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Ella LaRose

If your top 5 scents are... Then try these!

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@hhelix We have overlapping taste.  I don't know if you're up for more "masculine" fragrances, but I flip'n love Satyr, and Black Rider is also gorgeous. Hunter is just a really seamless blend of supple leather and clove. Crowley is also great if you like SO.


If you like frankincense, Veritas is nice. So is Faust. The Lion and Scholar's Tower are beautiful ambers. Brisingmen is amber and apple blossom.  Bast from the American Gods line is glorious after it's aged a bit.  Melisande, the Puppet Mistress is beautiful if you love violet and want something unusual.  (I've found nothing else like Sybaris; it's so unique!) You might also enjoy Eshe, A Vision of Life After Death; it's very floral but has a dry, resinous base. King Cobra is glorious if you like copal and orris has that powdery edge violet often does. The Santa Muerta Tarot scent is also a gorgeous copal and dry floral combo. Inez, Harper, and Aeronwen seem like they'd be in your wheelhouse. Beauty the Aggrieved, Black Forest, Rakshasa, Paramatman (I adore the sandalwood in this one), White Rider, Sin, Anne Bonny (never worked for me, but she gets a lot of love -- lots of red sandalwood.) aaaand Vixen. 


I blind bottled Philopannyx and was really pleased. It's got a very purple fruits/floral Poison sort of vibe over a really gorgeous, powdery incense.  Triple Crown and The Grey Columns (since the Tarots are coming doen soon.)  ALSO, I was looking at Etsy, because I love to tempt and torture myself, and I wonder if you might be interested in Not Such an Agreeable Seat, which they have up. (Golden rose oudh and saffron swirling over opalescent orris root and a twinkle of translucent petals).


That seems like a long enough list, eh?  ?

Edited by VetchVesper

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@VetchVesper Thank you for all the thoughtful suggestions! I will have to dig around in my imp box and see what I have. Some of the ones you mention have been on my list for a long time, and some escaped my notice, so I appreciate your bringing them to my attention. I also love Philopannyx -- the comparison to Poison is right on. I came of age in the 1980s so all those EXTRA clear-out-a-room perfumes are dear to my heart. And yes, I do like more traditionally masculine-leaning scents -- I think many of us on this forum agree that scents have no gender. It's interesting that mainstream perfumes marketed toward women throughout the 20th century were often "masculine" compositions (Bandit, Mitsouko, Rochas Femme, Cuir de Russie, the list goes on). I have heard you rave about Satyr in other posts too, so I will definitely have to try that one! 

12 hours ago, wordortwo said:

When I tested Ava from the OLLA collection, it shot me right back to c. 1993 and my aunt's basement apartment in Brooklyn. I texted her and asked what perfume she wore at that time: Opium. So, that's my endorsement for you trying Ava. But it looks like you may have already ?

Aren't scent memories amazing? I have not tried Ava but am intrigued by the reviews. Thanks for your suggestion!

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23 hours ago, kaileycatface said:

my top five are


Blueberry Sufganiyot

Strawberry Sufganiyot

High Pitched Shriek


Capax Infiniti 



i really love marshmallow, vanilla, blueberry, strawberry - i’m tryyyying to be more open to things that aren’t just strictly foodie too ?


You may want to check out the Sugar Plum Tree perfumes in this year’s Yules. One of them, The Shore of the Lollipop Sea, has blueberry lollipop as a prominent note.


Rope Pulley from the 2020 Shungas is pure strawberry marshmallow. It ended up turning into the scent of a 1980s Strawberry Shortcake Doll on me, but I have bad luck with strawberry notes.


As a fellow lavender marshmallow lover, both A Place of Seeing (rosebud, lavender, amber, sandalwood, marshmallow, and bergamot) and Lights, Camera, Something (lavender, vanilla, and cardamom) from this year’s Liliths and TKO from the general collection all give me a sweet/soft lavender vibe similar to Capax Infiniti.

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@hhelix Lol. Just saw you rec'ed Philopannyx to someone already. At least I know I'm in the right ball park. ?


I don't necessarily mind companies marketing to male or female as long as people are comfortable switching it up if they don't feel traditional oh, but it would be interesting to see one of the big companies market more towards traits rather than gender - like Beautiful, Powerful, Chic, etc....


And you could have ironic blends like "Socially Awkward" or "Booty Call."

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1 hour ago, VetchVesper said:


And you could have ironic blends like "Socially Awkward" or "Booty Call."

Lol ? 

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On 1/27/2022 at 7:51 PM, wordortwo said:


@amokslime I have such mixed feelings about Little Wooden Doll. At first, I got the same impression you did. But it has started rubbing me the wrong way. If you have had your imp/bottle for a long time, have you noticed any changes due to age?



I'm sorry that happened! My imp is pretty new, I think from this autumn. I haven't noticed any out of the norm changes.

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On 1/27/2022 at 7:51 PM, wordortwo said:


@amokslime I have such mixed feelings about Little Wooden Doll. At first, I got the same impression you did. But it has started rubbing me the wrong way. If you have had your imp/bottle for a long time, have you noticed any changes due to age?

Honestly, although I love sandalwood, Little Wooden Doll doesn't do it for me either. It gets a lot of love from others, but it smells a bit fusty to me.  There are different kinds of sandalwood, so keep that in mind when looking. Red sandalwood smells lustier (and sometimes mustier) to me, white's a little more antiseptic, and I don't particularly care for Australian sandalwood. The GC sandalwoods I've really loved were Paramatman, Half Elf, and White Rider. Those three really showcase the note, and I dig it.  Anne Bonney showcases red sandalwood, but smells a bit musty to me. Rakshasa worked better for me than Little Wooden Doll.


Oh, and recently I tried Tiefling Therapist and fell head over heels.  The sandalwood's pretty balanced with the other notes, but I'm gonna need a bottle.  :heart: 

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4 hours ago, amokslime said:


I'm sorry that happened! My imp is pretty new, I think from this autumn. I haven't noticed any out of the norm changes.


Thanks! I was wondering if aging mellows it - I guess I'll find out ?


23 hours ago, VetchVesper said:

And you could have ironic blends like "Socially Awkward" or "Booty Call."

lol lol


I am finding that I really love sandalwood, particularly what I think of as the dry and "dusty" variety. I also get antiseptic/astringent from some sandalwoods (Death is Death from current Weenies comes to mind), which I enjoy. Paramatman is also a favorite of mine. Thanks for sharing your experiences with Tiefling Therapist - that is on my wishlist because I love those notes and I'm a therapist lol (I know nothing of RPGs, though, so the reference is lost on me). Thanks so much for these sandalwoody recommendations!

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I'm new to this as of last summer, so my vocabulary isn't as vast as most of yours! I chose a top 5 of scents that sort of lead me to one another.


1. Anne Bonny

2. All Souls/Cathedral

3. Morocco/Alice/Scherezade/Alischerashasa 

4. Every Day Is Halloween/Kobold Barista

5. Ask the Nearest Hippie/Chibi Skull


Bonus: I freaking adore Horses. It's not much like these others, though. Other loves: Mme Moriarty, Samhain, Pumpkinville, Blood, Lust, red musk


I don't really love leather notes. I appreciate any expert recs!

Edited by elissamay

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5 hours ago, elissamay said:

I'm new to this as of last summer, so my vocabulary isn't as vast as most of yours! I chose a top 5 of scents that sort of lead me to one another.


1. Anne Bonny

2. All Souls/Cathedral

3. Morocco/Alice/Scherezade/Alischerashasa 

4. Every Day Is Halloween/Kobold Barista

5. Ask the Nearest Hippie/Chibi Skull


Bonus: I freaking adore Horses. It's not much like these others, though. Other loves: Mme Moriarty, Samhain, Pumpkinville, Blood, Lust, red musk


I don't really love leather notes. appreciate any expert recs

The 2020 Lupers has some gorgeous carnation scents:There is No Bliss Like This (spicy, vanilla, carnation), Wan Wan (light, musky, vanilla carnation), To Lesbia ( bold, lusty, hippie carnation).


Midnight Mass is a Yule that's re-released every few years and is popular with ecclesiastic resin lovers.


If you like lavender, you might enjoy Mari Lwyd in the Yules right now.  IMHO, the "Welsh cakes" have a similar "floury" smell as All Souls - not too sweet.  It's fairly different, but sort of in that "foody but not" class.

Debauchery, Jack, Plunder, Bengal, Chimera, Al- Shairan , and Old Demons of the First Class.  Sybaris is gorgeous if you like violet; really nice clove. Café Mille et une Nuits.

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12 hours ago, VetchVesper said:

The 2020 Lupers has some gorgeous carnation scents:There is No Bliss Like This (spicy, vanilla, carnation), Wan Wan (light, musky, vanilla carnation), To Lesbia ( bold, lusty, hippie carnation).

To Lesbia was on my watch list, but will add these, too!


12 hours ago, VetchVesper said:


Midnight Mass is a Yule that's re-released every few years and is popular with ecclesiastic resin lovers.

Yes! On my ISO list for sure. 


12 hours ago, VetchVesper said:


If you like lavender, you might enjoy Mari Lwyd in the Yules right now.  IMHO, the "Welsh cakes" have a similar "floury" smell as All Souls - not too sweet.  It's fairly different, but sort of in that "foody but not" class.

I'm not really a floral person. It seems like carnation is the one I do really enjoy, and rose really only when paired with carnation. 


12 hours ago, VetchVesper said:

Debauchery, Jack, Plunder, Bengal, Chimera, Al- Shairan , and Old Demons of the First Class.  Sybaris is gorgeous if you like violet; really nice clove. Café Mille et une Nuits.

Nice, I have frimps of a few of these that I haven't yet tried. Thank you!

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Ok here are my current top 5!


Snake Smut


Hell's Belle

Mme. Moriarty

Solstice Lace


Runner up or tied with my top 5 ?: The Other Miss Forcible


As you can probably tell, I love a good sugared incense and sweet notes paired with deeper notes like patchouli and resins. I don't do bpal honey though.

Edited by ziggystardust13

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@ziggystardust13 Did you ever get a chance to try Kneel Down, Fair Love, and Fill Thyself with Tears?  (gossamer orris root and silken white magnolia over a sheer dove-grey musk.) It's a really beautiful, misty magnolia.  The Snipe's Beak also has a prominent magnolia, but it's much more straight up floral.


Sugar Cookie Satyr is super tasty for that sort of Snake Oil meets something rich and almost-foodie vibe. Zipline 2 is rummy and autumnal foodiness balanced by Ren Fest incense. ? 

? I've smelled way too much BPAL.

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55 minutes ago, VetchVesper said:

@ziggystardust13 Did you ever get a chance to try Kneel Down, Fair Love, and Fill Thyself with Tears?  (gossamer orris root and silken white magnolia over a sheer dove-grey musk.) It's a really beautiful, misty magnolia.  The Snipe's Beak also has a prominent magnolia, but it's much more straight up floral.


Sugar Cookie Satyr is super tasty for that sort of Snake Oil meets something rich and almost-foodie vibe. Zipline 2 is rummy and autumnal foodiness balanced by Ren Fest incense. ? 

? I've smelled way too much BPAL.

Seriously adding all of those to my wishlist. They sound divine!

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Hello everybody, i'm rather new to Bpal and i haven't tested a lot yet, but i do love some scents already and was wondering, if you can see a pattern and maybe recommend similar ones? :) (I should mention, i do have at least 40 imps by now and round about 23 bottles, but i tend to go save and prefer to use my favorites... i don't know, i just love routines)

My favorites are (so far):
• Vampire Princess
• To a dead friend 
• Philopannyx
• Blood Popsicle
• A savage veil severe and strong

I also love Love makes Monsters of us all, because of the dry dusty scent. It smells like an old building (not moldy and wet, tho) and it's really soothing.

I like/love a lot of scents (Le Lethe ♥, Satyr, Rapture, Mouth so sweet, Theodosius, Illustrated Woman, Mother Ghost, ...) but i tend to grad To A Dead Friend a lot more somehow.

As far as dislikes i really can't stand:
• Laura (i dislike everything. The strawberry. The mothballs. The whole Laura.)
• The elephant is slow to mate (depends. mostly it smells warm and salty... gross. i did try it during my period, tho and i liked it a lot more then)
• Sugar Cookie Snake Oil (it's too aromatic, i guess. Maybe it'll set with time, but i seem to dislike "Sugar Cookie" in general. Not a huge food-fan)

I appreciate any recommendations ♥

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@crimson_vampire It seems like you enjoy darker, juicy, red/purple fragrances, with a touch of floral, and you enjoy plum. Florientals and musks seem to be in your wheelhouse.  :)  That's all certainly my jive too.  The Elephant is Slow to Mate is one that should have been a shoe-in for me, but for some reason, didn't work great. ? 


Keeping suggestions to what's currently available - Bathsheba, Blood Kiss, Bloodlust, Kitsune-Tsuke (if you're open to spring florals. It's got a bright, juicy plum note.) Bordello (has a sweet, candy plum. Not a big fan myself, but it's popular and similar to the "sugar plum" scents.), Obsidian Widow, the Raven, Evil, Drow Yoga Instructor


Unimpable and LE - Asleep in the Deep, Dionysia, Arachnina the Spider Girl, Melisande the Puppet Mistress, Mme. Moriarty, Misfortune Teller, The Witch Queen, The Bloodgarden, Marianne, Skull with Shell, Books, and Crumple of Blush-Pink and NIght-Blue Silk, Violet Fog, A Rovin (I LOVE this one, but it's a LOT, and you gotta like jasmine.)


You might also see if you like wine notes. Oh, and if you're a fan of Satyr (also a love of mine. :) ) you might like civet.  It's a musk note that gives a lot of people trouble, but it's supposedly in Satyr, and I tend to like it in other things too.

Edited by VetchVesper

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I'm finally posting my top 5 (and 10 for GCs) to see what I've been missing! 


Top 5 GC

1. Liz

2. 51

3. Drow Yoga Instructor

4. Tzadikim Nistarim

5. Lights of Men's Lives


Honorable Mentions: 

6. Mouse Circus

7. Tlazolteotl

8. Tushnamatay

9. Highwayman

10. Shadwell 


Top 5 LE

1. Amor, to Show That He Was Pleased Approvingly (in Silence) Sneezed

2. Randegg in the Snow with Ravens

3. The Snow Woman

4. Dragon Smooched Snake Oil

5 The Governing Dark's Begun


Editing to add Drink Me to my top 10 GCs... 

Editing to add Halfling... 

Edited by scentedbythesun
Forgot to list two..

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I've tried Cranberries and a Popcorn and Discarded Pumpkin Garland recently but the decants were aged and I didn't really like them. I do love the sake note in The Snow Woman though. 

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  1. The Unicorn
  2. Tamora
  3. Aeval
  4. Children of the Cornucopia / Mouse's Long and Sad Tail (tie!)
  5. Anactoria

    Any ideas what else I should try?

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On 4/27/2022 at 8:40 PM, VetchVesper said:

@crimson_vampire It seems like you enjoy darker, juicy, red/purple fragrances, with a touch of floral, and you enjoy plum. Florientals and musks seem to be in your wheelhouse.  :)  That's all certainly my jive too.  The Elephant is Slow to Mate is one that should have been a shoe-in for me, but for some reason, didn't work great. ? 


Keeping suggestions to what's currently available - Bathsheba, Blood Kiss, Bloodlust, Kitsune-Tsuke (if you're open to spring florals. It's got a bright, juicy plum note.) Bordello (has a sweet, candy plum. Not a big fan myself, but it's popular and similar to the "sugar plum" scents.), Obsidian Widow, the Raven, Evil, Drow Yoga Instructor


Unimpable and LE - Asleep in the Deep, Dionysia, Arachnina the Spider Girl, Melisande the Puppet Mistress, Mme. Moriarty, Misfortune Teller, The Witch Queen, The Bloodgarden, Marianne, Skull with Shell, Books, and Crumple of Blush-Pink and NIght-Blue Silk, Violet Fog, A Rovin (I LOVE this one, but it's a LOT, and you gotta like jasmine.)


You might also see if you like wine notes. Oh, and if you're a fan of Satyr (also a love of mine. :) ) you might like civet.  It's a musk note that gives a lot of people trouble, but it's supposedly in Satyr, and I tend to like it in other things too.

Oh boy, it's been a while since i've been here... I'm so sorry for not responding earlier ?
Thank you so much for the detailed repost, i will definetly save those and check them one after another.
I also just got my latest package from the labs and funnily ordered a bottle of Sugar Plum Snake Oil, because i thought "Sugar Plum? That sounds great!" ... well, so far i'm not a fan either, because it's indeed too sweet, so Bordello might be too sweet as well. But then again i got the bottle only a few days ago and i should give it a good rest before bringing in a verdict ?

Thanks to your recommendation i ordered a bottle of Mme. Moriarty and i'm having a look at the other CD scents as well, because i love the dark circus theme ?

Edited by crimson_vampire

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@crimson_vampireOoo..  I'd love to know how you liked Mme. Moriarty. And yes, I was eyeing Sugar Plum Snake Oil pretty hard, but resisted because of the Bordello references. I like my plums darker.  ?

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Okay, I'll bite! A lot has come out since last I tested anything new. Any recommendations based on these:


1. Snake Oil

2. La Fee Verte

3. Monster Bait: Closet

4. Perversion

5. Brides of Dracula


I *didn't* much like L'Heure Verte, and I was thinking of retesting Morocco.

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Very new to BPAL here.


My top 5 (in random order):




Drider Crossing Guard



Honorable mentions:

White Rabbit

Black Goat Enjoying a Pink Flower






Baoban Sith


Seems like anything with dark or black musk and rum drown out all the other notes.


Thanks in advance for any recommendations ?


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