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Black patchouli, apple pulp, and apple blossom.

In the bottle: delicious red juicy apple and apple blossom


On skin: Apple! Glorious apple and apple blossom


Dry down : oh oh my. The black patchouli is just barely there, lingering in the back ground, like a sexy skimpy black dress on the juicy apple note making turning into a very sophisticated and elegant apple. Ladies and gentlemen, I believe I now have a HG apple scent. Will definitely be ordering multiple backups of this!

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Wow, I love this scent so much! I've been wearing this and Samhain non-stop for the past three weeks. This is a gorgeous, clean, freshly cut apple, that has been dipped slightly into the murky juices and crushed pulp of an ancient, otherworldly apple.


This apple is pretty consistent both wet and dry, and lasts about six hours for me. I would say that the contrast between the depth of the black patchouli and prettiness of the apple blossom becomes more prominent after the first hour or two of wear.

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In the bottle, it smells like Red Delicious apples... and smells the same wet and dry. I do not pick up any other scent, including the patchouli at all. I tried to let it rest for a few weeks, and it still smells the same. I'm pretty disappointed in this one; I either have to figure out what other scents it would layer with, use it for something else (wax burner, atmo spray), or sell/give it away. :wacko2:

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You know, this might've lifted my temporary ban on black patchouli. The combo confused me when I read it but now I understand.


Apple pulp is what comes to the forefront, straight mashed apples being prepared in a cider press. Delicious, earthy, bit of skin and very real. Apple blossom appears in the drydown to keep things bright. Black patchouli just provides an earthy base, giving the sense of being outside in the fresh fall air. Overall, I really really like this one!


Debating a bottle.

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Holy Moses,this is *apple*. Like juices running down your chin after a bite apple. There is a teensie bit of floral from the apple blossom, but the floral still has an apple overlay. Patchouli, which usually amps on me, is pretty much nowhere that I can smell and I admit to being disappointed. Don't get me wrong - I love the Lab's apple and I will cherish my imp,but I recently got a lotof fruit scents and was hoping for more patch.


It's still a lovely scent if you love apples.

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Was hoping for patch with a smidge of apple. I got Wowza fresh apples with zero patch. The only patch that shows up tends to morph it into an astringent scent. Not for me.


This scent is for people who really like their apples

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Perfumey red apple. Like a musky, sweet, red apple scented shampoo. Apple blossom usually has a fresh, green apple scent to me, but I'm not really getting that here. This actually smells almost identical to Apple X from this year, but with less patchouli. A hint of dry, sharp, potpourri-esque patchouli in the drydown.

Bestiaire du Moyen Age is the loveliest bpal apple/apple blossom scent. The Halloween apples aren't working for me at all.

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Perfumey red apple and a touch of patchouli. I get a ton of red apple and apple blossom from this. Fresh, and appley. Medium throw and wear length.

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Well I thought I ordered a last-minute decant of Apple VII, but it was actually Apple VIII. Oops.


I agree with Little Bird in that the opening of this one is a lot like Apple X - which I love! - but it starts and then stays way more apple-y.


As it dries down it remains very apple-centric, although it is a delicate apple on me - perhaps because of the apple blossom.

I'll stick with Apple X, but this is nice too. I might use it in the bath or as a room scent.

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On me this is deep red apple, with a bit of a sensual quality that I attribute to the patchouli.  The patchouli isn't strong but I can find it if I sniff up close.  Then there's something a little "sparkly" about it that I think is coming from the apple blossom.  So it's deep red apple with a little sparkle.  


Usually when I see apple (scent-wise) I don't really care to try it one way or the other, but I had the opportunity to try this out and it's actually really nice.  : )

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