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Literally everything! Pumpkin spice it all with this traditional brew of cinnamon, cardamom, allspice, and clove.


Lots of spices here, cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice. After a bit, I' detecting a slight flowery feeling, but like an edible flower if that make sense. It's kind of bugging me that I can't detect the flower vibe. I'm thinking I'm getting the clove mixed up with carnation, that's it! I'm not all that fond of foody spice blends, but this is different. It's OK, but not something I'm going to go out and buy a big bottle of.

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I love having a bottle of this to dab on my wrists during the hottest, most miserable days of late summer and get an instant blast of autumn nostalgia! Makes me feel (wishful thinking) as though cool fall days, Halloween, and pumpkin pie are just right around the corner.


Pumpkin spice, with sugar, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, and nutmeg all accounted for. Cinnamon and clove are the heaviest spices. Just the right amount of foody sweetness. Not buttery like Jack, not like raw pumpkin either. It's pumpkin pie filling or a Starbucks PSL, spicy and warming. Love!

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My decant of PSE 2014 has aged beautifully in the past year, mellowing the spices and bringing out the sweetness. It's reminiscent of a smoothly blended chai latte. Last fall I thought I'd only want to use this for layering, but it's totally wearable on its own now!

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2015 version.


So I'm not really into the whole pumpkin spice craze, mostly because I don't really like pumpkin, but I love warm spicy foody scents like cinnamon. I missed this one last year (bought WAY too much as usual and figured I could pass on this) but really regretted it once I saw so many glowing mentions on the forums. So I'm glad it was rereleased this year!


I don't really smell any pumpkin in this, which is great for me! It's mostly just warm, comforting spices, and there's something almost bready about it. I like!

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Ok. I love this. But many of my friends say it's way too strong of a scent when I wear it. And they don't like it much. But I don't care because I LOVE IT. (Lol.)


But if you want to know what this smells like....go buy a bag of pumpkin spice M&M's. IT SMELLS EXACTLY LIKE THEM. EXACTLY. At least to me. Just huff the bag - and you'll see if you like the scent enough to buy a bottle. Hahaha.

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I got an imp of this and am working through a big pile of imps just to try different fragrances. Oof, this was very craft store potpourri on me. Did NOT like. For those that love realistic foodie/spicy perfumes, this may work. I found it overwhelming. Not surprising, considering it IS a single note, but it's so not for me!

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Dry spice. Nothing sweet or syrupy, or fresh pumpkiny to me. Mostly cinnamon, clove, and nutmeg. It's very nice but I like my spicy scents with a touch of sweetness.

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Not sure if my decant is a 2014 or 2015 one, just that it's not brand new. And I won't be ordering a new bottle because this is just too much allspice on me. I don't get pumpkin per se so much as the dry "pumpkin pie spice" blend, and evidently I'm amping the allspice at the expense of the lovely cinnamon, clove and ginger. Oh well, I'm glad I got to try it.

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2017 Decant:


Alas, whatever the Lab is using for this spice blend doesn't work on me. It's the same "dried cinnamon in the dregs of a mug of something" note I've gotten in several Weenies this year. :(

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2017 version.


I am not a fan of pumpkin spice things, truth be told, but I wanted to compare the base of Pumpkin Spice Everything to Pumpkin Spice Perversion and Cathedral which I really like, and PS Snake Oil which I have on the way.



Wet: This does a pretty good, "autumn at Starbucks" impression at first. Then, as it dries, something weird happens. It has slowly transformed into.....cornbread?? :blink: Yes, spicy cornbread is what is happening on my skin. BLARG.


Dry: The cornbread changed into a sort of muffin scent, so now this smells like a yummy pumpkin spice muffin. I like it! I just don't want to wear it. I want to eat it.

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I was super excited about this scent. I love pumpkin spice - that is, I like the spice only and not the pumpkin that often goes along with it. What in the name says pumpkin belongs? Nothing. It's Pumpkin Spice people. SPICE THAT YOU PUT IN PUMPKIN PIE.


Anyways - This scent smelled exactly like pumpkin spice hersey kisses. There's something slightly off about it. Something maybe plastic but maybe intended. I've been running into it in a lot of wheenies that I've been testing lately.


Verdict; I'm just going to tell people I like Masala Chai and solve this pumpkin vs pumpkin spice debate.

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Yep, this is definitely pumpkin spice with lots of cinnamon and nutmeg. It smells like I just grabbed it from my spice rack and poured it all over my wrists. There's a faint buttery quality to this on me, making me think of pumpkin muffins or something. The pumpkin itself is pretty faint in here, but I'm sure layering it with another pumpkin scent would be lovely. Really enjoying this, but I would have liked a little more pumpkin.

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[2023 version]


Hey, Beth remade Plunder! It's as advertised: all the spices you'd expect out of a pumpkin spice blend - nutmeg, clove, cinnamon, maybe a dash of cardamom. It's a dry scent, which I love, and there's no chance of it going cloying.

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This years Pumpkin Spice Everything is so lovely! I sold out of it at Vermont Lunacy yesterday and the general remarks were that it’s very warm and comforting. My review from 2014 is from the OG version which I had gotten from NYCC at the time and it was very spicey..I don’t know if that one had the allspice element at that time but I feel like this version is like…simmered? that’s what I want to say. All the spices are evenly tempered and it’s a very snuggly perfume :)

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2023 version - As exuberant as the name is, the scent is pretty gentle. It is a little sweet, but only in that some of the listed spices have hint of natural sweetness. Might be good for layering to pumpkin-spicify other scents but very wearable on its own.

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