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`Crawling at your feet,' said the Gnat (Alice drew her feet back in some alarm), `you may observe a Bread-and-Butterfly. Its wings are thin slices of Bread-and-butter, its body is a crust, and its head is a lump of sugar.'

`And what does IT live on?'

`Weak tea with cream in it.'

Bread, lightly buttered, with weak tea, cream, and a lump of white sugar.

This arrived fresh from the lab today. The initial scent is very much bread like with homemade butter and a touch of sugar. It reminded me of the scent of Drink Me, without the fruit. The drydown for me is not reminescent of bread at all, or even foody for that matter. It's a soft feminine scent. I guess this would be the tea. It smells clean and would be great for everyday use. The scent is staying close to the skin. (Take note though, that I am someone who applies BPAL very lightly so a slatherer might find it to have a stronger throw.)

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imp: sweet cake!


wet: this is a very sweet blend, the sugar has a toasted scent to it, not quite caramel but warm and rich.


dry: this dried to a creamy toasted sugar scent. i will be needing a bottle.

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I was a little worried about the butter here since that tends to be awful on me but really this smells much more like fresh bread and sugar, with a tea note coming out more as it dries. The overall effect isn't particularly foody--it's soft and quiet and very pleasant. Surprisingly pretty!

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Bread-and-Butter-Fly - This smells delicious! It opens upon on me with a strong, black (Earl Grey-like) tea scent over the scent of milk-like, creamy butter. The milky quality dissipates quickly and it becomes mostly tea and bread. There's a bit of stale flatness about it that I often get with foody scents, but it's faint and so overall, I still like the scent. This is another strange scent on me in that it's definitely not something I would normally wear, and while I like it, I don't love it, yet it's so unique and interesting that I can't stop huffing my wrist!

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I mostly get butter and sugar from this, with a little tea, and a little bit of the squishy center of a slice of white bread. Really pretty and white. And not melted butter--barely room temperature, smooshed onto the bread and caked in sugar, maybe sitting on a saucer that had tea spilled on it. The kind of snack you make when all you really want to do is eat butter and sugar, but feel compelled to put it on bread 'cause otherwise it would be too unhealthy :lol: Dries down to a cleaner sweet scent, not so foody as in the beginning. Definitely bottle worthy.

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I swear this smells like toasted bread with butter and hints of sugar. This is amazing. How the hell does Beth do this? :blink: I am not a foody person...but this is pretty amazing. I definitely want to eat toast, butter, and sugar but I don't think I want to smell like it. :eek:

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Being a foodie person and having loved several of the Mad Tea Party oils, I snatched this one up quickly. And congrats to Beth for once again creating a magical world within a bottle.


This one is a morpher and surprising. It's comforting like a bread and butter sandwich from Mom with a touch of what seems to my nose almost a floral/berry thing happening. But it also seems to blink it's tiny eyes and change into another creature.


I find it makes me feel comforted like many of the foodie blends, but it's not sensational or sugar jolting. And if I close my eyes I could easily feel I am seated at the tea party and part of the tale.

Edited by Gael

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I loved the idea of this scent SO MUCH, but it just didn't smell like I expected it to.


First off I'm going to say that the smell in the imp and on my skin is pretty much the same. The only difference being that it is more concentrated in the imp.


I'm getting the bread. Oh yeah. Buckets and buckets of bread that is slathered with butter. The tea and cream and sugar are all apparent too... but this is where it gets me. I love the bread and butter scent and i love the tea scent... but together they're just not working for me. It's pretty and EXTREMELY evocative, but it isn't something I would wear on a daily basis. May be I'll keep the imp and wear it on days I just feel like some alice in wonderland hehe.


Edit: I have a feeling this will grow on me though and that I'll eventually love it (if that makes any sense at all!)

Edited by ciaobonefish

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This isn't overwhelmingly foody on my skin, but it still makes me go OM NOM NOM. I was so excited to try this, because the scent of bread is one of my most favorite things in the world and I've been dying for a simple bread scent from BPAL.


Wet, this is very sweet and creamy. As it's drying, I can smell a lot of the black tea note, which is very airy and almost floral in this blend. The toast is dry and only a little bit toasty (i.e. not super brown smelling). It doesn't smell just like fresh bread. It smells rather like a toasted english muffin, actually. (So in that respect, it strongly reminds me of the pastry note in Crumpet Rebellion. Layer this with something with some black currant, and you might get a nice dupe!)


I can definitely smell a crisp white sugar note, reminiscent of Sugar Skull. The extreme creaminess of the wet scent seems to be gone. In this stage, it smells like a sugar cube, crisp black tea, and plain toast. The milk is quite subtle and seems to just round everything out.


About 15 min later, the toastiness seems to be fading. This is definitely not a dark or dusky scent. It still doesn't feel very buttery to me, but there is a subtle creaminess in the background smoothing it all together. It doesn't morph so much.



All in all, this is a gentle, sweet, creamy bread and tea scent that is brighter and airier than you'd expect.



Try it if you like: White Rabbit (a very similar blend), Knave of Hearts, Eat Me, Crumpet Rebellion, Sugar Skull

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i smell the bpal butter smell i've smelled somewhere before...it's in the doll girl, and pumpkin queen i think...but there's also a nice sugared tea smell, a la white rabbit. this is a very fun and pleasant scent...with a lot of classic bpal flavors rolled into one. i like this, it smells very happy and cheery, and though it has a familiarity of other bpal scents i've already smelled, i like the concept of this one, it's very cute, and i can actually see wearing it often.

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At first I get mostly sweet creamy tea, with a hint of fresh bread. The tea is much softer than in White Rabbit. The bread isn't overpowering or particularly foody - I probably wouldn't have picked up on it as bread if I hadn't known that it was a note. It's comforting without being all 'omg cupcakes!' like, say, Beaver Moon. I do like those super-foody blends sometimes, but this is much more work-appropriate.


After a couple of hours I'm left with sweet cream with a hint of tea.


Gorgeous and bottle-worthy!

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This is yummy! I can't stop huffing my wrist. :) All the notes are present. What I'm reminded of is good French toast, served with a lovely cup of hot tea, perhaps a light Darjeeling or Lady Earl Grey, both with lots of sugar.

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In the imp this smells very much like the lab's "cake" note- very dry cake. Slightly medicine-y. I get a shot of lemon when it's really wet with the strong cake and some latex-yness. It prettty much stays that way until it is very dry. Once dry I get some tea coming through. I am not sure I'll ever be able to wear this with such a strong wet stage, but I'm glad I tried it.

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I was so excited to try this one because I love bread notes. Initially this is really delicious bread and butter, it reminds me a bit of the the cake in Huesos de Santo. :yum:


Unfortunately within a couple of minutes on my skin it starts turning soapy, five minutes later it's all soap! I'm so sad about this, I have no idea why it would turn soapy, perhaps the tea? I will try this again, I'm just not ready to give on it because I love the way it smells before it turns on me. :cry2:


ETA: decided to retry it today and this time I almost got no soap and much more of the delicious bread note (and the tea note in Dorian but without the lemon) :joy: ! I wonder if it was something hormonal that made it get soapy on me the first time I tried it?

Edited by cfrancesca

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Not only is "bread and butter" one of my favorite desserts, the "Bread-And-Butterfly" is my favorite insect off of Looking Glass. I was so happy when it was released!


Imp: Pure maple syrup, pancakes

Wet: A *little* less sweet than the imp, something slightly fruity. It no longer reminds me so much of pancakes and it tickles my nose.

Dry: Getting buttery-er and bread-ier but still sweet. A nice and "creamy" smell now, similar to vanilla.


After an hour: Almost like buttered bread dipped into sweet tea (yummy). It's more butter than I expected and less sweet, but still very nice. I think I'll be buying a big bottle. :wub2:


Update : I just want to say this is my ultimate favourite scent. There's something about the notes in this that is different for me compared to other similar blends and I am so sad it has been discontinued because of missing ingredients. Although foody, on me it develops into a lovely comforting perfume without feeling like I'm drenched in sugar (like Eat Me). And it seems to have aged/kept very well over the years. I will forever hoard my bottle ?

Edited by follis
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First sniff in the imp: a creamy butter with grains of white sugar mixed throughout.


wet on skin: this is the smell of bread crusts. From a home-made loaf, after it's cooled, this is the smell of the crust. I can see the loaf before me when I smell it on.


Initial dry-down: The sugared butter returns, but it's in a bowl next to the bread, not on it, because the bread still smells dry.


After an hour: The butter and the bread have finally blended. This is a soft scent, sweet and homelike, and very comforting. This is something to wear when you don't want to be at all intimidating. I can see someone who doesn't like perfume liking this.

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This is fantastic. Gorgeous. Well, not exactly "gorgeous," because it is so simple, so sweet, so pretty.


Oh, you want an actual review? Okay then.


In the imp, this is almost strictly butter. The first thing that came to mind was the Buttered Popcorn Jelly Belly's, because there was that sweet buttery goodness. Now, I love buttery scents sometimes--Jack, for instance, is very buttery on me, and I love the butter in Knave of Hearts.


Then, on the skin, the butter starts to fade into the background and I smell a bit of the warm bread and white sugar, along with tea.


As it begins to dry, the tea note comes to the forefront, and it is a WONDERFUL tea note. I can see the comparisons to Earl Grey...there is a hint of bergamot or something similar, but with loads of milk and--of course--sugar. For some reason I often shy away from tea blends even though they often work well on me--Bakeneko is one of my favorite BPALS, and I love Dorian too.


After awhile, everything melds together into a warm, creamy, delicious mix of notes that smell absolutely amazing. This is light and airy, yet incredibly comforting. It has great throw in the beginning, but after being on the skin awhile it starts to snuggle in closer and doesn't want to leave. It will be PERFECT for spring and summer, but just as wonderful in winter. Bread and Butterfly is an all-weather type of scent for sure. It makes me feel girly and feminine and beautiful, and I want to go put on a yellow and white gingham dress and twirl about in the sunshine.


LOVE. Need bottle STAT.

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tea and bread. Heavy on the bread when it dries. Unfortunatly have to give it a thumbs down because of it. : /

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On first application, it smells like burnt toast. Not what I was hoping, but I thought maybe it would morph. It did...only into licorice! I mean, it's almost as bad as Pink Mood.


Now, I'm not going to say I have the best nose out there -- i'm still a newb -- but I know licorice when I smell it and that's what this turned into. I was wondering if anyone else got that and it doesn't look like it.


About an hour later and it's almost all gone. If i take a deep sniff, I think I get what the others are talking about -- a really pretty creamy tea. But it's barely there. And knowing i'd have to reapply and go through the licorice stage makes it not worth it.


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In the imp and on my skin this smells like heavily buttered french bread. There's also an element that is very sugery and a very minor element that seems just a tiny bit floral. The intense sweet foodyness of this scent is reminding me of a lot of Gluttony. As it fades and becomes less overpowering it's easier to be with, but unfortunately soon after that it's pretty much gone. An imp will be enough for me.

Oh, and CitizenBree, I also detect somewhere in there something that is reminding me of anise.

Edited by strahlend

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Pale yellow oil. Very foody; sweet, rich, creamy buttery - almost painfully cloying and heavy in its foodiness. I can't pick out bread or tea, just LOTS of buttery tonka, some cream, and lots white granulated sugar.


Much more complex on my skin, with less overwhelming butteriness. I get the tea now, which is almost minty? Also with a citrusy/lemon overtone - I think this is Earl Grey tea bc I get a bit of bergamot.t It definitely has an herbal aspect to it, and some tannic astringency - I wouldn't call this a weak tea note. It recalls the tea note in Manhattan, Men Ringing Bells, Severin, Famine, White Rabbit...it's not a tea note that I enjoy, alas - it has a chemical harshness to it. It's like overbrewed poor quality tea extractvand sort of artificial - the vanillin of tea absolutes. :X Although, at least it's prevent the tonka from dominating completely! I do love the purity of the white sugar, and the soft cream note - also very pure and white, almost 'clean' - reminds me of the note in Schlafende Baigneuse.


This oil dries rapidly on my skin, and appears to be causing my skin to itch and burn, but maybe because it's irritated from trying an oil in that same spot a day or so ago, even though it didn't cause any redness or seem to have a permanent effect once I washed the offending oil off. I have yet to get any bread from this. Still lots of tea, amping on me as it did in those other blends I mentioned, and just really sharp and chemical and in combination with the cloying buttery tonka, ugh. For some reason this tea note reminds me of De Sade style leather, or more likely I associate it with that note because it's combined with it in Severin and Manhattan...and with the tonka here, for some reason this blend reminds me of CC: Female - that heavy tonka/leather combo. An the black tea and tonka combo reminds me a lot of Men Ringing Bells - that is perhaps the most similar blend, though this is sweeter and much less green.


In short, I love the soft, pure, feminine and very realistic white sugar and cream notes, but they are very faint and totally overwhelmed by butter tonka and sharp, lemony-minty harsh and toilet-cleanerish black tea. The bread is nowhere to be found at any stage. This has very strong throw at first but despite reapplying and slathering both applications, my skin eats this blend up rapidly. The burning and itching persisted till I washed it off, then it was gone along with most of the scent.


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This scent is just perfect. It's a perfect summer tea party scent, and it's perfectly playful and charming. I couldn't have imagined a better scent interpretation for Bread-and-Butterflies.


In the bottle, this smells like a warm, sugared, vanilla tea. I can imagine a tiny cup of warm tea and a little sugar dusted vanilla cake. And it's much the same on my skin. The tea reminds me of Dorian a bit. It's like a vanilla-y tea with a hint of freshness that's almost citrussy, but not quite.


I don't find this to be buttery at all (and my husband hates buttery/foodie scents and loves this on me) and it's not super-sweet. While I can imagine vanilla tea cakes when I smell this, it's not the smell of vanilla cake like in Eat Me. My family used to get dinner rolls that had a sugary sweetness to them, and that's what this smells like. Sweet, warm bread and vanilla-y tea with that lovely clean smell that tea has.


I wouldn't smell this and think 'bread,' unless I knew to look for it. The bread just gives the blend this comforting, familiar edge.


I was worried that this would be a novelty scent (while I like the smell of bread, I don't want to smell like a loaf of buttered bread), but it's a beautiful, wearable perfume. This is a perfect scent for Bread-and-Butter-Flies, and it's going to be one of my favorite scents this summer. It's a must-have if you like tea scents.



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In Bottle: Sugar, toasted; if I go back for a second and a third and a fourth sniff, I can't smell the sugar any longer and something ever so lightly floral-fragrant appears.


Wet: Light sugar with tea; the tea has a lemony hint but just a hint.


Dry: Sweet and very lightly creamy, with that floral-tea hint. Not at all acrid or "perfumey" even though it has that floral hint. Delicate, and sweet and very nice! I wish that toasted sugar remained the strongest note but it's still nice. This doesn't seem very long-lasting but I like it.


Overall: I'm so glad I tried this! I'm sure I'll wear it.

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Well, I just got this bottle in the mail, and we all know that freshly mailed bottles are not accurate. But who can resist trying something as unique as Bread and Butterfly right away? Not me. I have been lusting for more butter bpals, so this is a big deal to me.


In the bottle: butter, and that nutty-slightly-foodie fragrance that sometimes accompanies pumpkin blends and cake blends.


Wet: sweet, like honey and amber and something that I am sure is the Earl Grey tea. It doesn't really smell like anything truly edible or drinkable at this stage. To clean and powdery to be food, but not in a bad overwhelming way.


Drydown: I dabbed it in three different places, hoping to get a more accurate impression. I can see why some people says it reminds them of toast, but so far I have to put my nose right up to my wrist to detect that. I usually amp any ambers or resins to BABY POWDER ATTACK! It is looking like that might be the case this time as well.

So far, it is not at all what I expected. I just put some on a Q-tip to make sure it is my chemistry eating the butter. LOL, did I just type that? My chemistry eats the butter. No the Q-tip went from buttery, to nice dry toast. Different, but not exactly what I was expecting either. I will be content to wear this in a scent locket, if I have to. It's still being a little baby powdery on my skin :( *is heartbroken*


I'll have to let it age and hope for the best.

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