d0gbones Report post Posted November 10, 2015 Untamed wilderness: buckskin accord with Terebinth pine, Russian birch, black ironwood, elder bark, hay, armoise, juniper, patchouli, galangal root, Spanish moss, and cabreuva. In the imp: Pine and moss Wet: Pine, moss, juniper and I think the hay sweetening the mix. Dry: Not one for me. It's gone all leathery and woody. It's not unpleasant, just totally not my thing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FeralFae Report post Posted December 17, 2015 The first time I opened this imp it was all pine, but the natural kind of pine that you'd expect when strolling through a forest, so it's really pleasant. As it dries down some of the other tree/wood scents come out, but overall it stays pretty close to it's wet stage. Bit bottle worthy! <3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cazzadeathgirl Report post Posted February 18, 2016 Working my way around the RPG scents and i got ranger a few days ago. love woods and forest scents so knew id love this one, 1st thing that hits me is pinewood, lots of it too, i do smell a little juniper berry but its quite tame and not at all sweet, sadly i dont smell any moss, which is a note i love (eg deep in earth and zombi) normally patchouli amps on me (the catapillar and masquerade) but doesnt even show up on my skin or smelling from the imp. this one only seems to last around 30mins to an hour on my skin which is sad, otherwise id probably go buy myself a bottle. for my pine like scent i think ill stick to yew trees, which i got frimped 3 with my order last week (yew trees lasts 3-4 hours quite easily) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Casablanca Report post Posted March 29, 2016 Bottle: Juniper and pine, with a little patchouli, and other earth elements. Wet: Wild, dewy juniper and pine. Other woods and earth are in the background. Dry: Mellows into a woodsy and sweet skin musk. A lovely woods scent. Must try a bottle for use alone and as an additive. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ellocentipede Report post Posted March 29, 2016 (edited) I love Ranger. It's a beautiful deep woodsy/evergreen scent that isn't overly sharp or masculine. It's very natural, peaceful, and calming. I love to wear it to bed, when I'm cozy at home, and when I'm playing my night elf hunter on WoW. Edited March 29, 2016 by ellocentipede Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PrinceofcatS Report post Posted March 29, 2016 I complained that both Elf and Arkham didn't smell like woods on me but this, while it does smell like woods, doesn't smell like the kind of woods I want: this is all forest floor and vegetation in the depths of a forest, with sun trying to penetrate the thick canopy of leaves but failing, but not very much trees. I generally don't like patchouli and leather is a scent i am critical of sometimes, but both of them together really evoke that sweet almost-rot feel of a forest floor. I feel like leather is the strongest note on me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lizardskin Report post Posted August 9, 2016 (edited) I've been hunting for the perfect foresty scent, and while Ranger isn't exactly what I was looking for it's become one of my favorites. Ranger doesn't smell so much like a forest to me as someone who lives in a forest--it dries down to a warm, leathery, earthy sort of scent. At first I was worried about the patchouli, but it isn't noticeable at all on me. I also don't get much of the pine, except maybe very faintly when first applied. Edited because I forgot to add: I do get a resinous scent, which may be the pine? It isn't fresh, spiky pine, if that's the case, but something deeper or more aged. Edited August 9, 2016 by lizardskin Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LizziesLuck Report post Posted September 17, 2016 Wet: Usually pine smells like cat pee on me, but this isn't terrible. A very realistic forest scent, actually. I would love it as a room scent, even if it's not something I want to wear. Dry: It gets fairly sweet, but stays a nice true forest scent. I don't really want to smell like tree, but I have a friend who does, so I'll pass this on to him. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Coldfire Report post Posted December 1, 2016 Imp: leather and pine. mmmmmmmWet on Me: leather, evergreen and faint teases of the patchouliDrying Down: there is a faint sweetness creeping in over the leather and evergreens but not a patchouli sweetness, I never considered hay or spanish mos as a sweet noteDry: wow. went powder-y sweet almost like a sandalwood does. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
crimescenecleanup Report post Posted January 16, 2017 "It's a samsquantch!" Yeah, I tested this and all I can think of is a terrified Bubbles from Trailer Park Boys. This smells exactly like I would expect a sasquatch to smell, though. OK, not a physical sasquatch, which would probably be musky and earthy. No, maybe a...spirit sasquatch? A ghost sasquatch? Some kind of airy, ethereal creature of the wilderness. Ranger is Forest: The Perfume. However, it never touches the decay of the forest floor. It is the breath of the trees themselves, cold and crisp and green, touched by layers and layers of ancient, dark wood. It is pure and wild and with a big, brash dose of lemony, gingery freshness from the galangal. Maybe the ghost sasquatch is making Tom Yum soup. Wow this review is making no sense at all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
renfair Report post Posted March 15, 2017 I can't believe this scent only has three pages of reviews! I really like it, and it's about Rangers, for goodness sake! It's EAU de ARAGORN, lol. First Sniff Impression: Very piney. Christmas up in here. Wet in Vial: Pine first and foremost. Can't really pick out anything else yet. Drying Down on Skin: Definitely a blast of pine to start, then something more herbal like the patchouli or juniper. It's definitely a woodsy, herbal blend but I'm probably just not familiar enough yet with what each note smells like to pick any out. It's nice, though! Very light, natural woods smell. It sweetens as it dries. Dry on Skin: This continued to sweeten for a few hours afterwards. Turned into more of a long-needled white pine instead of a more Christmas-y fir pine. It has a medium lasting strength. Definitely fades, but it's still nice to keep sniffing throughout the day. Conclusion: A nice "woodsy" scent for when you don't want to smell like you dug up a hole in the forest floor and rolled around in it. Leans masculine, but sweetens enough to make it a solid unisex. Really fresh, nice, and light. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Victory Report post Posted March 5, 2018 This reminds me a lot of Hexennacht, although I like this better. The buckskin reminds me of Coyote, which I love. This is definitely a forest scent but it isnt overwhelming to me- I feel comfortable wearing it without feeling like it is wearing me or is overwhelmingly dark. These are the woods you played in as a child rather than the woods that house a monster. This isnt my usual type of scent, but I like it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bamels Report post Posted September 20, 2018 Frimp. In the bottle it smells like a green, slightly piney menthol.As it dries I am getting a slight ghost of a smoke scent. Like I am walking through a pine forest and someone has a campfire going in the distance. A leather note is coming out as it dries (assuming the buckskin). I amp leather, so I feel like it may take over, which will be a shame! It's now dry and the leather isn't too strong. It's a wonderful scent. It reminds me slightly of De Sade, but less dark and moody, more woodsy. I can't tell if I want to keep it or not. I may hold onto it to see if I have an occasion to wear it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
monocainsheresy Report post Posted December 10, 2018 Your standard evergreen holiday candle smell. Not bad, not spectacular. Meh. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cali Report post Posted March 4, 2019 Just a nice, woody masculine smell of a man who spent a day hiking in the woods. It's that, but less ...dirty. More fresh. It's also got this thing that I can only describe as "morning dew" in there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vefenna Report post Posted August 1, 2019 It's definitely green scent. Pine, forest, some herbs? It masculine and sexy with all that wilderness. It's really nice, although over time it can be a little too sharp for me. I think it's my allergies to grass and trees. Nevertheless I still wear it occasionally. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kelthara Report post Posted February 1, 2020 Ranger is another one of those scents that I had high hopes for, and that I was initially disappointed by. But oh, it has aged beautifully, and now I think I might need a full bottle! Ranger has far too many notes for me to even attempt to untangle them from one another but, when I first received it, there was a top note that really bothered me and that gave it an almost acidic quality. Thankfully, this troublemaker has since decided to play nice and let other notes shine while it happily hangs out in the background. A few months in, the overall effect is of an exceptionally well blended scent that, yes, does smell like a magical, beautiful forest. At first, it is an early spring kind of forest, with the cold of winter still lingering. As it sits on the skin, it gets softer with time, we've moved further into spring now, and something soft and slightly sweet emerges. It reminds me of Elf, but without the berry sweetness, and they're different enough to justify hoarding both. I've also tried layering Ranger and Elf with lovely results! If it initially doesn't work for you, give it time, it might just morph into the beautiful forest scent you were hoping it would be. ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
niffler Report post Posted February 23, 2020 In the imp: initially lots of juniper and pine, with top notes of birch and hay. A mature forest, possibly late summer, but somewhere with a nice mix of evergreens and deciduous trees. Lovely complex scent. On my skin: Oh no, patchouli… very strong patchouli when wet on me. A hint of buckskin emerges as the patchouli fades. More birch, elder, and Spanish moss appear when drying, then it goes back to pine. Something sweet and musky appears towards the end, maybe hay. Le sigh, if not for the initial blast of patchouli this would be an instant everyday favorite. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fairybites Report post Posted November 15, 2020 Ranger lives up to its name and is very very woodsy! I couldn't really pick out the difference between most of the notes because they all kind of blended together. But the patchouli was the one scent that stood out to me and pine. I'm not a super big fan of woodsy scents, but I will say this is probably the nicest one I've tried from BPAL. Not sure of the age of my imp, but I'm open to trying to at a later date to see if aging makes it better. Keeping my imp for now but I can't see a bottle purchase for this, unless aging really changes it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roseus Report post Posted December 10, 2020 In the imp I just get a really beautiful sweet pine. On my skin it's a beautiful jumble of evergreen smells and a soft, sweetish leather. Gorgeous forest scent! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Laughing Seagull Report post Posted February 19, 2021 Ranger is all cozy leather, pine sap, and woods to me. Fighter's leather gave a glossy black impression, whereas Ranger is a well-worn suede. It's lazy cuddles on a couch with a granny-square blanket draped over the back of it in a rustic little lake house. I wouldn't have known that patchouli was in this if it wasn't in the note list; I usually find patch "dirty" smelling, but Ranger doesn't strike me as dirty at all. In the last minutes before the scent fades, up-close I detect something vaguely citrusy that reminds me of black musk. I believe that this particular Ranger is more cuddly than deadly, at least to their party members. This is a snuggly, comforting scent. And much like snuggles, I wish it lasted longer. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lucchesa Report post Posted September 14, 2021 Ranger is all forest to me. I get almost no leather or patchouli; instead, it starts out with bright pine and juniper with something a bit sharp -- the galangal? It softens pretty quickly and then is primarily airy evergreens, and wear time is somewhat less than average on me. A nice unisex forest scent, very wearable and work appropriate. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
alyelle Report post Posted March 11, 2022 In the imp: Moss, ginger, and a dark brooding forest. Wet: Oddly sweet! Yet there are no real "sweet" things here. First on, I get foresty top notes of hay and juniper, followed by buckskin strwen over mossy rocks, and a base of rich green pines. Dry: When I was in high school, I played a lot of D&D and read my way through the entire Dragonlance Chronicles and all the side novels. I never imagined how Tanis Half-Elven might smell, but if I had, I suspect it would have been like this - soft leather shoes, grassy straw, and everywhere the reminder of a pine forest. Short-lived at slightly under 6 hours, but with a strong and comforting throw. Stars: ★★★★½ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MolyH Report post Posted November 9, 2022 Smells like I'm walking into a late autumn forest in the early morning, with a light fog, a howling wind, no snow yet but you can smell it in the air. Then I sit down and start grating some ginger. I'm shocked so few other people are mentioning the galangal, because it is strong for me, to where even the pine plays second fiddle. I'm honestly not sure how I feel about this. I could see myself liking this more when winter rolls around, because of all those childhood memories of ginger tea when it gets cold out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
crow-toes Report post Posted December 25, 2023 Very woodsy! Deep forest pine, murky woods, a touch of the spice of juniper. I'm not getting much moss, leather, or musk while wet. Once it’s dry, the suede and musk really do come out and bring a nice rounded warmth to the scent. It morphs more than I was expecting - I wish the intense pine stuck around a bit more dominantly on my skin. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites