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Hair Loosened and Soiled in Mid Orgies Hair Gloss

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White honey, warm musk, and ambrette seed.


I was so caught up in the favorable reviews that I forgot to consider the comparison with O. Unfortunately, O does awful things in combination with my body chemistry, smelling mostly like some sort of diabolic cleaning product and toilet mints. Sigh. Hair Loosened and Soiled turned to toilet mints with an undertone of...cupcakes? Um, what? With staying power. And is currently giving me a headache. I so loved the name, and wanted that lovely scent everyone raves about. I suspect this will make a lovely gift to someone special. Waaah!

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This was the first hair gloss I tried and got tossed to the wayside once I got others, mostly LEs. I find myself wanting more of this. I love the honey and musk, and have tended to enjoy blends with ambrette seed. I can't wait to get O and wear these together!

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Apparently I forgot to review this!


I adore it, wear it pretty frequently (even though I have a billion glosses to choose from). The combo of musk and honey is killer - very sexy. The ambrette adds a little - Je ne sais quoi. Love!

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This was my first HG and it has rapidly become a staple of my hair routine. I love honey and amber notes and this is just gorgeous!

On days when humidity makes my hair scream I put a little on dry and it tames the frizzies. The scent is just pure amber/honey bliss :)

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2018 Edition


I tried it on my arm because at the moment, my hair is too short for me to smell. I get a wet floral honey musk from this. Not as spicy as the Honey HG and a bit more floral--almost fruity. Very pretty and spring-like! I wish I could have longer hair for a bit so that when I walk outside in the wind, I'd get whiffs of this as my hair moves around me.

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I have a really different take on Hair Loosened and Soiled in Mid Orgies. This reads as honeyed bourbon musk, both smooth and kicky, with the slightest crush of sweet mint leaves. It has the slight booziness of a bourbon, tempered and very much sweetened up with plenty of honey and sugar, yet somehow also earthy and playful, mellow as a warm afternoon rolling around under the trees on a blanket in the grass. It transports me in a way that most of the Lab's honeys do not. The touch of herbiness/earthiness is no doubt the ambrette seed, and it is a stunner. Nothing is sharp or pungent, piercing or headachey. All is just perfectly in balance, 


So, a perfume inspired by (rather than smelling exactly like) mint julep? I'm calling this Mint Julep Musk in my head and that very much rings true. The impression of mint is the faintest little brush, so if you are not a mint fan, this is more the ambrette seed giving me herby vibes. However, I will definitely stand by my impressions of a boozy honey musk, almost along the lines of Smut, in fact. If that sounds good to you, with all the red musk extracted and just a cozy brown musk distilled in honey bourbon, you probably need this hair gloss! YUM.

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Hmm. Guess I never reviewed this even though I've had a bottle since 2013 or 2014?


Hair Loosened and Soiled in Mid-Orgies is mostly a bold, warm, musky honey. If I had to compare it to another BPAL, I'd probably compare it with O. It's definitely a sexy honey. I once wore it to a Thai restaurant and had a guy ask me if I was wearing something with (I think?) black vanilla. It reminded him of something his wife loved but could no longer find. I told him it was honey, but I think I refrained from mentioning the name of the scent. :lol: It's definitely a powerhouse of a hair gloss, so if you're looking for a subtle honey hair gloss, this is not the one for you. I don't wear this as often as I used to, as my hair gloss collection is now out of control, but when I do reach for it, I love pairing it with O and Womb Furie (and sometimes I layer it with Snake Oil HG for that Womb Furie effect in my hair). I think I have between 1/3 - 1/4 of a bottle left, though? So it's definitely gotten some love over the years. :) 

Edited by doomsday_disco

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Gorgeous musky honey! The honey is definitely light but still has that thick, heavy sweetness. I'm seeing the similarities to O, a bit lighter but definitely in the same family.

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This is much more demure and mindful than the name suggests. I don't get the similarities to O in my sample (which is what I was hoping for)--it's definitely lighter, and maybe soapier, although it doesn't exactly smell like soap. I'm glad I got to try it, though. 

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