patina Report post Posted April 3, 2013 Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab’s RPG scent series was designed to emulate the character creation process, and are meant to be layered in order to create a character concept. In short: you layer your class, race, and the two fragrances that compose your alignment to construct your character scent. Elf Druid works well, though it's faintly soapy to my nose. (Could be the wool in Druid?)Evil Elf Druid is also nice, although Evil does a bit of that smothering thing it does.Gnome Druid is woody, and pretty decent.but my surprise favorite was Elf + Darkness (Non-Rpg scent). It's pleasantly smoky without being as coughgag overwhelming as Evil. Dark Elf is awesome. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CatNipped Report post Posted April 14, 2013 (edited) Evil Lawful Halfling Bard - I literally just put that on because that's what I play and that smelt sort of ok. I get greeted an awful lot at hardware store wearing this combo maybe it's just co-incidence. Evil Lawful Elf Cleric - Bad. It was actually making me nauseous. The incense smell from the cleric made me feel uncomfortable with this combo. I left it on for a couple of hours but had to wash it off. I just feel like a walking new age shop which I like looking at and visiting but don't fancy smelling like one continuously. Edited April 14, 2013 by CatNipped Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bookgroper Report post Posted April 26, 2013 I got my RPG imps last night... Today I decided to be bold and after sniffing everything, put on a little Lawful Good Half-Elf Bard. LOVING IT. I just put parallel stripes of each on one wrist, and rubbed my wrists together. It just all blended together wonderfully. I get whiffs of it but I also keep sniffing myself I need to try something with Halfling and Druid next I think. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xue_Bai Report post Posted June 11, 2013 Chaotic was my ticket into the BPAL world, so let's do this. Fighter was a frimp I ended up loving, but it's a touch to masculine for me, so I decided to play with layering it. Chaotic Half-Elf Fighter: (3 of 4 RPG scents I own...the fourth doesn't work on me) Wet: Woodsy heliotrope with soft leather and the bite of steel. Drydown: It sweetens a bit...and the musks come out. There's also a nice berry tone that I normally get from the rooibos. It's a fresh smell, twisted by the spice of the wasabi and the metallic steel buried in it. Dry: It's the slightly berryish heliotrope I get from Chaotic only sweeter (I think form the beeswax and the white tea), with a more complex woodsy scent and a fresher musk below, complemented by a soft leather, all cut with a light coppery metallic and the hint of spicy wasabi. Overall, it's pleasant complex smell for occasions with my rpg friends...but not for everyday. Alright, let's try something else with Fighter... Obsidian Warrior: Fighter + Obsidian Widow Wet And Drydown: Ohhh, this is nice. Leather and wine at the front, with a nice dark musty floral backdrop, cut with steel. It's a very feminine female fighter....or Loras Tyrell, take your pick. Dry: The leather get a bit worn in, though manages to overtake the wine, while the floral notes are really hidden now. The metallic edge is there, but softer now, more blood and the tang of wine than steel. The musk also comes out from the floral. Later: The lingering scent of soft leather with a slight mention of dark florals, and a tangy metallic bite. Even later: The morphing wonders of the Widow have kicked in, bring the wine back. This mix is so weird, but also wonderful. Overall, it's very wearable and certainly makes Fighter more feminine and approachable. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BoneBone24 Report post Posted September 5, 2013 (edited) Gnome + Haunted: At first this is mainly all-Gnome, which is a super-fizzy ginger ale on my skin. As it dries, I realize that whenever my wrists are more than a foot away from my nose, I can smell Haunted more clearly. It’s light, creamy, and sort of shadowy, with just a little zap of brightness added by the Gnome. Up close it remains all Gnome all the time. Once dry, the two become more blended and take on a sort-of-fruity soda vibe (like an off-brand pineapple soda) overtop of a dark and creamy musk. Slightly aquatic, musky, creamy, and tropical, with a bit of a dark secret in the background. Haunted Gnomes smell good y’all! I’d like to try this combo with a couple other layers once I figure them out. I’m basing the combo on the last Pathfinder character I played, which was a Neutral Haunted Wind Oracle Gnome. I have Neutral, but I’m still trying to figure out the Wind Oracle part. Maybe Lightning or Windward Passage... Whenever I figure it out (and obtain them) I’ll post the results Edited September 5, 2013 by BoneBone24 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mermaidsdream Report post Posted March 24, 2014 I decided to bite the bullet and give a couple of the RPG scents a go. The few race scents I have didn't really call to me, so I stayed human. I was a Chaotic Druid, and surprised by how well the 2 worked on me. Druid is definitely very earthy & watery, neither of which work on me, but layered with the spiciness of the Chaos, it just sang. To layer, I did my usual: Apply one scent to one wrist, apply other scent to other wrist, smoosh wrists together. Clearly, I need to play around with more RPG scents - but the combo of thse 2 scents was enough for me to add them to my "buy a bottle" list Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BagOfGenevieves Report post Posted August 23, 2014 I just did the evil mage and I don't know what to make of, but I think I put too much evil on first though, it smelled...weirdly good to me, though they both have berries, it reminded me of something you would smell around thanksgiving or just in between thanksgiving and Christmas..but as I said, I put too much of one or the other on, and somehow after a few minutes it smells like berries mixed in with a skunk...but that's my opinion, you can try it, and decide for yourselves. oh and fighter+ranger is awesome, though the leather in fighter is overpowering everything else now that the scent has dried down. I definently will be trying some of the other combinations, and I love how the one person described the druid scent when I looked at reviews for druid, so that looks promising. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Myria Jean Report post Posted November 27, 2014 Half Elf Rogue starts out really terrible on me but dries down to warm, musky oudh with a bit of leather. I wish the leather was more prominent - I will try using more Rogue next time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hazy Report post Posted March 18, 2015 I tend to play a Chaotic Neutral Half-Elf Cleric, so I tried that combo out as soon as possible, minus the Neutral since I don't have it yet. I definitely need to apply Chaotic gently, as the musky element of it seems to amp on me, but it's a nice and evocative combination so far. Unusual, certainly, but accurate. I need to get some Neutral, and I need to try out the Druid and Bard classes with all this. As others have said, Chaotic Halfling is absolutely delicious. I have no idea what I'd add to it, though! None of the available classes really click in my mind. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DiesMali Report post Posted May 21, 2015 Elf Cleric with Vial of Holy Water: Absolutely gorgeous. One of my WoW mains is a Blood Elf Priest/Paladin (rolled her as both), and I hoped this would work. IT DOES. It's very herbal and incensed and sweet, with a touch of melancholy from the Holy Water. Evil Rogue: WINNER. I knew as soon as I put Rogue on for the first time that I HAD to layer it with Evil, and oh gosh. Evil Rogue is sexy as hell, and once again confirms that evil is gooooood. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChloeKEvil Report post Posted May 24, 2015 Today is the day of my Pathfinder game, so I'm wearing my character- Chaotic Neutral Elf Rogue. I dabbed a bit each four on the back of my hand in that order and pressed my other hand to it and kind of swirled them around. I feel like I'm getting Chaotic and Rogue the most strongly, though those are also the most distinct scents to me so maybe my familiarity with them makes them easier to pick up. It's smooth and blended together (like Valiss the rogue is smooth and blends in to society- he's a conman) but a bit fruity. The leather is also present, reminding me strongly of Perversion, which is another Valiss-suitable scent. It's quite sweet, because nearly everything goes sweet on me. I definitely like it and dig it for the character it's representing! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChernobylLegacy Report post Posted June 11, 2015 (edited) I just layered Ranger and a Vial of Holy Water. The earthy green scent of ranger turned sweet. It smells as if you were walking in the forest and happened to come across a cool, clear, crisp flowing stream. I vaguely remember what Irish Spring smelled like, but I would say it's similar. A clean masculine scent, at least to me. It's nice. Edited March 12, 2017 by ChernobylLegacy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
beakerwill Report post Posted October 5, 2015 (edited) Half-Elf + Mage is a slightly dryer version of Mage.. If anything, it makes Mage smell more like what I had expected from it's scent notes. Perhaps a bit more sophisticated the Mage alone, and better than the woody dryness of Half-elf. Not bad, but I adore Mage, and really don't want it to be a "drier" sort of scent. Eta - because "drier" vs "dryer".. Edited October 7, 2015 by pervs-toy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
heatherlyn Report post Posted November 13, 2015 Tested Dwarf today and found it unpleasantly 'hoppy', was going to wash it off and decided to go ahead and try a layer before I did. Layered Mage, which really never spoke to me, but Dwarf + Mage = Fabulous! A rich slightly fruity scent, I would never have guessed! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AernJardos Report post Posted May 24, 2016 Well I had to layer Lawful Evil Dwarf since I used to play that all the time. Now, I can not stand Dwarf by itself on me. I have no idea what is, but something is just gut-wrenchingly awful in it and makes me immediately want to wash it off. So, I started off today applying Lawful which was very pleasantly floral. I really have to try Lawful Evil separate on another day. Then I layered Dwarf on it, and finally sandwiched it with Evil. I was so worried about this combo. I shouldn't have been. Lawful and Evil slap rules and chains on Dwarf and transform it from completely ghastly into the most expensive high-end men's cologne I have ever smelled. Seriously, if a guy was wearing this I would do them. I probably won't wear this often, since it is so very masculine to my nose, but I am thrilled at the metamorphosis of Dwarf into something I can actually use. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KezzieZ Report post Posted December 7, 2016 (edited) I tried out my imps of Chaotic and Good together, layered in that order. I already tested out both of them individually and did small reviews of them. Wet on Skin: That's an interesting smell. It's green and sweet. I feel like I'm catching more individual notes from Chaotic (like the wasabi and heliotrope) than I am from Good. It's a nice combo so far, though. Kind of clean and woodsy maybe? Approx. 2 and a Half Hours Later: While I can still detect a little wasabi, it's mostly musk and a tiny bit of sweetness (mostly sugar cane, I think) left. It's pleasant, but there's not a ton to it. ------ This smells pretty darn good, but it seems like it's canceling itself out relatively quickly. Still, I'm glad I like the smell of my alignment and, maybe when I add a race and/or class, the staying power will be a bit better. Maybe I can also try out layering in a scent locket. EDIT: Actually, I think I keep detecting this sugary throw every now and then, but I can't really describe it? It's been about a half hour since the review time itself. The perfume itself is seriously light on my skin, so I'm not sure if the throw is actually from it or not. I think it is from the Chaotic Good mixture, though. Uncanny. Edited December 7, 2016 by KezzieZ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lisa Ing Report post Posted February 13, 2017 Half-Elf + Druid = A glorious hunting lodge in the wild woods: polished wood, incense, wool and living forest. Something in Druid takes the annoying Pine-sol note in Half-Elf and calms it down completely; the combination of the two is delicious. (+Iago) = I add the tiniest touch of Iago (vetiver, leather, black musk) to add a swirling depth. Chaotic + Orc + Bard = This is so good and unexpected. Orc helps ground the heliotrope in Chaotic with vetiver and leather, and both of their eccentric natural flavors (wasabi, rooibos, zucchini, peanut) give Bard's congenial sweet bay rum/smoky vanilla an unexpected depth and complexity. The multicolored musks + courgette musk + white musk end up so sexy, badass and sophisticated together. Rogue + Whip = Swinging around with a rose in his teeth, man. 'Nuff said. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
StevenBoatman Report post Posted April 8, 2017 Whuff. Tried out a full blend today: Neutral Evil Gnome Bard who happens to have a bit of Thieves' Rosin on him. It starts as mostly ginger and skin musk with something woody and drippy/oily. As it dries, it gets an almost chewy floral sweetness. The rosin fills out, becoming thick and dark. It's an unpredictable but deadly dark scent. I like it! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
torischroeder9 Report post Posted October 26, 2018 Trying out some Evil Gnome. It starts out surprisingly well. Where Gnome was simple ginger ale fizz on me, this is ginger over something deeper, smoother, and darker. The ginger is completely overshadowing the actual notes in Evil, but its definitely lending a sense of substance. Just over ten minutes in and... hrm... the Gnome seems to have taken over the Evil? Evil is usually a pretty solid scent on me -- lots of strong notes that stand up to my skin chemistry -- but there's barely anything more here than Gnome's ginger fizz. Another ten minutes, and I can detect a bit more of the Evil again. The opium comes out under and a bit through the ginger. The result is almost... metallic? It could be one of the metallic notes from the Gnome, but it really does smell like the combination of ginger and opium. It's very unusual and difficult to place, but it's more pleasant than unpleasant. But even the opium fades, and I'm left with... ginger, but not the same feel of effervescence that I get from Gnome. I do like this better, but I'm hard-pressed to say now the Evil is coming into play. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
torischroeder9 Report post Posted July 15, 2019 (edited) Neutral Good Orc Druid (Because I purchased an RPG imp lot and am pulling imps out at random.) Wet, it's the rotting vegetal musk that is wet Orc on me; this scent is enough to overpower the other three. As it dries, the crystalline musk and vanilla of Good, along with the wool of Druid, start to soften the scent, making it a little sweeter in the appetizing sense and not as much in the rotting garbage sense. Given more time to blend and develop, I get lilies and dirt. The dirt I presume is from Druid, but I don't know where the lilies come from. Maybe it's grasses and/or vetiver?... Ah, yes, happy, sparkly grass and dirt. Not really one for grass and dirt scents, but this works surprisingly well. ____________________ Lawful Evil Halfling Mage Wet, the sweet foody porridge of Halfling dominates, though I can still pick out Lawful's chamomile and Evil's opium. As it dries, this is the war: porridge, chamomile, and opium. Given more time, it's chamomile and porridge, with chamomile winning the skin scent but porridge dominating the throw. Eventually, chamomile wins. ____________________ Lawful Neutral Dwarf Cleric Wet, it's a smorgasbord of many sweet and stout and gently spicy and herbal things. Nothing is individually identifiable, but it is complex and harmonious. As it dries, Cleric's rose amber is the predominant identifiable note, though I suspect Neutral's skin musk and the sweet metal I get from Dwarf are also factoring in here, as it's not quite the same as rose amber on its own. And it doesn't morph much from here. I think the skin musk amps up a bit more, but not enough to compete with rose amber for the starring role. It's a very pretty, full-bodied rose amber blend. True rose has a tendency to become overwhelming on my skin, but this seems to have enough robust supporting notes to keep that from happening. A+, would wear in real life. ____________________ Rogue & Thieves' Rosin Wet, this is super sexy, with Rogue sweetening the sultriness of Thieves' Rosin. As it dries, the notes meld even more, so it's sweet and smoky beeswax. I'm not sure this would replace my very favorite beeswax scent, but it definitely rivals some of the ones I've purchased in big bottles. Also A+ layering combination on me. ____________________ Chaotic Neutral Elf Mage Wet, there are swirls of Chaotic's wasabi, Neutral's skin musk, and something vaguely foresty (though not woody, necessarily). As it dries, the skin musk becomes dominant, accented by the wasabi. I get a touch of what I now can identify as Elf's berries and greenery on me, but it's far in the background. Mage is doing a disappearing trick at the moment. It's not bad at all, but considering some of the recent winners I tried in the past couple of days, this combination isn't impressive on me. ____________________ Lawful Neutral Halfling Paladin Wet, it's Halfling sweet porridge, Paladin sweet frankincense, and Lawful blue chamomile. It's a swirly mess, but it's not discordant, just unusual. As it dries, the scent does become more cohesive. I think the frankincense works to unify the porridge and chamomile a bit. It's almost as if you were sitting over porridge at a kitchen table, while chamomile tea brewed across the room, with a bit of incense remnant in the next room. I'm still not sure I love the combination of porridge and chamomile, but it's interesting to note that the addition of Paladin (and maybe Neutral?) at least seem to make it a cohesive and evocative scent, rather than a rough-and-tumble fight for dominance on my skin. ____________________ Chaotic Neutral Elf Rogue Wet, it's another whirlwind -- the wasabi of Chaotic, the herbal forest of Elf, a touch of Rogue's rosin. As it dries, I get a lot of Chaotic and a clear bell of Neutral -- which, in the context of other scents I've tried, makes me wonder if Chaotic Neutral is just a dominant combination on me (or at least dominant over Elf + whatever else). (And to be fair, Chaotic Neutral is light and complex and clean and strong. It reads as a little too traditionally masculine for me to want to wear it alone as a scent -- but for someone else, it could be a totally workable two-oil combination.) After some time and some application of body heat (went outside to walk a couple of miles in 100 degree dark), the warmth of Elf's berries and Rogue's rosin, along with a touch of smokiness from Rogue's hemp, begin to emerge, giving the blend some warmth and depth. I still don't know that it's quite me, but it's a scent with dimension. ____________________ Neutral Good Half-Elf Bard Wet, this is sweet honey and sparkle. Honey, honey, beeswax, white musk, celestial musk. The touch of white sandalwood, bay rum, and skin musk keep this scent beautifully and lightly grounded. As it dries, the beeswax comes to the forefront of the scent, a balance between the sweetness of the honey notes and the sandalwood and rum. I don't know if I like this quite as much as I like Rogue and Thieves' Rosin, but it's a pretty nice and coherent layering win. Edited July 16, 2019 by torischroeder9 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
madscientistdh Report post Posted October 6, 2019 (edited) Doing a Pathfinder campaign soon with a Chaotic Neutral Halfling Ranger, so I decided to try a swipe of each of those on my wrists tonight and see how they meld. So far it's very evocative of wildflower fields, soft leather, and warm spiced oatmeal. Perfect! Edited October 6, 2019 by madscientistdh Prematurely submitted post by accident whilst huffing my wrists Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
white_jenna63 Report post Posted February 17, 2021 The Lab sent me a frimp of Rogue (thanks, Lab!), so here are my first two combos: Chaotic Rogue: There's a powder note coming in from somewhere? Maybe the fresh Chaotic (I missed my aged). Meh. Evil Rogue: Oooh, okay, this is nice. The Evil is kinda overpowering it but the Rogue is bringing a depth and weight that's moving it beyond 'perfume'. Definitely a keeper. I've found with the combos that when something works, it's obvious, as opposed to 'yeah, I can tell that I layered those scents'. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
white_jenna63 Report post Posted March 3, 2021 Neutral Rogue: Neutral overwhelms at first, but now Rogue is definitely bringing a sweetness and weight to it, similar to Evil. Another keeper! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Laughing Seagull Report post Posted August 16, 2021 Giving Chaotic Good Bard a shot today based on a novel character (going for A-Tai from Tianbao Fuyao Lu vibes). The combination is a wonderful spiced honey scent dripping over a light metal. It's a fun and playful combination that makes me smile, which is exactly what I was hoping for. The honey isn't sharp or overbearing and the heliotrope is light enough that it doesn't go powdery. Pretty good throw and longevity, probably thanks to the musks in Chaotic. I like it! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
white_jenna63 Report post Posted October 13, 2024 Chaotic Aasimar Sweet powder. I blame the Chaotic, which apparently still hasn't aged from my 2021 post. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites