jj_j Report post Posted March 16, 2004 Blissful Love - Romance - Passion - Grace - Beauty - Joy Good Luck in Love and Money - Kindness - Affection - Artistic Inspiration and Success - Harmony - Reconciliation - Sensuosity - Charm - Elegance - Delight <span style='color:black'><span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'><span style='font-family:Georgia'>This scent wavers between green and pink for me. Of course, I wanted Venus to be pink, and this is full of grace and feminity. It's so green, though - sort of like Water of Notre Dame, but on a very light and flowing side of that scent. I picture Venus standing like a statue, wearing a pale green dress that flows around her and moves in the evening breeze. There's a tiny pink rosebud over her ear, barely visible, but the rose begins to bloom as she stands with a hint of a smile. For me, Venus is Tarot: the Empress and Water of Notre Dame combined. Fantastic combination.</span></span></span> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
twistygirl Report post Posted April 17, 2004 Oh, this is Venus, alright! Gorgeously feminine, artistic, romantic, elegant, graceful. This is almost the perfect fragrance. It is light, it is floraly in a most delicate way, and it is watery and clean. jj_j described this perfectly when she said it is pink and green. It is Aphrodite in all her feminine glory. I shall be ordering a large bottle of this one, for certain. I think this would be wonderful for chakra work, to open up the heart chakra. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lorajc Report post Posted April 19, 2004 Okay everyone....for those of you who frequent the board, you know I've been slacking in my review writing phase. I know, smack me up side the head!!! I have over 80 bottles of this stuff...the least I could do is reveiw them. In my defense, I recently got a new job after collecting unemployment for 5 months and let's just say....quite an adjusment!!! Now to get to the point. Venus rocked my socks off (Beth - can you say GALLON size). I am a Libra, Moon in Sagittarius and Virgo rising (born 10/7). I was totally blown away by Venus. I immediately ordered it. I am wearing my sample this morning and I tell ya....I must be a TRUE Venus child. I'm lovin' the hell out of this shit. I immediately was surrounded with a gorgeous cloud of beautifullness!!! It prompted me to proceed to pick out my diamond necklace (which I never wear) and do my eyes are smoky bluish/purple with pink lips and cheeks. Makes me feel sexy (which is rare with my low self esteem). I guess this is a good way to feel since I have to give my deposition today in my car accident personal injury case!!! Anyway, the others have described it perfectly.....but to me, it is more flowing, pink and aquatic......but then it is pink, pink, pink with green undertone. I'm REALLY loving this which surprised me a bit since I tend to usually go for the deeper resin scents and sandalwood/patchouli. It is 70 degrees here today, so it prompted me to wear this. I must say....it is by no means a weak fragrance and that is a GOOD thing. This goes right up there with Harlot and Bordello for me. One of my new top fav's!!!! Beth, you rock girl!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ishtar Report post Posted June 10, 2004 Everyone was so right in describing this as pink and green! On me it is like a rosebud, stem, leaves and all. The rose is there, but barely. It is more like a hint of what is still to come. The main notes don't seem to change much after drydown, but they take on a liquid dimension that is quite remarkable. Venus is a very feminine and harmonious blend. It is a round, smooth scent with just the right tinge of green to keep it from being just another light pretty floral. It is extremely well done and even if I don't quite think it is for me (I am not too good with green scents), I admire its balance and elegance. On the right person this must be absolutely wonderful. I will definitely give it another try in a few days because I would hate to give up something that beautiful without trying a little harder to make it work for me. I think it would be a good candidate for layering. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
summer Report post Posted June 28, 2004 (edited) JUST GORGEOUS. This is absolutely beautiful on me -- hands-down one of the streight-up loveliest fragrances I've ever worn. Sweet, honeyed florals, perfectly blended in a round, moist, blissed-out feminine scent. I have never worn floral perfumes before, but this and Libra have knocked my socks off! Venus is a deeper scent than Libra, and has a slightly sexier dimension. I am a Libra, and these scents simply could not agree with me more. I wore Venus today, and I felt beautiful and alive all day. I ate ravenously at dinner and my food has never tasted so good. This is GOOD STUFF. I am overwhelmed! I will be purchasing a large bottle of this, you can be sure. Edited June 28, 2004 by summer Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
allamanda Report post Posted June 29, 2004 Mint, then green leaves and as it dries a faint smell of lavender ? To me this is an old-fashioned knot garden filled with herbs. Once dry this has more of a water effect, a little like Water of Notre Dame, but if there are violets there (which I think there might be) they are very much tucked away in the back and barely discernable. Beautiful, hooked in one. And if you want a colour; lilac / violet Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MissAnthropy Report post Posted July 4, 2004 First Whiff: This is SUCH a Goddess scent. A celebration of all things earthy: herbal - minty - floral - a little bit of everything, and yet, I can't seem to pull out any specifics. I think there's some eucalyptus in there, and maybe jasmine? Whatever is in this blend, I love it!!! On: Yup. This one's a keeper. It's still pretty herbal - minty and floral, and I think it's fantastic how well it's all coming together. I am also thrilled that it changed very little from the bottle, to my skin. An hour later: Still next to no change. It hasn't even faded very much, and it going very strong. Like I said... Venus, she's a keeper, and is going right on to my WishList!!!! -Leslie Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deandra Report post Posted July 24, 2004 I LOVE this. Others have described it more vividly than I will, but on me this is a fresh, pure, clean, almost soapy scent. (This is what I had hoped "Clean" eau de toilette would smell like before I was horribly disappointed.) Venus is a great fragrance that smells like you just got out of the shower and are ready to face the world. On me this does not have the complex layers that Old Venice has, but it is elegant in its simplicity. I will most likely buy a 5ml. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TygherRayn Report post Posted August 2, 2004 "Oooohh, Pink goes good with green!" Yes, yes Galinda .. we know. And while I'm on the 'Wicked' kick, I may as well say it .. -this- is the scent Galinda would wear. I've not yet picked out Elphaba's, but this is definitely a scent with Galinda. In the bottle: Bubblegum meets mint, if that makes any sense at all. I defninitely get a minty, herbal freshness in this, that's almost-but-not-quite overwhelmed by the candy sweetness. Wet: The candy-pink-sweet mellows just a bit, leaving the green note to be a bit stronger. But every so often I get a whiff of the pink, whatever it is, and it's absolutely delightful. Definitely a feminine scent, but where Luna might be more a Mother/Crone scent, Venus is Maiden, through and through. And I can't get the image of Galinda out of my head. She would so wear this .. after she becomes friends with Elphaba. Wearing: I keep trying to pick notes out of this one, and I'm entirely unable to. I want to say there's probably some rose in this, but my skin usually sucks up rose and amplifies it, and that's not happening. There's herbal notes here though .. not mint anymore. Something less familiar. Sage, maybe. And maybe .. a floral I can never ever get, but it's there. I like this, but I'm not sure it's quite 'me' enough. But then .. I'm not a Libra. Bet this smells fantastic on enozgirl though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Scylla Report post Posted August 24, 2004 (edited) In the vial and while wet, Venus smells a LOT like Water of Notre Dame, with the addition of rose and maybe some honey. On drydown, (on me, anyway) I detect the rose and honey more. But then it starts to smell quite a bit like a bar of Ivory soap! It makes me think of the colors purple or magenta. It is a very pretty, exceedingly feminine floral scent. But, alas, it's just not me. I can't do roses! Edited August 24, 2004 by Scylla Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nepthys Report post Posted September 15, 2004 This is the girliest BPAL I've tried yet. It is minty-pink, reminds me of Barbie's convertible, sheer pink nightgowns, Jayne Mansfield. It's like the "innocent" perfume you bought for your middle-school niece and then realize you want to wear yourself. I normally could never pull off something so rose-girly and in fact I know I have tried out similar scents in witch/new age shops without success, but this actually works on me. I don't think it will ever be one of my favorites just to wear, but because the scent is so highly evocative of Venus herself to me, I will probably save it for ritual use. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChupaChup Report post Posted September 22, 2004 (edited) Add me to the list of people that are absolutely in love with Venus! I haven't had luck with too many straight florals and I really don't think Venus is even in that class, it's so green. Yes, there is a little pink, it's rose and rose hardly ever works on me but this one does. I got the chance to smell some rose concrete once, and was told it's the whole plant, leaves, stems and all and that's what the rose in Venus smells like to me. It could also be rose absolute but I've never gotten to smell that so I don't know. Anyway, it's GORGEOUS and drop dead sexy. I've just recently tried Le Petit Mort and the green in that smells like the green in Venus, but Venus is a much stronger oil. Edited September 22, 2004 by ChupaChup Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roisnoir Report post Posted September 28, 2004 Sort of a musty, minted rose. Very pleasant, in a powdery way. I can definately see this as a planet. I don't know that I'll wear her, but she's living in my imp box until I figure out what I want from her. She's dry now, and less musty, less powdery. Its still a dry rose, and very lovely. I'm glad I have her. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
malanna Report post Posted September 28, 2004 This is light pink and green. It's not green in an herbal sort of way or minty, just sort of something so light and beautiful, it must come straight from nature sort of way. It's also rather watery slightly pink from the rose. It's light and the scent isn't very distinct. It's a pleasant scent, but it isn't scented very strongly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DukTape Report post Posted October 8, 2004 This one's too green for me. Reminds me of cut vegetation; not the smell of it, just the feeling I get from it. Weeds. Bugs. Blah. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Northernminx Report post Posted October 15, 2004 Quote "Oooohh, Pink goes good with green!" Yes, yes Galinda .. we know. And while I'm on the 'Wicked' kick, I may as well say it .. -this- is the scent Galinda would wear. I've not yet picked out Elphaba's, but this is definitely a scent with Galinda. What Tygher said. Very galinda, bright, up-beat, and herbal at first in the bottle. This goes sweet and minty on me, pretty and feminine and light. Not much lasting power on me as the mint fades into a sweet pea-ish and lavender mix. Lovely but going to send it to someone who adores it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
omly Report post Posted November 1, 2004 Venus is a wet leafy floral. At first it was soapy on my skin, but became less soapy over the course of 10 minutes. Then it was still very wet, like raindrops dripping from leafy boughs of heavy blooms. This reminds me a little bit of Venice. It is sad to lose this oil, but others looking for somehing similar would be recommended to try Venice. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phoefromelsewhere Report post Posted November 14, 2004 I wanted to like this one, but sadly, it's just not for me. In the bottle: Whoa, a rosy, minty, mentholy smell. Wet: Soft rose and mint. Possibly some eucalyptus or menthol in it? Smells like mentholyptus cough drops and rose. Drydown: Really powerdery, soft rose. Minty end note. Definitely pink & green, as others said. My sinuses are nice and clear and I can smell it wafting from here. Kind of smells like overblown roses and mint being pummeled by a rain storm and letting off the scent from all the crushed boughs and flowers. Later: I think my nose is confused. I love mint and rose but…this has gone just horribly wrong on me. I smell like 200 year old rose powder, old and musty. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
feline.by.design Report post Posted January 27, 2005 In Venus, I smell something very minty. Once I put a little dab of the oil on my skin, the minty smell steps back a little, bringing forth a light, feminine fragrance, one I cannot pinpoint easily. This smells very clean. I can see the "green and pink" connection that previous reviewers have made. I like Venus, but I'm not that crazy about it. After ten minutes of wear I can detect a rose note, or possibly another floral, peeking out of the depths. I've tried a decent number of BPAL's Celestials, and I must admit that although some are fragrances that I likely wouldn't wear often, I am really impressed with how well-made and complex these oils are. -doreen Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
grrrlennyl Report post Posted February 5, 2005 at first: very feminine. nice. on: wow. very floral. i think i smell a powdery rose, but i'm not sure. 1 hour later: i put too much of this on. it's very strong and floral. 7 hours later: a very powdery, very traditionally feminine perfume. still strong, but much lighter than when i first applied it. overall: this scent is nice, but i'll definitely have to be in a feminine moon to wear it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Charmkin Report post Posted February 11, 2005 Just received Venus from an eBay auction (thanks, Doreen!) and I'm so glad I got this one. I was really sad when the Celestials and Zodiac scents were discontinued before I could get to them; I've been looking for Venus and Libra ever since. I tried just one dot of Venus from the cap about 10 minutes ago, and it keeps wafting around me. It's so beautiful and feminine and classy and powdery and sophisticated yet moderately 'young' I totally get the 'pink and green' imagery. Sniffing right out of the bottle it was sort of like a vase of roses filled with Frost Moon instead of water. However, once on it's in its own little world and the mintiness/green is very subtle. This has immediately replaced The Empress as my fancy-pants grown-up special occasion scent. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shelldoo Report post Posted February 23, 2005 this one is hard, yes it is similar to water of notre dame, i actualy wanted it for my best friend, and i think she will like it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mayfair Report post Posted March 20, 2005 (edited) As others have said, a minty rose. Very cool at first, but deepens quickly. It's not soft or powdery on me, but rather strong and powerful (it invokes these feelings too). I couldn't really give this a colour to be honest, but it reminds me of white lilac somehow. I'm afraid it turned a bit soapy on me, though I quite liked the initial smell. Edited March 20, 2005 by Mayfair Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
darkling Report post Posted March 22, 2005 At first, Venus was a strong floral. I could definitely smell some rose but also an unfortunate element that tends to smell like soap on my skin. Thus ensued a long stage of soapy, light rose. After a few hours, Venus has settled down into the pink and green sweetness that others have described. The rose is light and a bit powdery. It is mellowed by something herbal rather than floral. This ended up as a pretty, feminine scent but the unfortunate soap stage lasted too long for my tastes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
joseybird Report post Posted April 5, 2005 I got no rose from Venus...just a sharp, minty, slightly powdery greeness, very much like Belladonna, which stayed linear through the drydown =( Share this post Link to post Share on other sites