Urpflanze Report post Posted July 5, 2011 We've finally caved in to years of requests for vampiric scents. As soft as grave dust and as dry as a breath drawn within a long forgotten crypt, this is Nosferatu: desiccated herbs and gritty earth brought to life with a swell of robust and sanguineous red wines. Fresh, bright, light red wine (beaujolaisish) and dirt. A hint of herbs. Interesting? Yes. Wearable? Not so much. After a few hours it reminds of fresh blood scented shower gel. DW says it's creepy, like Klaus Kinski's lips in Herzog's Nosferatu. Anyway this scent is definitely on point... But not for me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
arrow Report post Posted July 20, 2011 I received this as a frimp and decided to test it out before bed tonight. My initial reaction: Erp!! This is because sometimes Beth's blends just floor me with the way they smell like such unconventional things for perfume. Nosferatu starts out as a huge whiff of freshly turned DIRT. Seriously, inside I was going, "AHH OMG GRAVES DEATH MUST GET OFF CANNOT GO TO SLEEP WITH THIS BLEND ON PANIC PANIC." After a little while: Huh. It still smells like dirt, but the herbs are making an appearance. I once found a bunch of misc dried herbs in a box in my father's garage. They were dusty and had no color left (becoming that weird greenish grey shade known only to forgotten plants) but still had a faint bit of something... Nosferatu is like this. The wine is sort of underneath it all, giving it a--haha-- pulse. All in all, a really intriguing blend. I know I will test it at least once more but I can't see myself actually wearing it-- though I might be tempted to try other dirt blends now. Either way, I intend to keep it. It's too fascinating of a blend not to give a little home in my imp box. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Doc M Report post Posted August 31, 2011 Frimp from the lab. In vial: Ivy and earth. More like clay than dirt. A slight boozy smell. Prognosis? Huh. Interesting notes. I don't even like to drink red wine but let's give this a shot. On me: Sweet red wine, swelling but somehow bodiless and hollow. Herbal/ivy note really amping. Diagnosis? Unusual. Not an overly sweet blend but cloying on me. Perhaps this will be better for someone who amps earthy notes. It's aged a few months since I last tried it. Might be worth a retry before swapping. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Suu4LC Report post Posted November 29, 2011 Hmm...gritty earth is not usually my bag and red wine can sometimes go Franzia-esque on me. In the imp this is a smack of wet dirt sweetened by the wine. On my skin, this is like a 75% straight up wet dirt/earth smell and 25% sweet red wine. It's actually not a bad combination, though I can tell it just isn't a "me" scent. That said, the two notes really go well together. I think whatever herbs are included in the blend also help to tie it together. This ended up fading SUPER fast. Like, insanely fast. Left me a soft sweet scent. The dirt entirely disappeared. What a bizarre blend on me O_o Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Monday Report post Posted January 19, 2012 Frimp from the lab. This is surprisingly fruity and light. Yes there is some dirt but it's blending with a light floral feminine scent. Not at all what I had in mind when reading the notes. As it dries the floral, it's definitely a floral as I get no wine from this, amps making it a pretty pink scent dusted with tilled earth. It smells innocent and airy. This is so odd, maybe this one deepens into something horrifically earthy and boozy with aging? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BoneBone24 Report post Posted February 19, 2012 (edited) Wet: Sweet wine and something earthy. Drydown: Sweet, fruity wine grounded by damp soil. A hint of rosemary too, perhaps. Dry: The wine mellows and the earth and sweet herbs blend into it. Smooth, soft, and sweet. Not as evil as I was expecting but pretty true to the description. A great scent for wine lovers. 6 out of 10 bones Edited July 11, 2013 by BoneBone24 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gwydion Report post Posted February 22, 2012 In bottle: Strong dirt dominant. The herbs give it an interesting grounding and complexity. I don’t normally like the wine note, but it really fits here with the dirt and herbs. It fits it’s concept beautifully as well. Wet: Still dirt dominant. The herbs now smell a bit like niter as well as medicinal herbs. I definitely gives the impression of the tomb. The wine note is pleasantly understated, more an accent to the other notes than standing on it’s own, so perfectly giving a sense of decadence and soft decay. This is the only wine note to ever work on my skin. Impressive! Dry: Herb cellar. No really. It’s mostly soft dried herbs, with a hint of dirt and wine. I can’t believe this scent works on me, but it really does. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kayah Report post Posted March 19, 2012 This is one of the oddest, biggest morphers I have ever had a chance to smell. imp: gentle lemons wet: sweet lemons, slowly morphing into a sharper lemon scent, like verbena, then into something resembling sweet lemony wine and back to herbal lemon scent... gave to the DH to sniff.. he smells.. dirt. I smell.. lemony herbs. drydown: I still smell lemons.. DH is also now smelling lemony stuff... green lemony herbs.. sometimes I get a whiff of something sweeter that vaguely resembles wine.. and then it's back to the lemony herbs. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lohengrin Report post Posted March 26, 2012 In the imp: Mostly wine. But there's also something cool that my nose keeps wanting to read as mint (though I don't think it really is). WEIRD. On skin, wet: Pretty much the same. Still can't figure out what the not-mint coolness is, except maybe the earth note somehow? On skin, dry: Less minty, more soapy. Not very soapy, just a little bit lurking around the edges of the wine. After an hour: Fading fast, but what's left is pretty similar to the initial drydown. Interesting, but definitely not for me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gold Dust Kitten Report post Posted June 19, 2012 This is not my favorite scent. There is sweet, cloying rotted flowers and herbs, and dirt and grapey wine. No... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
girbot Report post Posted July 7, 2012 This stayed true to the bottle scent on my skin. The most prominent note was the soil smell. Most soil scents dissipate on my skin within the hour on me but this one stuck around. I also got sweetness in the scent nothing particularly alcoholic though. I read it as fruit in the cherry berry grape range. Not unpleasant but I would really only wear it for the novelty factor. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mymymai Report post Posted July 22, 2012 In the Imp (ITI): The red wine is very clear, but it doesn’t come off as candy or cough drops, thankfully. Underneath, there certainly is just a dash of earth and herbs, like rosemary. Wet: It’s like air freshener as soon as it touches my skin, which is unfortunate. Dry: The freshener aspect dies down, while the herb and earth notes come forward and the wine adds just a bit of sweetness. I’m still not terribly found of wine scents, so I think I shall pass. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
calivianya Report post Posted August 1, 2012 I would really LOVE to love this one, but I have a feeling the dirt is going to be a dealbreaker. We'll see. Whoa, when I first apply this it is all dirt, all the time. Did someone forget the other notes? I really don't get much else but dirt. Later, I start to get a very wispy grape smell. Not wine, but grapes. These notes are usually very different on my skin but apparently not in this blend. It ends up being a sort of sweet dirt scent, not unlike the Down the Rabbit Hole atmosphere spray in mood. I just was expecting something dark, dirty, and sexy - this is definitely NOT it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dizcodancer Report post Posted August 15, 2012 On 1/19/2012 at 5:25 PM, Monday said: Frimp from the lab. This is surprisingly fruity and light. Yes there is some dirt but it's blending with a light floral feminine scent. Not at all what I had in mind when reading the notes. As it dries the floral, it's definitely a floral as I get no wine from this, amps making it a pretty pink scent dusted with tilled earth. It smells innocent and airy. This is so odd, maybe this one deepens into something horrifically earthy and boozy with aging? My skin must have a similar chemistry to yours because I get the same thing. Floral and sweet...I'm getting zero dirt or red wine from this. Which is a shame really because I certainly do love red wine and dirt! I wouldn't mind experience the two smells combined. Sadly though, NOSFERATU on my skin does not allow me to experience that scent combo. Instead, it is giving me bubbles...you know, the kind kids play with in the plastic bottle? Yep, that and a light floral Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
madscientistdh Report post Posted November 3, 2012 Purchased from Babypopje In bottle: Wow! Fresh loamy scent with a hint of sweetness creeping in. SO excited On skin: Ooooh the loam blooms into a complex dusty scent. And there's the wine peeking through. SEXY DEAD. Is that possible? Hey, I would so get arrested for this stuff. Drydown: As this dries down I caught a bit of bloody saltiness in the wine, which mellowed to a sweet dusty incense. I love what wine does on my skin Verdict: I am in LOVE. Not only does this smell amazing on me, and I love the back story, this also reminds me of my grandmother who passed last year. She loved vampires (the original kind, not the Twilight kind, I have a funny story about that but I won't bore y'all), and I know she would have loved the macabre beauty of this scent. I see a vat of this in my future <3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jazzi Report post Posted November 14, 2012 (edited) Origin: Part of an imp set I purchased years ago. Probably originated around 2009-2010, so keep that in mind. First thoughts (on the wand): Hmm ... sweet, floral, incense--oh God, what is that smell? It's acidic, almost chemical. Why am I about to put this on my skin? On skin: The astringent scent is fading. Now there's an artificial, waxy smell--like cheap lip balm and something which smells distinctly old. You might smell this in a funeral parlor or in the bottom of my grandmother's purse. The lovely floral and incense-y smells are still there, but fading. Also it's kind of burning my wrist. Dry down: Much better. There's a powdery sort of sweetness on top, very floral, with a sort of rich fruitiness underneath. As time passes, the grape scent is amping slowly, but the overall scent's fading very quickly. It had a lot of throw immediately after I put it on, but I imagine it will be gone within the hour. Verdict: I don't know what dirt is supposed to smell like as a perfume note, but I'm not really getting anything other than funeral parlor here. I know a lot of women who might love this scent, but any trace of wine or earth is alluding me. I agree with the previous reviewers who stated that this is a very feminine scent. It's not at all what I expected when I read the description. That's okay, though, since even if it smelled like wine and dirt and death, I don't think it'd be for me. Leave it to the bolder personalities. Edited November 14, 2012 by Jazzi Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ishtar Report post Posted November 18, 2012 First dirt scent I've ever tried... and I like it quite a bit more than I expected to! In the imp and for the first few seconds on my skin, Nosferatu is a perfectly clean and nice scent - then the dirt comes to the forefront, and it's quite fascinating how it changes the feel of the blend. Contrary to the description, I don't get any grittiness out of it, quite the opposite. This is the smoothest, most sophisticated dirt note I could possibly wish for. The wine doesn't show up until complete drydown, and when it does, it's a refined, light note that's more white wine than red on me. Combined with the herbs, there's almost an incense-like aura to this scent. Much more etheral and wistful than I would have thought. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Judyku Report post Posted May 2, 2013 This was a freebie and as I always try the freebies first, I eagerly dove into it. It smelled quite in the bottle, like a mix between red wine and an earthy scent which reminded me of leaves in spring. You know that aroma you get early on a morning and leaves, and flowers are still dewy from soft spring mist. That fragrance is one of my favourites I applied it and in less than a minute, it turned into something that made me recoil. That wonderful, green leafy fragrance turned into a smell that reminded me of those same leaves becoming foisty, and rotting, like the smell you get from damp wood in a forest. I'm truly sad that didn't suit my skin After a few moments went by, it began to get this weird scent that was chemical. I couldn't place what sort of chemical, but it rapidly increased in strength and I had to wash it off. Meh. You win some and you lose some. Happy sniffing! Much love and many hugs, Jude Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Telluric Report post Posted August 29, 2013 This smelled like lemon scented cleaner on me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
theredkilt Report post Posted December 10, 2013 (edited) This oil did a 360 turn on me, literally. It started out as sweet soil and herbs, but upon drydown the dirt/ earth accord vanishes and i'm left with what i call a poor man's Lemon Scented Sticky Bat I must say that i like it and in total awe and i might wear this in summer. I sampled this again after 3 weeks and i'm registering mellow lemony dusty/bony dirt. Ugh, and i thought i'd like this Edited December 30, 2013 by theredkilt Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pumpkinn Report post Posted January 14, 2014 (edited) Nosferatu is unconventionally feminine and smells just as it’s described: dirt, herbs, and wine. I do not see this one as a morpher. Instead, the notes balance differently depending on the skin chemistry. On my sister, it was very strongly dirt/herbs. For me (and it looks like I’m not alone), the dirt note registers as clean, bright, and lemony. When it settles, it brings to mind dust instead of soil. I love the way the wine works on me. It becomes the dominant note over the others, but never overwhelms. It grows more rich and sweet, but the addition of the sharply fresh dirt keeps things balanced. Overall, the effect is melancholy. And I just have to thank the lab for sending this one as a freebie with my order! EDIT: I've been wearing the imp from time to time and I have noticed this scent lasts about four hours in the crooks of my arms and on my chest. On clothing, Nosferatu lasts for days. Still, very faintly. It wafts around with movement, but otherwise this fragrance sits close to the body. Edited May 2, 2014 by Pumpkinn Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aquazoo Report post Posted January 25, 2014 A little spice, a little floral. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Magycmyste Report post Posted February 25, 2014 In the imp: Dirt. Wet on skin: Corn cobs and dirt. Dried down: Heavier on the dirt again, but there's still a little corn cob there. I'm not even getting any wine to temper it. Throw: Not very much at all, and I'm kind of glad of that. Verdict: ** Dirt scents almost always have a tendency to go corn cob on me for some reason, with the exception of... I think it's Burial, and this one is no exception. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EnchantedMoon Report post Posted August 27, 2014 (edited) I purchased this based off of an awesome review that I read from a recently purchased bottle. I am so glad that I cam across the review because it was right on and I am so happy I now own a bottle of Nosferatu This is very true to it's original description. I think I would prefer to wear this in the autumn, although I have no problem wearing it anytime during the year ----> It is that good! It definitely has an herbal scent to it. I imagine walking through the woods in the autumn where the winds begin to blow just a little cooler. Where the stems of wild herbs are still green, but the leaves are starting to dry and wither away. While underfoot, damp soil with gritty particles of limestone crush against the earth with each step causing magical earthy fumes to dance with the wind. Somewhere in the midst of all of this earthy, herbal magic you must be on a journey to an old hidden wine cellar. Maybe a dark wine cellar. One wear a vampire might lurk. One with cold walls and cold floors. One where the aging wine isn't just of rotting red fruit that is aging beautifully, but maybe a little coppery tinge of blood in the mix. This is beautiful. It is earthy, cool, dark, and red tinged. Love <3 Edited August 27, 2014 by EnchantedMoon Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Haltija Report post Posted September 27, 2014 (edited) Nosferatu is a imp I got with my very first ever order of bpal and it's just one of those scents that when you first take a whiff it takes you back and makes you kinda go "mehhhh idk about this" atleast it did with me and it did so with my mom. The minute it touched my skin though, WOW! It blossomed and smelt of crisp almost sweet dirt and a deep dark red wine and it became just beautiful. I do get a vision with this as I do with most of my oils. It's macabre in a lovely way. I see myself walking through a abandoned cemetery that's about 100 years old. The air is giving soft wind that touches my neck and I stumble across a blanket with a bottle of red wine laying on it, the stench is strong and sexy and there is not a soul in sight. The dirt is a little wet under the blanket and you get feel the sense of someone watching you from behind a tree or under the ground yet never showing their face........... Amazing blend that deserves every last bit of my attention Edited September 27, 2014 by Haltija Share this post Link to post Share on other sites