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Voodoo Blends

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So, after 5 years of being into BPAL, I've finally managed to enable my mum.

It might seem a small thing to some, but since my mother is the biggest and most important person in my life, it was very important to me.


We are planning an order, and she seems curious about the Voodoo blends.

Yes, I know, people say that TAL is better, as far as such things go, but I think that knowing my mother, starting with imps, is better, than ordering bottles, unsure if it will satisfy her or not.


So, we have been having a few rough years, the money has been low, the amount of family drama has been at it's highest, we have both gone through some serious brake ups, we have moved from one country to another one, I have dropped my studies to start them in a totally different direction...

Let's just say, things aren't perfect right now. I know she is quite depressed, even if she tries to look brave and good. I know I'm quite depressed, even if I try to behave as if everything is for the best.


So back to the Voodoo oils. I was wondering what voodoo oils you would recommend for depression, how strong or soft they are scent-wise, how well they have worked for you, if you have tested them.

We have (both of us) no trouble with communication, but we lack desire to do anything, to live and find a reason for it. Trouble seeing the positive side of life.


So far, we are looking at the following blends - Block Buster, Horn of Plenty, Has no Hanna, Van Van, Black Cat and Queen.

We are planning on ordering an imp-pack and seeing how it goes.


I have some experience with voodoo blends so far, having tried High John the Conqueror and Wolf Heart. The problem is, I can't really say if they work.

I know I sleep better when I wear Wolf Heart, and I know I usually apply High John (without even thinking about it) during class. But I can't really say if it's the blend working, or if it's placebo effect.


Grateful in advance.


Oh, and as for the reaction to scents, I had her sniff most of my stash, and she enjoyed the following scent-wise - A Wonderful Light, Santa Muerte, Kathmandu, Voodoo Lily (half-heartedly), and Bayou (also half-heartedly).

She hated anything fruity (specially with apple, plum notes), everything with vetiver, strong patchouli scents and foody scents.

Edited by Jupita

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They're in the Conjure bag now, since they're really conjure blends (hoodoo), not voodoo, but they might be a good way to start. I find them mildly effective, but honestly not more effective than any other perfume I like that makes me happy. The TAL blends are more effective as you noted, since they are produced with ritual effects in mind.


(And on that note, you really should get a bottle of white light even unscented, because it is one of the best--cheering, and also helps with bravery, and just all around makes you feel better. It's also a lovely scent. Really worth it!)


But of the scents in the conjure bag, I'd suggest Has No Hanna and Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo. The problem with Aunt Caroline might be the scent--I think it's a bit candyish, but honestly, I think that's part of what makes it joyful--to me, it contains some of the joy of a kid with candy, just that immediate happiness.


Van Van is good, as you noted.


You might also try an ISO for some TAL decants. People do sell them, and that would give you an opportunity to try some of the more powerful blends, before you buy a bottle.

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