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Sniffed: Lemon yellow oil. Fizzy ginger ale, sprite, and a bit of dishwashing detergent. Reminds me of a cross between ginger ale and Independent (or Independent's drydown on me). Very fizzy! The ginger note is light, though, and this is not a very sugary/foody scent.


Wet: Instantly soapy on my skin. Dishwashing liquid, almost like the bubbles or foam - frothy. Still faint ginger and lemon-lime soda, and still fizzy - but all of that's overwhelmed by the soapiness. It's a nicer soapiness that most - I sort of like Dishwashing Liquid soapy - but it's not what I want in perfume. :\


Dry: The soap has faded, hallelujah! It's still soapy, but less dominatingly so - I can smell the other notes more than I could before, and the lemon-lime is HOLDING on my skin which citrus almost never does. The ginger has faded a teensy bit, and I have to search for it - this is more Sprite than Ginger Ale now.


I love the scent in the bottle; I'll need to retest it more thoroughly.

Edited by fairnymph

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Ginger and lime soda! This one sure is fizzy. It's slightly more limey than Old Ackerman's Instructional Toys, but it has the same effervescent ginger note with a touch of sugar. It's biting, but this make me think of a mix of ginger ale and lemon-lime soda.


TASTY. :yum:

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I'm getting a teensy bit of ginger but this one is predominantly flowers on my skin. I'm getting lots of white flowers here. Hmmmm.... maybe my skin is broken?

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I get a fizzy tiki bar quality from this one — something makes me think of gin, and something fizzy, and then there are florals. I can almost figure out what kind of florals, but no — just can't get a grip on them. They give me a soapiness that's more dish soap than, say, body soap, or shampoo, though; it's a clean kind of sweet floral to go with the drinky fizz. Interesting!

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Sour lime, fizzy gin, yuzu. Adds a white tropical floral as the initial sour-lime fizzes down. Smells like the same gin base as Swank and several Tiki Bar blends.

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I wish that I got the fizz, gin, or sweetness that other reviews have mentioned. On me, this pretty much smells just like lemon scented dish soap. It's a bit sweet and makes me think of soap bubbles, but still... dish soap. In the drydown, it takes on a fruity shampoo sort of edge that reminds me of bpal's apple blossom note. Too soapy for me.

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this is an odd one, it went on fizzy (champagne or soda?), then bloomed floral (something waxy like a lily?), and dried spicy (maybe ginger? cassia?). I'm not getting the soapy aspect others have mentioned but the floral backs off a lot for me on drydown. there might be a lemon or lime note hiding in there but my nose is confused by this journey. 

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A lost tiki scent? Strong orange cocktail with vodka, fizzy water, a stem of ginger (perhaps some cardamom and cinnamon?) and a tropical floral topper. I understand the soap note people are mentioning, it's out on drydown for me, but it just adds a very clenly bar to the picture in my head, lol. It's a lemony soap scent. The 'cocktail' and clean bar now both equally strong.

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Frottle from the Lab last year ('23)! Fizzy champagne, plus...lemon and ginger or ginger ale? I can see how this could be a tiki drink - or possibly veer into cleaner, with the lemon note. Interesting! - also very light on me.

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