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Dragon's Milk

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I am pretty new to dragon's blood as a note, so please keep that in mind!!


I really like this scent. I think the description is spot-on...I get a resiny honeyed vanilla. But the honeyed vanilla isn't like honey or vanilla, per say. It's as if they swirled together in a sticky, resiny, warm cup of dragon's blood to become something that almost has an almond-like quality. I actually noticed that this read "almond extract" to me after dry down even more. Not in an artificial or alcohol way, though.


This seems like something that's a simple BPAL staple - like it would be a classic to the brand.

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Dragon's Milk is one of the stars of the GC scents. Dragon's blood is the main note here with a creamy vanilla supporting. It is incredibly strong and long lasting on me. I haven't tried it aged but love my new bottle.

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Something in this is not agreeing with my stomach, and I may have to scrub it off. So far I seem to like dragon's blood as a note, but the milk/vanilla combo is surprisingly cold and sweet. I'm not actually a fan of milk outside of perfume, and this is an incredibly realistic milk. With the cold, almost metallic sweetness on top and the huge sillage it has on me, this one is not a winner. Hopefully one of the other dragons will be more to my taste.

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I'm not a fan of foodie scents in general but this one has a mixture of the two that does seem really faery in origin. It's really just milk and honey and sweet-leaning dragonsblood resin, but the latter keeps leaning, not quite incense-y but definitely Other. Like a smoke or something (though i do get a bit of cherry, and someone earlier pinpointed almond so i know it's not just me!). This smells like a faery banquet and reminds me of the old Halloweenie Goblin Market, which also had honey and dragonsblood as base notes to a bunch of sweet fruits, and which also felt supernatural.


I don't think I'd reach for this often so i'll probably pass the imp to a friend or something, but I love it and it's really atmospheric, much more so than most foodie blends.

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dragon's milk just got added to my "to-buy" pile of imps!

It's dragon's blood resin with the addition of a sweet cream

The sweetness is a little weird while wet on the skin and makes the dragon's blood smell a little medicinal but when it dries down they meld wonderfully to make a Dragon's Blood blend that I can wear everyday

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Dragon's Milk is probably the sweetest of the dragon mixes I've tried. It's like a creamy dragon's blood candy. It tries to push towards medicinal, but never quite makes it and stays in the candy realm rather than cough drops. I typically do okay with dragon's blood, but this doesn't work for me very well. It's not bad, but the sweetness is overwhelming on me.

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I've heard a lot about Dragon's Blood but have never really had occasion to try it out in anything before. I read that Dragon's Milk has a lot of what people like in Dragon's Blood without quite as much potency (I'm prone to headaches with some scents, so I try to be careful), so I elected to give it a shot as my first exposure.

In the imp:
I really like this. I definitely get a nice, juicy berry scent.

On me, wet:
About the same as in the imp, but a little warmer. Getting hints of the vanilla.

Hmm. It's starting to get a little plasticky-smelling, now. Like a Twizzler. Which isn't a good thing, unfortunately: I'm not a big fan of Twizzlers.

Dry, about an hour later:
. . . Nope. Nope, nope, nope. It's gone pure licorice on me and is giving me a headache. I gotta scrub it off. :(

Definitely not going to wear this, but I'll see if maybe I fare better with it as a room oil, or maybe I'll keep it stored away somewhere and see how it ages. I really do like it in the imp, just not on me. :(

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This was in my first order, and I recently bought a new bottle. My first bottle is over ten years old now, and the new one direct from the lab.

In the bottle- Wet, warm and spicy, with a cooling note of honey sweetened milk.


On the skin- a bloom of cherry warms up the spice.


30 min dry down- dragon's blood warmth, and musk with a hint of black pepper to replace the sweet milk notes of the wet version.

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I recently received a sample of this in a swap, and oh my. This is a warm sweet scent, but not overly foodie to my gourmand loving nose. It provided beautiful wafts during the day until around the 3ish hour mark when it settled to a nice airy vanilla skin scent. Even now at 12 hours post application, the vanilla is still clinging lightly to my wrists. This is not one you would wear when you wanted to demand attention, but I could see keeping a bottle around for the "I want to wear something comfy today" type of moods.

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Dragon's Milk is a super sweet scent on me. Dragon's blood in general smells mostly like a cherry floral on me, and that combined with vanilla and honey make the sweetness of this very strong. This does go slightly powdery on me eventually, but it takes a while to get there, and even when it does I don't even mind it because I like the scent so much. This also has good throw and lasts a long time.


Overall, a very sweet scent, but the dragon's blood makes it almost cozy, in my opinion. I like to wear this one when I'm having a bad day, the sweetness of it brings me comfort and warmth. I'll definitely get a big bottle of it eventually.

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I've been meaning to try this forever, and then it appeared as a frimp in my latest order. Thanks Lab! :wub3:


This is one of those blends where every note in it works on me most of the time, and I was able to predict pretty well what it would smell like on. It's just as described: dragon's blood rounded out by creamy vanilla with hints of honey. Sometimes the honey amps up a little higher and I get O-ish wafts, but mostly DB and vanilla are the stars. It's beautiful and comforting, and will definitely have a permanent place in my collection.

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I guess I never reviewed Dragon's Milk! It's a favorite of mine; I put some on today when I was having a difficult moment, and it made me feel much better. It's a kissing cousin of O, with dragon's blood instead of amber, and like O, it ages marvelously.


In the imp, Dragon's Milk is a gorgeously reddish orange color but smells almost cloying. On my skin it settles down quickly, and a slight spiciness emerges to balance the honey vanilla. Yummy! It does not morph a lot on me, which is good because it hits the just right note almost immediately, and it lasts a long time.

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In the imp: sweet cherry dragon's blood and honey.


Wet: more of the same. It's almost too sweet for me.


Dry after an hour: There's the vanilla, finally! It's turned from 'meh' to 'ooooooh.' The sweetness has died down to a reasonable level, it's now just warm and comfortable.


Crazy longevity (12-ish hours) so to me it's worth that difficult first hour.

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I smelled like a dessert all day wearing this, but could not stop sniffing at my wrist. Dragon's Milk is incredibly long lasting on me, sweet without crossing over into cloying. While Wrath gave me 'I breathe fire' vibes all day long, this was kinda comforting--almost tame in comparison. It could become a good 'everyday' scent for me, but for special occasions or high-pressure situations, I'd rather have Wrath.

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On me, Dragon's Milk is a very sweet, warm dragon's blood scent (smells sort of fruity and cherry-ish, but still resiny) mixed with strong vanilla. When wet it does have a slightly smoky vibe but that disappears after dry down. Love!

Edited by h_yeti

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This one is not a friend to my skin chemistry. It smells exactly like the blue stuff in a porta-potty. A complete tragedy.

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In the imp this smells resinous and sweet and it didn't change much on my skin at first. Over hours, it softened to a really creamy honey-vanilla that smells both delicious and comforting, leaving me sniffing my wrists all day. And that's another thing I love about this oil, it's one of the longest lasting I've yet to try. The throw isn't very strong at any point, but I applied it in the early morning and it's evening now and I can still makes out the notes against my skin.

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Have I reviewed this before? Lately this is my favorite DB, it’s sweet in a Snake Oil way. Evocative.

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I thought I reviewed this years ago.. whoops!


Wet: Dragon's blood and sweet vanilla.


Dry: Dragon's blood, sweetened with vanilla and thick honey. So, so nice. Dragon's blood can sometimes amp on me, depending on what it's mixed with, but this wears close to the skin.


Very comforting. My favorite bedtime scent. This is quite similar to Kwamie Cotton on me, so if you already have one, you don't necessarily need the other. (I love dragon's blood scents, so I have them both!)

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Dragon's Milk is the love of my life. My holy grail. My reason for being. I hoard Dragon's Milk like dragons hoard gold.


Its intoxicating, sexy, deep aroma ruined me for all other perfume; It truly set the standard for me. When I buy a new scent, the phrase uttered is typically "Mm, I like this, but it doesn't make me swoon like Dragon's Milk does."


One day I will get my hands on a proper bottle of Dragon's Milk HG. On that day I will die happily, with my bottles of Dragons Milk buried with me like a pharaoh and his treasures.


I hope everyone is able to feel about a perfume the way I feel about this one. Get yourself a love like mine <3

Edited by sterlingstein

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This smells exactly like a Lush perfume scent to me, I think it is the honeyed vanilla note thats triggering some college scent memories. Lovely and strong! But I dont want to be transported to a time of hangovers in figure drawing class, and dorm life.

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This is a honey + vanilla scent, not a dragon's blood one. Given my love affair with DB this was initially a disappointment, but LORD this stuff is good. Warm, thick vanilla with soft and sweet honey. I can't detect any dragon's blood.

A foody scent without being truly foody. Reminiscent of Alice and Eat Me, minus the fruity stickiness.

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Oh my god this is goooood! Starts out with a creamy, coconut-floral then slowly melts into a luscious golden honeyed vanilla cream. It’s heavenly and an instant favourite! I luuuuurve! ?

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I really enjoy this one, though it reminds me strongly of Snake Oil (minus the darker spices, plus a fruitier spice). It almost gives me a coconut milk vibe? I got this as a present for one of my sisters, but will likely have to get some for myself eventually.

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I think I'm in love with this. It smells like sweet dragon's blood resin and cherries. It also reminds me of aged Snake Oil! I was gifted this imp and I'm thinking I'm going to need a full size one of these days. ??

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