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Her scent is one that travels through the eons: the Irish moss, yarrow, and hawthorn of the Iron Age Britons, ancient Rome’s omphacium and honey, myrrh and calamus from Egypt, the frankincense and damask roses of the Florentine Renaissance, white sandalwood from the Far East, Moroccan saffron and rose water, and a swirl of incense from the souks.


Wow, I really like this! It isn't as sweet as Morocco (which is one of my favorite scents) but I adore Eve's spiciness and well-blended quality. And it has so many scents in it I love: moss, yarrow (which I used to crush and make "potions" with as a kid because I liked the smell haha), rose, incense, saffron . . . Unf. May have to procure a bottle if my decant won't be enough. 

Edited by feyofthefellwood
Added scent description.

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I snagged a bottle of this to see what the hubbub was about.


Wet: Rose, wood, and spice.  I like this.  It feels grown without being...matronly? This isn't usually my speed (I think Ava loves me more) but I appreciate how complex it is.  I'd put this on for a black tie event.




L wrist -  honey, spice, incense, sandalwood

R wrist - incense, sandalwood


All my rose is gone! I kind of smell like my friend's store that caters to Burners.  That's probably the incense and sandalwood.  It's not overpowering like the store can be...but I really miss the rose.  I wish there was a single note that I could layer with this at this stage.

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Woooow this is such a fascinating one! At first sniff this is dusty temple rose. Incense and old offerings. It eventually settles into something that reminds me of Sheer Chai tea: rose and milk and warm spices. So evocative of this character in that it's something a wise immortal would wear.


The most unique thing so far is that it gets stronger on me over the course of the first hour: I kept getting whiffs of it, as though it's pulsing. 

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I always feel a bit bemused when my favorites are everyone else's faves. 😂 But honestly, in all ways, Eve is my favorite from this series. It's a beautiful perfume, complex and both deep and bright; herbal, resinous, woody, and rosy by turns. It shifts and flickers on my wrists, with different facets coming out throughout the fairly long weartime. It doesn't have strong sillage, but every so often I catch a whiff of it as I type. I have '14 on one wrist and '18 on the other and they're pretty much indistinguishable. I love it as an interpretation of the character, as a scent completely divorced from the source material, and for the way it makes me feel when I wear it. It's great in all weather, for most occasions, and I could wear it to work without offending anyone. This, as they say, is the good stuff.

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(I wasn't sure about this one based on the notes) But oh my gods am I thrilled I got my hands on a bottle. 


In bottle: Rose, honey, incense. 

Wet on skin: Rose and spices and woah I just walked into a forest because that moss and yarrow have sprung up out of nowhere. I imagine this will shift quite a bit as the day wears on 

Dry: This is so complex! It's so well blended, it's rose, milk and honey, with warm spices and the plants. I keep catching flickers of the different notes, I can't wait to see how long it lasts


It smells eternal? I can picture Eve in her gold dressing gown laying on her piles of books, this scent feels so evocative of the character and the spaces she inhabits. It's absolutely beautiful. 

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Oooo I was so excited to try this, thank you fellow swappee for the gift! 💚 
And boy, this doesn't dissapoint. This is kind of like the female version of Seth, it has a similar dusty deep-ancient feel to it, with a slightly more feminine, middle eastern feel to it. It delicate though, i wish it were more strong, but if i can find a bottle of this sometime i may have to try and get it. 

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Initially there’s strong honeyed frankincense and myrrh, tempered with musky incense and slightly soapy sandalwood (it reminds me of a mysore sandalwood soap I used in my younger years). I can swear I smelll a touch of patchouli. It has intensity. From the scent notes, I’m not at all familiar with what Irish moss, yarrow or hawthorn smell like as individual scents, so I can’t comment on those aspects. Initially I thought there was rose otto, however scent description points that to rosewater and damask rose. There’s very little throw at all, it’s an intimately close to the skin experience. It’s seamlessly blended, the sum of its parts are hard to exactly pin down. Midway through I find an amping or rose on top of everything. 


Dry down- soft honey skin, a honey reminiscent of O, and the most subtle of rose and resinous incense. This lasts on my skin where other scents fall short. This is intoxicating, delectable, exotic.

Edited by lilacea

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Eve is back in stock!

Breathtaking! Floating, wafting, intoxicating, opening with a prominent incense note reminiscent of Quintessence of Dust or the shisha of Café Mille et une Nuits, underpinned by the sweetness of rose, a hint of spice, and powdery honey. There is a slight impression of dusty floral dryer sheets, reminiscent of The Hourglass, possibly the rose and resin notes interacting, and a feeling of just-burned candles evocative of Quintessence of Dust. The red rose comes to the forefront within an hour or two with the crispness of dried petals that another reviewer mentioned, with rose predominating on fabric and the incense and other uncountable notes of exquisite beauty coming through more strongly on my skin with an impression of sweet and ancient dust. Although it is not listed as a note, I may be getting a faint, indolic hint of jasmine, as another reviewer also mentioned, or lily (unless the damask rose or rosewater are coming through as particularly indolic). As of June 9, the crisp sweetness of rose petals and the indolic quality of rosewater are definitely coming through as separate notes. A cool breath of sandalwood or cedarwood is also coming forth like a suggestion of Old Spice or cologne. The evocative smokiness of incense having been burned follows, rose atop a spicy potpourri with a sophisticated hint of frankincense and myrrh, which blend with the incense, smoke, sandalwood, and calamus to create a sense of “spiciness.” As of June 24, a tarter top note has emerged above the dried red rose petals that I can’t place; likely the yarrow, moss, hawthorn, omphacium, or saffron. That citrusy note may represent the frankincense, or the rosewater, as another reviewer pointed out. On June 25, the tart, sharpish, high-pitched note of rosewater has established itself at the top of the overall fragrance almost like a note of orange juice, calming down throughout the day, and the rose petals are blooming more on skin. By July 6, the high-pitched rosewater has fully distinguished itself from the deeper sweetness of the damask roses. On August 26, I caught my first sniff of a distinctly fresh, minty, almost piney yarrow top note. One of the indolic notes may be the saffron. Many of the notes are ones I am not familiar with (and which, along with the actual incense note, read as a general impression of a complex incense), but they blend seamlessly into a poetic whole that is the perfect interpretation of the character. Late drydown combines a unique rose note, chilly sandalwood, and the grapey myrrh, all so wonderfully powdery. Sweet, complex, ancient, and mysterious! Ethereal, subtle, mysterious, evocative, and enchanting; my most magical OLLA yet. #18!

Edited by QueenProserpina

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I really wanted to love Eve, because I do love the movie and Eve's character. But it seems I am the only one whose skin chemistry just don't get along with her. And that actually makes me very sad. Don't get me wrong - there's much I like and I could love this on someone else. Eve is complex and there's so much going on that I find it hard to describe it. 


I get mostly rose, herbs and incense. Rose is very tricky on me and while there's some scents where rose works beautifully on me, often it goes soapy or kinda sharp or unpleasant. Sadly, I get the unpleasant part of the rose here. Moss is bringing some earthiness. I do get the comparisons to Morocco, there's definitely same spices and sandalwood in Eve. But mostly on my skin I get the rose with honey.


I'm going to forget her for a couple of months more and retest then. If she's still roses and honey she shall go to someone who will love her.

Edited by sudenmorsian

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Holy shit, is this what chanel no. 5 made marilyn monroe feel like? I feel luxurious. I feel divine? Something so floral couldn’t be this incensey…there’s something so incredibly green about this… fresh and dead roses together almost? probably the combo of the damask roses and rosewater. something musky and skin-scenty (perhaps the honey and florals together?) it’s womanly. girly. i feel like a sacrificial lamb. i feel anointed. sacred. i need to watch this movie and kiss my partner 60 million times for buying me ava and eve. 

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