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Nasty Woman

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As you have no doubt heard, during the third presidential debate, Hillary described her plan to raise taxes on the rich in order to fund Social Security. She took a swing at him over him being a tax dodger (which he is).

“My Social Security payroll contribution will go up, as will Donald’s – if he can’t figure out how to get out of it.”

Trump interrupted her and said, “Such a nasty woman.”

These are two things uttered by the same man within the same hour:

“Such a nasty woman.”

“No one has more respect for women than me.”


Let’s put this pussy-grabbing, racist, predatory, misogynistic, hateful, irresponsible, ignorant, immature grotesquerie out of politics for good, and do what we can to ensure that he and his ilk never cast their miserable shadows over our political process again.

Nasty Woman: black fig and patchouli, filthy bourbon vanilla, honeyed amber oud, and loukhoum.

In The Bottle: A dark, dirty patchouli with a bit of our to smooth out the edges.

Wet On Skin: I detect a rich tobacco, though none is listed in the notes. It's possibly the black fig, it has a similar "chewy" quality.

Dry Down: The patch is back at the forefront, the kind our foremothers would've worn when burning bras and protesting the war at the Pentagon! The vanilla is a supporting character, along with that touch of honey- not sweetening the mix so much as adding further depth and preventing this scent from going over into HippyLand. It's rich and dark and not to be fucked with, just like angry women everywhere :D

In All: Oh, she's a Nasty, Nasty Woman, alright. And she's only gonna get better with age! ;)

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I'm glad to know I'm not going totally crazy because, like VioletChaos, my first thought when I sniffed it was some sort of tobacco ... not smoke (though that might have been fitting, a la the concept of smoke-filled rooms in politics!) but a very rich and complicated and DEEP tobacco scent. Also some wood -- not forest wood, but mahogany or something you'd find in a polished rich library (or seraglio or something).


The fig, to me, is not figgy-fig ... not the fig I remember from Nemesis, for example ... but, again, a deep, round and complex dark fruity scent.


On drydown I get a rich, sharp, unique incense but not hippie-land ... it's sophisticated. It's sleek. It smells important and unique and subtly powerful.


And I think it will age absolutely gorgeously.


Sadly, it is not "me" but it was worth the price to get to sniff this and suss out all the complex notes and, of course, the money was well spent for these wonderful causes.

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I was anxious about buying this one sight-unsmelled because BPAL's vanilla note hasn't clicked with me, but the loukhoum note was impossible to resist. Fresh out of the bottle, I definitely got the bourbon side of bourbon vanilla plus the patchouli, but there's a richness that I suspect comes from the fig note -- it's definitely musky and dark but not too close to my other patchouli-heavy faves and counterbalanced enough not to smell like a shaggy-hippie patchouli. (Which I love -- I need to compare and contrast this with OLLA Ian! -- but it's nice to have something more.) After a little time to wear, I'm getting that rising food-y note from loukhoum too, sweet but not sticky/childish, and I adore it. Verdict overall: this turned out really nice on me, complex right out of the bottle and not cloying. (And my mom liked it, which has to count for something! Immediately after I put it on she told me I smelled terrific, what's the perfume, etc... which made for a fun conversation.)

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Wonderful strong patchouli, sweetened by the other notes. It is so well blended, nothing else stands out to me, but the fig and amber are detectable. I love it!


Eta: After a few months of aging, Nasty Woman has morphed into an ideal scent for me. I don't know how to describe it but the patchouli is almost sparkly yet refined and the other notes are much more discernable now. I love it! (Feb '17)


Eta2: After a few years of aging, this has settled into such a beautiful sweet patchouli skin scent. The fig is lovely, just lending a bit of chewy sweetness to the patchouli. There's more going on but nothing else stands out to me. I am so glad I kept my first bottle and I think I will buy another to put away. ?

Edited by HerbGirl

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Bottle: mmmm the woody vibe of the patchouli and the bourbon vanilla
Wet on Me: oh gods this is fabulous! so well blended. nothing too sugar-y sweet but a sweetness all the same with the patchouli
Drying Down: This smells 'nasty' in the best of all possible ways! this delicious patchouli and the bourbon vanilla making nice and nasty under my nose!
Dry: Oooof da! I'm so in love with this Nasty Woman. This is almost as beloved as my Banshee Beat!

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Nasty Woman is sooo nice! I blind bought it as I wanted to support the charities, but I wasn't really expecting to like it much. Sweet, vanilla, and foodie scents are usually cloying on me, and they are really hit or miss (usually miss), so I was pleasantly surprised with this! :)


Wet, it is a loud, dark, sweet scent, with a random pop of brightness. Someone else here said 'chewy,' which is totally appropriate. I think the highest notes of the loukhoum are strongest when wet - although none is listed in the notes specifically, I keep getting a light sugary rose. I think a lot of varieties of Turkish Delight are made with rosewater, so that would be appropriate.


As it dries, it mellows and blends, maintaining the dark, chewy notes. The patchouli and fig are all but inseparable to my nose, and they have melded with the Bourbon notes of the bourbon vanilla, to make a solid, grounding, unified note. The vanilla is noticeably there as well, but it blends so well with everything else, that it doesn't make me nauseous like usual. A dry, faintly-woodsy, honey note floats overtop it all.


It does seem to get brighter and sweeter as time goes on, but it never gets cloying.


It seems to have medium throw, and average wear time. I'm glad I decided to blind-buy this oil! :) I think it will appeal to foodie fans and non-foodie fans alike.

Edited by AirimirOfGondor

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I was honestly worried about this perfume, because none of the notes particularly appeal to me (I find turkish delight nauseating, and patchouli to me just smells like rotting dirt), but I bought it instantly, of course, on principle. Luckily, it works for me!


In the bottle: Molasses. I don't get any patchouli at all, which puts me in the definite minority going by previous reviews, but I'm very glad about that. The vanilla and fig work together to create a sort of syrupy scent, and in the bottle, that's all I can smell.


Wet on skin: Still molasses, but there's a sort of sharp undertone I can't define. It might very well be oud, I've never been sure what that smells like, but it's not unpleasant by any means.


Dry on skin: OK, there's the earthiness I associate with patchouli, but it's spread out so much by the other notes that I don't find it as horrifying as I normally would; it's more like the smell of mildew than decay, which I can work with. The sharp undertone has turned powdery, but still sharp. So we end up with sharp, sweet, powdery, and earthy, which seems like everything I could want out of a scent.


Overall, I don't know how often I'll wear this, just because the various notes are far from my favorites, but they come together nicely and it was for a good cause (also political pettiness), so I don't regret buying it.

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In theory, I love the combo of fig and patchouli, but for whatever reason I find it hard to wear. Hoping I won't have that issue with this!


Wet: Oh that's nasty, in the best way possible. Rich, chewy patchouli, that almost comes across like tobacco. The fig is sweet and rich and sticky. This is yummy. I can see even those who don't love patchouli liking this!


Dry: Dirty! In a good way, though it's a bit drier than I really like. I wish more of that chewy richness from the fig had stuck around. But it's still nice and sweet, not at all gnarly or funky. Interested to see how it ages! Not sure how much I'll wear it, but pretty sure I have to keep it regardless.

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I think every note of this fragrance appealed to me so I was VERY excited about it! It didn't disappoint although it is quite a bit different than what I expected.


Straight off I smelled a sweet and lovely pipe tobacco with no hint of patchouli anywhere. A bit woodsy as well. It dries down quickly into a much softer version. The notes stay the same, only softer. Never overpowering but perfectly balanced. My only complaint is that it's over way too fast. Within 30 minutes of applying I can barely detect it. I put some on before going to bed one night. I like to do that because it's so nice to smell it on my pillow later on. But with this fragrance my pillow was left scentless. Boo! I'm guessing I will need to use a very liberal hand when applying Nasty Woman if I want to smell it for any length of time. Hmmm......nothing wrong with liberal! ;)

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Very figgy right out of the bottle, and very loukhoumy when it's dry. There's a weird final note when it's fresh that's ... kinda nasty. I'm gonna stick this in the closet for a few months so it can smooth out and see if it improves with time.

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In the imp: A dark, sticky, sweet, and sexy perfume. I'm definitely getting the bourbon vanilla, and something rougher at the base that's either patchouli or oud (or both), but overall, it's so well-blended even in the bottle that I get an impression or a feeling rather than a series of notes.


Wet: It swirls around for a bit as something ineffably sweet and ballsy before settling down into a more identifiably syrupy-sweet fig/honey scent (figs preserved in honey?) over a base that's mostly oud, but still has a touch of patchouli for texture. Not getting much bourbon vanilla at this stage, but I'd be willing to bet it's lurking in the background somewhere, intensifying both the sweetness and the slinky, flagrantly sexual scent-impression. And, of course, my old friend amber is gilding everything, making sure that everyone works together.


Dry: Passes through an amber-patchouli phase with bourbon vanilla facets, a dusting of the light, springtime, almost floral honey that's in Womb Furie, and a breath of fig. It eventually settles into an absolutely lovely and very sophisticated amber oudh with a surprisingly soft patchouli at the base and occasional wafts of slinky, almost boozy, bourbon vanilla. The fig has faded almost entirely and the loukhoum never did show up, but I was drawn to the dark, earthy, sexy aspects of the scent rather than the sweet foody ones (and I tend to amp fruit to high heaven, anyway), so I'm not too fussed about that.


I was worried about wearing this one to work, but this Nasty Woman isn't just any ol' pissed-off lady - she's a pissed-off lady with class. Elegant, slightly understated, devastatingly lovely, and will fuck you up. I think I'm in love.

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What better day to test this than today :biggrin: This was all WHOA patchouli when I first put it on. I was actually scared to try it and only put it on my arms. After the first 1-2 hours the patchouli does calm down though and now I'm getting much more of the other notes coming through (mainly honeyed amber oudh and vanilla) with the patch supporting it in the background. There is a turkish delight feel to it, but the patch note keeps it from being foody.

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The loukhoum in this worried me because my skin generally takes the tiniest hint of rose and blasts it to the ends of creation while ignoring everything else, but I had to buy this on principle, and the rest of the notes sounded gorgeous and me-like. I'm so glad to find I don't get any rose from it.


As others have said, and better than I could, on me, this is chewy, almost sticky scent. Patchouli is the primary note to me, but for those days I don't want to smell like Stinky Hippie, if that makes sense. I don't really get any vanilla, more a resiny, woody patch, and the tobacco others mentioned fits too.


I like it now – and of course, had to wear it today – but can't wait to see how it does in a few months.

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Had to get this one, and it is lovely on me ... after about 2 hours. I get an off putting clove like scent that obscures the other notes until it mellows out. BEAUTIFUL after that two hour mark though!

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Whoo! My first BPAL perfume and review. It's interesting to see everyone's different impressions on a scent, so here's my own.


In Bottle: It smells incense-y and earthy, as well as a bit sweet like a mild version of molasses, to me. I'm not very good at picking out the notes, but I feel that it's mainly the patchouli coming through out of scents I recognize, maybe the bourbon as well. It's a little bit heavy, but not in a way that concerns me.

Wet on Skin: I feel that the fig and amber are getting stronger in contact with my skin. The scent is a little sweeter and maybe a bit... crystalline, if that makes sense? Maybe a tad spicier or it could be that sweetness mixing with the earthy notes. The bourbon vanilla seems to be coming out more as well, though not as much as those other notes I mentioned.

Approx. 1 Hour Later: Very earthy and musky in a not unpleasant way, which I think is still the amber oud. It's a warm smell and I can get small hints of the other notes in there, like the fig. Like I said, I'm not great at picking out scents and I'm not sure I'm describing it in perfect terms, but it's definitely predominately earthy on me.



I feel like the scent went a little sweeter, more fig and vanilla notes, on the cap (I replaced the regular cap for a wand cap) while I think my skin may have amped up other notes, making it smell more woodsy. Someone mentioned in their review on the perfume's page that this could be very salt of the Earth and I certainly feel salt of the Earth wearing this.

Funnily enough, what I think of when I smell this perfume is the salt mine I visited over in Salzburg, Austria. The scent doesn't literally remind me of the salt itself, but I think this smell reminds me of the warm golden colors of the salt found there, warm and earthy. It reminds me slightly of stone, but not in a cold or harsh way. I wish the fig and vanilla could have been a little stronger on me, but I find the scent still pleasant and a bit comforting. I'm interested to see how this bottle may evolve as it ages.


Now that I think about it, certain timing of the month may make this a little different than usual, so I guess I'll see if that changes anything as well.

Edited by KezzieZ

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Nasty Woman steps gracefully out of the bottle all haughty, intimidating, expensive-smelling sophistication, and after spending some time warming up to you becomes a rich, sweet, incense-dusted, honey-vanilla rose of a lady! I adore her.

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If you are a patch lover like me who fears the aggressive hippie stink, do not fear the Nasty Woman--she is refined, rich, elegant. The fig is the vice-note in this blend, similar to the fig in Eden--blackened and sugared but not sickly-sweet. The rose and the honeyed vanilla come out as it dries down and the patchouli turns a tiny bit powdery like an a more aged patchouli. I have some 10-year snake oil and the patchoulis are rather similar! It's remarkably well blended and melded and I absolutely agree with the reviewers who say it has a "tobacco" element going on. This strikes me as a patchouli scent that someone who isn't into BPAL might like, or something you could wear to a more formal occasion. I got a half-bottle through a decant circle and am definitely thinking about a backup.

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I was hoping Nasty Woman would be sweeter, more foodie, with more vanilla. What I got was a very strong and pungent patchouli with a sort of bitter, earthy wood and a bit of fig in the background. I did not enjoy the combination. I had to wash it off. I was glad to support the cause but Nasty Woman was way too nasty for me.

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The bourbon vanilla note almost scared me away from trying this, but I ordered a decant because of what it represented and supported. I'm so glad I did! The bourbon is definitely there, but not cloying or taking over at all. The patchouli is a clean patchouli and I definitely get the same "tobacco" others have mentioned.


It's a beautiful scent and I can't stop huffing my wrist! I actually think it smells more "peaceful" than nasty....the most detectable notes I get are patchouli/amber/fig drying down a few hours to a smoky vanilla. Light to moderate throw.



I tested this on my mom and she loved it too. She said it smelled like yoga class. :biggrin: I think we'll be splitting a bottle. :wink:

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This is mostly tooth-achingly sweet patchouli on me.

That intense kind of sweetness does not pair well with Patch.

I was feeling nauseated from the smell and had to scrub it off. :rasp:

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I didn't hesitate when Beth announced this scent and immediately ordered two bottles. At least I'm not disappointed in the results of my order! Nasty Woman is a sweet syrupy patchouli scent. The rose never shows on my skin, which is just fine with me. The patchouli is sweetened by the fig, and the whole thing is such a well-blended perfume that you could wear it anywhere (assuming you don't slather like me.) Because I get fig and patchouli most prominently on my skin, this makes me think that Nasty Woman is the scent of (the BPAL Retail-only perfume) Lucifer's mother- she's more refined and classy, where Lucifer is all dark patchouli woods, and fig, and sharper from the vetiver.


I love this perfume and am so happy to have it, although certainly not the election results I longed for.

Edited by Poenari

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The patchouli is very dark and gritty at the beginning. I agree with the chewy quality people are getting with the fig. I feel like the honey amber oud helps to sweeten and smooth out the patch while it dries. Dry I get this combo as a nice base, and I get sugared quality over the top. I think it must be the loukhoum, but I do not get anything I can identify as rose. Just a general, candy like sweetness. So glorious, glad I caved and bought a bottle!



ETA: after some more wear I detect the littlest bit of rose among the sugary-ness!

Edited by roseus

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In the bottle: Patchouli and honey, very slightly reminiscent of Snake Oil


On the Skin: Initially the patchouli backs right off, leaving earthy fig, deep oud and a general sweetness which is slightly fruity. The whole is quite gorgeous and not as strong as expected. A few minutes into the drydown though and everything ramps up in volume which is great. This is up front and centre patchouli but the supporting notes transform it into a thing of beauty.


The Drydown: There is a note that gives the whole the quality of a fine perfume and I am assuming the loukhoum is responsive because this is a very different patchouli blend from the lab. I find myself constantly sniffing trying to identify exactly what makes this so amazing but have to come the the conclusion that it is the sum of the parts rather than just one element. If you are dead set against patchouli this may not be for you but if you are on the fence this could be your breakthrough patchouli blend. I need a couple of back up bottles to cellar.

Edited by galahad

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Black fig, oudh, vanilla and patchouli. This one for me is a fig-patchouli blend, and its fruitier and sweeter than I expected. Decadent and strong. Good throw and wear length.


I may have to hunt down a bottle.

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