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Erebos Atmosphere Spray

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Solace in darkness, the personification of shadow: lavender, black vanilla, white melon, night-blooming jasmine, rose, cedar, cyclamen, violet, and hyacinth.

I am sad, because I really wanted to like this one based on the reviews. And actually, I don't dislike it--- but it's just straight up lavender to me, much like the bath salts in my bathroom. Where is my beloved vanilla? Or even jasmine?

I've tried it a few times now but no change. Just lavender. I blame myself, however, not the blend. ;)

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I apply TKO massage oil to my wrists before bed almost every night, and have discovered that on the nights that I don't do that, I don't sleep as well. I've been hoping for a TKO spray, and finally saw mention of Erebos and its similarity to TKO from reading through the reviews. I'm so happy that I found out about this! As soon as I got my package out of the mailbox, I went straight up to my bedroom and sprayed 3 squirts: one on each of my pillows and one on the sheets that would be near my nose. The scent was definitely a strong lavendar - the same sharp herbal lavendar that I get initially from the TKO massage oil. But by the time I went to bed, it had dried down into a beautiful lavendar vanilla scent. I love this and can't wait to order a full sized bottle! And I slept like a baby. :) If you are a lover of TKO, or lavendar scents, then don't wait as long as I did to try this. You won't be sorry!

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Strongly lavender dominant. Actually it’s mostly lavender. Vanilla a weak second. The cedar is gentle, but interesting with the other notes. The other flowers make a complex and gentle setting to show off the lavender. I don’t like rose much, but here it plays well with the other notes instead of overwhelming them. I’d call the hyacinth and what I’m guessing is cyclamen as the strongest of the background florals. The melon is very soft, but adds a juiciness and a touch of extra brightness to the blend. This is gorgeous and I’m glad I was talked into it.

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Lavender, melon and cyclamen. I love this spray!!! It IS mostly Lavender, but there is a touch of melon there with a greenish sparkling lift from the cyclamen. Very very nice...

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OMG, this is stunningly gorgeous! It is lavender without the astringency or medicinal note that is often characteristic of lavender. It is lavender softened by bouquets of other heavenly purple flowers. There's also something in here that is bright and sparkly, almost lemony, except not foody or fruity.


I don't pick up any vanilla for the first half hour, but around that time the sparkly/lemony note disappears and a gentle warm undertone of vanilla takes its place, contributing even more softness to that of the purple flowers. I'm not of fan of vanilla-based perfumes, but here the vanilla is discreet enough to add softness and warmth without foodiness.


I never do notice any of the melon or cedar; nor do any of the flowers except lavender stand out as a specific note. But that doesn't matter. This is perfect exactly as it is. Perhaps the melon is the sparkly/lemony note. And I could see how a small amount of cedar could blend in seamlessly with the lavender note. So they might be adding subtle nuances without being strong enough to identify.


Sprayed into the air, the fragrance is very light and short-lived. But sprayed onto bed linens, it has just the right strength to pillow me within a cloud of peacefulness and bliss that lasts for many hours.



Verdict: This just blows me away. I adore lavender, and have many lavender-based scents. But this is one of my top 2 or 3 favorites ever. I've always loved the combination of rose and a little vanilla with lavender, and this blend takes that to a whole new level of beauty. It would be a great choice for those who don't normally like lavender but are willing to give it a try, since the lavender is so gentle but distinct in this. Not for those who don't like florals, though!

I wasn't planning to buy any full-size atmospheric sprays at this time since I already have several. But I MUST get a full bottle of this!


My rating: 5+ stars


ETA: After reading the other reviews, I see that I need to make it a priority to try TKO! I'd love to also have a perfume that smells like this!

Edited by Ghost of a Rose

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I'm not familiar with TKO so I cannot compare. Straight out it smells like lavender - really strong - and it makes me sneeze because it always catches me off guard. But it's quickly tempered by vanilla and what I think is the melon. It's alternatively soothing, warm, and fresh. I do sort of agree that this feels like a bedroom scent...or maybe bathroom? It's a hard scent for me to pinpoint my feelings on but I think I like it. I'm just going to have to keep testing ;)

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I love this. I completely understand the comparisons to TKO in atmosphere format but I can pick up the melon and a touch of jasmine. Usually I abhor jasmine but here it just adds a little floral roundness to the scent. It's quite lovely and paired with TKO (massage oil or perfume) helps provide a comforting place to help foster a deep sleep.

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This is straight up gorgeous. I've been resisting the atmo sprays for a bit, but I used to have a nice lavender spray I used on my pillows and sheets (I'm an insomniac), and when I saw the reviews of this I knew I had to have it. Sprang for a 4-oz bottle unsniffed and now I'm wishing I could afford the 8-oz size! This is indeed lavender, but the melon, jasmine, rose, &c, and especially the vanilla sweeten it and take a bit of the edge off its sharpness. Sprayed into the air it fades out pretty fast, but it is perfect as a soothing nighttime spray for bedclothes. Just four or five spritzes on a quilt lasted all night and felt wonderfully relaxing. It's strong -- a little dab'll do ya, as they used to say -- but not overpowering. The spray dried very fast and didn't leave a trace on my linens.


Also, now apparently I MUST try TKO. Have been longing for a soothing nighttime lavender scent!

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I bought an Erebos atmo spray a while back because work was so stressful that I was having trouble sleeping. I give the bed and pillows a few squirts before I start getting ready to sleep each night and it's been working wonders. As almost everyone has said, it's very reminiscent of TKO and harmonizes well for those wearing TKO as a sleeping oil—but Erebos is more floral and less astringent. I'm one of those people who often wears TKO to bed, and the combination of TKO and Erebos is pretty much heavenly. It's one of my BPTP essentials...I hope to never be without it. It would also make a really great gift for anyone who needs help relaxing, and frankly, that's most us!

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Okay, I don't know what is happening to me, but I LIKE LAVENDER! :thud:

Or at least I'm really liking Erebos Goblin Squirt I got with my last order!


For a little background, I used to have lots of sleeping problems as a kid so my pillow was always drenched with lavender oil to help me sleep. It didn't help much at all so I have bad memories of laying awake in bed with that scent all around me and now pretty much hate it.


Erebos is one of those things that when skimming over the Trading Post site I always though? Hey, this has vanilla, jasmine, melon and sounds really really goo- ohshit it has lavender, kthnxbai. But since getting a Goblin Squirt of it I can't stop using it.


It's still a bit too herbally-lavender for me to really love it, but otherwise it's a very sweet and relaxing scent... if it only had a smidgen less lavender and a bit more vanilla of jasmine then it'd be perfect, but I'm still considering getting a whole bottle with my next order as I run out of Squirts pretty fast.

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LAVENDER got me like WHOA?


Right from the start it's a beautiful and full smell of lavender, followed by a sweet resinous vibe. YUM!!!

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I use this to add to the lavender perfumes when I'm going to sleep. It lasts a couple of days per spray. I do love the scent of lavender, so this is a little biased. But, I still haven't tried the final version of TKO so I can't compare the two.

This starts out as a strong sugary lavender. Pretty soon, the vanilla starts coming out and makes it almost the smell of a lavender marshmallow. In the back are some flowers. I can faintly smell the jasmine, though I wasn't sure that was it until after I read the note list. As it fades over the couple of days, the lavender does soften while the floral aspect makes itself more known.

I ended up buying a full sized bottle and don't have to worry when the squirt goes with the girls somewhere and they forget it. I may just buy a backup bottle for if it ever goes out and run out.

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Origin: Free goblin squirt from the Trading Post


Initial Thoughts: I am yet another fan of TKO for helping me sleep at night. At the Dirty South Will Call last month XOMom said that Erebos was her TKO substitute for spraying onto linens. With that bit of information, it was time to dig out this freebie.


In the Bottle: Strongly lavender, but a more floral lavender than TKO. Still sweet and pleasant.


In the Air: And suddenly it's almost all lavender, but it's not harsh or herby.


Verdict: I will definitely be experimenting with this in the bedroom and hope it improves my sleep.

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Was gifted a squirt of this in my Trading Post order, and I'm so glad because I would never have tried it otherwise. Weirdly for me, i's the vanilla note from Dorian with a generous dose of lavender. I can pick out some violet, but I can't smell any of the other notes. But it's fabulous. I'm spraying it over all of my blankets so they're all snuggly.

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I ordered some Goblin Squirts, halfway thinking "oh, I don't need more atmosphere sprays, I have some already and I don't use them." I was so wrong. These are way more highly concentrated and disperse way better than the ones I'm used to, and I might be ruined for anything else now. I sprayed the wedge pillow I rest against when I sit in bed and I'm now surrounded by a cloud of the most beautiful flowers. Okay, the actual review now.


This is one of the best lavenders I've ever smelled. It's definitely lavender-heavy but I can't fault it for that because it's truly amazing lavender. You know those super fancy essential oils that are hand picked by monks in Provence or something? That's this lavender. It's sweetened and smoothed by vanilla and jasmine, and if I squint I can detect the violet and hyacinth. If there's cedar in here it must be a really tame one because there's no spice to this at all. Also having a hard time finding the rose and melon, but it's lovely as is so I don't mind that. I've had a migraine on and off for two days (don't worry, scents don't really affect me that way!) and maybe it's just because I love lavender/jasmine/vanilla but I could feel all my muscles relax after the first sniff. This may be a sleep blend for me.

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Trying the 2024 restock of Erebos and I can't tell any difference. It's got the same lovely vanilla lavender and melon coolness and it's perfect for a sweltering day.

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