unlaced Report post Posted January 16, 2014 Marshmallows and rose sugar with whipped vanilla cream and a hint of strawberry. I tend to seriously amp florals but I love foody/sweet scents so this was kind of a risk for me. Also, I really want to like rose, but too much of it is just not good. But this scent actually walked the line pretty well.In bottle: sweet, creamy rose.Wet: A green note joins in for a while and the scent gets very pink-sugary. The rose, though, seems more mature than the overall smell suggests.Dry: sweet and creamy strawberry rose. A very pink, almost candy-like strawberry.Long wear: The rose mellows out a lot and the scent is rounder overall. It didn't last as long as I thought it would. 5 hours maybe? I could still smell a bit of creamy sweet if I stuck my nose to my wrist but the body of the scent was all but gone.I liked it but I didn't love it. I don't know how often I'll actually be reaching for it. I usually go for Little Flora if I want creamy flowers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lorelai1945 Report post Posted January 31, 2014 I had high hopes for this one, but my skin chemistry strikes again! In the bottle I can pick out all of the listed notes- it's lovely and creamy. As soon as this goes on my skin, I amp the rose and strawberry. I get no trace of marshmallow or vanilla cream. Another poster mentioned Crunchberry cereal; that is exactly how this smells on me....plus the rose. Every scent I try with strawberry in it does this to me. I guess I need to add strawberry to my list of death notes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Monster Report post Posted February 20, 2014 Love starts out as a sweet, vanilla musk reminiscent of Antique Lace. After about an hour the vanilla musk gives way to a pale strawberry note. Dusty, vanilla musk with a kiss of strawberry…exactly as I had hoped! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xylis Report post Posted March 4, 2014 Expectations: I have high hopes for this blend. There isn't a note that I don't love, plus that name is just - perfect. Oh please let this work! In the Imp: The rose and strawberry are the strongest notes for me, and the sweetness is running its way up my throat, causing my mouth to water. This smells promising! Wet on Skin: This pretty much smelled the way it did in the imp. Yummilicious and lots of fun! I'm quite intrigued by how the rose and strawberry go so well together that I can't really identify the individual notes. It feels like I'm sniffing a strawberry rose plant and I love how it smells. The drydown: This is a rather subtle blend with medium throw on me. I guess I could live with that because I really love how it smells. It's all sugary, rosey, strawberry goodness and I feel so girly and giggly wearing this. This is beautiful and I am utterly smitten. Verdict: Love is LOVE. I must source down a bottle (or two) of this and slather myself in it. Until I do, I'll be hoarding this little imp like a magpie with her shiny things. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
megank4 Report post Posted March 26, 2014 Took me awhile to pin down what this reminds me of, finally realized it is indeed Hope. Was hoping for more cream and strawberry. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
theredkilt Report post Posted October 30, 2014 Love is not something i thought i would enjoy, judging by the notes, but once applied it reminds me so much of rose petals jam that i used to devour as a kid. But there's only once small downfall, the scent goes a tiny bit plastic on my skin but that doesn't stop me from enjoying it. i'd classify this blend as a floral gourmand. I initially wanted to track down a bottle, but i'm sure my decant will suffice Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vanilla323 Report post Posted May 6, 2015 This starts out like strawberry milk. Which is one of my favorite drinks ever oddly. Then in the drydown I get more of the marshmallow but its very light and fluffy. The rose comes in a little too and adds a really pretty girlieness to the scent. It has very low throw which is sad because when I sniff my arm real close it's so wonderful. Wish it was stronger. Also didn't last long either maybe a half hour. But it's beautiful while it did. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aviatrix Report post Posted July 23, 2015 I am getting a lovely, soft rose marshmallow, with not very much strawberry, which is fine with me, as strawberry doesn't always play nice on my skin. The rose is also not cloying or soapy, just sweet and bright. It reminds me a little of Pink Snowballs, with marshmallow instead of snow. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sunlitgarden Report post Posted September 22, 2015 I've had Love in my collection since it was released, but hadn't reviewed it yet! In the bottle: Sweet strawberry. Vanilla that smells like it's straight out a cooking vanilla-extract bottle. Not boozy, but heading in that general direction. Rose is somewhat faint, but present. Overall smells very "light pink" if I were to ascribe a color to it, or a mixture of light pink and white fluffy clouds. I get a little more rose when it's applied to my skin, and after a minute or so, more strawberry. But overall it's fairly well-balanced without one note dominating. It doesn't evoke marshmallows to me, at least not the mass-produced kind, but I usually find those kind of gross anyway. The scent makes me think of pink cake or a strawberry milkshake with whipped cream. As it dries more, the vanilla becomes less "vanilla extract" and more the sweet musky vanilla found in some other blends I enjoy like Joyful Moon. It's a very comforting and snuggly vanilla. I had tried a number of scents along this vein, some of which were rares I was thankful to even have a partial decant of like Velvet Unicorn and Loli.goth. But, to my delight, Love works better than both of those did and I bought a bottle right away. It's something I don't have occasion to wear often, because it's so girly and sweet, but I love it - it's like falling into a huge pillow of pink sweetness Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ShowOrchid Report post Posted November 21, 2015 I got a decant of this after winning Ondine's very generous PIF! This evokes a mental image of pink strawberries and marshmallow fluff clouds. It's very foodie and smells like I rubbed myself with rice krispy treats. My roommates asked what treats I was hiding in my room. I do enjoy this, but I don't know if it's very *me*. I enjoy the foodie scent, but I'm not sure I like wearing it on me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freyasfae Report post Posted March 29, 2016 (edited) I hunted down a bottle of this on the sales forum because of the lab's marshmallow note with rose. This is very sweet, but I still find it delightful. Close up, the rose is there, but the throw is like cotton candy floating around me. It makes me feel girly and light. Update: I noticed this when I first opened it, where it had this sort of playdough scent to it, but I just kind of shrugged it off because the other notes were so delightful, but overall, I could never shake the playdough and ended up putting this one in my swapbox for someone else to love. Edited April 3, 2016 by freyasfae Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LizziesLuck Report post Posted April 2, 2016 Vanilla cream is one of my favourite notes, and I adore rose, and recently have been loving marshmallow. Strawberry though, is really iffy, but something about this just called to me and I had to try it! Wet: Gorgeous sweet, creamy rose, with hints of sugary marshmallow that teeters on the edge of burnt plastic for a second, then recovers. Not getting any strawberry, and I am totally ok with that, as much as I want to love it, it rarely loves me. Dry: Not a hundred percent sure about this. The strawberry eventually shows up, and as usual, smells really fake on me. I am still getting the lovely rose, vanilla cream and marshmallow notes, but there's also a sort of sickly sweet plastic strawberry scent. Too bad! This smells amazing in the bottle and wet. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Teamama Report post Posted June 2, 2016 I bought my bottle from a forumite, and I adore it. Love is delicate, with medium throw. The rose & strawberry are evenly balanced, and VERY sweet. The cream stays light and fresh on me, a little less buttery than my experience of Boo (YMMV because I have the HG, not the perfume oil.) I only get the tiniest hint of marshmallow. I do not get any of the plastic or green stem notes that some reviewers noticed. I'd like a second bottle: it's that good! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
celestia Report post Posted May 28, 2017 ♔ Love In the Bottle: Buttery pink rose mallow Wet: Well, I smell sugared pink rose, faint powdery marshmallows – and a slight cream-like buttery note, which I suppose is the chemistry between marshmallow and vanilla cream. It’s not a Madagascan vanilla cream, it’s white-ish vanilla cream. It’s a lot butterier than the whipped vanilla cream note in Volcano in Springtime. It also acts as a supporting note to add body to the marshmallow and rose notes. The pink rose is naturally sweet, a little green- though definitely sugared… and smells like the kind of scent you’d be happy to find in a delicate jar of night cream. Drydown: I don’t get much of the marshmallows anymore, I think it got absorbed by the pink rose, which now smells both sugary and powdery. I don’t get much of the strawberry either, maybe the pink rose is a tad juicier with a small drop of candied strawberry, but not more. It’s predominantly powdery pink rose with vanilla sugar stolen from marshmallows. TL;DR: Powdery pink rose and vanilla sugar. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SurrealReality Report post Posted July 10, 2021 (edited) Waaay back in... probably 2011 or so, my taste in perfume changed pretty drastically. My collection was nothing but gourmands and one by one, they all started to smell too sweet to me. Cloying even. I was confused and didn't know what notes to look for anymore, so I withdrew from this hobby for a while. When I came back, Love was one of the first scents I tried. It was the one scent that helped me to understand what I was looking for. It's sweet, but not all-out gourmand sweet. Basic idea: sweet, gourmand, creamy, fruity, floral, pink. Notes I can pick out: marshmallow, vanilla, strawberry cream, amber?, and sugared pink rose. The marshmallow is definitely the strongest note. It's not a melty marshmallow or marshmallow fluff. This is like opening up a bag of fresh marshmallows - sweet, sugary, creamy, and just a touch powdery. There also seems to be some sort of amber in here, but then again it could just be more of that marshmallow powder. Who knows. Whatever it is, it's helping to keep this scent from becoming too rich. The strawberry is prominent - considerably more than a hint. I don't recall the lab using this particular strawberry note before and I really like it. It's much too realistic to be described as a lollipop, not nearly sweet enough to be called a jam or a syrup, and too creamy/not tart enough to be thought of as fresh. So I'm just gonna call it strawberry cream. The rose is also fairly prominent, but never takes over the scent. It smells like a softer, sweeter version of the pink roses I have growing in my backyard. I don't know crap about roses though, so I couldn't say what kind they actually are. I just know they aren't tea roses because I don't like the smell of those at all (reminds me of a certain shitty perfume my mom wore throughout the 90s). So anyway yeah, Love became an immediate favorite. After finding this scent, I knew I was looking for gourmands with a little something extra to cut the sweetness a bit. ? Edited July 11, 2021 by SurrealReality Share this post Link to post Share on other sites