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No official description given

In the imp: spicy, wet fruits. It kinda reminds me of Eris

Wet on skin: Cherry, with some spice, maybe a little medicinal. Kinda cough syrup-y, but not overwhelmingly so.

Drydown: This is getting spicier as it dries, with the fruit in the background. Then as it stays on, the spice fades and I just get the cherry.

Overall: I'm horrible at picking out notes without a scent description. But this is a very nice, warm, fruity scent.

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Bocal de Sang - On my skin, this is atrocious. It smells like wet dog, feet, a drip of wine, and blood. Blah. :sick: Granted, I tried it during the middle of my special week of the month, so I think I'll re-test and come back and edit my review if it smells differently on me with the next go-around.



ETA: Here's the text from page 167 of Vampires Don't Sleep Alone re: the Bocal de Sang. I hope this isn't a copyright violation to type this up. If it is, I'll gladly remove it!


"To prepare the Bocal de Sang, equal parts blackstrap molasses and honey are poured into a Mason jar until it is about half full. Menstrual blood mixed with red wine, cloves, cinnamon sticks, apple blossom, black cohosh root, a pair of Adam and Eve roots, red rose petals, deer's tongue, anise, sassafras, and crushed red pepper are added to this mix.


The spell caster must locate the vampire she is attempting to seduce, and while he is in her sight, she must let her own blood into the jar until it is full whil concentrating on drawing out the vampire's desire. The final act involves taking dust from his footprint and burning it in a mix of patchouli root and Spanish moss until it becomes like pitch, and topping the jar off with the ashes and dirt before sealing the jar with black tallow wax."



That may help give an idea of what's in this blend. I'm wearing it again right now, and I still smell wet dog, feet, blood, and wine. :(

Edited by Edens Sixth Day

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In the imp, I've got Blood (the scent) plus a bit of red wine and I think some honey? On my skin, this is amazing - Blood and red wine and spices and honey and MMM.

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I get honeyed, sweet dried tobacco, & spice.


Upon drydown, honeyed fruit - can't put my finger on the exact fruit - reminds me of Fruitcake with a melange of fruits in the mixture that all end up smelling and tasting the same.


Bocal de Sang reminds me of a lighter/more mellow version of Sugar Skull - yep just more honeyed and no burnt sugar.


Very strong in the initial wet phase after much wear I can barely detect it but can still make out the dried scent on my skin if sniffed.


I like this a lot. It's not the kind of scent I typically go for or wear; however, it's a nice scent overall and I could see myself wearing this in late Autumn. If I happened upon another imp from Dark Delicacies (as say a book gift for a friend who's really into Vampires but not so much perfume...) or elsewhere, I wouldn't turn it down or complain but as is, the imp is enough.


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  On 7/22/2010 at 3:44 PM, Venneh said:

In the imp, I've got Blood (the scent) plus a bit of red wine and I think some honey? On my skin, this is amazing - Blood and red wine and spices and honey and MMM.


This to a 'T'. Actually, it reminds me a lot of Feast of the Greatly Revered ones, minus the chocolate, up the wine factor, and add a few drops of blood. Upon application and for a few minutes, the blood is thick and lush with the scent of spiced wine, but unfortunately my skin gobbles up the note after that and I'm left with just wine. The throw follows the same pattern with a bit more longevity: first 15 minutes a lusty throw of a little over a foot, then it slinks back to the skin.


Going to try to layer this with a blood note (but sadly, not Blood, as that's resin ~_~).

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In imp: sour wine


On skin: sangria


Half-hour later: fruity wine and a bit of spice


In conclusion: I wasn't fortunate enough to try Gluhwein, but this is what I imagine it to smell like. Slightly spiced wine and not so boozy. I'd buy a bottle of this if it were available.

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*avoids looking at other reviews!* :ack: It's always hard enough for me to decide what I think of scents with unlisted notes without being influenced by other people's perceptions first...


Out of the imp, I get a "Christmassy" impression for a moment, like evergreen and mulling spices. But that disappears almost immediately on my skin. It's kind of cough syrupy for awhile (drippy, dopey red cherry...) but the woozy medicine note seems to kind of burn off after a few minutes, and I'm left with mostly wine. Normally I dislike wine notes because they turn to powdery grape candy on me, but Bocal de Sang does nothing of the sort, and I'm really surprised by how natural it smells. It's a thick, spicy burgundy wine with just a hint of that initial cherry... slightly alcoholic, and still slightly dopey (perhaps a drop of sweet opium or poppy). No actual blood as far as I can tell.


This is what I wish Suck It smelled like.


I like this, though luckily am not in love with it enough that I'm sad I can only have an imp. Wore it for a True Blood marathon with my friend. :D

Edited by Aldercy

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In the vial: Cherry scented pipe tobacco, wine, and something that smells like celery.


Wet: The celery impression intensifies, and there's a powerful sweet woody note. Something almost floral as well. This is an odd scent but I want to breathe in great huge huffs of it.


One hour: This is very warm, sweet, and floral-powdery. Might be black musk, might be one of the powdery ambers. I'm guessing black musk, though. There's a bit of something like incense smoke, too, although sometimes that signals carnations on me.


I lost track of this later, but it stayed rich and heavy, a powdery musky floral on me. In retrospect, it might be honey that gave it the powderiness; one of Beth's honey notes does that on me. The celery has showed up in about six blends I've tried (most memorably in Wood Phoenix, but Flower Moon 2005 and Her Voice stood out for that too), and they don't have any listed notes in common so I don't know what it is. The wine note didn't stick around, and I didn't get any spices either.


I like it, but sadly it does not maintain the glorious level of the wet phase on my skin.

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Oh, I'm right there with ya, angelicruin!!! Add some tobacco and very dark chocolate on my skin. I would grovel remorselessly for bottles of this. BOTTLES!!! Oh please please pleeeeeease?!?!??:heart::eek::heart:


EAT: Oh wait! I meant ETA! Freudian slip...ahem. Several hours later, the drydown smells kinda dirty and sex-smeared. I want to roll in it.

Edited by ElizabethOSP

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More love here. A great rich combination of molasses, sassafras and wine. This is going into my "most precious" imp container, right next to Storyville.

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Wet, this is VERY ripe fruit and a bit of spice. It is when the fruit is almost rotten, but not quite, like it is just starting to ferment. Pretty nauseating. Dry, it's more like a DBR blend to me, not as sweet, (but more sweet than I normally enjoy), bit powdery with some cinnamon thrown in for good measure. It kind of reminds me of the candied fruit you can get around this time of year, sweet fruit soaking in their own syprup and starting to ferment. Half an hour later, the fungus note of doom appears on me, which I'm pretty sure pom does to me, and possibly other fruits. This is so wrong on me in many ways. I do enjoy other wine blends, but this not at all similar blends like Gluhwein or Zadok Vineyard, scents I do enjoy. I'm sure someone else will like this, just not me.

Edited by milo

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This reminds me of Blood and Blood Kiss, but it's been a while since I've tried either of those blends, so my impression might be way off there. I get the same thick cherry cough syrup + decaying dragon's blood impression here that I remember from Blood. Dragon's blood often smells like rotting flowers & fruit on me :/. As it dries down, it's less medicinal and bitter, and a sweetness starts to come out. It's sort of like a hint of honeyed tobacco or burnt sugar underneath the fermented, sickly fruitiness. Over time, a mulling spiciness amps up over the sweetness. My husband said this smells like rotten fruit on me, so I don't think that this is a keeper, lol.


I'm happy to have tried this, but it isn't really working on me.

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I get red wine, clove, cinnamon, perhaps other spices, a metric ton of ANISE, a whiff of pepper and rose.


It's a very complex scent. It smells - dark, gritty, and perverse.


And like licorice candy. :lol:

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Wow. This stuff smells like ass.


Actually, it smells like a much-used barstool -- some sweet and liquor-y smells from spilled drinks, some artificial smoke from the dance floor, and a bunch of people's sweaty butts.


Clearly, this is my olfactory arch-nemesis, my anti-scent.

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Imp: aged wine and cherries?

Wet on Me: nuts and old wine and cherries. black cherries

Drying Down: nuts seem to morph to cloves and spices, getting a trace blood note

Dry: very heady and hypnotic with a lovely aged wine under it all

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What an odd smell-syrupy sweet molasses with a touch of sweet/wine blood and a bit of dirt. Far sweeter than I would have thought, and maybe with a touch of spice.


Honestly, I find this to be like 95% sweet molasses. There's a touch of wine maybe? I don't even get the blood note anymore on my skin. And barely any dirt. Definitely some sassafras or cinnamon maybe? Yeah, maybe sweet molasses and sassafras! This is actually quite nice!!!


Yep, I really like this-too bad it wasn't offered full size-I totally would have picked one up. Sweet molasses with a touch of sassafras! Love it!

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Bocal de Sang


On: Sweet and heavy, almost sticky, but floral, too. I might getting a hint of anise or chocolate underneath; something dark.

2 hours in: Sweet and floral, with a bit of something metallic.

7 hours in: Still sweet, but not so floral.

Overall: Pretty, but I don't think I'd reach for it often.

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In the imp, this smelled a bit sour and almost smokey... On? OMG this is awesome. Cherry tobacco, honey and warm spices. This is love :wub2: I have never liked a tobacco scent, but this one. I would LOVE to have more but its so damn HTF :cry2:


5/5 of course.

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Wet: This is blood and honey. :eek:


Drydown: Slightly fruity, smokey, full of honey with just barest hints of blood. This scent is intoxicating I just need to find the right time and place to wear it. :vamp:

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I was scared by the reviews of this because 'cherry' and 'blood' kept coming up and I know what that usually means - my arm smelling like I've plunged it into a pool of melted cough sweets. But the spice and wine comments made me curious enough to try it in spite of all scents with 'blood' in historically being a spectacular failure - and it is GORGEOUS *_* Deep, heady honeyed red wine with heavy spices - everything I've wanted in a really thick honey scent but hadn't yet found. Far, far too much for a sunny day in August, but definitely something I'll wear clubbing or walking around graveyards in October.

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Bocal de Sang imp


Wet/Bottle - Wet dog and wine. Wait, WINE?! No, no no. Goddamnit, okay. Here goes nothing.


Wet/Skin ( 5 minutes) - What's happening? There is no trace of wine nor wet dog, now it's sweet, sugared, powdery. Cherry? Clove? Honey? Do i...do i like this?


Dry/Skin (30 minutes) - Powdery, sugary, a little fruity and a little spicy. This smells so familiar, but I can't put my finger on it for the life of me.


Guys, you know me by now. Wine is one of my usual death notes, and Cherry doesn't like me either. I don't understand what happened here, but it's lovely. Sweet, powdery, and just the right amount of fruity (which i usually hate.) This should be a textbook hatred of mine, considering the wine and cherry notes, but I actually really like this. I am really glad I gave it a try, rather than throw it aside.

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I wasn't really expecting this to work well, because the other reviews mentioned a ton of things that are hit or miss. It's very much like a fine spiced wine. It's not like the kind of wine scent that smells like you've spilled a bit, but more like an ambiance. I get a little cinnamon and anise blended in a fruity red wine. The throw isn't too demanding but it isn't just a skin scent, either. Pretty nice middle ground. It's kind of a perfect fall scent that I could see being a festive scent to wear to all the gatherings the season entails.

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I completely forgot to review this when I got it all those long years ago with my autographed copy of the book! OMG it's been over 10 years now. BPAL time flies too.


Bocal de Sang is another terrific vampire scent. I get blood, dark wine, cloves, honey, and maybe a hint of tobacco. It's dark and syrupy and I love it. If this came in a bottle, I would buy it.



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