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Dragon's Milk

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A truly fae nectar! Dragon's blood resin and honeyed vanilla.

Wonderful! That beautiful Dragon's Blood encased in milky honey. To die for. I thought just plain Dragon's Blood was good, this is even better. I love it, I may need more...soon! :P

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First Impression: Dragon's blood, honey and milk.


Dries down to: the same but it now seems to have a hint of peony underneath. The longer it's on my skin, the "creamier" it becomes.


Additional Comments: I can't actually pick out the vanilla in this, but the entire combination is absolutely stunning. The dragon's blood and vanilla seem to produce the peony-like note and hold the honey, which is often my nemesis, in check. This is another instant favorite and immediately went on my "Big Bottle" list.


Lasted: Several hours. Dragon's blood seems to last quite a while on my skin.


Rating: 4.5 out of 5

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I figured there was pretty much no way for me not to love this one, given that I adore all three listed notes...


The vanilla and honey blend beautifully with the tang of dragon's blood. This is sweeter in the imp than on my skin, but it is a really long lasting blend with a decent amount of throw. The sweetness definitely amps up after a while, but not in a way that I dislike. I put this on about 7:30 this morning and I can still smell it on my wrists, incidentially. How's that for some staying power? :P

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I love dragon's blood and this is a great blend but...I just smell dragon's blood. Phfffft. Damn...that's all I ever really smell in the dragon's blood blends. I think it simply captivates my snout and nothing else can possibly tear my attention away from it.


The icon? Got (dragons') milk?

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This is a fantastic blend. It is sweet and creamy, but the dragon's blood keeps it from seeming overly foody. It stays true to its in the imp smell on me, and has great staying power.


There is nothing not to like in this oil, and it has lept onto my big bottle list.

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This was surprisingly good on me. It wasnt too spicy, nor was it to rich and 'foody.' One note didnt stand out over the other, and it left a nice, calm smell.

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This was the first imp I tried today out of my brand-new pack. From the deep red color, I was expecting something a little spicier - just my own associations. But the dragon's blood is only mildly spicy on me. I'm still learning what that smells like, the only other dragon's blood scent I've tried is Tintagel, which has a lot of other stuff in it.


At first I was a little disappointed it was so mild (I love spicy scents). But then I kept sniffing, and it's quite yummy. It is a lot like Dana O'Shee with a little more spice, and thankfully it lasts longer on me. Not superlong, but about average for my bpal length of wear. Also, I love the thickness & color of the oil when you first put it on, it makes it seem extra special.


I think this will be a great at-home scent. It's comforting and happy, but doesn't waft much for me. Maybe a big bottle sometime in the future.

Edited by spanishviolet

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this is the second scent i've tried with dragon's blood in it, and i just don't think its for me. i can see how someone would like this- it smells sweet, kind of like maraschino cherries.


this is way too sweet for me- it makes me kind of nauseous when i smell it. that could be the honey though, as i tend to like vanilla. probably a combination of honey + dragon's blood, neither of which i like on me. oh well. i really wanted to like this one :P

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I've finally found something with dragon's blood in it that I can actually wear!  Dragon's Milk is my first and (so far) only dragon's blood scent from the Lab that I enjoy.  The oil is thick and deep red, almost glowing, and the smell is so decadently sweet, rich, and creamy.


It smells like maraschino cherries and a warm, creamy, honeyed vanilla. Sort of like vanilla icecream with whipped cream and cherries on top. It's wonderfully sweet and I love it. I'm paranoid that it's going to turn on me like dragon's blood always does and smell like rotten flowers, but this dragon's blood is cherry red, sweet, and slightly incensey.


It's so good for hours. It dries down into a mouthwatering honeyed vanilla with the sultry incense and deep red tones lingering in the background.  Feels warmer and more snuggly-yet-sexy the more it dries down.

I'm amazed. I was so convinced that I would hate this blend, in spite of its popularity, because I've hated every dragon's blood scent that I've tried thus far from the Lab... but I want a 10 ml of this one.


ETA 2015: This is another GC blend that's changed so much that it's unrecognizable for me. My older bottles were a deep, thick, dark red and smelled sweet, rich and amazing. My latest bottle is pale orange and smells like floral dragon's blood. What a letdown. So many of the GC blends I loved a few years ago are just not at all the same when I've repurchased them. I wish that bpal would at least note when they've reformulated something, because I've wasted a lot of money with blends like this ?

ETAA:  Won a bottle of this in the Lab's ebay auctions in 2024 and there is absolutely no dragon's blood in whatever version this is.  The oil is clear and almost watery and smells like only the honeyed cream of Dragon's Milk, which isn't as lovely as it sounds.  I am going to keep it to mix with other dragon's blood oils I have and hopefully recreate the OG Dragon's Milk.

Edited by Little Bird

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Dark red and resinous, a bit like very overripe fruit~smokey, slightly fermented. On the drydown I really get the milk smell, slightly sour, but creamy and sweet;


I definately get the image of dragon's milk and the mother dragon feeding her young~powerful, magical, life bearing, fierce if roused...


Dry the honey vanilla is just duskied by the dragon's blood. I have gotten several comments that I smell "so good"...

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I never thought I'd like this, although I love dragon's blood...I just hate honey, vanilla, and honeyed vanilla in almost every blend that I've tried them in so I didn't see how it could work together.


But it does! And marvellously so. The dragon's blood keeps this from getting cloyingly sweet and sickly foody, and it doesn't get lost in a syrupy mix the way I thought it might. But it reminds me of Snake Oil in a good way...I found Snake Oil to be a little sickly sweet, maybe there was a spice in it that didn't agree with me. But this is just dandy. And when I put a single tiny drop on, my bf immediately said "What's that smell?" and I gave him my arm, upon which he said "Mm, I like that." He doesn't like much.


I'm so glad I got a frimp of this; I am going to grab a bottle in my next order unless I find one somewhere else sooner. This is the only way that I can stand honey/vanilla so far, but Dragon's Blood makes it work...it's got a touch of that musky, dusty glowing red resin that I adore.

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dragonsmilk.jpg dragonsmilk2.jpg trogdorsmilk.jpg

In the bottle: Very similar to O, but less sweet, and a bit of spicy cherriness?


On me: Still very much like O, so there's not much more I can say about that. Though, its definitely got a warm spiciness instead of the powdery amber of O. I think this is the first blend i've tried with dragon's blood. I must say, I think we get along.


Overall: I am torn as to which one I like better (O or Dragon's Milk), but I love them both and know I must keep one (and only one, since they're so very similar on me). I'm going to hold onto both until I decide which.

Edited by jewelbug

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In the imp: Maraschino cherry, touched with vanilla. Mmmm. Kinda candyish though.


On skin: That cherry sure does like to come out. My mom said she smelled almonds.


Drydown: Cherry-touched vanilla. It's lovely, but it's not what I want to smell like. Off to swaps. :P

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Yum Yum. I think this is my favourite of the Ars Draconus scents (I haven't tried them all yet though!!) Its like the baby sister of snake oil, it’s a comforting one but quite sexy too!

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Mm.. spicy cherry vanilla dragon's blood!

Very sweet and unassuming. It does remind me of a more innocent Snake Oil.


I like it, it's a very dark brown in my bottle.. i have to rub it in well to avoid a stain, but it's quite potent stuff!


Edit.. I've been wearing this one a lot lately, and what kind of strikes me as odd is it's lack of depth. This ends up as a sweet sweet smell, without much of an undertone. It's just a tad bit too sweet without much to balance it out. My chemistry just hates sweet smells.. damn it all.

Edited by Firewaver

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If I wear a little, it smells all right--very "bright", although my SO identified it as a "flower-scented diaper wipe". But I liked it. So I put more of it on after it faded. Then it was too much. It became overly sweet (which was my reaction to Swank) and cloying. After 12 hours it was kind of nice, but I think this is not for me. I'm thinking that anything with honey or milk in the description won't work for me--Sudha Segara and O also were not winners on my skin.

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A lot of honey and vanilla in this one. It smells somewhat like O to me, but lighter and with a bit of fruitiness. I like it, but it's so similar to other scents that I can't seem myself going nuts for it. Also, the bright red color made me feel like I was putting cherry Kool-Aid on my skin, which is a rather icky thought.

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this is a pretty, and surprising scent. in the vial it smells very berry, which surprised me. i never thought of dragoon's blood as berry-like before.


on me it goes through a fruity stage, then into a pure dragon's blood stage, and ends up at an all vanilla and honey place.


i'm not sure how i feel aobut it. i am not compelled to run out and get a bottle, but it's nice, and i will most likely visit again.



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In bottle:

I smell cherries and a bite of something familiar that I can't quite place. Maybe it's the honey? It smells a little like an old-timey candy. I should note that this oil is a dark reddish brown, so it needs to be rubbed in well or else it will probably stain.



Gross. For the first few seconds after I rub it in, I smell like cherry-covered ass.


After a few minutes pass, it smells a lot better. The cherry smell calms down and it starts smelling more like its description. "Honeyed vanilla" is definitely accurate. And there's some warmth in the background that must be the dragon's blood. I like it, but it smells like it might give me a headache down the road. I'll give it a chance and let it dry before writing it off, though.



After about two hours, it's a spicy honey/vanilla scent. The honey is a little stronger than the vanilla; I think if it were the other way around, it would be an instant hit on my skin instead of needing the drydown time before smelling decent. BUT. But it's still good, I like it a lot. Actually, this is kind of like what I was hoping Demeter's Hot Toddy fragrance would smell like (instead of smelling like new carpet on me), which is kind of weird. But good.


Should it stay or should it go?

I think this is one I'll keep for winter nights when I want to smell warm. I might buy an imp or two to fill the bottle (I have a partially full 5ml) if I see them around. Dragon's Milk definitely surprised me with its vanilla goodness. Oh, and it never fulfilled the headache prediction, so yay.

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Dragon's Milk:

In the bottle: Mm-mm... smells like vanilla and the slightest hint of cherries

Wet: first off, omigod it goes on thick! physically, I mean. Okay, now, smellies. The vanilla smells a little..fake. Maybe that's the dragon's blood resin coming out?

Drydown: Smells like Ny-Quill. Almost exactly. Darn.

Conclusion: sell imp

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On me this smells like Johnson and Johnson's baby oil/lotion/something. I have no idea what's causing that but I can't stand it while it smells like that. And unfortunately, it doesn't morph into anything better on me. Baby products all the way--not what I want to smell like. The imp will be given away.

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Very sweet vanilla & dragon's blood. I don't detect the honey as such.


What was a faint oily smell has now turned into hair oil. I don't remember the name but the yellowishgreen kind my mom used to use on my hair when I was 10.


Sweet, cloying, hair oil. Not for me.

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To me, this smells very creamy, like vanilla mixed into a big vat of double cream with a faint undercurrant of... TCP antiseptic. Luckily, I like the smell of TCP and it's almost entirely drowned out by this spicy, warm, vanillary milk and honeyness that floods through the rest of the scent. I really like this.

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a review of Dragon's Milk


Vial ~ Dragon's blood sweetened with honey


Wet ~ the scent has not strayed from what it smelled like in the vial


Drying ~ This sweet blend is predominantly dragon's blood, the vanilla and

honey are there but only to make this blend sweet. But as it continues

to dry, the honey and vanilla come out more stronger than the dragon's



Dry ~ It is sweetend dragon's blood with honey and vanilla, it has a

strong throw and smells nice, but it is a bit too sweet for me.


Fade ~ This is a very strong and long lasting blend with a good throw too.


Final thoughts ~ While I am a huge fan of dragon's blood and alot of the

blends that Beth has come up with using it. This blend is just too sweet

for me, I wil have to give this one a pass. On a scale of 1 to 5, I give it

a 2.

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I'm so torn up over this one. I absolutely LOVE the honeyed vanilla, but the DB just isn't working for me. I know DB is a natural substance, but for some reason on me it's very artificial and plasticky, like a waxy faux-cherry. I wanted to love it, but I guess I can't love them all.

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