws the previous notes out. It starts hugging closer to the skin so I need to get closer to smell it. I can't quite pick the note, but spice and rum sometimes interacts weirdly with me. 


Later: 1.5 hours later it becomes very much a skin-scent that is slightly musky and slightly sweet and very faded.  


Verdict: It's unfortunately not love but I'm glad I tried the imp. 
In hindsight, I do believe I smelt some cinnamon, but it was mixed in with other notes that I didn't immediately pick it. I also wouldn't say this was overly boozy, so the rum note complements it as a whole.
It definitely makes "no sense" here at this point. Up and down 😂 

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This was a frimp, so not something I would normally pick, which is a part of the fun, because I am surprised by how much I like it. I would usually avoid such a foodie scent, but I find myself very drawn to it. This is fruity, but subtely so - balanced by the ginger and rum which add spice - but again I still wouldn't think to describe it as foodie. It stays close to the skin, but I like that. I am on the fence about keeping it in my collection or not, but one of those BPALs that is just worth the experience.

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Received as an imp. A hint tart. I smell the rummy cassis & prune, but the ginger stands out most. Interesting, slightly nose tickling smell.

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In the imp this is just spicy red fruit. I can't pin anything but it reminds of the holidays, I would guess cinnamon and clove. On my skin I get hot, sharp ginger overtop a more nuanced melange of fruits. Smooth and velvety but with a tartness, it reminds me a lot of the Black Pomegranate SN but with embellishments.

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Wet: Fruity and jammy – like a combo of plum, apple, and cinnamon.


Drydown: Sweet, deep purple, soft, and lightly spiced. It develops into a luscious, more nuanced scent. There's something a tad stemmy, or rooty in there. The ginger methinks. Towards the end of the drydown, the jamminess softens and becomes more doughy and spicy.


Dry: An enticing and delicious morpher. It reminds me of an orchardside market, with the scent of fruits, jams, floral wreaths, candles, and baked goods wafting through the breeze. This would make an excellent Atmo scent.



7 out of 10 bones

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Here's a wintery scent! The plum and cassis are immediately evident. I'm getting something else, like apricot or something. I typically like fruity things, but there's the slightest chemical aspect here that reminds me of walking around the mall. Like a scented candle, as someone else put it. I'm not picking up the ginger so much.

As it dries down, the jammy fruit calms down a bit and the spiced rum smoothly slinks in. I would love it if my apartment smelled like this. I'm going to keep this imp of unknown age but I'm not sure if I like it as a perfume quite yet. I'll try again when the cold settles in.

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For such a mild fruit, I'm surprised how quince is the dominant note in this. This smells like a spiced quince cider--lighter and less overwhelming than apple cider, which keeps it just out of the holiday scent association for me. But it's still delightfully delicious. I say this as an absolute ginger whore, of course.

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Yum, plump spiced prunes and piquant quince. If you haven't smelled quince before, it's pear-like with a tart bite. I agree there is something more to the spice than just ginger, it reminds me of old-fashioned Christmases, or what I imagine they would have smelled like. Some sort of mulling spices going on.


It's very quince-y in the drydown stage. If it was a president, it'd be John Quincy Adams. Excuse my sense of humor. I'll need to tuck this away for the fall/winter.

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Spicy fruit! Another review mentions stewed fruit, and I could definitely imagine this as a warm beverage or filling for a holiday baked good. BPAL's rum is usually too sweet for me, but here it's kept in check. Good GC option for fall/winter.

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