The Planet Queen Report post Posted April 26, 2012 This is the scent of the cupcakes that her (kind, generous, and wonderful!) Aunt Sarah made for her birthday! Lilith's request was for sprinkle flavored cupcakes ("sprinklecakes!") with pink and purple glitter frosting, and that's what she got. That's what you're getting, too: this cupcake fragrance is the sweetest of the sweet, the sugariest of the sugary! Rainbow sprinkles baked into rich vanilla cake with thick, creamy frosting topped with glittery candy flakes. In the bottle: vanilla and almond extract strong but pleasing.Wet: vanilla, very sweet smelling like I've poured vanilla extract over sugar.Dry: exactly like cupcakes which I love. I wanted to lick my wrist.I might look for another bottle very nice, very girly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bpalscentsual Report post Posted April 26, 2012 ... Whoa. I have a feeling that, a little fresher, this would have been more cakelike. As it is, it's this strange... red velvet cake and musky cream cheese over plastic? What in the... Strong, too. I'm not liking what this is doing on me. Where the hell is the musk coming from? I have a feeling that this aged very poorly, or maybe my skin is just doing bad things to me again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vanilla323 Report post Posted April 29, 2012 Oh Sprinklecake. We have fallen back in love. I didn't review this the first time I had a bottle because it was a light cake scent on me. It was good but just eh. I sold it off. BUT my skin has been loving all things cake again big time so I wanted to give this a second try. Got another bottle from a forumite and now its all delicious frosting and sprinkles. I can actually smell each pretty sprinkle (my coworker even agreed). So weird. So now I have another bottle coming to me. And I hope it's the same spinkle love again! There are variations I hear of this and since it's no longer available I'm getting what I can. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SadariEvenstar Report post Posted May 3, 2012 This smelled like lovely red velvet cupcakes in the bottle and like high pitched fruity hell on my skin. I was disappoint. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sunlitgarden Report post Posted May 11, 2012 (edited) In the bottle, Sprinklecake really smells like a sweet vanilla rainbow chip cake. My partner said that even without knowing the description. On my skin, it smells cakey at first, with a bit of a sweet berry-sugar, maybe strawberry, but that berry note fades away and leaves a sweet honey-sugar. I want more cake, though! The throw smells more cakey than up close.... and I'm kind of getting coconut from it. Deeply sniffing my wrist, there's something a bit off about the honeyish note - it smells almost.... pee-like.... but the throw from farther away is yummy. I'm annoyed at my wacky chemistry, though! I want more cake! Dry, the weird note in the honey or sugar or whatever it is is gone, thankfully. Close up, I mostly get that sweet note, but I keep getting whiffs of cakey goodness here and there.... I want more of that! I might need to finally get a scent locket. O_O Edited May 11, 2012 by sunlitgarden Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gin Report post Posted May 21, 2012 In the bottle, Sprinklecake smells like milk chocolate, but when it hits the skin, there's a blast of almond extract and then it smells like vanilla cake with pink frosting. Cute! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lejlkwiet Report post Posted May 24, 2012 This smelled quite lovely to me in the bottle - very reminiscent of Eat Me without currants, or a bit like Cake Smash but younger, more playful. Wet on my wrists it went strongly to a plastic/playdoughy smell that almost had me washing it off right away, but I'm glad I gave it a chance. After 15 minutes of so of playdough it softened up to a light, airy, sugary cake smell, shot through with vanilla. It still smells a bit weird up close but is lovely at a short distance - sadly it doesn't have much of a throw on me at all. I'll probably be keeping my half bottle of it to use now and then when I have the time to let the playdough wear off, and to see what it's like when I've let it age a bit more, but I don't think I'll be going crazy to find more. It's a nice addition to the Lilith series, definitely, but sadly not an instant favourite with me like I was hoping for. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lailya Report post Posted June 17, 2012 In the decant I mostly smell vanilla frosting, thick and rich and lovely. After application, it definitely turned into cake proper; I can't really find words to describe it any other way. o_o; I love foody smells, but I honestly can't decide if I like smelling like cake or not. It also failed the Brother Test, but I think that was because it was too sweet for his tastes; apparently my brother's love of Mom's baked goods does not extend to smells that attempt to mimic them. I might come back to this. I really want to love Sprinklecake; maybe I'll give it another test at a different time of month, see if that plays into anything. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
killersandliars Report post Posted June 27, 2012 I love this! It is very vanilla, sweet, a little furity, and totally cakey. It smells like the most moist, luscious birthday cupcake, which is right on the money with the description. It wears really nicely on me, and has a decent throw. For comparison, it is much more straight up cake than something like Eat Me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
whitsunweddings Report post Posted July 12, 2012 In the imp: Intensely sweet cake icing smell. Oy, it makes my teech ache. Wet: SO SWEET. Butter, icing, but also kinda like lemonade? Dry: This doesn't seem to work on my skin. It's kind of cakey, but the vaguely citrusy/artificial sweetener note dominates. I gave my cat a cuddle not long after putting this on, and when I sniffed him later he smelled just like delicious cakey things. So yeah. It's not you, Sprinklecake, it's me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BuxomM Report post Posted August 3, 2012 Cake notes tend to go to pure butter on me. Based on people's reviews of chocolate cake I was hoping this would be chocolatey goodness. This just smells like artificial sweetness on me. No choco and it's starting to smell like playdoh. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aveya Report post Posted August 3, 2012 I was really excited to try this oil out. I got the bottle through a swap. Skin Test!: It's a very very very very sweet scent. It's rich. In the imp and wet on skin you can visualize big ole' chunks of white cake with sprinkles, thiiiick white icing with sprinkles, and a diabetic coma around the corner. It's delicious in every sinful, amazing, horrific way possible. I did NOT however notice anything fruity, honey, or even chocolate. This was solid solid white cake, white icing, candy sprinkles. Maybe that's how my head choose to interpret it. However, for me and my skin, this did not work. About 20 minutes into wearing it turned into playdough. I'm not sure if I'm misinterpreting a scent or not, but my boyfriend said "OMG YOU SMELL LIKE PLAY DOUGH" and dug his nose into my skin. Not exactly the reason I wanted him to go on an inhaling frenzy. So, despite his love of playdough, this isn't going to be worn on my skin. Oil Burner Test!: So on the warmup, I notice where some may get a "chocolate" vibe from. It's just a creamy sweet cake scent I think my nose tries to fit into "chocolate", but yet isn't quite chocolate proper. Next up in the warming oil is OMG SPRINKLEZ. This is where the "fruity" note is that others have described. It's not actually fruit proper, it's sprinkles. It's the rawest roughest omg SUGARINYOURFACE sprinkle ever. Purple pink mixed with iridescent unicorns. It's amazing (but I could see how that could go SO wrong on skin o_O). The cake is less dramatic, the sprinkles overpower. The icing is so heavy I might drown in it. Melt. This is being kept for Oil-burner alone. With much joy! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JazzieCazzie Report post Posted April 12, 2013 Received an imp of this as lovely lagniappe in a recent swap and always especially grateful and appreciative to get something so rare. Sadly, as I tested this as part of my alphabetical journey through A-Z of all of my BPAL imps and bottles, en route to finalizing a comprehensive swap list and wishlist, this really, really, really did not work on me. IN THE IMP: No likey though can't put my finger on the specific note that is setting my teeth on edge. I don't think it's vanilla because, while vanilla tends to go play doh on me on drydown, I generally don't have issues with it when wet. Booze? Fruit? Caramel? Dabbed on wrist and in crook of arm in hopes that it was an in-imp aberration. WET: Just ... no. If it's vanilla doing this to my nose and stomach, it's evil vanilla. Overly sweet, way too sweet, cloying, nauseatingly so, but moreso it's boozy and fruity, two dealbreakers for me and neither of one I expected in the description. No cream. No vanilla. No frosting. No cake. No sprinkles. DRYDOWN: Sadly, one of the worst scents on my skin in years. And it has legs. And arms. And other limbs. Even after washing it off it remained. In fact, when I came back into my study hours later, the whole room reeked. It's a rare BPAL that will take over the scent from all the other BPAL's that have preceded it AND the two candles. OVERALL: This makes me even sadder because it's a Lilith scent and I so wanted to love it. ON a scale of 1-5, a 1. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tharsei-thanate Report post Posted April 26, 2013 Bought an imp from a forumite! In the imp: Smells just just vanilla cupcakes and frosting, with a fruity touch. Not as yummy as fresh baked cupcakes (it's too cool and it smells a tiiiiny bit stale), but man, Beth really knows her stuff. Wet: Yikes. That doesn't smell very nice. Mix of that weird fruity touch and staleness and toothachinly sweet frosting. It also smells a little burnt? And there's plastic from the vanilla, which I was hoping to avoid. Drydown: It's all sort of melding together into an unpleasant but still oddly compelling batch of terrible cupcakes as made by someone who's never baked in their life and can't follow directions. I'm a bit impressed by how thoroughly my skin ruined this blend. Oh, wait, there's that chocolate note others have mentioned. It's not even a tasty chocolate. Wait, now the fruit is getting boozy? And it smells decent? What is happening. Dry: All the gross staleness and burnt bits and plastic parts of the scent are calming down and a light and sweet boozy fruit syrup with a dash of vanilla is emerging. I mean, it's still not the most pleasant scent overall- all the yuck has morphed into a single note of Play-Doh- but wow, it's waaaay better than the wet stage. Further on: Less Play-Doh, more syrup, with a bit of buttery cake. Verdict? Bit of a no, really, even if it does get ok after wearing it for a while. I'll save the imp for another test or two but if it continues to be horrible death in the wet and drydown, I'm throwing this in my swaps pile. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ajila Report post Posted July 28, 2013 In the bottle - Cream soaked vanilla sponge and a touch of red fruit Wet on me - A very milky, sugary, cake confection Dry on me - Sweet, sugary sponge cakes Overall - I like it a lot, it's very faint on my skin Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Acayde Report post Posted August 5, 2013 Bottle: Sweet delicious vanilla cake batter and icing Wet: Cloyingly sweet...chocolate cherry cordial candy? The chocolate scent is more of a dry and unsweetened cocoa, the cherry is what is really sweet. Dry: Definitely has staying power! This is not the cake I was expecting, but it smells delicious nonetheless. The sweetness stays and is very thick (I felt like I needed to drink a glass of milk to counter the sweetness). It is a wonderful scent...I just hate Maraschino cherries. 8 hours later, I just get whiffs of the unsweetened cocoa powder, the cherries have gone. Evokes images of: Bathing in luxurious vanilla cake batter that pours into a cherry cordial ocean where the wind wafts wisps of the chocolate powdery-sand beach your way. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
icecreamcone Report post Posted February 5, 2014 (edited) Chocolate cake that slightly grows a berry scent, maybe like raspberry frosting. Not much throw though. Edited December 26, 2022 by icecreamcone Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xylis Report post Posted March 4, 2014 Expectation: Ever since my failed experience with Eat Me, I have been wary about approaching another cake blend because the first one just didn't work on me. Still, Sprinklecake is just too adorable to resist and I'm thinking that if there's a cake blend that's going to work, this has got to be it. In the bottle: Cake, cake, CAKE. And oh my, is my nose feeling a little quirky today because I swear that this is something almost sexy and more than a little boozy (I thought I was crazy at first, but I see I'm not the only one!) at play here. I think it's the honey and almond in the marzipan that's adding a little omph to this edible scent. I'm intrigued. Wet on skin: This smells almost exactly the way it did in the bottle except that the marzipan note is more pronounced. The buttery cake note is given a sharper edge by the honeyed almond and I have to say that I actually like this. At least, it's not instantly repelling in the way that Eat Me was on me (alas!) Drydown: The sharpness of the marzipan has subsided, leaving behind a sweet, buttery little dessert on my skin. I'm actually getting a bit of strawberry as well which adds a nice candy-ness to the scent that I like. (Aside from the scent, I'm actually getting a bit of a sensitive reaction to the blend where my inner elbow is turning a little red. This little cake blend has some bite to it!) Verdict: I actually liked this a lot better than I thought I would. I'm not sure if this is a keeper; I'll have to wear this a couple more times before making a decision but I'm hoping to love it because the name and bottle label are just so adorable. If I keep it, I'm probably going to wear this in my hair or in a scent locket. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tinyvulture Report post Posted April 16, 2014 Perfect vanilla cupcakes, buttery and rich and piled high with white frosting. It's sooooo sweet and intense. I know lots of people love Eat Me, but it didn't work for me, so I'm thrilled to have found a cake scent that I love! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hammy Report post Posted November 10, 2014 In the bottle - Oddly, I’m getting chocolate from this. I double-checked the description and there’s no mention of chocolate. Maybe it’s the plastic-ness of the frosting? Wet - It doesn’t read as a pink scent to me; it’s muddy yellow. There’s some butteriness to it. Drydown - There’s still chocolate in the mix, and now that it’s dry I’m detecting some yellow cake.. Maybe marble cake? There’s a hint of Play-Doh under the marble cake that makes me think it was made in an Easy-Bake Oven. The plasticy Play-Doh smell lessens after a while, but it’s still there, right beneath the cake. Verdict - Unfortunately I didn’t get a single pink sugar sprinkle. Butter, chocolatey cake and Play-Doh. I really really wanted to like this, so I'm upset that it didn't work on me. It’s not unpleasant, but it’s definitely not what I was expecting. (And since I don’t like chocolate, this is a swap.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
doomsday_disco Report post Posted May 29, 2018 In the decant: Sprinkles (some of which may be chocolate, because I do get a bit of chocolate from this), vanilla, almond, and creamy frosting. Wet: Sprinkle-adorned frosting, with some of the sprinkles being fruity and some being of the chocolate variety. I think there is some vanilla extract and almond extract in this concoction. SO MUCH SUGAR. Dry: For the first time I have gotten the dreaded Play-Doh! Why ya gotta be like that, Sprinklecake? Verdict: Alas, Sprinklecake is one cake that is not for me, which is too bad, as I am a slut for super sprinkle-y things. (Sprinkle doughnuts? My favorite. Sprinkle cupcakes? The sprinklier, the better. Sprinkle sandwiches? Yes, I make those with De Ruijter sprinkles from the Netherlands, which are far superior to the sprinkles we have in the US. I also use them in scones and pour a them over vanilla ice cream.) Maybe I'll try it in the oil burner to see if I get a better sprinkle experience. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AngelinDecline Report post Posted October 4, 2021 So it is interesting with the reviews. Some smell chocolate and others vanilla and wax. I have both an imp of Sprinklecake and a bottle. Neither smell like the other at all! Imp - In the imp: very vanilla yellowish cake, some frosting and definitely sprinkles on this cake and wax? wet: same but more wax and citrus!? Bottle - In the bottle - cacao and a hint of cake mostly cacao Wet: chocolate cake but then it takes a horrible turn and starts smelling like rubbing alcohol. Oh no, that's tragic. And giving me a bit of a headache. Gonna wash it off and maybe try again another time. Might just be my current skin chemistry isn't working with this. But this one might have to go. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kaileycatface Report post Posted January 25, 2022 awww, i love this! it smells strongly like almond extract when first applied, and i feel like i can smell some cherry? or maybe chocolate? it’s hard for me to pick out notes in this one, but it’s sweet and foodie and fun and i really like it. ?? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Madonna Lily Report post Posted August 17, 2022 Sprinklecake is one of my favorite BPALs of all time as of now. It is an absolute sugary joy. Did you know sprinkles have a smell? They absolutely do and I only just learned that after smelling Sprinklecake. It's the exact smell of confetti cake but more specifically the sprinkles. It has something dry and sugary about it but still has a lot of staying power and oomph. I put it on in the morning and can still smell it after a long day. It's gentle and slightly pink sugary. However I suspect the dryness I'm smelling is a cocoa note but definitely not "chocolate" It's like a white chocolate buttercream and a hint of something almond and the smell of sugar sprinkles. Possibly something pink and fruity in the background. Wonderful. I wish I had 100 bottles. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites