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Timber for Bones and Windows for Eyes

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Note: Limited release perfume oil; atmosphere spray review topic located here.

A house as old as this one Becomes, in time, a living thing it may have timber for bones and windows for eyes and sitting here all alone it can go slowly mad. It starts holding on to things keeping them alive, when they shouldnt be inside its walls Some of them good, some are bad and some Some should never be spoken about again

I finally got around to testing the generous tester a lovely forumite sent to me.

I tested it in a bit of a hurry because Puddin had just put more on Etsy, and I needed to decide if I wanted a bottle!

I decided against it, but only because I am not sure I would wear it as perfume, but it is a wonderful smell. So hard to put my finger on though! There are familiar things in here....but what are they? Wood (no clue what kind) and a murky musk. Maybe a bit of that spicy dirt/decay note. Other than that I can't say. When it was wet I thought it was a bit boozy, but I could be crazy. An interesting scent, and I am tempted to pick up the Atmo spray now.

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