BlondeAcid Report post Posted February 22, 2011 A popular holy day beverage in 18th century Ireland: roasted apples mashed into warmed milk and ale, with nutmeg, sugar, ginger, and clove. Loving the actual drink, I was very excited to try this, and it didn't disappoint!In the bottle: Smells just like the drink, yummy roasted apples/milk/ale and just a touch of cinnamonWet on skin: It basically smells like super sweet spiked apple cider with a heavy dose of cream and just a touch of cinnamon.Dry down: I'm so happy this stays true to the first whiff, I was hoping the cinnamon wouldn't come through more, but instead died out further leaving a very soft warm cider scent. Hopefully this doesn't fade too fast on my skin. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gin Report post Posted May 17, 2011 I've never had Lambs-Wool to drink, but if it tastes like this smells, I wouldn't hesitate. This smells like spiced apple cider, but richer. I feel like I can smell the whole apple, not just the pressed and clarified juice (which isn't even apple cider but some try to pass it off as such). The spices are spot-on. I love clove and nutmeg anyway, but here , they just sing (and make me hungry for apple pie). I can't smell milk or ale per se, but they may be contributing to the overall hearty feel of this. I love BPAL apple scents so much, and this is definitely one of my top picks in that category. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MiasmaResonance Report post Posted June 28, 2011 In the bottle I smell apple apple apple, and a hint of milky spice. When I first put it on, the apple is so overwhelming it almost can't stand it. Now that's it's drying down, I can tolerate the apple more and the spice notes are coming out. I really think that the milk and spice notes are what saved this blend from going appleshit on me, and smelling too much like a glade apple cinnamon candle. LOL. It still does smell a bit that way to me, but the spice and milkyness is much more complex than that of a Glade product. I like this now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KittyHawk Report post Posted August 10, 2011 I just received Lambs-Wool 2009 in the mail; perfect timing in anticipation of the 'weenie update! In the bottle, the apples, clove, and nutmeg take the stage. I get a bit of a milky note, but it's very subdued. If this were edible, I'd drink it. Wet, it's still mostly apple and spices. I'm concerned that the milk will go buttery on me, but so far, so good. Upon drydown, the milk comes out of the woodwork. I'm not crazy about it, TBH. I was hoping the apple, nutmeg, and clove would stay the dominant notes. It's nice, but I don't know, the milk nearly ruins it for me. The longer this stays on my skin, the stronger the milk note gets. It smells like a buttery apple now, about 2 hours later. I'm not ready to give up on this yet, as I think (more like hope!) my hormones may be to blame for the WHOA butter. For now, though, this looks like a locket scent. Drat. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CiaoBonefish Report post Posted August 11, 2011 I can't believe I never reviewed this! It is probably my favorite autumn blend ever! 2010 Version: In the bottle and on my skin this is pretty much the same (YAY). It starts off lovely tart apples with a dash of milk making it a touch creamy and lovely spices that all meld together without anything being particularly distinct. It smells like cider, a lovely cup of warm cider, but with an added tart and freshness from the apple with I love. This isn't candle smelling at all because it just smells so fresh and comforting and alive and yummy. Also it is definitely on the sweeter side of spicy so don't let the spices scare you off. YUM. I love apples. I think this should only get better with age. As the day goes by the scent becomes warmer and even more comforting and the initial tartness of the apple fades while still being absolutely delicious. Swoon. Love. Love. Love. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aleciarivas Report post Posted August 22, 2011 This absolutely makes me think of a creamy Creepy! Pretty and totally utterly delicious but in the long run not nicer than my Creepy. I'll keep my old favorite instead. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
neuilly Report post Posted July 22, 2012 This is yum! I don't know what it's like in real life, but the scent is warm fall spices with a nice apple in it - slightly watery, so not like cider. But still very fall, very warm, and very fresh. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WidgetAlley Report post Posted November 5, 2012 Bottle: Sweet, realistic, red apple, with just a touch of bright, tart peel. And ginger, and cinnamon, and cloves, and something that smells like milk and caramel and just a touch like booze. Oh yum, this smells like grownup, sophisticated caramel apples! What an amazing fall scent. <3 Wet: A tart, gorgeous apple, heavy spice, and caramel. I am not a foody scent lover, but this is mostly amazing apple with spices and just a hint of brown sugar. And there's something kinda herbal-earthy in there too, maybe the beer? It's awesome! Dry: Grown-up caramel apples, spicy and almost floral and sexy and snuggly. I predict wearing this a lot when the weather is cold. It's the perfect scent to cuddle up to in your lovely, draped white winter scarf. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wren12 Report post Posted January 8, 2013 (edited) True from the imp to wet on the skin to dry on the skin...almost 0 morph at all... And I'm so fine with that! Lambs Wool is the filling of a juicy apple pie, redolent with nutmeg and clove. Amazingly spicy and warm and tempered by a sweet sugar kiss. The apples are very much a red type, lush and juicy. This would be a wonderful scent to warm up after a long day playing in the snow. I'm a fan!! ETA: I don't notice any milk notes in this at all...but they may be there smoothing out the spices, just not super 'milky' if you know what I mean! Edited January 8, 2013 by Wren12 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tharsei-thanate Report post Posted April 9, 2013 Bought a decant of the 2010 version from a forumite! In the imp: Mmmm, crisp apple cider spiked with cream. Wet: The blend becomes less crisp and the apples smell mashed. It sounds weird but the overall texture does change! The spices are also less prominent but that's fine. It's basically mashed apples with a hint of milk and spice and ale. Very yummy! Drydown: The cinnamon is stepping forward and it smells powdery- not like the actual smell of it is powdery, it smells truly like cinnamon, but the texture is cinnamon powder, sprinkled right on top of the creamy, somewhat boozy, spiced apple mash. Dry: I'm able to pick out the ginger, clove, and nutmeg now. The scent overall hasn't changed much, but it's nice that the spices amp more as it goes on. My skin loves spice. I smell so delicious right now! :love!: This blend is fantastic! I need more for sure! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lorna Brigid Report post Posted October 5, 2013 This is the bpal quintessential holiday apples and cinnamon scent! And to be honest, the only apple or cinnamon scent that actually works on my skin! Neither one is more prominent than the other, and it works and smells more natural than any apple cinnamon at the craft store. That is probably due to the ginger, milk and ale notes to round it out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
theredkilt Report post Posted July 29, 2014 2009: I get mashed apples joined by sweet milky notes. It's ok, but ends up Smelling too bubble-gummy and girlie for my taste Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MiasmaResonance Report post Posted August 8, 2014 A really nice fall apple scent, but not as creamy as the notes would imply. I think it's more high pitched and alcoholy than a "warm" apple cinnamon milky scent, which is what I wanted it to be. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bellumed Report post Posted October 2, 2014 Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. This is like the scent equivalent of stepping into a warm bath. Cozy apples and nutmeg, blissful. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
agirlnamedfury Report post Posted February 22, 2015 In the bottle and on the skin, this is all sweet apples and cinnamon, with just a pinch of nutmeg. There's something a bit musty about it, though... I guess they're definitely bruised cider apples, as opposed to fresh crisp ones. Dry, there's a yeasty beeriness that comes out, and the mustiness is much more pronounced. The spices have all but disappeared on me as well. This is one I'm always re-testing because it sounds like something I'd love, but then I'm always slightly disappointed once I actually put it on. I don't know what causes it to go sour and musty on my skin, but it just does nothing for me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vanilla323 Report post Posted April 25, 2015 Lambs Wool 2010 This started out all apple all the time on me. It was tart apple not sweet. Then on the dry down I got a little bit of spicy milk. It was definitely more milk then spice though. I wanted it to be sweeter to work for me. But it was mainly tart apple and milk. Low throw and didn't last long on my skin. Apple is very hit or miss with me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MischiefofRats Report post Posted November 10, 2016 (edited) I'm actually a little mad I like this so much, given that it's a tad difficult to come across. I more or less liked it in the bottle. It was straight warm apple cider, the mulled kind with orange slices floating in, but with something just a tad deeper, and it seemed like it would be nice going on. Then I threw some on this morning on the way out... and I wasn't terribly impressed. It was pretty, very much rich spiced red apple cider (which was nice, but not something I was looking for), and for about a half hour it stayed that way.... And then the milk kicked in. This is drop dead gorgeous now. The milk is subtle but so beautiful and creamy. It calms this right down from delicious-but-aggressive apple cider into this beautiful melange of creamy-dreamy spicy autumn apple beverage. I'm so glad I have a bottle, and I'm going to keep an eye out for another. This may be a Weenie, but it's Christmas in a bottle. Edited November 10, 2016 by MischiefofRats Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
missnix Report post Posted November 16, 2016 I bought a bottle of the '09 version from the Lab's Etsy site and it has become my all-time favorite BPAL apple blend (and I make a point to try to collect and try all their apple blends).As much as I love the scent of apple, it often seems to dominate blends to the point that it's all I end up smelling, and my brain translates that to "apple shampoo". But not this one. This is complex and glorious; it's actually more about the spices (that don't make my skin burn!) and the creaminess from the milk (that doesn't go rancid on me like straight "cream" notes sometimes do!) with mashed baked apple in a strong supporting role.To me, it smells exactly like the homemade applesauce my mom used to make in a little saucepan on the stove; heavy on the nutmeg and clove, with a tiny dollop of butter and a splash of half and half, yet it's not too rich or gourmand to be nauseating. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PinkoCommie Report post Posted July 13, 2017 My bottle is from the 2009 release. At first sniff, I thought there was something of a Yankee candle scent about it, but that was unfounded, thankfully. Deeper sniffing gives me a whiff of mashed spiced apples, something boozy and the merest hint of something creamy. Honestly, I put off reviewing this for a while because I was offended at the idea of taking my wrists away from my nose long enough to type it out. But review it I must. The scent isn't particularly long-lived on my skin, but the dry down is beautiful, leaving the whisper of autum and spiced apples with cream. I love it a lot and am so grateful to have my bottle. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
brineydeep Report post Posted October 13, 2018 2018 version. This goes on wet as an overwhelming holiday spice scent — the kind you would find in cheap candle. Thankfully it dries down into a more elegant blend. It’s still spicy, but has a lightness from the apple and almost a hint of citrus. It has decent throw. This is a nice blend to add to the holiday rotation. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
galahad Report post Posted October 19, 2018 In the Bottle: Apple and clove On the Skin: Cooked apple with the skins on. The clove is more subtle when wet on the skin and the whole is sweeter and creamier. On the Drydown: As this dries, everything melds together nicely but the apple remains nicely up front and centre. This is warm, comforting and sweet but not overly. Very nice Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Teamama Report post Posted November 14, 2018 (edited) 2018 version. This is more sophisticated & less foodie than I had imagined. It's unlike other apple or spice blends in my BPAL collection. I need a bottle: I expect to burn through my decant quickly. The apple in this blend is delicate & almost floral. The "roasted" description seems just right; sweetness without the bite of fresh apples or the sharpness of apple skin. The milk, ale & sugar are blended in to the apple, I really have to work to notice them. Both wet & dry, the spices are subordinate to the apple. The ginger is most prominent. Miracle of miracles, in this blend, my skin doesn't amp the clove to high heaven. I would put this in the same family as Sugar Skull: sweet, with fruit notes, but more sophisticated than expected. Medium-low throw, not long-lasting. I will reapply with gusto because this is gorgeous. A standout for me. Edited to add: I was wrong about length of wear. On moisturized skin, it is still noticeable over 10 hours after application. Lasts even longer in a locket. Bottle ordered. Edited November 20, 2018 by Teamama More Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
donkehpoo Report post Posted November 17, 2018 2018! Wet: An oddly rich apple scent. Definitely baked apples with ginger, clove, and a little sugar. I can't stop huffing my arm. Dry: Apple-scented potpourri. NOOOOOO. ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
reynardine Report post Posted November 18, 2018 This is the 2018 version. I tried it back in 2010, and thought it was okay, but it works better on me now. A lovely, mild cider. Not as sharp as Punkie Night (which didn't age well anyway). I ended up getting a bottle of this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Soupy Twist Report post Posted November 21, 2018 2018 version: Sweet perfumy apples (like the Lab's perfumy honey) with a touch of vanilla. Holy crap is this a bottle. Not much longevity on first test but I’ll retry it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites